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Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 11:03 am
by Renorei
Silverclaw wrote: How do you pronounce Renorei?
Ren-or-e is it?
btw, love the new coloring job you did to the werechihuahua :)
Renorei is pronounced Ren-or-ay. Also, thanks for the compliments on the chihuahua.

And thanks to everyone else for comments on my new name! :D

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 1:41 am
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Just so you all will know, I won't be able to draw for anyone on this forum for a bit until I can finsih up other projects I am working on. I have paying custumors who need some stuff done and what not and since I am drawing for you all for free I figure you can wait even though I know alot of you have been waiting for a long time on here for a pic and I am truly sorry :( I just need to do this and get it done...

Thank you :D

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 7:45 am
by Shadow Wulf
Hey guys guess what?.....

I got my Lunar Instinct volume 1 book!!! This soo cool I thought it would never arrive! :D :grinwiggle:

I guess luck came in my favor after all.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 11:48 pm
by Scott Gardener
Hope you enjoy it, though I'm sure you will. You'll find it was worth the wait.

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 10:56 am
by Shadow Wulf
Its definatly worth the $25. :D

Last chance for free download of my novel

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 3:18 pm
by Scott Gardener
Cross-posted in the Classifieds section:

I am so far on target towards finishing my first revision of my novel by the end of the month, and I plan after that to send it to publishers.

Once I start doing that, I am pulling it from my web site. I'm doing this as a precaution, as having it still up there could hurt its chances of getting published, as I suspect publishers are very touchy about "piracy," even if it's their own writer doing it.

I've already improved a lot of the writing style and added a few scenes. I haven't had to remove very much in the editing process, and I feel that the draft I have now is superior to the one that some of you have read. Still, I don't know how much the publishers will want me to redo or tweak before they agree to put it out. (No, I'm not making Scott evil and Elodea a Lesbian. If they ask for that, I'm finding somebody else.)

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 12:15 pm
by Vilkacis
I need a break, you guys.

If you need to get a hold of me, I've taken to idling on IRC at:

See you in a week or so!

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 8:28 pm
by outwarddoodles

Oh my goodness, it's been a whole year since I've come here. It's really quite amazing -- I have survived my first year here. Even though all the perils and risks of being pelted with a duckie, I still thrive among these forums.

Let's hope for another great year with my friends here, shall we?

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 9:06 am
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
outwarddoodles wrote::jawdrop:

Oh my goodness, it's been a whole year since I've come here. It's really quite amazing -- I have survived my first year here. Even though all the perils and risks of being pelted with a duckie, I still thrive among these forums.

Let's hope for another great year with my friends here, shall we?
YaYNess!! :howl:  :oo Friends ish goods^^

Oh and yes Just wanted to give you all an update on my lil Nieces :D

They are 4months old now going on 5 months on April 12 :o :D I love those little girls like they were my own :D Here's some recent pics of them


Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 10:03 am
by Shadow Wulf
Awww thier soo CUTE!!! :love:

And look at thier pretty little eyes. :puppyeyes:

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 12:19 am
by Wolfhanyou
Woof. Man it's been a LONG time since I've had time to come here. And god am I swamped with all the new happenings. Been busy with schoolwork and running after some guilds I'm apart of as well as discovering a new MUSH.
My computer's been busted for a while, and my cousin has graciously lended me his laptop for a while for school projects and such. At any rate, would anyone care to give me the general happenings of the Pack?

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 8:35 am
by Scott Gardener
Welcome back! It has been a bit, hasn't it?

As for myself, the next few months are going to be a bit hectic, as I've just gotten two new job offers in the Dallas area, and in the next few months, my wife Cathey and I will be moving. Buying and selling houses is chaotic enough, but try doing that while working ERs for extended hours? Still, since writing and Internet dabbling is what I do with my free time, I shouldn't have to disappear too often or too long. And, I'm still on for A-Kon. I'm not sure, however, if Cathey will make it or decide to miss it this year as well.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 6:16 pm
by vrikasatma
Welcome back! :)

News on my front:
I've pretty much got the cancer licked. I have a grand total of FOUR days of chemo pills left, then a full-body baseline CT scan and We Will Be Done. My energy is up, I'm out of plus sized-clothing ranges, the only maladies I have are atrophied muscles and a cataract in my left eye (taking care of the former and in the pipe to take care of the latter).

Meritage will be in his third show next weekend. English Pleasure and Dressage Suitability. After that, I finally get to ride him — after four years of ownership, training and raising! — to get ready for the breed show in June. We'll be riding our first dressage test.

Saturday Market is back and I'll have my first booth the season on Earth Day, selling a Celtic-themed wolf stickhorse, walking sticks and perpetual calendars.

I've been doing some street-teaming for Slick Idiot. They're coming to Portland and apparently, I'M the only person in the general area that they're in regular contact with. So I got the "Where're the good places to eat? Where are the laundromats? Where are the banks? What's the club like?" logistical questions to answer. It required a 225-mile round trip recon run, but I guess it was fun. A day in the City and found a great place to eat. If you're ever in PortlandOR, hit No Fish! Go Fish! on Hawthorne Street.

Night Watch (Nochnoi Dozor) came and went, saw it, exceptional good movie! Did you catch it? Don't miss the DVD, then.

And finally, I'm going to Washington D.C. for LiveSTRONG Day in May. I'll be one of 100 activists, two from each state. We'll learn lobbying techniques and capping it of by addressing Congress. Yes, THAT Congress. The agenda will be "Please don't cut cancer research and medical coverage funding, PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE?!?" Yeah, I'm excited and nervous at the same time :sweatdrop:

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 8:05 am
by Shadow Wulf
If I dont get on as much as I use to for the next few months, it is because Im having internet trouble with my computer in my room. Something having to do with the ethernet controller needs to be installed but I put the motherboard disc to auto install and it doesnt install anything, can anyone give me any help?

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 9:14 pm
by Scott Gardener

Great news! Glad that your recovery is progressing well, and that you've joined the ranks of the cancer survivors.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 9:59 pm
by vrikasatma
Well...I never <i>wasn't</i> a survivor...dying at 43 just ain't an option, hermano :)

Some more news on the homefront: yesterday was a red-letter day, my friend's mare had her baby and I rode Meritage for the first time.

Let me put that in context. We're coming up on the fourth anniversary of me buying him and from that time to yesterday, I've never been on his back. It's always been ground-handling for me. So he never looked at me as a human rider, he always regarded me as a playmate. Anyone who knows horses knows what that those who don't, it means pushing, nipping and chasing games. And that's what it's been for the past four years. Not too bad when they're yearlings (though still dangerous), and downright dangerous when they get to be six feet tall at the shoulder and weigh in at three quarters of a ton.

Anyway, my trainer and I decided that we can't be waffling anymore, the only way to break this cherry is to — take a deep breath and do it! So we did. Cyndy made it easy on everyone by getting the mounting block and when Tagie saw me up on that thing, he got this look on his face like :idea:! He stood very still for me while I got on and got sorted, and this while a huge-a** bulldozer was working only twenty feet away.

You really can't know a horse until you ride him. And while my trainer is always complaining about how big Tagie's barrel is, I didn't notice anything remarkably big about it. My legs fit just fine around it; to be fair, I've always had to ride bigger horses, so that's what I'm used to. What I did notice was how big and assertively Tagie moves. That grand, noble "leading the royal procession" parading I'm always talking about felt like thunder. I could hear and feel every footfall. This boy don't prance, he <b>marches</b>. It's like he's saying, "This is MY RIDER! And we're COMING THROUGH!" I felt like I was riding a big taiko drum.

It was forceful, but not rough. The ride was rhythmic, easy and his steering is 85% seat and leg cues, and 15% reins. Oh, yeah, he'll make a <i>great</i> doma vaquera horse. I'm shopping for saddles and saving up again.

The best part was when I dismounted and went to give him pets and thank yous, and his put his head in my arms. :love: And since then, it's like he's turned into a totally different horse. He obeys better than most dogs I know, doesn't nip anymore, and when I was cleaning his stall this afternoon, everytime I turned around he was there giving me lovey-dovey eyes...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's been looking forward to this as long as I have!

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 7:34 am
by Lyco
Today I'm 18! :D

According to the government, I'm now legally old enough to have free will... FINALY!

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:42 pm
by Set
According to the government, you're legally old enough to be shipped overseas and have a few limbs blown off, but you're not old enough to drink.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 12:21 am
by Scott Gardener
Except he's Canadian. It sounds like you mean the United States government.

In Canada, the legal age varies by province, but most start at age 19, including Ontario. There are other parts of Canada where 18 is the legal age. There's Quebec.

And, as far as I know, the Canadian government isn't quite so eager to send its young population into wars against the wrong dictatorships.

Note to self: pay attention.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 12:32 am
by Set
Eh...well...I never said I knew a whole lot about Canada. But if the legal drinking age is 19 my statement still applies.


Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 12:47 am
by Lyco
Set wrote:According to the government, you're legally old enough to be shipped overseas and have a few limbs blown off...

Ahh... finally... someone as cynical as I am :lol:

Well... getting smashed isn't too big on my to do list... I just wanna be able to go into high school 40 mins late, go to the office for a late slip to i can show that stuck up secritary who's boss. :evil:

"Do you have a note?" she'd say with that enraging disgruntled sneer of hers

"Do you have a pen!?"

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 3:08 pm
by Timber-WoIf


After 8 months of struggle, i finnally managed to get all of my school grades within a "C" average. So my parents are giving me a small portion of my gaming rights back; I'm allowed full privlages on Saturdays. So i plan on getting up around 5:00am tomorrow, and staying on Brood War and XBox live untill I pass out sometime in the wee hours of Sunday morning. I've been trying to make it a sort of event, and have been pestering all my handfull of friends to get online sometime tomorrow. If anyone has a game i do and would like to join me, i'll have msn messanger up all day, so... (heh, its been 8 months sense i've done some serious gaming... yes, i'm excited)(Oh, and Link 3 in my sig should have my list of games)

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 12:17 am
by vrikasatma
The Long Rough Cancer Road Ended Today!!

I went in for a baseline scan on Monday, the results came back today and at 4:56PM this evening, PDT, my oncologist's nurse called and said, "Your scan looks GREAT!"

No liver lesions (colorectal cancer often mets out to the liver), lymph nodes are stable and normal, everything's cool in there. I went and got Chinese takeout and Coldstone to celebrate!

*Whew* Yeah, we be CANCER-FREE!! :howl:  :oo :party: Time to reclaim my life and take advantage of this reboot.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 12:47 pm
by Vuldari
vrikasatma wrote:The Long Rough Cancer Road Ended Today!!

I went in for a baseline scan on Monday, the results came back today and at 4:56PM this evening, PDT, my oncologist's nurse called and said, "Your scan looks GREAT!"

No liver lesions (colorectal cancer often mets out to the liver), lymph nodes are stable and normal, everything's cool in there. I went and got Chinese takeout and Coldstone to celebrate!

*Whew* Yeah, we be CANCER-FREE!! :howl:  :oo :party: Time to reclaim my life and take advantage of this reboot.
Oh WOW! Thats Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congradulations on your recovery.

:D :wagtail:

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 3:21 pm
by Timber-WoIf
:D exellent news