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Re: The prophecy (open species)

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 7:09 am
by ledrif
I looked to the other human he's scent was the same of that werewolf called Dusten so I tough it might be him "oh yeah Dusten I guess I haven't introduced Myself I'm Kebo" I said with an eye on the guy and the other on Dusten

Re: The prophecy (open species)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 12:07 am
by Miguel
Swiftly, I stand up, realizing the danger that I am suddenly in. Two werewolves now have me sorrounded, and one of them is even brave enough to apporach me. It speaks, intelligently, of friendship. I know no such thing can exist, though, not between humans and werewolves. I especially won't be a part of it.

I switch my weapon from a bow to a knife. If I am going to go down, I'll go fighting.

"We can't be friends, werewolf. You are monsters, all of you. Now you try and speak to me, try to manipulate me so that I will let my guard down," I speak towards the foolish, brave werewolf.

I then look towards the werewolf on the other side of the mound. "It's clever, the way you have sourrounded me like this. I didn't think your kind used logic, but I was clearly wrong. I always thought you were animals. All of those that I killed seemed to be," I speak, grinning.

Re: The prophecy (open species)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 6:05 am
by Cain
I hissed and bared my teeth as i raised my bow. "Humans an wolves can live together, i work with a large group of humans and shifters that call themselves the Company. You may think opposite but it is possible. The real enemies are the vampires and the demons. Not us, so lower your weapon or i will kill you." i raised my bow and aimed for the spot inbetween where his collarbone meet.

Re: The prophecy (open species)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 3:38 pm
by ledrif
(lulz wut he's already scared enough with two werewolves and you show up cain that will certainly freak him out hahahah!)

I scratched mine head a little confused "well what she said suposed to be totaly obvious to you! but since you seems to be the illogical one here and is really asking for an illogical movement of mine I think I should but I won't because I'm not an irrational beast tough I'm looking to one right now.... who says that have killed other friends of us..." I said sarcastic and dangerous tone and then holded an growl "you come here wanting to kill us for no reason neither then money and say WE are the IRRATIONAL BEASTS?? I can't see any logic here!!" I made an signal to the shifter newcomer to lower the bow and said "If you aim that to him he will get the wrong idea so let's try and use some of friendship neither then aim stuff to each other..." I got closer to the human and when I got dangerously near I raised mine hands and said "you wan't to kill me go ahead I won't fight back but be sure of one thing even if you do that you will die I saw her aim she's deadly precisely...." I said pointing the one with the bow I haven't seen her in action but I needed an excuse to him not to do it and I could get stabbed with a Knife it would hurt a lot but I don't think it would kill me "so it's you own choice go ahead..."

Re: The prophecy (open species)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 3:59 pm
by Thunderclaw
"and in the odd chance she would miss, I wouldn't," I muttered so lowly under my breath no one could hear it.
"Think things through. If we were irrational monsters that kill, why did we alert ourselves to you, rather than kill on sight?"

Re: The prophecy (open species)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 4:16 pm
by DWDruid
Suddenly the werecat rushed back to the direction of the camp and i could hear want she heard too, threatening voices. "Ulfrick, take Furya back to the rest of the pack." my father commanded, "Keep her away from the commotion." and he followed the cat. Wanting to back up my father, I followed him. Many of the stronger pack members, the elemental,m and the werecat were all surronding ann armed human. Sensing the human, I was surprised to find a deep crimson red, simular but not like the vampires that Ulfrick killed.

Re: The prophecy (open species)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 7:19 pm
by Miguel
The entire group of werewolves has seemingly been alerted to my presence. More have approached from the woods around me. The most agressive of the group, a female, points a bow at me and threatens to kill. In a way, it amuses me.

Again, the fearless werewolf speaks, this time about how I am the illlogical one, and then about how I can either shake its hand in friendship or die while killing it in the process. I'm not a fool, though. I know a knife won't kill the creature, only stun it.

"And why would I ally with you beasts?" I look towards the female werecat, and then back to the fearless werewolf. "I could care less about who or what your enemies are. I've killed a fair share of vampires as well in my time. I have no allies. Unless you can give me a good reason to work with you, I'm afraid the werecreature with the bow will just have to kill me."

The golden-eyed werewolf does have a point, though. Why did they alert me to their presence instead of merely charging me? An act different than the werewolves that I have seen before.

Another werewolf begins approaching me. Great.

Re: The prophecy (open species)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 7:47 pm
by Enir
(Sorry about the late reply but I don't have as much time as I used to.)

Before I could reply there was a commotion and the other werewolf moved in that direction. I decided to follow along in the tree line in the same direction. Once at the source it turned out that a human had gotten himself into a tight spot. The other wolves had surrounded him and yet were trying to get him to calm down. Silly wolves, trying to get something calmed down when you have it surrounded was not going to work. I slowly stepped out of the bushes, adjusting my knife sheaths so all of them were visible to the human and the others. I then called out,"How do you expect him to calm down when you have him surrounded and making him feel tense and uncomfortable? Back off a little and give him a path so he won't feel so threatened."

Re: The prophecy (open species)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 9:55 pm
by DWDruid
I turnd to the new wolf. I didn't recognize the black furred male with the silver markings (kind of remminded of my own mark in a way). My sense revealed a great surprise, a rare black aura. Seeing that color caused me to think back years ago. An old nomadic wolf once met us when I was about 7 or 8. He was interested in me as he happened to share the same ability as myself. My father allowed him to tech me all he knew about what we could do for the short time he travelled with us. He said that there were certain colors of aruas that were very rare and signaled a great destiney for the individual. Among these he said were the gold, silver, white, and black auras(he even claimed that my own aura was silver, but since i couldn't see my own I didn't know if it was true or not). He said the black arua could mean one of two things. Either the person dark, mysterious, and strong-willed or that they are pure evil, beyond powerful, and had very violent natures. I hoped this new wolf wasn't the later. Returning to the present, I said to the newcomer, "I don't think we will be able to convice this human that we mean no harm. I can only sense dark thoughts of violence, pain, and suffering from him. I think it would be to just let him go so he won'y bother us anymore."

OOC: I talked a bit about Zorack's past to help describe how his ability works and what certain colors can mean. If anyone wants to know about their own aura's color I'm open to any and all questions via PMs.

Re: The prophecy (open species)

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:40 am
by Thunderclaw
I stepped back slightly, looking at the newest of the newcomers. "Yes, that'll probably help a lot."

Taking a number more steps backwards, I looked back to the human. "And as for a good reason to work with us, hmm...Well, for one, we'll all leave here in one piece, or, if you chose to leave without harming any of us, that would be the same conclusion, two, erm..." I thought hard for another reason. Short of bribery, which, considering he had been paid to hunt us, would probably work, yet would require me to get the money from my father, who, probably, would not give the money, I couldn't think of anything, so I turned to the others, hoping one of them could continue.

Re: The prophecy (open species)

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:18 pm
by Flatline
as the neared the rest of the pack, furya was awakened by thhe commotion. the human had now been detected by the whole pack. and there was now a type of werecat amongst them.

seeing the shiny, sharp pointy knife in thhe human's hand, furya jumped out of unfricks arms and ran up to the human. with her newfound strength as a werewolf she easily pulled the knife out of the humans hand. still in her human form, she ran off with the knife and waved it in the air saying, "look what i got daddy!"

Re: The prophecy (open species)

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:02 pm
by ledrif

I turned around and got away from the human he won't get convinced I turned to face him again and saw the new puppy get the knife out of he's hand and run away waving it I did an face palm and started to laugh I couldn't help that was funny!

Re: The prophecy (open species)

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:20 pm
by DWDruid
I could only watch as the new pup ran back with the human's weapon. Seeig her golden shine glow even brighter with blissful happiness caused me to give a small laugh at her childish behavior. As she passed me I carefully plucked the silver knife from her grasp. When she looked up at me with a pouting face I explained to her, "First rule about being I us Furya, not many things and harm us, but the special metal of this blade will hurt you if your not care. Cuts from silver can be very painful to us."

Re: The prophecy (open species)

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:24 pm
by Cain
I hissed when i realized what type of metal the knife was made of when the male explained to the girl now named Furya. I backed a few feet and lowered my bow. "I may not be a full werewolf but silver still hurts alot for wolf hybrid therians.

Re: The prophecy (open species)

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:58 pm
by Miguel
For a moment, I am startled by the young werewolf's actions. Never have I seen one of their own take such a blade without fear. Silver has always been a problem for them.

These creatures are willing to let me leave alive and that is all that matters.

Hesitantly, I speak, "I will leave, but don't think you have seen the last of me. My employers won't be happy about what has happened."

Slowly, I turn towards the distant town and begin running in its direction.

Re: The prophecy (open species)

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 1:49 am
by Thunderclaw
Ah. Silver. I forgot how not all are as fortunate as me - my impure wolfen blood sometimes gives me the advantage, and other times hinders me. Watching a young pup take on someone like that, and whip the knife out of their hand, it made me think. Still, the hunter had left, but it sounded more like a "I will try again later" than a "Ok, I'll leave you alone."

Re: The prophecy (open species)

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 1:22 pm
by Enir
I disliked silver as much as the next of my kind but I felt I was knowledgeable enough to handle it safely. "Hand the blade to me, I will take care of it." I walked up to the werewolf who hand current possession of the blade. Taking the blade in my paw I inspected the handle and the small hilt on it, it was a somewhat poorly made blade compared to the ones I was taught to make. But it did feel well balanced...probably meant more for throwing than slashing.

I then took a sharpening stone from my pouch at my waist and roughly sharpened the blade exposing what I suspected to be true. It was just silver coated, still effective though. Making sure to be extra careful I placed the knife in my belt and stepped back a few steps so I was covered in the shadow of a tree. But it was not dark enough for me to 'disappear' in it's shadow, and my fur was to dark. But I enjoyed the shade from the sun anyways.

Re: The prophecy (open species)

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 2:45 pm
by silver1
Ulfrick smiled at little Furya's bravery. he followed her back to his den and leaned against the far wall facing the entrance with little Furya sitting next to him. "That was a brave thing you did back there little one,but please be more careful next time." he sighed "The blade of that knife was made of silver and if it had cut you it would take a long time for them to heal.

Ulfrick took furya into his arms again and leaned his head against her shoulder. "You are so brave little one." he said closing his eyes and falling to sleep. The moon would be up again soon and then it would be time to teach her how to hunt.

Re: The prophecy (open species)

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 3:11 pm
by Thunderclaw
"Right, now he's been dealt with," I turned to all the others. "I don't think I've been formerly introduced. I'm Duste Aquos, son of Surge Aquos, and you guys are...?"

Re: The prophecy (open species)

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 4:32 pm
by Flatline
furya looked at the elementian/werewolf saying, "im furya..." at which point she fell asleep in ulfricks arms

Re: The prophecy (open species)

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 7:03 pm
by Enir
Before the son of Aquos could get to me I went down on all fours and disappeared into the woods and went back to my camp to collect my bow and metal clawed gloves. After I gathered my gear I went after the human, curious to find out were he got his orders from.

Re: The prophecy (open species)

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 8:06 pm
by ledrif
After the human comotion was over and Dusten introduced himself formally I felt no need to tell my name again so I just walked back to the spot where I was wondering what to do next then After a while I felt asleep and remenbered the first time I met with the werewolves and Remenbered somewhere I would be welcomed if I wanted to mine mother house she might be wondering how I am right now but I wasn't sure if I should go just like that but in the other hand no one would notice That I'm gone...

Re: The prophecy (open species)

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 7:34 pm
by silver1
Ulfrick looked up and quietly said "My name name is ulfrick,it is nice to meet you Dusten." he said looking back down at little Furya,who was still fast asleep. He sighed and did the same.

Re: The prophecy (open species)

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 10:36 pm
by DWDruid
My father stepped forward and addressed the newcomer. "I am Bolback, alpha of this pack and this," placing his hand on my shoulder, "is my son, Zorack. We all welcome you into our domain."

Re: The prophecy (open species)

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 11:44 pm
by Enir
After an hour I finally managed to sort out the humans trail and follow him to an abandoned warehouse. I had to admit, he was good at hiding his tracks. I lost the trail twice but managed to sort out the real one. I left everything except the silver coated knife at the tree line and went toward the door the hunter disappeared through. Slowly I turned the door nob and slipped inside, closing the door behind me. It was pitch black and my eyes were having trouble adjusting.