Parent Rant

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Post by Short Tail »

Hmmm, I guess I got lucky as I have never had a problem with my parents. The only time I really got upset was when I belive I refused to do something to help out my mother and as punishment I got spanked with one of those flat paddle brushes. She wound up breaking it on my but now we look back at it an laugh. I am not sure if it is being the last of four or what, but they have never ridden me too hard of been unfair to me. Surre they didnt let me have everything I wanted or any of that, but I am glad they didnt because it taught me to actualy make sure I want what I am buying and has helped me be the most money wise of all my siblings. :lol: Not to mention all my friends love my parents because we cook great food and have all my friends over and my parents will buy cases and cases of beer for my friends and I when we have parties at my ranch. And finnaly, they really dont care what I do as long as I "think about what you are doing". All I have to say is I am going out, ask which car they would like me to take and give a tentative time of return.
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Post by Lukas »

nice parents, right amount of strict, im lucky, also i need to have kids too, im the only child and i have to contine the Tuccinardi legacy
also on another note, studies show when kids grow up they tend to act just like there parents on the majority of the time when they have kids, a little fun fact :wink:
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Post by Anubis »


Man that's the last thing i want is become, to be like my parents.

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Post by 23Jarden »

Heh. My moms pretty much let's me do whatever I want. :roll: ... then again I'm a total suckup (slave). She'd Sh*t a brick if I did anything really bad.
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Post by Kaebora »

As far as TV and computer time is concerned, it's their equipment. They paid for it, so they have the right to ground children from it as a punishment. I see no reason for them to take it away or make rules if you bought it yourself. If they did in that case, that's a problem. I bought my own entertainment system. TV, XBox, Gamecube... the works. Before my move to New Mexico, they did occationaly threaten to take it away. That's rich. It's like me walking into the living room and taking their big expensive stereo.
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Post by Fang »

And she does it again! I'm pissed off once again at humanity's stupidity. I'm playing my videogames to take out my anger on a virtual humanity while not breaking the law here in real life, there's a mall, I hate shoppers so a little reckless driving through the mall then shooting up anything i missed should cure my anger, but no, my mom comes up angry because she doesn't want to watch what my dad is watching, so she kicks me off the tv, and then they get to yelling and I'm caught in the middle, turns out she didn't tell my dad what she wanted to watch, she always thinks she's right :x why?
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Post by Lukas »

i dont know, maybe is a trial by fire, you have to earn you way to adult hood?
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Post by DarkShadow »

I've been pretty lucky also, my parents are pretty understanding most of the time. on the comment about the spoiled kids thing, I can see what you all mean, but not every kid is like that. I cant remeber ever throwing a fit over something I wanted but didnt get ever.......and so on, but I see what ou all mean, I notice it too
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Post by In_Cruce_Salus »

Ah yes, the parental units.

Okay, my mom is a religious nut. She's trying to pull me into it, and has already succeeded on assimilating my little sister. She(my mother) would fit in well with the religious right. My father is going along with it all because he doesn't want to contradict her and make her feel bad. My brother has already decided that he wants nothing to do with it, and told her about it quite rudely, so that leaves me, the one who is both old enough to question and see the massive rifts in logic that most religions present, and who cannot leave the house until college. Add in the facts that I most certainly do not adhere to ANY religious philosophy and that I am currently a closeted gay, and you've spelled out "D" "I" "S" "O" "W" "N" "M" "E" "N" "T".

Now, the thought of being estranged from my parents doesn't bother me as much as it should. I never had a chance to get to know my father when I was younger (he was always TDY off in some other country), and my mother and I have both changed so much that we are almost complete strangers now. I'd still get to see my brother (he's got no problems with either gays or atheists), and through him I'd get to see my sister.

So why is the thought of disownment so upsetting? If you guessed "financial", then you deserve a pat on the back. Yep, I'm a cold and calculating monster. If I am disowned then the chances of me going to any of the universities that I am interested in will plummet past the negatives. That's why I have back-up colleges and careers, of course.

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Post by Fenrir »

I would have never guessed you weren't religeous considering your name, and doesn't the state where you live give you tuition, where I live the state (Georgia) lottery pays for any student with a B average to go to College. It covers full tuition and I think living. 8)
I thought most states had those things :(
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Post by In_Cruce_Salus »

I would have never guessed you weren't religeous considering your name, and doesn't the state where you live give you tuition, where I live the state (Georgia) lottery pays for any student with a B average to go to College. It covers full tuition and I think living.
I thought most states had those things
I'll look into that. I'm also looking into various other scholarships and grants, like the Pell grants(federal grants) and the KLI scholarship (Klingon Language Institute...heh). Alone they are not enough to pay for college, but together they just might.

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Post by wolfsangel »

I don't know, I find it scary. Parents are resembling kids.
its like what montypython once said "all the kids are doing drugs, and all the parents are on roller skates"
just last night after we got home from getting my new truck(i was in a truck accident) they went to bed and as i was going through the Pack, my mom came bouncing in to tell me we forgot the leftovers in the car. now she doesnt know that im signed up on this site, so i change the site quickly but she noticed that it had just changed when she popped in so she begins to hound me on what i was looking at(she never saw) and so now she watching me like a hawk(whose asleep at the moment :lol: )but for the most part we annoy eachother pretty fairly.but thats just my mom.

my dad on the other hand is more of a retard than myself, when i was in the first grade he thought he new the answer to a math question and said i was wrong, well it got to the point were he twisted my ear and told me that since he was older he knew more and that i was wrong. well, being so smart i marked the answer so i could show him which ones he "corrected" and when i got the paper back most of the ones he thought he answered correctly were wrong; to this day he scuttles from the room when someone brings out a text book.( though i can't account for the pass three years since we had an argument, im just 17.) my parents divorced back in 1998 and he remarried a witch, shes been explained as the same as the other moms iv'e seen written about. well iv'e rated to much so back to yall.
...or will i just be singing right here by myself.
come on down!
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