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Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 4:01 pm
by Stone Wolf
Indeed, that would really bad,... yes really bad....

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 11:31 pm
by Rodentia
along the same lines, who's to say all werewolves are going to look alike? I think alot has to do with the person's body and genetics at the time they're bitten (or however they become a werewolf). who's to say that they don't go back to being exactly the same in human form each time? someone mentioned the Howling as an example, where the old went back to being old and the pot-bellyed went back to being pot-bellyed.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 12:01 am
by Silver
This seemslike an odd sbject at first, but actually it's a good question. What would they do? I'm ASSUMING from the posts, that this is the general feeling.

Well, first let me run a phrase by you. We've started calling the three forms of the werewolf by name.....We didn't want to use names that other games/movies had used, so we came up with our own.

Human - obvious
Wolf - also obvious
Gestalt - the mid form. 1/2 wolf/1/2 man. It is the combination of both, but better than either. The whole being better than the sum of the parts.

Having said that, I'll continue with what I believe is the sum of your opinions.

1. Not all werewolves are equal. Just as in human and wolf, everyone is different. Being a werewolf does not give you big luminous eyes or big luminous...anything else. It does not give you glossy hair and a perfect jaw line. You are who you were, crooked teeth and all. In human form you'd look just like you were. Only healthy.

2. In wolf form, you health would be good because of the regeneration that goes on in obtaining gestalt form. Since wolves get a LOT of exercise, this might help you slim down some. But if you were overweight as a human, you'd be overweight as a wolf.

3. In human, your health would be good for the same reason, but you would not suddenly all look like magazine covers. After all, freedome from sickness/injury does not equal a toned, slender body. You would retain the condition your body had been in.

4. There is ONE possible exception. As changing takes energy - a lot of energy - and wolf form also takes a lot of energy - there could be changes. An overweight human MIGHT slim down due to the high rate of fuel consumption in changing and being a wolf. If this were possible, then the human form would have to also watch their intake. It would work like any other diet/exercise program worked, just a bit faster.

Let me know if I've got the broad general consensus. If not, let me know where I'm wrong.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 12:17 am
by Silverclaw
So in this movie, there will be the three forms, human, gestalt and wolf?

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 12:41 am
by WolfVanZandt
Sounds good to me.

"Gestalt". So which one of you is at least an amateur psychologist.


Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:59 am
by Figarou
Silver wrote:
Human - obvious
Wolf - also obvious
Gestalt - the mid form. 1/2 wolf/1/2 man. It is the combination of both, but better than either. The whole being better than the sum of the parts.
Hmmm... Gestalt, a German word, literally meaning "form."


Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 2:40 pm
by Kzinistzerg
:P Yay for german words. I just call it a Half-form, which is simpler. anyway, i pretty much agree with what he said.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 9:50 pm
by Silverclaw
Hmm, with three forms, this brings up more questions to discuss. Would a newbie turn completely into a wolf, or the gestalt form? Does it take a lot of effort to turn from gestalt to wolf or the other way around? And will real wolves be used in the movie?

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 11:48 am
by Stone Wolf
I agree with Silver...

I think a newbie would have a difficult time controling their shift as well as what form they shifted into... A newbie would probably resist the urge to shift... so I'm guessing it would be the gestalt form since it's half and half...

But that's my opinion...

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 12:40 pm
by ABrownrigg
Think of it as a rubber band with two posts. One post is human, and the other is wolf.

On the first shift, the rubber band stretches onto both posts, and is stable. HUman to full wolf. The gestalt form (half wolf).. is like holding the rubber band mid way with no post. The tendency would be to go to one or the other. It takes time and training to stop mid way. Those that have really worked it, can start a shift, and then stop it with only a few changes showing, and go back to human if they wished.

Also training can affect the time of the shift. Untrained it would take longer, letting it happen naturally. Those that are used to it, can force things more quickly, their bodies are used to it.

And yes, I want some real wolves used in this film. Its incredibly hard to find trained wolves to use on set. But we're workin on it.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 3:44 pm
by Figarou
ABrownrigg wrote:Think of it as a rubber band with two posts. One post is human, and the other is wolf.

On the first shift, the rubber band stretches onto both posts, and is stable. HUman to full wolf. The gestalt form (half wolf).. is like holding the rubber band mid way with no post. The tendency would be to go to one or the other. It takes time and training to stop mid way. Those that have really worked it, can start a shift, and then stop it with only a few changes showing, and go back to human if they wished.

Also training can affect the time of the shift. Untrained it would take longer, letting it happen naturally. Those that are used to it, can force things more quickly, their bodies are used to it.

And yes, I want some real wolves used in this film. Its incredibly hard to find trained wolves to use on set. But we're workin on it.

Whoa!! Real wolves!!! This I like!!! 8) Full steam ahead!!!

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 4:38 pm
by Stone Wolf
Real wolves... awsome... :D

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 5:15 pm
by Silverclaw
Gotta get real wolves. In movies like The Company of Wolves, you could tell they were really dogs. Still a great movie though. The robotic/puppet wolf in the movie Wolf looked pretty fake as well. Getting real wolves for Devoured would defiently bring it up a step. :D

So, newbies will turn into full wolves? And with practice can stay in the gestalt form then. Sounds good :D

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 6:18 pm
by Kzinistzerg
Sounds about right.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 10:00 pm
by Darth Canis
Sweet real wolves. Just be sure you get em from someone who is accredited to be working with them and all. But yeah real wolves will be a nice addition. And i agree with anthony's idea of the shifting. I would also agree that it would take alot of skill to stop mid way through. The wiser, stronger more experienced werewolves only get the benefits of this awesome form.