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Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:21 pm
by silver1
Fang suddenly cought a familiar scent mixed with blood,he left Enirs side and followed the scent. What he seen hurt him greatly.

It was his mate Kara,she was lying in a pool of blood that was slowly growing in size and there were many bodies of HR soldiers around her. he knelt at her side and took her in to his arms,she had held on long enough to see him one last time and then passed away.

He let out a yell you could her for miles,shifted to his wolf form,and ran off slaughtering any soldiers he came across,he ran inside of a half destroyed building,and wept until he fell asleep.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:49 am
by Enir
Whatching what had happened to Fang and seeing why he was so enraged caused an overwelming feeling of regret and sadness to over take Enir. He knew he had to cover the portal but he also wanted to go and see how Fang was. Still keeping his eyes on the portal Enir thought to himself ' why do these things have to happen?', 'why does it seem necisary to torture people like this?' Now Enir was not the only werewolf to lose someone close to him. He just hoped Fang would confide in him and be willing to talk to him.

Enir turned around to take a quick look and see were Fang went and then he realized that Fang had disapeared. Leaveing his post he started following Fang's trail from his dead mate. After passing many dead HR bodies and going into many destroyed rooms he finaly found Fang who was fast asleep, covered in blood from the soldiers he had killed. Enir set up in a window overlooking the entrance to the building and found to his suprise that it gave a better view of the portal and a better spot to deffend from. Once again Enir set up to deffend the portal with his bow.

OOC: let me know if iam out of turn please.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 2:07 pm
by Thunderclaw

I am going to start sequenced turns in September, so no turns yet. Also, I am going to try and round off for a new start in September, so the inactives can start again.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:51 pm
by Enir
Enir, finnaly tierd of waiting for the others decided to take care of getting him and Fang out of danger. He went back to the room fang was in and threw him over his shoulder. Then as quickly as he could Enir started going building to building keeping to the shadows and only moveing when the coast was clear. He finnaly stopped beside a deserted weapon factory and decided to look for anything he might be able to use to help fang and/or the others.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 12:10 am
by Miguel
Zan was overwhelmed by panic. He could hear gunfire, but couldn't find its source; the air around him had filled with dust. He had been left to defend himself. Somehow he had managed to teleport to a new place, but the side-effects of the medicine had made it nearly impossible for him to remember how. His awareness had returned, however, and he was more afraid than ever.

Swiftly, he turned to give his robot companion an order, but the robot was nowhere in sight. It too had been lost in the events from before. He would have to act fast, find a place to hide. His life was at stake.

Zan spotted an abandoned antique shop nearby, a brick building with boarded windows. Without even thinking, he was running towards it, ignoring every sound around him. Something flew past his head. Bullets? People were shooting at him. He could taste blood in his mouth. Had he already been shot?

Two small boards covered the building's entryway. Zan dived beneath them, watching as the world faded into a haunting darkness. The only source of light was from the poorly covered windows behind him, which illuminated the dust particles in the air around him. His eyes would have to adjust before he could move, though.

Suddenly the world flashed.

The building's interior seemed to have repaired itself, turned into a warm home-like room filled with furniture and small table lamps. Jazz music blared from the speakers above him. The windows were fully repaired and on their opposite side was a parking lot filled with expensive automobiles. Dazedly, Zan stood up and moved towards one of the windows, trying to clear the metallic taste of blood from his mouth.

"You miss it, don't you, Zan?" a woman's voice spoke from behind him.
"All the time. I miss you," he responded, beginning to sob.

A thin blond headed woman with long hair moved to his side, smiling, and then leaned her head against his shoulder. Her icy-blue eyes scanned over his face sadly. Zan didn't look to her.

"You aren't real. None of this is real," Zan spoke, painfully, clearly not wanting to believe the truth of the situation.
The woman sighed and looked to the ground. "I know. I have to ask you to do something, though."
"Don't bother," he responded, trying to hide the tears in his eyes.
She smiled. "Go to Steel City with the werewolves and the one known as Surge. Ask for Alexi and tell him I sent you. He can get you into the HR's headquarters."
"You're dead though."

The world flashed once more and Zan opened his eyes, finding himself once again flat on the ground in the ruined shop.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 2:19 am
by Thunderclaw
Everyone had gone through the portal, save Archangel and Surge. In a quick instant, Archangel grabbed Dark Surge, jumped through the portal, and sealed it before Thunderclaw could follow. Once on the other side, Archangel muttered a few words, and a beam of light trailed out from his hand into Surge. Slowly, the shadows began to vanish, until they were all gone.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 2:41 pm
by Enir
To his surprise Enir found an APC. Opening the back hatch he then entered and placed Fang in one of the seats and strapped him in. He was still sleeping. Enir then closed the hatch and went to the front of he APC. On his way he found a small ladder inside which took you up high enough to reach the machine gun mounted on the top. When he finally got to the front he started searching for the key.

Enir felt under the panel and found the key, it had been duct taped to the underside. Enir said a little prayer and then turned the key in the ignition. And to his surprise it started right up. 'with this we will be protected from bullets and RPG's and we can go a little further' he thought to himself. Hoping he would be able to drive decently Enir slammed his paw down on the accelerator and and drove straight through the wall of the factory. He headed toward the portal and hoped that everyone was there. And then he remembered his promise to Zan, he had promised to watch his back and now he was missing.

Then out of the corner of his eye Enir noticed a human run through the bottom of some wood blocking a store's door. Unsure why, Enir had a feeling that this human was not with the HR and decided to see if he needed help. Parking about 5ft. away from the door Enir went out the top of the APC and went to the hole and called to the human. "Hello, do not be afraid. I am here to help. Please come outside so we may talk."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 3:53 pm
by Miguel
Zan pushed himself back onto his feet and took a seat on a nearby table. His eyes had adjusted to the darkness, but it was already time to go. Somebody was calling into the shop from outside and it seemed as though the HR had stopped chasing him. Within seconds, he was standing again and moving towards the poorly covered entrance of the shop.

He crawled back under it and exited back into the wasteland outside. The dust seemed to have cleared but his view of the wasteland was completely blocked by some sort of vehicle. Zan turned and noticed one of his friends standing nearby. It was Enir.

"We should go," he spoke. "I'll explain more in the APC."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:24 pm
by Enir
"Alright, you can drive and I'll use the machine gun, I am a poor driver. We need to see if the others have come back, they may need our help, and besides if we show up and the HR are there they will think we are just another one of theirs." Enir hopped in throught the top and let Zan in through the back. Noticing Zan's expression, Enir explained, "he lost his mate to the HR. I would suggest not waking him. Let him rest, and besides he might think you are one of them and attack you. That is also why I suggest you drive while I stay back here with him."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:28 pm
by Thunderclaw
after five minutes of Archangel removing dark Surge, and Surge returning, Surge had regained his strength. In a brief moment, he opened a portal for himself and Archangel to step through, taking them to Zan, Enir, and Fang.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:32 pm
by silver1
Fang awoke in a different place than he fell asleep,he had no idea how he got there,he only wished he had'nt had found his mate the way he did.

"This war has taken everything from me." he said with tears in his eyes. he no longer knew if he had the strength to carry on. he pulled his gun from its holster and removed all of the bullets but one. "I hoped it would'nt have to come to this." he side putting the gun to his head and pulled the trigger,but nothing happened.

He put the gun down on the floor board and leaned his head against the seat.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 5:57 pm
by Miguel
Zan nodded and made his way through the passenger compartment and into the driver's cabin. He seated himself in the driver's seat and began pressing numerous switches on the control panel, trying to gain an understanding of the vehicle he was operating. The engine wasn't starting, but he quickly found the key locked into the ignition. With a nervous motion, he turned the key, causing the engine to roar to life and the cabin to light up in red LED-like lighting.

"This isn't HR made. Heck, I don't even know what model this APC is. I can drive it, but it won't be the smoothest ride around," he screamed into the back of the APC, towards the werewolves.

He looked to the right side of the cabin and found an actual window covered in dust. He could see a cracked mirror on its opposite side. In the shards of the mirror, he could see Surge and Archangel approaching. He didn't want to let either of them in the APC, but Amy had told him to trust them, so he would have to. Zan pressed a small button with a ramp-like design on its top, causing the rear of the APC to lower into a ramp.

With a hesitant motion, he stood up and moved back into the passenger compartment. He could see Fang was awake and holding a gun. Zan knew why. Suicide. A lot of people in his batallion had tried killing themselves when they couldn't take the war anymore. He didn't say anything, though.

Within seconds, he was speaking towards the approaching Surge and Archangel.

"I think I know how we can beat the HR, Surge," he spoke.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:55 pm
by Enir
Enir came back down from the top of the APC. Then looked at Fang and then the gun on the floor. " Fang there isn't much I can say but I will tel you this, DON'T GIVE UP!" E nir picked up the pistol and looked at the side of the gun, the safety was on and the trigger was locked. Enir made a silent prayer to Odin for this small comfort. "Look at me Fang, do you see Zan over there. He is the only human on our side and for this ALL of his kind is now against him, how do you think he feels?" "I know you feel terrible but you need to keep going on, do you want your death to be for nothing?" Feeling terrible for haveing to say that, Enir sat down beside Fang after removeing his knife from him.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 11:09 pm
by silver1
He sighed "I see,it was selfish of to try to kill myself and now that i think about it,its not what Kara would have wanted." he said holding back the tears in his eyes. "I only wish that could have gotten to her in time to save her." he said looking out the window.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 6:18 am
by Enir
"There are many things a lot of us wish we could have changed........" "But despite all that happens we must press on, the strugle is what it's all about." "And you were not selfish, you were just tiered of being thrown around and just looking for an end to the torment that now eats at you like it did to me when my whole family and village was wiped out." Enir straped himself in and then looked to Surge. "Iam glad to see your with us again, now please one of you mount the turret, iam way overdue for my rest, and if one of you could, help Zan if your able, he can drive but he is as unfamiliar with this vehical and how it operates as I am." With out waiting for a reply Enir fell asleep and ended up falling over onto Fang's shoulder. Obviously fatiged by exuastion and looking rather ragged, they all new he would be out for a while.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:29 pm
by silver1
Fang looked at Enir. "Well,i really don't want to wake him,but this just seems awkward to me." he said lifting Enir's head off of his shoulder,being careful not to wake him. Fang really did'nt like to be awakened while he was sleeping and he did'nt think Enir would either.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:39 pm
by Enir
After 12 hours of sleeping Enir woke up and saw the stars and the moon outside the top hole in the APC. Noticeing everyone else was still sleeping Enir decided to sit on top of the APC and bask in the moonlight. He wasn't sure why he liked it but he did. After an hour or so he decided it was time to get something to eat. None of them had eaten for a while. He gathered all the burnable things he could find and started a fire.

Then with some of his water he cooked what little food he could find. Then finnaly he used the last of his water to make tea for everyone. He kept it all warm until the others woke up. To his surprise Zan was the first one up. "Goodmorning Zan, I hope I didn't snore while I was out." "I figured you all needed some food by now so I gathered what I could, I also made some tea for everyone.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 12:13 am
by Thunderclaw
While Surge would normally have though of it inconsiderate for ignoring Zan when he had first arrived, the drain from Dark Surge had hung over him. Now, fully recuperated, Surge goes to find Zan. Seeing that Zan and Enir were the only ones up, he approached them.
"Sorry for my lack of manners earlier, but Dark Surge drains me completely, if I return to myself using light energy. However, I'm now ready to talk into the business of the Human Regime."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:12 am
by Miguel
Zan seated himself on a nearby chair and examined over the APC's walls. It was clear that something was bothering him.

"There's a city not too far from here. It's called Steel City, I think. I've never actually been there, but I've heard traders talking about it. We need to find a man named Alexi. He can get us inside the Human Regime's HQ." Zan sighed. "My wife told me this through a dream...or at least I think it was a dream. I know I probably sound crazy, but you've got to trust me on this one."

He stood back up and accepted some of the tea from Enir. He shrugged.

"A city would be a good place for us to plan our next move and a good place for us to rest. In fact, it may be our only chance to rest for a while. The choice is up to you guys, though. I'll be in the cabin. Once you've made up your mind, let me know."

Zan made his way back to the driver's cabin and seated himself inside, closing the door behind him. He began examining over the numerous maps that were neatly folded into the dashboard's side compartment.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 11:21 am
by Enir
"Well that was not lke him?!?!?" "Anyway, you were saying Surge."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:15 pm
by silver1
Fang awoke noticing that it was still dark out and the moonlight shown brightly through the front window,he climbed out,walked to the front of the vehicle,climbed up onto the hood and then streched out looking up at the moon.

While he was outside the vehicle,a cool breeze blew through his fur,he remembered all the times he and his mate layed out in the moonlight like that.

There was an explosion in the distance followed by the sound of machine gun fire,and another explosion. "Well he said sitting up on the hood of the vehicle. "Looks like they are at it again.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 9:04 pm
by Enir
Quickly gathering his cooking gear Enir went into the APC and buckled in.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 10:47 pm
by silver1
Fang quickly got into the vehicle beside Enir and fastened in.

He turned and looked at Enir. "May i have my knife back,or do you just want to continue holding it for me?" he asked trying not to laugh. He was glad that Enir had taken it just in case he thought about killing himself with it when his gun did'nt work.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 11:11 pm
by Enir
"Now that you have seamed to recover and are now able to make decisions properly, yes you may have it back, I have cleaned and sharpened it for you as well." Enir said with a smile as he handed Fang's knife back to him.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 5:49 pm
by silver1
"Hey thanks." he said putting it away. he was looking out the window at the light from the explosions off in the distance,he wondered if this war was ever going to end and why they had not ran across any demons latly. He did'nt really care,but it he did find it alittle odd.

"So...where are we heading this time?" he asked not really giving it any thought.