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Re: Pet Wolf

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 3:31 am
by Uniform Two Six
alphanubilus wrote:Correction... the California Law mandates that a person can not be in possession of a full wolf/ and or F1 Wolf/Dog hybrid. In short if you have an F2 or above hybrid of which is a second to third generation wolf/dog hybrid or a wolf dog hybrid/hybrid, there aren't any special laws. Most breeders that legally sell wolves, usually sell F2 or above hybrids, such as this case with Fire Mountain Wolves.
Well, actually...
California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 2118:
"It is unlawful to..." (blah, blah, blah, blah) "...possess..." (blah, blah) "... any wild animal of the following species:" (blah, blah, blah) "...Order Carnivora (carnivores) All species, except domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) and domestic cats (Felis catus)..." (blah, blah, blah...)

Title 14, Section 2125, Subsection (a): States that it is a misdemeanor punishable by six months confinement. It is not a felony as I had claimed. I was misinformed. My bad.

Title 14, DFG Manual Section 671, Subsection (2k) Goes on to specifically itemize "Order Carnivora:..." (blah, blah, blah) "... Wolves, Foxes, Coyotes,..." (blah, blah, blah...)

Title 14, Section 2155: (blah, blah) "...The provisions of this chapter and regulations adopted pursuant thereto shall apply to the progeny of any wild animal..." (blah, blah, blah, ad nauseum...)

If anybody feels that anything of material interest to the topic at hand is to be found in all of those blahs, please direct your browser to and be prepared for a beast of a read (Title 14 is rather voluminous).
alphanubilus wrote:As for the case of the unfortunate wolf owner... That can happen with ANY canine... although I would LOVE to see a man ravaged by a Pamaranian. Blade 3 still gives me chuckles... I've heard of people being attacked a mauled by Labs, of which is rather rare, but it does happen.
Yeah, but it is more likely to happen with a wolf (or any other wild animal). They are predators. They're hard-wired to view anything or anybody who is not a member of their "pack" as either a rival, a tresspasser, or prey. The only reason wolves are not regularly attacking humans is because they have an innate fear of humans. And you're right: that lack of fear in dogs means there are a whole butt-load of dog-maulings annually. You teach an animal to not fear humans, and that animal is a wild predator (as opposed to a domesticated one, which tends to be more accepting of strangers), you might get lucky, but the odds are good that you're going to have a very bad incident. Keeping a wolf captive and thinking of it as a pet, no different than a dog is, is dumb. If you do it, and somebody gets killed, guess who's criminally liable?
alphanubilus wrote:Personally I think a lot of these laws are nothing more than that old anti-wolf descrimination mentality.
No, it's done for reasons of public safety.

Re: Pet Wolf

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 4:40 pm
by Gevaudan
vrikasatma wrote:
Berserker wrote:To answer your question, yes, I would prefer that they be hunted, as sad and infuriating as it may be.
There you have it, ladies and gentlemen, a Pack member who'd sacrifice wolves for the sake of an over-romanticized ideal.

I rest my case.
I have a question about this point of the debate.

Since most if not all of us on here like wolves as a species, and obviously want to see them remain alive, is it possible to do so without disturbing their natural state? Is there a compromise between hunting them and domesticating them? Reservations, maybe?

It also begs the question of whether humans should be meddling with nature in the first place, whether it's by deliberately trying to wipe out a species, or by preserving and increasing the population of a species.

If we can credit Wolf Gal with one thing, it's that she sure knows how to jumpstart a conversation. :P

Re: Pet Wolf

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 7:03 pm
by Morkulv
Gevaudan wrote: If we can credit Wolf Gal with one thing, it's that she sure knows how to jumpstart a conversation. :P
Thats what trolls are usually good at.

Re: Pet Wolf

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 8:24 pm
by Wolf Gal
Look i am sori if you guys dont believe. because of my other posts i dont blame you.
but this time it is the truth and i want you guys to know that.
i am sori if dont believe me but that is your own problem.

Morkulv wrote:
Gevaudan wrote: If we can credit Wolf Gal with one thing, it's that she sure knows how to jumpstart a conversation. :P
Thats what trolls are usually good at.
i know i am good at this but it was actually because i feel left out.
but this post is true. i went and got a pet wolf for my other dog to play with, because my other dog the one i used zeera to replace just died last month and i couldn't bear it. but please stop biting my head off for this

if you really want to kno something about wolf pups they are really playful and fluffy

i hope ypu guys are happy now

luv from Wolf Gal
:) :( :)

Re: Pet Wolf

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 9:03 pm
by Morkulv
Wolf pups playfull and fluffy? Can I ask how old you are?
But in all honesty, if you really understand that people are not believing your posts then why bother posting it then? Think about this.

You actually claimed a lot of things and now you expect people to believe that you own a wolf? Nice try, I'll give you that. Especially since at first you claimed you were a werewolf, then you claimed that you made artwork that you actually stole from artists, and now this. So lets start facing the facts here: you are NOT a werewolf, you are NOT a artist and you do NOT own a wolf.

Stop posting lies and nonesense, maybe then people will start to finally take you serious.

Re: Pet Wolf

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 12:34 am
by MattSullivan
Ok this person wolfgal, is clearly a troll messing with us or a child too immature and in self denail to realize she is wasting our time. Moderators, please lock this thread.

Re: Pet Wolf

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 12:42 am
by takyoji
Just for general reference, the user has been banned for the span of 2 months.