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Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 8:05 am
by Shadow Wulf
Vuldari wrote:
Shadow Wulf wrote:I just find all this kind of funny really. :lol: I only said that cause I was somewhat suprise of how much you repeated your oppinions its almost rediculous, no offense intended, Vuldari. And Figarou did exageraded, altough I can understand why. I just put this emoticon :roll: because thats what really was my expression, not in a bad sense, its like rolling my eyes saying "yup thats Vuldari alright". Just looks at the What should a Werewolf look like section, I can literaly count how much you repeated yourself in each thread, ofcourse my reaction was obvouse. But your still one my favorite members. :D
I repeat myself so often for multiple reasons.

One...sometimes I feel like no one even notices that I said something if I only say it once, so I say it again and again until someone responds (a habit carried over from my relations with friends and family), or if a discussion has been going on for a long time, my opinion becomes buried on page 3 of 17 and I know most don't bother to read back that far, so I feel like it is appropriate to state my opinion again as if I am entering the discussion for the first time. matter how clearly I may phrase myself, I find that my messages are frequently mis-interpreted, and therefore, repeating the same concept several ways reduces the chances of others jumping to false conclusions based on a choice of words in one sentence or another. (though even then, it still doesn't work sometimes).

Three...I just like discussion, and bringing up a point I had made previously after new people come into the conversation, or new ideas are coming into play sometimes sparks interesting 'point / counter-point' discussions which can lead to entirely new ideas that no one ever thought of before.

Four...I have an inflated ego, and if I think my point is better than yours, I occasionally can't resist rubbing it in. I am HUMAN after all.
Look at this, LOOK AT THIS! Your repeating yourself agien! :lol: I remember the so many times you told me your reasons why you repeat yourself by repeating youself. :lol: Haha, Vuldari, sometimes I have the feeling that you have a phobia of being misinterpreted. :jester2:

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:45 am
by PariahPoet
Shadow- Let it go. You realize how many times you've commented on Vuldari repeating himself? A little repetitious, don't you think?
Just friggin drop it already.

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:59 am
by White Paw
Figarou wrote:
Shadow Wulf wrote: I just find it funny how Figarou jumped at me becuase I hardly ever see him this way, it almost reminded me of Anubis. :o

In anyway back on topic.

I'm not jumping on you. Its just that its not a good idea to poke at someone after he/she made a comment.

Joking around...I don't mind because I do that a lot. But I don't make fun of the person. I try and look for puns. In turn people joke with me. I've been called a dork many times. I've grown used to it.


super dork.....hahahahahaha...o.k. i will shut up now.. :D :lol:

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 10:33 am
by Kanibal
Shadow Wulf wrote:sometimes I have the feeling that you have a phobia of being misinterpreted.
I have something like that, I resolve it by not saying anything, which is perhaps not the best way.

Either way, I think they probebly dont exist but would love to be proven wrong.

AHH, but then how do we know this whole thing is not just one big cover up and this place is run be real werewolves and its all just a hoax, huh?

Think about it. :grinwiggle:

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 11:18 am
by PariahPoet

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 11:26 am
by White Paw
yeah....i believe it......why not :lol: :D

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 11:51 am
by Fang
I sure as hell belive :howl:  :oo

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 3:17 pm
by Shadow Wulf
PariahPoet wrote:Shadow- Let it go. You realize how many times you've commented on Vuldari repeating himself? A little repetitious, don't you think?
Just friggin drop it already.
Yes I do, 6 times total I believe that I commented on hes repitition, and I did let it go. I usually do. I just wanted to mess with Vuldari for a little bit. Im bored, ok.

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 3:56 pm
by Vuldari
Shadow Wulf wrote::lol: Haha, Vuldari, sometimes I have the feeling that you have a phobia of being misinterpreted. :jester2:
Just look at the way Morkulv reacted to me sharing a brief overview of my beliefs (which I did because the validity of my opinion was being judged based upon individuals personal belief systems, so I thought I should make my own clear as well, since it was being made valid to the discussion), and you will see that it is not all just in my head.
(..totally not at all what I said... I saved my original message if anyone doesn't believe me.)

I can phrase myself as clearly as I can, and it still seems like most people don't have a clue what I am talking about half the time.


Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 4:20 pm
by geekboy1500
my answer: MABYE

and one thing I must say is that a lot of things do get misinterpreted on the internet. You cannot SEE the other person, you can't see their body language [which is somtimes the most interesting thing of all] and most of the time you haven't heard ALL of the conversation. As far as religion goes I personally am agnostic, and even though I HATE it when people tell me i'm going to burn in hell, I have many devoute [forgive my spelling] Christian friends. I live by the philosiphy [forgive my spelling again] that no matter who you are or WHAT you believe, it matters who you are as a person. Nothing more, nothing less.


Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 4:26 pm
by Vuldari
geekboy1500 wrote:and one thing I must say is that a lot of things do get misinterpreted on the internet. You cannot SEE the other person, you can't see their body language [which is somtimes the most interesting thing of all] and most of the time you haven't heard ALL of the conversation. As far as religion goes I personally am agnostic, and even though I HATE it when people tell me i'm going to burn in hell, I have many devoute [forgive my spelling] Christian friends. I live by the philosiphy [forgive my spelling again] that no matter who you are or WHAT you believe, it matters who you are as a person. Nothing more, nothing less.

I'm sorry...I'm leading the discussion off topic again.

"Do you think "WEREWOLVES" actually Exist?"

Yes...No...Maybe...Not Sure...

...and a brief explanation why you gave your answer, if you choose to.

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 4:30 pm
by geekboy1500
I know :D
I just kinda had to say somthing :)

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 8:15 am
by Morkulv
Vuldari wrote:
Yes Shadow Wulf... I Do repeat myself alot.
*looks at private inbox* No s***! :lol:

Nothing personal though. I can understand it somehow, although my mind and thoughts aren't easily bend.

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 3:15 pm
by ChaosWolf
I believe in the existence of werewolves, dragons, vampires, and the rest.


Even the strangest myth was born from a seed of fact.

And also, even up to modern times, there have been far too many sightings of them all for it to be mere imagination and delusions.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 3:40 am
by Vuldari
ChaosWolf wrote:Even the strangest myth was born from a seed of fact.
"Seed of Fact" =/= 30 foot tall, winged, fire-breathing lizard.

...more like dug up dinosaur fossils before anyone knew what Dinosaurs were.
ChaosWolf wrote:And also, even up to modern times, there have been far too many sightings of them all for it to be mere imagination and delusions.
...Such as...?

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 6:37 pm
by Searif
Like the ones we see in movies and all that jaz? no and yes >.< lets just say if you are ever able to go to the astral realm(I have done it myself, not that im pushing anyone to believe in it though) then you would say yes, now not all people believe in this but I believe that if a majority of people believe in a myth or creature then it will become real, but only in the astral realm, such as vampires, they did not really become all to popular until Bram Stoker wrote Dracula. but if you travel to the astral realm then you will see a vampire almost every two feet(or atleast in a populated area)

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 7:02 pm
by Kaebora
I do not believe in the existance of werewolves.
I may as well say it, and with elaboration. I never give a position on a matter without reasons.

Werewolves as we know them truely derived out of early 20th century film. The concept of werewolves as the world knew them before then was something completely different (demonic and not human), and in fact was an old superstition fabricated during the dark ages. I admit there are stories that pre-date that era that resemble werewolf lore, but are in fact not the same type of creature. Personification and metamorphasis has been a fictional part of storytelling since prehistoric times. It was only highly regarded in ancient times as a part of the many stories used to explain how the physical and spiritual world worked. What we now recognize as mythology.

This could be debated on endlessly by die hard believers, but there is no proof of the existance of werewolves. It's all a matter of faith. The same could be said about my own religous beliefs, but nothing in my own belief system mentions werewolves at all. My faith is seperated from what I find to be mythology. Thus I can't see this as hypocratic reasoning. This is just my interpretation of the situation, and not nessesarilly the beliefs of anyone else.

I certainly do think that werewolf lore is very interesting, but I can't be complelled to believe any of it is true. If any of you think I'm blind to some greater truth, that's fine, but leave me be with my own conclusions. It's best to keep any kind of argument away form personal opinions. I just thought some of you would like to know my position on the matter.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:53 pm
by Silverwolfman
People have their opinions it seems like. me personally i think werewolves exist. physical shifting and all. i mean its possible it believe but its just me. i've seen movies that tell of true stories of werewolves and i sorta believe them. but the rest that are fiction i sorta just leave at that. so in my opinion werewolves exist. 8)

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:05 pm
by PariahPoet
Silverwolfman wrote:so in my opinion werewolves exist. 8)
I would love to see more of this attitude on the board. Stating oppinions as exactly that- oppinions! As of late, many Pack members have adopted the annoying little attitude of "I think it, so it's right and anyone who disagrees is an idiot!". That gets really old really fast. I won't go any further on that little tirade lest it be relegated to the much ignored rant section.

I just wanted to say thanks for showing your fellow packmates the respect of acknowledging that there are other valid views out there. :)

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:37 pm
by Kaebora
Gee, I hope my last post didn't come across that way. :( I usualy post my opinions without explicitly saying "in my opinion". Does that phrase make the difference? My rule of thumb is... if you have an opinion, give reasons why you have that opinion. Maybe it leads to worse senerios.

But for the record, I will never again explain why I don't beleive in werewolves. Here, once is enough. Twice is asking for it. Three times deserves punishment by duckie pelting. Too many die hard beleivers will have my head one of these days.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:27 pm
by PariahPoet
No, no, it had nothing to do with any recent goings-on in this thread or anything
. It's just something I see happening more and more often all over the Pack.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 12:02 pm
by Silverwolfman
there we go now we got opinions flying around like crazy much better. any more opinions that are good enough to listen to?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 3:56 pm
by PariahPoet
Hmm...I'm not quite sure what that was about. Without commas that statement runs together and could mean different things.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 11:47 am
by Silverwolfman
sorry next time i'll put more comas and stuff on k. anyways its almost sliced in half ya know, the poll. half of us believe that werewolves are out there among us. others say there arent and others say they dont know. me personally i think there are and to those who doubt it i dont know. we all believe in what we believe in.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 9:47 pm
by Kelpten
*Sigh* It shows that I've already voted, but I can't remember what I said, it was so long ago. All of the facts say that werewolves aren't real, but I yearn for the opposite. To be able to run through a forest on four sure paws, faster than the wind with the world ablaze in your nose and ears instead of your eyes, to howl and be able to express all the emotions that rattle within your soul. How amazing would it be to not only visit the natural world, but to become a part of it without having to leave behind your own forever? The thought is so spectacularly beautiful to me that I can't deny it, even if my mind agrees that it can't be true, because then I may never find it.