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Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 8:58 pm
by Lukas
vrikasatma wrote:So do I!!!!

I want a couple extra arms while you're at it, too...

But that's a whole 'nother topic already established...
maybe someday god well advances us to actully uses the tail bones in our butts to good use

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:30 pm
by Kirk Hammett
Ive got fleas. They dont sit on me like they do a dog, but they are in my bed and my clothes sometimes. And I get bitten at night. It's the con to having a cat that loves sleeping on your bed, refuses to wear a flea collar and as soon as he has been bathed, writhes around in the sand outside again.

Ah I love him anyway :lol:

Yeah werewolves could get fleas, depends how they live. They might stick to them a little even if they shift back naked, and then get into their bed. They might not be in wolf form long enough to be infested much, I guess it just depends!

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:32 pm
by Kirk Hammett
LoyalReaperDragon wrote:
vrikasatma wrote:So do I!!!!

I want a couple extra arms while you're at it, too...

But that's a whole 'nother topic already established...
maybe someday god well advances us to actully uses the tail bones in our butts to good use
Hell yeah, I've always wondered if they could give us tails without chopping it off another animal. Since our DNA doesn't really code for them, it seems so impossible but maybe one day! I dunno. Depends whether animals are hurt in the process though. If so, nope.

Haha damn Dragonball Z saiyans and their cool tails. -Jealousy-.

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:37 pm
by Lukas
no monkey tails pls!

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:43 pm
by Anook
Well, what kind of a tail would you want to have?

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:47 pm
by Kirk Hammett
I like monkey tails. Or like a sifaka tail, except black or brown for my hair. I like being able to grip, a prehensile tail would rock, and it's a good length. Cat tails can't grip. I wouldn't feel right with a wolf tail. Which is why I was unsure about my therianthropy from the start. Genetic memory? I dunno. I think thats why I like Dragonball Z and Final Fantasy 9 haha!

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 11:13 pm
by Lukas
Anook wrote:Well, what kind of a tail would you want to have?
wolf tail of course :D

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 11:23 pm
by Kirk Hammett
Hey LoyalReaperDragon just a note, I really like your signature picture. What is that from?

And gorgeous...

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 11:30 pm
by Kirk Hammett
Ahh I just read your post about the animal activist movie, Anook. Boy that almost made me gag with anger. How terrible! How can anyone do that? Once, I saw a movie on sheep export. They exported live sheep for meat overseas from Australia. Hideous. I almost cried. This was several years ago when I was still in highschool. Somebody did it for a speech I recall. I think in the long run, that adds to everything that put me off meat forever.

How anybody can subject animals (also human children and also trees and plants) to cruelty is beyond me. Even if plants don't sort of have the same pain reflex or brain as animals do, I really despise seeing someone just tear a plant up or rip branches off. I know I'm personifying them but who knows if they really are spiritual?

Humans have no shame. They'll torture their own race, and then other species. Makes me ashamed of my species. But luckily not all of us are that way! :P

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 12:31 am
by JoshuaMadoc
Kirk Hammett wrote:How anybody can subject animals (also human children and also trees and plants) to cruelty is beyond me.
Speaking in dialogue of an idiotic preacher: "who here desires not to be alike to inferiors or lesser beings? I know some of us in this world do, but what of animals? They're are also inferior, because they do not share the same civilised trait as we do!!! They do not carry emotions that we as mankind portray clearly!!! They are defenseless against our weapons!!! And most importantly, we did NOT evolve from lesser beings as the first of our kind are born from the egg of The Lord Almighty Himself!!!"

So in other words, some of us humans refuse to believe that we're also animals because of the one fabricated definition that all animals are primitive, and the word primitive is like a f*** taboo to arrogant dipshits.

This, my friends, somewhat quotes "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 2:18 pm
by 23Jarden
Human cruelty is left over from a primitive urge to fight for territory and mates. on a side note. Well atcually it's the topic itself...

Can you imagine what a werewolf would like after it shifted back? Little black things all over them. funny.

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 3:35 pm
by Lukas
Kirk Hammett wrote:Hey LoyalReaperDragon just a note, I really like your signature picture. What is that from?

And gorgeous...
google "werewolf pictures

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 12:24 am
by theMoonlite
I could care less if I am a "freak". I don't care what other people think about me. I am me. I am different from the masses of society in unique and profound ways, anyway. Being physically different would trouble me not.
I absolutely ADORE that signature, Anook. It's so true, how I'm sure alot of us feel...But this is getting off topic. 8)

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 10:50 pm
by JoshuaMadoc
23Jarden wrote:Can you imagine what a werewolf would like after it shifted back? Little black things all over them. funny.
On the bright side, it makes it all the more easier for all the fleas to come off while showering, i guess.

Speaking of which, if a werewolf showers regularly just like any other man, would that actually keep the fleas away? What else would he/she need to keep them away from his/her precious fur?

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 11:55 pm
by Apokryltaros
kitetsu wrote:
23Jarden wrote:Can you imagine what a werewolf would like after it shifted back? Little black things all over them. funny.
On the bright side, it makes it all the more easier for all the fleas to come off while showering, i guess.

Speaking of which, if a werewolf showers regularly just like any other man, would that actually keep the fleas away? What else would he/she need to keep them away from his/her precious fur?
You'd be surprised how tenacious a flea can be. It's not enough to wash them out, given as how they always jump on and off.
A person, werewolf or otherwise, would have to vacuum and or fumigate alot.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 5:31 am
by Marcwolf
With Fleas

There are many natural sources of anti-parasitic substances. Many of the 'refined' things you find on shops shelves came from a natural source.

And we can cover such things a Worms, ticks, mange etc.

But :lol: What about the flea's and ticks.. If they bite a werewolf - will they become Wereflea's????

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 6:27 am
by Morkulv
LoyalReaperDragon wrote:
vrikasatma wrote:So do I!!!!

I want a couple extra arms while you're at it, too...

But that's a whole 'nother topic already established...
maybe someday god well advances us to actully uses the tail bones in our butts to good use
Or like that guy in Jackass said when some other guy landed up in the hospital because he broke is tailbone:

"What is he whining for? He doesn't have a tail anyway"

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 9:56 am
by Apokryltaros
Marcwolf wrote:With Fleas

There are many natural sources of anti-parasitic substances. Many of the 'refined' things you find on shops shelves came from a natural source.

And we can cover such things a Worms, ticks, mange etc.

But :lol: What about the flea's and ticks.. If they bite a werewolf - will they become Wereflea's????
Given as how wolves, people and lizards are more closely related to starfish and sea urchins than they are to fleas and ticks, a flea turning into a wereflea after feeding on a werewolf is as possible as trying to build a moon out of cheese.
On the other hand, if a flea, mosquito, or other blood-drinking parasite were to feed on a werewolf, it could possibly infect humans with lycanthropy if it were to bite other people with its contaminated mouthparts.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 4:47 pm
by Marcwolf

I was joking about the wereflea's. :lol:

Take Care


Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 6:51 pm
by Apokryltaros
Marcwolf wrote:<sighs>

I was joking about the wereflea's. :lol:

Take Care

Apparently, you've never lost toes to chigoe fleas, before.


Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 12:35 am
by RedEye
Actually,things would depend on: Do Werewolves Sweat? (Probably)
If they have sweat glands, Flea Shampoo would have to be specifically made up that was safe for Human use (in a Were-Comic I read, one of the Character's Parents is a Pharmacist). Otherwise, before the shift, one could spray on an Insect Repellant and be safe... or use a body oil with Lavender, Rosemary, and Thyme (Thymol) blended in. I use the oil myself, and it works well, even keeping Ticks off. And the Ladies like it, as well....
Fact is: IF you have Fur, AND you live in the right area (or wrong one, depending) you'll get fleas. I don't have fur, and I do, after going out in the local Forested areas.
So, I suspect they would just live with it (Lycanthropy isn't Perfect, after all....tho' it does come close....)

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 6:54 pm
by Apokryltaros
It's a little known fact that a flea can survive up to a year without feeding.
As such, it's best to avoid dead animals, especially rodents, as the carcass is probably rife with starving fleas waiting for a new home/buffet bar come along.