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Cirque du Surreal presents Tada

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 6:48 pm
by Scott Gardener
The main thing not to procrastinate over is the room! They sell out months in advance. You'd think it were Cirque du Soleil.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 9:37 am
by Apharoh
im so there

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 2:39 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Gee I wonder if there will be folks sharing rooms for this Con? I'm just asking out of curiousity :roll:

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 11:16 am
by Scott Gardener
Cathey and I are both going this year. We've also signed up for the celebrity banquet. We'll bring extra duckies.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 4:43 am
by Figarou
Scott Gardener wrote:Cathey and I are both going this year. We've also signed up for the celebrity banquet. We'll bring extra duckies.'re in for a big surprise. :duckieinmouth:

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 3:17 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
I'll take the silence for a no... :|

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 11:29 pm
by Scott Gardener
I'm afraid my room's already full; I've got my wife, my sister, and her husband.

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 1:13 am
by Figarou
And I have my 3 of my friends going as well. Sorry.

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:15 am
by Apharoh
I may be interested in taking on a roomy... send me a pm and well talk

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 8:27 pm
by Kaebora
You last visited on Mon Mar 06, 2006 1:29 am
The time now is Fri May 05, 2006 1:29 am
Woo! One more month to go. Of all the forums I post in, this is the only one that has members that will be attending. Sadly, I've never posted enough here. Nobody will recognize me. I doubt anyone even remembers my posts. :( I'll still hang out at the Freeborn booth and chat for awhile. I have a lot of high hopes and support for the Freeborn project. A lot has changed since the last A-Kon. That's a good subject to talk about when I meet some of yall. :D Maybe after meeting some of the Pack again, I'll post here more.

I still am unsure whether or not I'm driving or flying. It's a 10 hour drive from Albuquerque, New Mexico. 3 of which are spent on a barren desert highway. (Don't wanna break down on THAT road. Whooowee!) I hope everyone else's commute will be more comfortable.

Who's still got their calenders cleared for the event?

Coming and going; moving on up

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 9:36 pm
by Scott Gardener
I'm now not sure if my wife Cathey is coming or not, though I'm hoping she still will. Juggling between a hip problem that makes getting around painful and the process of moving, I don't know how her stamina will be for the thing this year. I'm still coming; I've attended every A-Kon since 1993, and it's got a lot of personal significance. My sister met her husband there, and I left one for a few hours once, back in 1999, to attend my medical school graduation. That it's now a Pack safehouse and a chance to meet many of you in person makes it all the more not for me to miss.

On a more unequivocably positive note, attending starting next year will be a lot easier for both of us, as I just spent the afternoon looking at houses in Rockwall, about 30 minutes from downtown Dallas. I told the realtor that my loan officer pre-approved us on a physician's budget, and "the sky was the limit." But, after seeing some of the houses around Rockwall, one with three stories, another with a five car garage, and several that had bridges connecting what looked like several houses into one giant super-house, I told the realtor that, well, yes, the sky's the limit, but, I do need to stay inside the Earth's atmosphere.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 9:50 pm
by Figarou
I'll be there. :D

My drive is about 5 hours one way. What I need to do is buy a new battery before June arrives. The one in my truck is 4 years old.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 10:34 pm
by Short Tail
question, if I do pre registration over the internet and pay with a credit car, do I just bring the printed recipt to the con and get my pass there or what. I am only curious because I won't be at this adress much longer and dont want something getting sent here that I need.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 10:42 pm
by Kaebora
I'm paying at the door this year since theres a slight chance of a no-go. I'm still facing the chance that my car will cost me too much to repair. This month I have to replace a tire, get a tune-up, fix the alignment, and repair the driver-side doorhandle if I have time. I wish I got an online ticket so I could get that bag of goodies they usually include with it.

I wonder if NewTek is sponsoring the event again. I'm looking forward to chatting with some of their people. My CG Animation proffessor knows a few of them from past business ventures.

Oh... and here's a tidbit of info. Every year my friend Max has a seminar about how to make costume props. I've nearly finished making a replica of the Halo 2 Battle Rifle. It will be done in time for the convention. I'll be bringing it to his seminar, so that's how you can tell it's me. "The guy with the big gun." If I still have time to tinker with it, I'll add a mechanism that shoots duckies at people.

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 12:37 am
by Darth Canis
Are tickets sold online and does anyone know the latest date that they can be purchased online. Just won't know what i will be doing till it gets down to the final minutes so just curious. What is the this celebrity banquet thingy and how do you sign up for that. Oi so many questions so little time.

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 6:45 am
by Figarou
Darth Canis wrote:Are tickets sold online and does anyone know the latest date that they can be purchased online. Just won't know what i will be doing till it gets down to the final minutes so just curious. ... dlin.shtml
Darth Canis wrote:What is the this celebrity banquet thingy and how do you sign up for that. Oi so many questions so little time. ... tars.shtml

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 7:31 pm
by Scott Gardener
The simple:

Bring a printed copy of your confirmation email. Think of that as your ticket receipt, mainly because it is.

But, they send you banquet tickets. If you buy banquet tickets, however, you still need to bring your confirmation email to get your badge (and bag of stuff that pre-reg con-goers get).

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 8:31 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Ahh HELL!! I should move to Texas when I get older!!

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 1:02 am
by Kaebora
Ok... my trip there is set in stone. I'm flying in on Thursday, June 8th. I'm glad I wont be driving through any deserts anytime soon.

One thing I still wonder about. Should I bring my Kaebora costume again? You see my avatar? I actually have that outfit. Labcoat and all. I'll definately have my precise homemade replica of the Halo Battle Rifle with me either way. It's for the props-making seminar they have every year. Any thoughts?

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 10:44 am
by Apharoh
Kaebora wrote:Ok... my trip there is set in stone. I'm flying in on Thursday, June 8th. I'm glad I wont be driving through any deserts anytime soon.

One thing I still wonder about. Should I bring my Kaebora costume again? You see my avatar? I actually have that outfit. Labcoat and all. I'll definately have my precise homemade replica of the Halo Battle Rifle with me either way. It's for the props-making seminar they have every year. Any thoughts?
Just one. Do it do it do it do it. you guys can recognize me by one of 2 things. a rubber chicken attatched to my belt. or me sittin there stabin fig with a colapsable sword

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 7:11 am
by Shadow Wulf
*looks at everyone whos going to A-Kon*

:oops: SON OF *&$@

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 12:44 am
by Apharoh
theres no reason for that kind of language. darn french speakers. i can never understand them

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 2:19 am
by Kaebora
Looks at everyone that went to E3. "Son of a *****!"

You're not alone my friend. :lol: Still, most of us are locals, or live near the Texas border. I'm flying the 800 miles, but not everyone can afford that. Understandable, and I'm not gonna brag over this plane ticket. I'm told Southwestern Airlines is cheap for a reason. I suppose I'll find out what that means.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 12:17 am
by Kaebora
I finished the Battle Rifle today. It looks awesome and metallic (dispite being 70% MDF and 30% bondo). It even has a working scope, and a painted on version of the LCD ammo counter, set at 36 rounds of course (full clip). I'll be pointing it at yall up at A-Kon first chance I get. :x :lol: Unfortunately all you CAN do with it is point it at stuff. It's still just a prop.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 12:31 am
by Figarou
Kaebora wrote:I finished the Battle Rifle today. It looks awesome and metallic (dispite being 70% MDF and 30% bondo). It even has a working scope, and a painted on version of the LCD ammo counter, set at 36 rounds of course (full clip). I'll be pointing it at yall up at A-Kon first chance I get. :x :lol: Unfortunately all you CAN do with it is point it at stuff. It's still just a prop.

I can point my video camera at stuff as well. But I get something back in return. Memories to share!!
