
This is the place for discussion and voting on various aspects of werewolf life, social ideas, physical appearance, etc. Also a place to vote on how a werewolf should look.
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Post by Stone Wolf »

That's cool..
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Post by Terastas »

Figarou wrote:Which phase? Full moon? any phase? or it doesn't matter. If a werewolf was born under a half moon, would that affect him?
I think the emphasis is more on the psychological effect of a full moon. It's been proven to affect both humans and animals alike, so it wouldn't be that much of a stretch to imply that the factors influenced by a full moon are the same factors that allow the body to shift.
Silver wrote:Could a WW change because of a nightmare? Some of you think yes, some no. I would guess that if they could, it would be a very experienced WW, one that was used to changing.
I doubt it, mostly because I figure a nightmare intense enough to trigger a shift would startle the individual out of sleep before triggering any shift-related impulses. Plus, my understanding of shapeshifting thus far is that its a fairly painful experience, so even if he did stay asleep long enough for the impulses to be triggered, the first symptoms would awaken him for sure.
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Post by Figarou »

Terastas wrote:
Silver wrote:Could a WW change because of a nightmare? Some of you think yes, some no. I would guess that if they could, it would be a very experienced WW, one that was used to changing.
I doubt it, mostly because I figure a nightmare intense enough to trigger a shift would startle the individual out of sleep before triggering any shift-related impulses. Plus, my understanding of shapeshifting thus far is that its a fairly painful experience, so even if he did stay asleep long enough for the impulses to be triggered, the first symptoms would awaken him for sure.

Terastas has a point. A belly ache will wake me up if I'm not feeling well.
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Post by Kzinistzerg »

Mabye. I doubt he would be entirely transformed.
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Post by Silverclaw »

I guess we still need to really figure out what causes the change, what keeps them in that form, and what lets them revert back.

Aldrenaline is one very big factor that triggers the change in the first place. But their could be other factors as well, like stress.

Once the body transforms, they would have to wait a certain amount of time to change back. The body would have to rest for one. So would the mind, after the stress of changing species. Even if they have rested up and could change back, things like too much aldrenaline in the body would prevent it. Or at least make it harder. Transformation constipation :lol:

Reverting back is the hardest to explain IMHO. Low aldrenaline levels would help a lot. Perhapes they would have to focus on their human forms and/or become totally exhasted.
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Stone Wolf
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Post by Stone Wolf »

Perhaps one of the reasons why they tend to stay a ww during the night is the complete and utter freedom they feel after they shifted as well as the adrenaline rush... The adrenaline rush could become addicting over time and while they're in their ww form they really don't want to shift back... at first at least...

Adrenaline junkies?

.... Just a thought.....
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