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Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 7:25 pm
by Enir
"I think maybe we might be heading to a town called steel city" I said slightly curious of what this new place was.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:02 pm
by silver1
"Well,the name certainly sounds familiar." he said scratching the top of his head. He had a feeling that things were going to start going crazy again soon,and he was ready for anything.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:29 pm
by Enir
Smileing Enir said, "well then you just sit tight and try to remember my friend."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:02 am
by Thunderclaw
Surge knocked on the door of the driver's cabin before walking in.
"Zan. Get us to Steel city. Only an idiot ignores dreams. I'm sure that what you say is true, and we will find what we are looking for in there."

OOC Announcement:
I'm camping for the next couple of days, so don't leave any posts that only I can respond to. I'll be gone for about three days, starting today. If I can, I'll post as soon as I'm back.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 3:03 am
by Miguel
Zan returned his attention to the APC's control panel and sighed. He threw the maps onto the cabin's dashboard and then turned the key in the ignition once more, causing the vehicle to roar to life. Flashes and explosions were going off in the distance, and even through the dust covered windows they were clearly visible. With a slow motion, he set the APC into drive and began driving forward, carefully observing the surrounding landscape.

"We should be there in about twenty minutes, or at least that's how long it should take us according to these maps," he screamed into the passenger compartment.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:49 am
by Enir
"Alright" Enir shouted towards the cabin, then turning to the others He asked, " Does anyone have the skill to man the turret on top of this thing, because we either need to get someone up there or seal that hole."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 3:44 am
by Miguel
20 minutes later:

The air around the APC was becoming heavy with fog or at least what seemed like fog. Zan pressed a few switches on the vehicle's control panel, causing the fog lights to turn on, and then began using the lights to search the landscape around them, but even with the lights on he couldn't see much.

Suddenly there was a bright flash as a nearly blinding light filled the cabin, illuminating everything. Zan stopped the vehicle and covered his eyes, listening as a distant voice echoed over a speaker.

"Welcome to Steel City! Please wait while the city gates are opened," the voice spoke.

The ground began rumbling and the sound of machinery filled the air. Within seconds, the bright light from before seemingly disappeared and the area ahead was fully revealed. Before the APC was a huge metal wall that was perhaps twenty feet high. The wall's largest section was lifting off the ground, controlled by what seemed like chains. Within moments, it stopped lifting, leaving an opening just large enough for the APC to drive through.

Zan once again began driving forward and then drove under the suspended barrier, stopping on the opposite side moments later to examine his surroundings. It was clear. They had arrived to Steel City.

Improvised structures lined both sides of the street with occasional barrels filled with wood and fire lighting their entrances. A blockade of HR vehicles resided at the street's end but seemed to be abandoned. A large net-like canopy hung over them, nearly blocking out the daylight completely.

Zan pulled to the side of the street and parked the APC.

"Alright, we're here," he spoke into the passenger compartment. "It looks like the HR got here before us, though, so we're going to have to be careful."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:34 am
by Enir
"That might be a problem for me seeing as Iam unable to switch between human and werewolf forms." Enir started looking around the cabin and asked, "does anyone see a cloak around here I could use to desguise my form with?" Finding a trenchcoat and a cloak Enir put them both on. "There, I should be able to move around now and not be spotted."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:11 pm
by silver1
Fang got out and looked around. "Well we better be careful,with all of this fog there could be an ambush set up for us around here somewhere,i think we should be on the lookout for one." he said looking around once more and slowly moving off.

He heard something and turned to the side of him,his gun drawn,he slowly moved closer to where the sound came from,but there was nothing there. "Well thats strange,i know i heard something over here." he said turning back and heading in the same direction he was before he heard the sound.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 7:09 pm
by Enir
"I have a creepy feeling about this place." Enir said waryly. Then turning to the others he asked, "Have the HR been working on cloaking or invisibility?"

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 2:20 am
by Miguel
Zan stood up and moved into the troop compartment, careful not to make too much noise. The two werewolves seemed to have already exited the APC. He grabbed a pistol from the gun case, checked it for ammo, and then stepped outside, locking the gun in the holster on his ammo belt.

The air outside the APC was filled with fog. Zan could see the werewolves walking up ahead. They were talking about a possible ambush.

"I don't think they've been working on anything like that. That isn't how they operate. Their tactics usually consist of charging into battle. Traders would have told me if the HR was doing anything out of the ordinary," he responded to Enir's question. "You guys are definately right, though. This place doesn't seem natural. It feels like we're being watched."

He pulled a map from his pocket and stepped towards a nearby fire barrel, using its light to see the images on the map's front. Zan began examining the buildings around him. He sighed.

"This map isn't any good. I have no idea where we are." He lowered the map back into his pocket. "Fang, you said something about being familiar with the name 'Steel City', right? Do you know anyone that might live here?"

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 3:12 am
by Enir
Enir started examining the building nearest them and thought silently to himself for a moment. Then all of a sudden he thought he herd a noise to his left, acting on many years of instinst he knocked an arrow and drew back his bow ready to fire.

Slowly he eased his way back to the others. Upon reaching Zan he pointed the bow down and asked, "If iam not mistaken, doesn't the design of these buildings look slightly like 'old victorian'?" Then sudenly something clicked in his mind, "Hey, don't vampires usually live in victorian style dwellings?" Enir drew his bow back up once more and looked around vary slowly while waiting for a reply from anyone.

OOC: Iam pretty sure that vampires were listed as one of the 4 races in this war, but if iam wrong let me know and I will edit this post.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 4:22 am
by Thunderclaw
(I'm Back! Yes vampires are on the list Enir.I shall join in as soon as I find a decent opening, which should be quite soon)

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:15 am
by Enir
"Ummmm...does anyome now what the population of this place is made of?, What race they are?"

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:25 am
by Thunderclaw
Surge approached behind Enir. "This place is known for having main mixes of human, werewolf, and vampires. Apart from them, there are numerous others which remain hidden, and they don't have to be worried about."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 5:10 pm
by Enir
" Werewolves and Vampires live here together???" "I thought we were mortal enemys?" "And one other thing, we arn't in there part of the city are we?" Enir looked around nervusly, and kept checking behind him. "My fur stands srait up in here, and it feels as though we are being watched."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 5:43 pm
by Thunderclaw
"Werewolves and vampires have been known for hating each other, but there are a few branches of vamp/weres who coexist alongside each other. However, we are outsiders, and vampires will attack if you aren't careful."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 7:25 pm
by Enir
"That isn't makeing me feel any better" Enir said to himself. Then he said with a bit of worry in his voice, "And we are in the vampire district of this place arn't we?"

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:03 pm
by silver1
"It seems that way." he said pulling his knife out just in case he needed it. "I really have a bad feeling about this place,and i can't help but feel like we are being watched,so lets keep our guard up."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:58 pm
by Enir
Enir looked at him and said, " You don't have to say that twice." And then he pulled out a flameing arrow and knocked it beside the first one then he handed Zan a torch and said," don't let that go out, and stay close to me, you are food to them,nothing more."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 12:29 am
by Miguel
Zan accepted the torch nervously, and then looked back to the HR blockade. A small group of people was moving around behind it, people that were fully exposed to light, other humans. He pointed towards them.

"I think we've been set up by the HR," he spoke and pulled his gun from the holster on his belt. "This area is too quiet to be part of a city. Look at those people over there. There isn't any reason that this street should be any quieter than that one."

He ran to the side of one of the blockade's vehicles and crouched down, trying to gain a better view of the scene on the other side. What he was looking for was quickly found. Two HR soldiers were standing beside a wall discussing something, completely unaware of his presence. Moments later, he backed away from the car and moved back to where Surge and the werewolves were standing.

"They're waiting for us, two HR soldiers. I'm sure there are others in the area. We should travel through the alleys and stick to the shadows." Zan looked to Surge. "Do you know where Alexi might be, or do you know anyone that might be able to help us find him?"

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 3:38 am
by Enir
" Alright, if we must go then I will reluctantly follow." Enir moved closer to Zan, and whispered to him. " I will cover your back Zan, but if things get to crazy Iam pulling you out."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 7:04 am
by Thunderclaw
Surge sighed silently, as he watched the group pull out weapons. The worst thing to do in a situaion like this is to pull out a weapon, Surge thought to himself.
"Weapons may be good for defence, but it is never good for showing people you mean no harm. The Human Regime are probably going to get attacked if they try fighting here. You should all be relatively safe. I think that the human regime are trying to ambush us, but I don't think they realise that this area is swarming with vampires."

Dusten looked at Surge. "Father, during my time searching for Rajed, I made numerous connections with werewolves and vampires, and they helped me survive without having to venture out too much. If we need to defend ourselves from a human regime attack, I could probably convince the vampires to leave us alone, so long as we don't attack first."

Archangel nooded in agreement. "If we were to attack first, we would be attacked first. We have to carefully do this, and be prepared to block an attack, rather than attack to prevent attack."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 11:46 am
by Enir
"I see your point but every hair on me is standing strait up." "However I will compromise half way with you." Enir put the arrows away and unstrung his bow and put it away. Then he drew out his knife. "I will not have as much rage and thus not likely to attack first, but I will still have a defence against any close attack." "Will that suit you."

OOC: I know this is off topic but if anyone has seen 30 DAYS OF NIGHT then PM me and tell me what you thought of it.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 12:32 pm
by Thunderclaw
"That was what was suggested," Surge muttered.