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Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 11:30 pm
by IndianaJones
*sigh* All this this world.

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 11:36 pm
by vrikasatma
I saw a .sig-file on another board that said, "Beauty may be skin deep but arrogance and idiocy go down to the bones."

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 11:44 pm
by RedEye
I'm bothered by the political climate right now. Bush has made such a hash of things-usually because he's basically a Texas Baptist Rancher that got elected to the White House. He's out of his league...and knows it. That makes him listen to the wrong people and do the wrong things; then his stubbornness won't let him admit to making a mistake.

That opens the door to a lot of really frightening things. People will vote for anyone who is Anti-Bush, rather than on the basis of what the candidate is really for. That, we've inherited from previous administrations, to our loss. We don't try to find out what this, that, or the other candidate really plans to do-other than what is put out in the handouts (most of which are so weasel worded as to be outright lies).

We are facing-on both sides of the "asile"-a group of candidates who think that the Constitution is what they say it is; not what it really is. Hillary has made statements on the "Executive Orders" (Royal Decrees) she plans to make; and so has Guiliani. Neither seem to realize that the power they have is let to them by the People, on conditions of good behaviour. They seem the think that all they have to do is decree...

Ahh, Rome; art thou ever so near...the Republic is falling and the Emperor waits to be crowned by the willing masses...

Pain: Back in School; oh so many years ago, I wrote as part of a History of Government Paper that: "...governments, no matter how constructed and overseen will in time become Tyrannical; due to the basic nature of the people. They wish as efficient and effective a Government as possible; which things Despots excel in. Republican Governments fall into this state fastest, due to the inherent laziness of the electorate. They will elect the person who does the most for them, uncaring that by doing so they are giving up the rights they claim to cherish; trading freedom for servitude just so they don't have to think. Democracies require constant attention, and Republics are inefficient in the same way; needing the input of their citizens to work properly-and that is more than the average citizen is willing to invest." (I got an A...and a trip to the Counselor's office out of that one.)

And that was before I went into the Army. :lol: :cry:

I've seen this nation go from a somewhat responsive republic to a sort of gang-fight: Liberals on one side, and Conservatives on the other. The only thing that mattered was who won.
We have gone from a strong nation to a tree with a rotted center, as a result. The extremes run the parties, and the center is not only ignored; it's put down if it gets too noisy or complains too much.
The Presidency-indeed almost all the elective offices-have gone to hacks that follow the Party line without regard to the Constitution or the People.
It's only going to get worse.

The Constitution has specific language that is routinely ignored. Abraham Linicoln defied the Constitution with his abolition of Habeas Corpus during the Civil was then, I think, that our great Constitution became a "Fair-Weather" document; to be ignored if there was a "pressing reason involving the National Security"-or if we were at war with someone.
Just what good is a Supreme Law of the Land- if it can be ignored under any pretext?
I don't think that was the idea, back when it was drawn up. There was a way to make changes-called Amending-and anything at all could be amended; but you had to convince 2/3 of the States, the President, and the Congress first.
Today, we just ignore it, and do whatever suits the Party in Power.
Maybe I've lived too long. I will obey the Law-but not an Executive Order. I'll submit to the lawful exercise of power; but not to political expediency.
At least I don't envy the young; I dread the world they will have to live in, and I'm glad I'll be-elsewhere-by then.
The Revolution. The Constitution. The Civil War. World War's I & II- Korea-Vietnam... What a waste of time. We tried...but...
We didn't change a thing. At the last, we got too lazy to even try.
Brave New World-my Agent Orange soaked body and a**. :x
I'm tired. Nothing worth fighting for, anymore; it'll all get screwed again, by the same lazy worthless people. Damn them to their own self-created World. That'll be Hell enough. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:21 am
by Timber-WoIf
although i declared such thoughts heresy, if the climate of this forums keeps up, i may end up committing a most traitorous act, and leave the Pack.

first of all, i have nothing to contribute. Really, I've become nothing more than a lurker. The lack of interesting discussion is mostly to blame. I never have anything even remotely constructive to say about anything. With nothing to contribute, i really just feel like a waste of space.

Secondly, many of my more favored members have disappeared. The latest was Z, which irked me, seeing as how she practically took over the forum with all those damn avatars. That irked me on its own, but she is a damn good artist, so i tolerated the redundancy of the avatars. Either way, I'm pretty much finding little content that I'm even slightly inclined to look at anymore.

Other interests are dragging me away as well. 40k, Halo 3, work... I'm just not as interested in anthos as i used to be. (not to say I've lost all interest. That is by no means the case. Its just that i spend just as much time analyzing my imperial guard army list as i do trying to figure out how i can put together an anthro heroic senior officer. At any rate, i find myself wanting to spend my time doing other things than hanging in this dying forum.

Throw in a recent set of random, annoying, and ridiculous post, and I'm pretty tempted to call it a good time and go.
Of course, I've got this irrational, ridiculous hope that maybe this forum will recover from its decay and spring back into the life and glory that flowed through it when i first stumbled into here.

So, as of now, i will continue to lurk, and occasionally post some meaningless comment or another, and continue to hope that maybe the froum will recover.

(Of course, as the Imperium teaches, "Hope is the first step on the road to dissapointment")

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:20 pm
by DarkShadow
IndianaJones wrote:*sigh* All this this world.
yup :(

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 3:43 am
by vrikasatma
Ain't that the truth.

I saw two very frightening things tonight. Nope, not ghosts. I only WISH it were ghosts. No, this was two very HUMAN frights.


My friend Shawnna had a good day at Market and took me to dinner at IHOP. When we got out and went to the car, we found the anti-theft system had been tripped; everything in my car was intact and present, so we surmised it was the big pickup parked next to us. Very close. It must have jostled us and set the anti-theft off and that's why I couldn't start it.

Anyway, I put in a call to AAA and called someone to get the car rebooted. And while we were waiting for him to come...we spotted a silver SUV driving slowly and erratically around the parking lot. It stopped near us and a hysterical girl, between 16-18, jumped out of the car and started screaming, begging, crying for the driver to let her go. He grabbed her arm, yanked her back inside, and took off.

We naturally called 9-1-1. He didn't peel out but drove slowly, obviously subduing the girl. He went across the street to the Circle K, drove in, drove out, and headed for the freeway while we called 9-1-1. I was so shaken that I had to go back into the IHOP and sequester in the bathroom and scream. I was just witness to a kidnapping.

For five minutes, I stood in there screaming, praying, crying that the police stop this because I was certain that girl would get the snot beaten out of her, at least, otherwise, possibly even killed. Domestic and partner violence is the #1 violent crime here, and I was just one degree of separation from it. I was driving Shawnna home, I almost ran over some fracking tweaker laying in the middle of the intersection, flapping his arms around. Yeah, we called 9-1-1, AGAIN.

Kidnap, and methamphetamines, in two hours' time. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!

I gotta get out of this city and out into the country. I can deal with bears and cougars a lot easier than I can deal with human evil and decadence.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 9:13 am
by JoshuaMadoc
It seems that whenever i say something, it's either...

- In atrocious timing.

- Something not worth f*** mentioning at all.

- Not worth other people's care-time.


- Strikes people's nerves.

I'm extremely certain that this is caused by my shio, the "golden dragon". It would make sense because, well, let's face it, dragons breathe s***, be it fire, ice, or thunder.

Maybe i should just not say anything, and start deleting chat clients and blocking all forums, if this is the way i'm going to live my wasteful online life. I mean, i'm already crying over the fact that people were saying s*** behind my back 2 years back after i played Tekken 5 with a set of horribly dodgy "virtual controllers".

f*** cunts, i'll make them shut up when a kind soul finally makes me the perfect virtual punching bag game for me to play in. I'm sick and tired of being the family joke.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 11:09 am
by cumulusprotagonist
You said I was sick and needed to have my tongue burned off. How should I react to that?

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 11:11 am
by DarkShadow
vrikasatma wrote:Ain't that the truth.

I saw two very frightening things tonight. Nope, not ghosts. I only WISH it were ghosts. No, this was two very HUMAN frights.


My friend Shawnna had a good day at Market and took me to dinner at IHOP. When we got out and went to the car, we found the anti-theft system had been tripped; everything in my car was intact and present, so we surmised it was the big pickup parked next to us. Very close. It must have jostled us and set the anti-theft off and that's why I couldn't start it.

Anyway, I put in a call to AAA and called someone to get the car rebooted. And while we were waiting for him to come...we spotted a silver SUV driving slowly and erratically around the parking lot. It stopped near us and a hysterical girl, between 16-18, jumped out of the car and started screaming, begging, crying for the driver to let her go. He grabbed her arm, yanked her back inside, and took off.

We naturally called 9-1-1. He didn't peel out but drove slowly, obviously subduing the girl. He went across the street to the Circle K, drove in, drove out, and headed for the freeway while we called 9-1-1. I was so shaken that I had to go back into the IHOP and sequester in the bathroom and scream. I was just witness to a kidnapping.

For five minutes, I stood in there screaming, praying, crying that the police stop this because I was certain that girl would get the snot beaten out of her, at least, otherwise, possibly even killed. Domestic and partner violence is the #1 violent crime here, and I was just one degree of separation from it. I was driving Shawnna home, I almost ran over some fracking tweaker laying in the middle of the intersection, flapping his arms around. Yeah, we called 9-1-1, AGAIN.

Kidnap, and methamphetamines, in two hours' time. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!

I gotta get out of this city and out into the country. I can deal with bears and cougars a lot easier than I can deal with human evil and decadence.
:shudder: that's really scary! this world is crazy and chaotic indeed :( I'm losing hope for mankind.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 2:58 pm
by vrikasatma
I can't begin to tell you how terrifying it was. I've seen a guy getting the snot beaten out of him by a gang downtown, and I didn't have a fear reaction. Or maybe a different one, defensive fear. This was...just abject terror. My inner Wolf said, "Run away! Now! Far!" and only Shawnna grabbing me and telling me to call the cops stopped me from doing just that.

I don't regret the car non-function. I'm guessing it was Ganesha calling in a favour. I asked Him to make the roads clear for me the other day, and that was just His style. No-one else was in the parking lot right when it happened. I literally hope to God the cops managed to catch the guy.

Small carrion-comfort: the manager in the IHOP gave us a couple mugs of hot chocolate to thank us for doing that. No payback on the tweaker, though...we got a ballot initiative coming up that would increase penalties on anyone who cooks and/or sells meth and you BET I'll vote yes on that.

Afterthought: The world is crazy and chaotic, and humans have always been this way, preying on each other. It's just now beginning to infect Oregon. I thought this was a pastoral, peaceful state; maybe I just saw all the beautiful green, forests, farms, mountains, rivers and natural splendour and thought I'd found Eden. Maybe I was deluding myself... :(

I wish I had ten acres out around the Long Tom River, where I can put up solar panels and yurts, grow raspberries, grapes, pluots, apples and hazelnuts, ride my horse, play with the cats, howl, bake bread. Can Pagans become Mennonites?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:47 pm
by Kaebora
Silent Hunter's post and all the arguments stemmed from it, have been deleted. It was turning into a highly unlikeable senario. Next time everyone, instead of burning a thread to peices with heated reactions, inform a moderator. It got to the point that both sides were harassing one another, and we don't need that here. Regarding the source of the mischif, I will be dealing with it.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 3:11 am
by Xiroteus
Power bills are too high in the fall - winter.

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 11:29 pm
by DarkShadow
...and the depression slides deeper

This morning before I left for school I got a call. My Grandpa had suddenly passed away. :cry: He was such a great man. My whole family is in shock. I can see that things are going to get a whole lot harder before they get better.

:cry: RIP Gerry Arthur Norman-Martin. You will be missed greatly :mourn:

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 11:48 pm
by cumulusprotagonist
DarkShadow wrote:...and the depression slides deeper

This morning before I left for school I got a call. My Grandpa had suddenly passed away. :cry: He was such a great man. My whole family is in shock. I can see that things are going to get a whole lot harder before they get better.

:cry: RIP Gerry Arthur Norman-Martin. You will be missed greatly :mourn:
Sorry to hear it...

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 7:46 pm
by Anubis
I don't know why I come here to vent out some suppressed anger, knowing some how it would be turn around back on me and i'll be looking like the bad guy. But i really need to release some pent up feelings.

Any way I was playing halo3 multiplayer and my mom starts to yell at me about my language, but the kicker is i was saying words like "crap" and "suck" not words like "f***" and "s***".

I said that she wasn't being reasonable. then my dad starts getting in to the argument and starts yelling at me that they are bad words, and use words like "garbage" and "dang it" but I know how my parents work and if i start using those words. I know my parents would eventually have a problem with those words to.

Then they yell at me about how they can kick me out and start lecturing me about my age and s*** like that. Now I'm even more pissed that Halo multiplayer can ever get me!

I would move out but wal-mart is too damn cheap to pay me enough that i can live out on my own, so I'm suck here with these fascists!!!!!


Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 8:03 pm
by Shadow Wulf
God that sucks, at my house Im allowed to say f***, S***T aslong as its not near my young nephew.

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 5:14 pm
by Silverclaw
God, why does Deviantart never work for me when I try to upload stuff? :x :x :x
Like, once every three months to is when I actually try to put art up :|

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 7:51 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Silverclaw wrote:God, why does Deviantart never work for me when I try to upload stuff? :x :x :x
Like, once every three months to is when I actually try to put art up :|
DA has been pretty much tard lately. Glitches an so much other crap going on it's annoying :P

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:04 pm
by tyger
Silverclaw wrote:God, why does Deviantart never work for me when I try to upload stuff? :x :x :x
Like, once every three months to is when I actually try to put art up :|
they have recon to gather info abotu exactly when you're about to upload and then they hit the " make things Glitchy" button on their keyboard ;)

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 10:15 pm
by Silverclaw
Heh, thought so

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 9:00 pm
by Anubis
I focken hate my parents,

They are so focking enal about language!!! I stopped saying fock, a**, b****, etc. But no that's not good enough!!!! words that are meant to replace those words are also banned! I mean like words like crap and piss.

Now since i wont stop saying them they disconneted my f*** xbox from live.

I've had it! i want to swear when i damn well please!!!

FoCK, a**, BaTCH, DArN, COrK!!!


Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 10:40 pm
by Renorei
Out of curiosity, do your parents swear? If so, that's a BIG hypocrisy.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:10 pm
by Anubis
no they don't

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:22 am
by JoshuaMadoc
I sometimes wonder how in the world many artists get more attention than i do, even if they make scribbles in OpenCanvas comprising of the core figures and a big blank white background along with it, also something i do a lot.

For instance, Artist X draws a furry strapped with all the staple fashion items that are popular choices, or draws a picture of some Naruto character. The latter obviously gets a big bonus if Artist X has all the McManga/genuine skills to pull said pic off. The former, on the other hand, despite it not getting as much attention as the latter, I still lag atrociously behind on that guaranteed attention. I even tried putting on some actual color, which i haven't done in ages, and i get... Crickets ringing.

So, thus far, i've concluded that if it's not because i don't color or do clean lines, perhaps it's because my subject choices are just... Something people don't want to know. Or something. Whatever.

If that's also not the problem, then i'll just give up and assume that i really am just a living apparition that nobody cares about in the drawing world. Not that it should matter to me anyway...

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:07 pm
by AnĂ³nimo Juan
lol, it happens.

My most viewed picture on DA is a Harry Potter fanart. :P