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Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 4:42 pm
by strykeriuswolf
He looked over at the young person who was obviously doing the same thing that the people had done in his dreams, then he reconized it from what his uncle had been telling him that night about the Werewolf and how something like it runs in his blood, at first he thought his uncle was crazy but this weird idea sprung into his mind, he looked up at the moon and his body began to tingle, a pinprick sensation that was now covering his whole body What is this he cried out as the first spazams from the transformation began, throwing his body into a trance like state. His bones began to crack and his mussle began to reshape, he got the weird coppery taste in his mouth and relized that it was blood, from the fangs that were now forming where his canians once were. My god...its trueWere the last words before the pain over took his body and the transformation continued.

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 7:56 pm
by [arpegiuswolf]
Dai's eyes darted suddenly to Alex, going wide with fear as he watched him beging to transform. "What the hell!?" He shouted, standing suddenly and backing away. it was too late, his eyes were drawn to the moon as it slowly rose above the trees. His eyes turned bright golden-amber right before a wave of pain ripped through him. "HAAAUUGH!!!" He cried out, wrapping his arms around himself and dropping to his knees. Every muscle in his body tensed up, "Whats h-happening to me!? AAUUHHH-AHHHHURGH!!" He screamed, trying to fight the change. Dai had always had a low tolerance for pain, and this was miles above what he could tolerate....He fell to his side, arms still wraped around himself, his spine popping and shifting painfully as he screamed out, "AHHHH-HH!! Make it stop!!!"

(poor Dai-kun....maby we should have prepared him for this...naah, lol!)

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 8:07 pm
by strykeriuswolf
With his transformation complete, a large Lycan stands and looks to the moon, he lets out a deep howl that flowls through the night air like a hot knife through butter. Alexander now in full wolf form looks over at Dai and slowly approaches him, he puts a paw on the young transforming boy and whispers the same chant that his grandfather taught him when he was young, its one that he said adult lycan mothers use to sooth their pups. *Wolf speak* "Its alright young one, the pain will subside soon, let the transformation take your body and do not fear the wolf, let him come to the surface". With that again Alexander looked up at the moon letting out a deep howl, something hit him with brute strength, hunger, but not hunger for his normal meal, hunger for raw meat. He figured to wait till Dai finshed his transformation before taking off on the hunt.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:36 am
by Leighlia
Callie accepted the cigarette from Alex with thanks and began to lounge against the log until she saw the first spasms hit him. "Hey, you ok?" She glanced at Dai. "You guys partaking of special fun stuff while I was gone?" SHe began to ask, but the question died slowly as it emerged from her. In the dim light from the fire that someone had built Callie watched Alex's transformation as if glued to her seat. SHe watched as his muscles buldged and rippled under his skin like nothing she'd ever seen in real life. Her mouth dropped open as she saw the transformation take him, changing him from person to.....What the hell....

A scream erupted from her and she scrambled backwards over the log. For a moment she tore her eyes away to look at Dai, hearing his screams of pain, but he seemed to be caught in the same convulsive transformation that Alex was in. "JESUS..." She swore, standing up and scrambling for the jeep. Her heart pounded in her throat. She felt as though she was going to choke on it. Her breath came quick as she began to hyperventilate. Trembling hands dug through the back of the jeep for the gun case that lay behind the seat. It took her longer than she would have liked to get it open as she repeated the same swear word over and over again.

Getting the rifle out and raised over the back of the jeep, pointed at the circle where she'd just been sitting with her friends she froze once again. The circle was empty and the woods around her was silent. Looking around she saw no one else nearby. Keeping the rifle in hand she whirled around, pointing it into the shadows as she climbed up into the jeep behind the wheel. Digging in her pocket her hands trembled so much she could not get the keys out and then dropped them as she tried to get the key into the ignition. After what seemed like forever, the jeep finally roared to life and she slammed it into reverse. Dirt flew from the wheels as she spun the vehicle around and headed for the road.

Balancing the rifle on her lap the jeep hit a rut in the dirt road and her foot slipped on the clutch, killing the engine before she hit the pavement. Shadows surrounded her and she was near panic as she turned the key again. Then engine sputtered but did not start. A voice in the back of her head whispered, "You'll flood it." But fear overrode the calm reason and she screamed at it, pounding her fist on the wheel and trying the key again.

(Do I have that right? It was Alex who changed first right? If not I'll go back and fix it, no prob.)

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 1:31 pm
by strykeriuswolf
Alex began to growl as the stench of fear hit his nose, he never had felt this alive before and was not about to allow a human to mess this up, he was finally free and his uncle was right, it felt great. *Wolf speak* " not fear me" he said in a deep and verry dark voice. He slowly approaced the Jeep and sniffed, scenting the air knowing that she was in a deep trance of fear and she had a gun. But something inside him told him that she would not shoot, but he would take no chance. He moved verry quickly and grasped the gun in his large paw, flinging it off into the woods, he flattend his ears but did not growl. There is no need to play with such things he said as he leaned on the side of the truck, something inside him wanted to attack and kill Callie, feed on what he craves, but the little bit of human left inside him said " not, she is a friend"

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 7:19 pm
by Leighlia
The gun, ripped out of her hands, Callie could only sit there, eyes wide, staring at the creature before her. "this is not real this is not real." She muttered over and over again in her panic. Through deep grumbling tones she thought she heard the creature speak to her, but the words did not register. Her eyes focused on his maw...filled with teeth. Callie kept still, frozen in place with her eyes wide and her heart in her throat. Faced with something from a nightmare she stared into its face and waited to see if it would kill her or if she would wake up.

(Lame, lame, lame....sorry...writers block.)

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 8:36 pm
by Ancient
Lori suddenly appeared from the trees with the gun in her hand. Her dark hair was loose and blew lightly around her in the breeze. She looked at Alexander and at Callie as she approached the passengers side. Her storm grey eyes locked on Alexander and she spoke in wolf speak to him "Peace wolf. There is no reason for bloodshed tonight. There is better meat in these woods." Having worked with werewolves her wolf speak was natural and perfect even though she was human. She looked over at Callie. "It's alright. Don't be afraid."

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:13 pm
by strykeriuswolf
He tilts his head at the words, and looks at the girl "You should tell her that, she was going to kill me, i never thretened her", he said in wolf speak knowing that if she could communicate at him, she would understand you, "Pluss im not going to eat her, not when she was kind to me sence the begening"

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:50 pm
by DayStar
Billy being an older lycan knew to take to the woods during his change. When he saw Dai change he walked from the woods. He was a large white lycan with a black streak down his chest. His eyes were a dark brown color. He laid his huge paw on Dai's shoulder as the boy suffered what was apparently his first transformation. He whispered gently "It will be alright brother. Soon you will run free. Don't fight it. It's worse if you fight it." He stayed with Dai not leaving his side.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:57 pm
by strykeriuswolf
The scent of another wolf came to his noes and he looked for its origin, he saw the large white lycan, he walked over to the lycan and sniffed trying to see if he reconized the wolf. "My name is Alexander, please dont attack me brother as i only wish to be friends"

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 10:02 pm
by DayStar
Billy turned watching the approaching lycan. He moved a few feet from Dai but stayed close should Dai need him. He looked at the lycan as it spoke of friendship. His great white pelt seemed to shine like starlight. "Greetings brother. It is good to see another lycan. What brought you to these woods tonight?" He was still weary. His great muscels rippled beneath his fur.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 10:04 pm
by strykeriuswolf
He looks at the large white lycan this is my first change, ive been told by kin that i have the blood of lycan running in my veins but never belived it, but i can see now that they were right, as for my being here i was by the large tree when Dai here started groaning, i looked to the full moon and my own transformation has occured."

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 10:15 pm
by DayStar
He seems to nod. His emotions were conflicting. His pelt was slightly scared on his arms his eyes seemed to burn with a unique fire all in there own. "So, young pup. This is all new to you? I should have guessed. I have been a lycan all my life. I was raised and taught to hunt my own kind. Give me a reason why I should not adhear to my upbringing?" He had never met a lycan that was kind to him. Most wanted only to fight to prove their power over him.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 10:23 pm
by strykeriuswolf
He smiles and looks into the wolves eyes "Because brother, i wish you no harm, only wish support and assistence in my new life, i know not of how a Lycan would act and I only wish to prove myself in my new life, i have given this life thought and only wish to live it prosperly, please i ask of you only peace and friendship, not death."

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 10:55 pm
by [arpegiuswolf]
Dai's form shifted painfully to that of a small brown-black lycan. He stood slowly, fear clearly in his eyes. He sat down, tail between his legs as he shook slightly. Eyes drifted from thoes around him to his own hands...He was afraid and confused, not understanding anything that was going on...

(poor dai....LOL)

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:28 am
by DayStar
Billy looked at Alexander and nodded. A look of deep understanding crossed his features. He then noticed Dai had finished his transformation and walked up to him and sat next to him. He was not threating at all towards Dai only very calm almost gentle. "Do not be afraid little brother. There are great secrets that these woods hold for our kind. Much is to be explored. Embrace the wolf and know your own heart." He realized that he now had two new wolves to teach the ways of the lycan to. Could he earn the trust of two? Could he fall into role of teacher and friend? Those were questions that would fall in place soon enough.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:09 am
by Leighlia
Callie nearly jumped out of her seat when Lori showed up behind her and began speaking to the creature before her then told her that it was going to be ok. Looking back at the lycan before her, eyes still wide she said "Ok?? You call that....teeth...ok? Its like....dreams. I mean.....Jesus!" Callie's skin tingled. "This is all F***ed up." She said softly, watching the creature before her growl something before walking away.

Her brain struggled to fight the fog of panic and fear as her body gave up its tension and she half lay in the seat. "Dad. I gotta go home. I....need to call....." But then she stopped, things falling into place. The hunting trips, camping, trips to the shooting range. The stuff in the basement, the books....all the things hinted at but not said openly. Why? Why did he never come out and just say it? If she'd known that these.....existed, maybe she could have been better prepared. Prepared? She laughed weakly. No, not prepared. No one could be prepared for what she just saw.

"That was Alex? And Dai?" She cursed again and sat up in her seat, reaching for the key in the ignition. "Dad." She whispered softly. Starting the jeep she held her hand out to Lori. "The gun please?" She said, demanding rather than asking. "Dad will tear my hide off if I lost it." Now that her brain was thinking a little, she remembered that she didn't even check to see if it were loaded when she started aiming it around.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:31 pm
by [arpegiuswolf]
A long, low whine left Dai as he tried to comprehend what he had become. His eyes stopped on Callie as he whined again. Sounding more like a frightened puppy than a werewolf.

He was small for a werewolf, normal for his breed. Japanese lycans tended to be small and lean. Quick on their feet so they could stay out of sight. Dai was no different. His thick brown-black fur was scruffy, his body was thin and lanky, hardly something to be feared. He didn't trust any of the other wolves...his mind was still human, and so, he would only trust them...but that was the kind of thing that got werewolves killed....

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:09 pm
by Ancient
Lori looked at Callie with her storm grey eyes. "Callie, please listen to me. I know you're afraid, but you have to trust me. It won't be safe to go home tonight." She glanced over her shoulder hearing something large rustling in the trees. She looked over at Dai, Alex and Billy. She then knew something else was around. She glanced up to the moon and looked at Callie again."Please don't freak out on me."She could only hope Callie understood.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:17 pm
by strykeriuswolf
He raised his nose to the wind, something not normal was about to happen here but he was not sure of what, the scent was unfimilar to his nose and he moved over to Billy and whispers into his ear "We need to get the humans and get out of here, something is not right and i can feel it". He then walked over to Lori and spoke the way of the wolf. "You two must leave now, something is not right and i dont want you two hurt"

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 6:20 pm
by Leighlia
It was as if Callie's ears had popped and let the sounds in. The echoing screams and roaring of car engines were drifting through the night air as cars pushed their ways through the trees toward the road. Those who were left behind ran on foot, doing their best to get away from the unexplainable fear that they felt from what they had seen or what they felt around them.

Callie looked at Lori quickly and shifted her vehicle into gear. "Get in or get out of the way. There's a 'safe room' in my basement." She glanced at the lycan that stood nearby. "Not even that could get through those stone and steel walls." As the creature approached and spoke to Lori, Callie wanted very much to be as far away from it and here as possible.

A girl, at least 2 grades below them ran blindly out of the woods toward the jeep. Blind in her panic she ran into the side of the jeep with a thud and fell to the ground. Her eyes wide she looked around and screamed at the sight of the lycan Alex nearby. Cursing loudly twice, Callie slipped the jeep out of gear and stepped out. Grabbing the girl by the arm she hauled her to her feet. THe girl struggled, still screaming until Callie slapped her twice across the face and pushed her into the back of the jeep. Getting back in Callie looked at Lori again. "You coming or staying? Either way...I'm outta here."

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 5:06 pm
by Ancient
She looked to Alex as he spoke to her. She showed no sign of fear for the wolf and was almost kinship in nature. It was as if she shared some sort of bond with these beings and in a very big way she did. She spoke to Alex in flawless wolf speak. "Do not fear for us. I will make sure she is taken care of. I have a feeling we wouldn't make it if we ran. Do you not agree brother of the wood?" She then looked to Callie and spoke in human tounge. "Alex and Dai are not what we should be concerend about. Something else is out here. Running will only make it worse. You wouldn't get to the road before it caught you. Callie, you have to trust me on this one." Her storm grey eyes were just as intent in ever. Her whole body posture sure and steady as she held the gun in her hands. She then opened it and looked to see regular bullets."These won't kill the things that we're dealing with."She said as she closed the gun and looked back at Callie

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 2:11 pm
by Leighlia
Callie turned and looked at Lori just as intently, but her gaze was laced with anger. "If you think I'm just gonna hang out here in the woods with these.....and whatever else may be out there, you're out of your skull. There's no way we can hide out here in the open, especially with little Miss Suzie Q Screams-alot in the back seat!" She said, motioning to the girl she'd just pushed into the jeep, who was now cowering on floor, clinging to the back of Callies seat.

"Drive will you?! Just drive!" The girl kept repeating.

Callie watched Lori check the gun. "What kind of Ammo you want? My dad makes his own and keeps a variety in one of the metal boxes in the back. Likely he's got something that will do." Thinking of her dad again she added, "and boy is he gonna get an earful from me when he gets home."

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 8:33 pm
by Ancient
Lori looked at Callie casually. Her senses on alert. "I think we should drop the girl off somewhere safe. You can stay if you want. Then I'm coming back here. I think that I'm needed."

She listend to Callie as the other girl asked her what kind of bullets she needed. She knew they wouldn't get very far without silver bullets. "We're going to need silver bullets. Trust me only silver stops a werewolf." She removes the cartarage of bullets from the gun. They were completely useless and she knew it. If a werewolf were to attack shooting it with one of those bullets would be just as effective as throwing a shoe at it. She knew there were other werewolves than Alex, Dai, and Billy about tonight.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:16 pm
by Leighlia
(Sorry, I've been laid up in bed for the past 3 days with the flu)

Callie got out and walked to the back of the jeep and ripped the tarp that lay in the back away. Underneath sat a long, low box with thick rope handles on either end. Lifting the lid Callie rummaged through the boxes it contained until she found one that looked promising. Lifting it to the moonlight she nodded and stepped back to Lori.

"Here, silver you want, silver you get. And as for as the girl," Callie gave the whimpering girl a scathing look. "If she doesn't shut up I'll leave her a** here to get eaten!" The last words Callie practically yelled in the girls face. Her wide frightened eyes opened wider, her mouth opened as if in protest but Callie lifted a finger. "Not one more sound, so help me."

The girl nodded and sank down onto the floor of the backseat, cowering in the darkness.