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Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 11:24 pm
by white
(("Messed with? That's the best you can do? I'm trying to get some fscking dialouge going here, people!))

I easily dodged the clumsy blow, knocking Hariko flat on his face yet again, planting a foot in the small of his back. I took care re-tying his binds more securely.

I resumed where we were interrupted.

"I follow your analysis of our friend here, but a few things are missing. For example, how'd he know about you in the first place? Was he just lucky? Also, how do you plan to keep me from going out and spreading the word? Not that I consider that to be an intelligent course of action..."

((:edit: Gah, I gtg for an hour or two; Aki, please take over my char until I post again; feel free to hide him away somewhere to lower maintenance so long as I can come back in whenever without too outrageous an explanation))

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 11:31 pm
by Aki
"Well, this UWTF, whatever is may have told him, but I can't guess at anythign else. As for keeping you from telling, who would believe you?" Lance responsed, his smirk returning to his face. "The only guys who'd give the woods a glance would be the guys who work for tabloids and such. Probablly wouldn't help your story."

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 12:33 am
by Silverclaw
Hunting was interrupted by the sounds of yells, howls, gunshots and who knows what else. She growled softly to herself as the deer she had been stalking ran away. 'What in the world?' the werewolf thought, heading now in the direction of the noise. Her red fur prickled up uneasily, 'Is the pack alright?'. The sleek wolfess started running now, afraid of what she might find. Sky blue eyes scanned the forest as she ran; the moon's silver light reflecting off her russet pelt. The scents started to get strong now. Some humans, Lance, and a couple unknown werewolves. Fortonatly, no smell of spilt blood.
The wolf slowed down as she got near the camp site; getting cautious. She observed the scene from the bushes; humans and werewolves toghter! 'What the...?' Slowly, she came forward. Jess padded over to her pack-mate Lance, brushing against his leg to let him know she was near. She never let her eyes stray from the two humans; her blue stare intense. Jess had her tail and hackles raised slightly as she observed the scene before her.

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 1:51 am
by white
"Alright, I'll admit you have a point there. Though how you know so much of human society is lost to me..."
I trailed off as a noticed the fourth wolf, but did not retreat. I breifly touched the pocket where I'd placed the pistol, but left it there.
"So you're going to just let me go? What about him?"
I motioned towards the groaning Hariko.
"Understand that I'm purely curious, but this UWTF can't be a good thing for you all if it's sending out fanatics like him. Also, their existance alone isn't exactly good evidence for your wonderful seclusion abilities. Hell, not much is; I managed to discover you all without even trying!"
To put it simply, things weren't exactly fitting together, and I wanted to know why. Don't ask me why, confronted with not one, not two, but four likely dangerous monsters I stood my ground and questioned them as if I had the upper hand; I don't know myself. Perhaps my innate curiousity simply grabbed ahold of me, realizing an oppertunity that would not likely repeat itself and leaping to it. Whatever the reason, I stood there, gathering as much information as I could; this was something that broke with all I'd been told about the world, and I wanted to know as much as possible about it.

((I'm gone for the night; don't go to far without me :) ))

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 7:27 am
by Miguel
Hariko said, "I'm not crazy do you want to know the true story?" He coughed from the dirt getting into his mouth and said, "I worked for the UWTF for only a year now. I sold the owner out to a bunch of Lycans and they killed him. The Federal Beareu of Investigation found out and set me on the streets. I stole some of their equipment so I could find 1 more werewolf at least,so I could see the day of humans and werewolves together. If anything I wanted to get bitten so I could live better...but I see that is too much to ask for. If you don't believe me,that is fine but i'm telling you the truth." Hariko looked at the pack of werewolves and sighed. He looked at the other man to see if he believed him. Hariko saw the fourth wolf and said, "another one huh...bad situation for us. Why don't you just kill us huh? Nobody would hear us scream." He laid on the dirt covered ground and frowned.

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 11:24 am
by white
I glared at Hariko, angered by the interruption.
"Have you not heard what we've been discussing? Lance's got a point; we'd just be taken for psychos if we tried to tell people. Not that that'd change much for you."
"Besides that, your story is full of holes. If you're outcast, why the radio and ID? If the UWTF is a government agency, then it has no owner. If you assisted murder, and had such sensitive information, the FBI would never have let you go."
"Anyway, noone asked you. Shut up."
I returned my attention to the weres. "So, as it's clear that I won't be able to go around spreading information about you, can it hurt to give me some more information?"

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 12:02 pm
by Nyx
Turning her attention to the new were that had entered the situation, Nyx looked at her for a moment before returning to watch the humans. Shaking her head in frustration she growled at Hariko baring her teeth. Turning her head towards the were Lance she tilted her head to the side asking what hes going to do about them.

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 12:16 pm
by Aki
Lance jumped, almost inperceptibly in surprise as Jess brushed against his leg. He had been to focused on the situation in front of him to notice her approach. Regaining his composure and grinned at the man with the gun.

"First, I'd like to know your name, and what exactly you want to know," Lance said.

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 12:35 pm
by Miguel
Hariko said, "hold on wolf....You want info I give you info. The UWTF was privatly funded by the FBI,the Backstabbing Counter Intel Agency was snooping around. They told the FBI info and got me pulled out of the crowd. I'm not a idiot...I only worked for them for finding a real Lycan and getting some damn cash to survive off of. I don't smoke buddy, I drink like 70% of the world's population. Now that a human is pinning me down, I don't have much of a choice to run...Do I?" Hariko looked around and said, "you kill me....You're dead,I know these forests."

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 1:45 pm
by white
I glared at Hariko.
"Really? These fine folks seem to know them much better than you. Besides, neither of us could survive if they were after us around here; they've got the pure physical advantage. At the moment, all you're doing is acting as an obstacle to my negotiations with them; it's in everyone's interest for me to shoot you now. It's bad to let psychos roam freely, after all."
I drew the pistol and levelled it at his head to emphasize the point, then once again returning my attention to Lance.
"Call me Ral for now; I can't see what use you'd have for my full name. Now, why don't we start with some history? Where do you come from? How long have you been around?"

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 1:52 pm
by Miguel
Hariko said, "look...i'm from LA. I love the city,I love music and I drink. I will gladly leave and let you get yourself killed. I have a perfectly good car on the road. We can go if you cooperate." Hariko turned his headset on and began to sing to it. He looked at Ral and laughed.

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 2:37 pm
by white
"A car with a blown tire, you said. In any case, you seem to be the greatest danger to everyone here. Now shut up!"

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 3:47 pm
by Aki
"I'm not sure where we come from, if you mean werewolves. But we have been around for a very very long time. As long as humans have," Lance replied. "I'm not really a Werewolf-lore expert."

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 3:50 pm
by Miguel
Hariko chuckled and said, "alright,i'll shutup but You arn't getting anything else out of me and I know twice as much as you." Hariko broke loose of the wire once again and ran into the forest. He walked to his car and opened the door. He opened his glove compartment and pulled a pistol out. It had sleeper darts in it. He closed the door and fell asleep.

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 4:41 pm
by white
I looked after Hariko. "Well, I hope that's the last of him."

"You indicate that there are those who would know more. What would it take to get you to take me to them? Seeing as I no longer officially exist, perhaps it would be best if I remained here for awhile."

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 5:54 pm
by Miguel
Hariko pulled his cell phone out and wired it to work. He called a friend and said, "yeah...another human out here,he is a great guy overall but he can be strict." Hariko exited the car and put the pistol in his back pocket. He made his way back through the brush and could hear Ral. He walked back over and said, "don't even try and chain me up again.I ain't a pet,I'm staying on the lines that there is nothing better. Mabe I can prove myself worthy for these werewolves."

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 8:19 pm
by white
I spun around, pistol readied.
"You again! We don't want you here, and you're interrupting my research! I suggest you leave for your own good! I'm giving you ten seconds to turn around and leave!"

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 10:06 pm
by Miguel
Hariko said, "look man...I enjoy this life. I can help with the research,don't even reach for your pistol because I have one ready." Hariko pulled out a wad of papers and slammed them on the desk. He said, "your maps...Your Maps!" They were maps of the forest. He sat down in a chair and put some 80s music on and said, "ok..i'm going to sleep,if you need anything just ask."

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 10:40 pm
by white
I was taken aback; odd as Hariko had already proved to be, this was simply unprecedented. Here I was, pointing my gun at him, and he hands me a pile of maps and falls asleep. That, actually was mildly enviable; more than once I'd wished I could rest so easily. But the maps? Maps of a place where even the sattelite photographs were low resolution and out of focus? I took one and spread it out upon the ground, examining it. It was no cheap sketch. This was quite perplexing; this man made me almost as curious as the group of werewolves in front of me. I'd have to decline his offer of assistance, though; someone so unstable was likely to make a breakthrough one day and set his notes on fire the next. Wait a moment, I'm forgetting something here. Oh, right. The werewolves. They still hadn't responded to my question. I looked up, curious and slightly nervous; calm as I may have seemed on the outside, you can't be confronted with something that triggers such primal fear and take it in stride no matter who you are.

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 10:44 pm
by Miguel
Hariko awoke and said, "look,i'm not a freak...I just get over stressed." He walked over to Ral and put his hand on his shoulder. He said, "take a break man...get some rest,it is almost morning." He began to scan the maps and looked for a chemical box of some sort.

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 11:56 pm
by Silverclaw
'Oh this is just wonderful,' Jess thought to herself with a sigh. She glanced back at Lance then back to the humans. 'What the hell,' she thought, focusing on transformation. Her front paws shifted into vaugly humanish hands, her legs got longer, fur covered breasts formed and her fur grew out longer on her back. Soon, after a short but slightly painful shift, Jess crouched there in gestalt form. She stood up onto her hind paws, looking over at the humans for their reactions. Jess padded over to Lances side; tail swaying out lightly behind her. "What is it that you want?" she growled out to the human, voice both human and animalistic.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 12:12 am
by white
I gave a bit of a start, but kept myself under control; after all, I had a good idea of what I was dealing with, and had to expect something of the sort to happen sooner or later.
"Have I not repeated myself enough already? I seek information about your kind, though for no deep purpose. I won't be able to safely return to civilization for some time, so I might as well get to know you all, and my curiosity demands satiation. So how 'bout it? Will you tolerate having a human along for the ride, gathering up what information he may? Even better, would any of you care to actively provide the information, or tell me where to find those who can?"

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 12:40 am
by Silverclaw
(Aki: should you or I be 'alpha'? lol, or make new characters or what?)

Jess gave a small frown, not sure what to do. She looked over to Lance, silently asking him what he thought. Her tail flicked, betraying how she felt. "Let a human find out even more about us? Or should we turn them and then let them have information on us?" she whispered lowely to him.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 10:17 am
by Miguel
Hariko sat there with his legs on the table and his eyes closed. He was oblivious to most of the world. He was moving his mouth to the music and smiling. He moved a little and opened his eyes. He said, "what the did she do that?" He leaned up and rubbed his eyes with a raised brow. He looked around and looked at Ral.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 7:08 pm
by white
I glanced back at Hariko. "They're werewolves; what did you expect?"

((Was what Jess said audible and/or understandable to me? I'm just going to assume not for now. Judging by Lance's attitude, I'd place him as alpha, but that's just me.))

I was unable to catch her words, but managed glean the impression of indecision. "Your earlier point was valid; no matter what I knew, it's not like I could violate your secrecy. I'd be passed of as more lunatic than our friend Hariko here. Understand that this information is to satisfy my curiosity alone. Besides, I might as well be doing something productive out here until I can return. Whenever that'll be..."

I trailed off, realizing now just how unsure I was that I'd ever be able to go back to civilization. My existance and what I knew was proof of too many things that were no longer acceptable; my presence would put many in danger, and for that reason myself moreso. I pushed the thought back. No use dwelling on that which I couldn't change. For now, perhaps it would be best to live in the moment.