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Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 8:15 pm
by Vuldari
Many others have echoed the same feelings, and I just feel like repeating them.

I'd love a new, Superior body...(Not that I hate the one I have, which I don't, but "Better" is "Better")...

...but NOT if what we are talking about is basicly advanced plastic surgery. NO WAY.

I won't even get my Ear pierced. (or anything else for that matter)

Like I said requirements are "Impossible"...but if they were not, and I could do it in a Non-Artificial, Non-Surgical way...I would be Severely tempted...

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 9:23 pm
by Uniform Two Six
What exactly do you mean by non-surgical, non-artificial? Remember that we're not talking about a purely cosmetic alteration -- you'd have heightened senses, claws, perhaps even enhanced agility, strength and reflexes.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 9:31 pm
by Vuldari
Uniform Two Six wrote:What exactly do you mean by non-surgical, non-artificial? Remember that we're not talking about a purely cosmetic alteration -- you'd have heightened senses, claws, perhaps even enhanced agility, strength and reflexes.
Meaning, it doesn't involve a surgion picking up parts off a table and sewing and grafting them onto the body, but instead involves fooling the body into growing into a new shape, and growing fur from the skin, rather than grafting pre-made patches onto the body, plugging in a fabricated tail to the spine, etc. etc.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 11:37 pm
by Kaebora
I would prefer to be altered into a human/rabbit hybrid. The result would be a much rounder face, a less cumbersome tail, and I'd be cute as a button. That greatly contrasts my rugged "sleeps next to the computer" look. Besides, I think rabbits would make sexier human hybrids.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 11:57 pm
by Machine-Whisperer
Frankly I'd feel safer with the surgical measure, It's alot less likely to go wrong. Hence the focus on nanotechnology.

nano surgery is like growing a tree into a mold. Given enough time and a constant influence, one might be able to change him/herself in say.. five years.

but this technology would be restricted for medical use long before it become a cosmetic thing. and even that is decades off.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:02 am
by Kaebora
My biggest concern is the lack of acceptance the world would have with hybrid humans. Racism is still a rampant thing in some countries, and america only started falling away from it twenty years ago. I imagine that attacks, threats, and stalkings would plague the world around hybrid individuals.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:08 am
by Machine-Whisperer
Multiculturalism is hard enough. Multispecism could be worse.

But since hybrids aren't even on the drawing board they're well beyond our concern.

I assume that when they DO start emerging, the world would already be either trancendent enough to not care, or have a humane enough government to outlaw their discrimination.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:12 am
by Kaebora
Hell, I'd take one out on a date. :D

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:46 am
by FoxOfWar

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 1:14 am
by Uniform Two Six
Vuldari wrote:Meaning, it doesn't involve a surgion picking up parts off a table and sewing and grafting them onto the body, but instead involves fooling the body into growing into a new shape, and growing fur from the skin, rather than grafting pre-made patches onto the body, plugging in a fabricated tail to the spine, etc. etc.
Okay. How about this:
They can do most of the changes utilizing purely biological alterations, however changing your skeletal structure would require at least some synthetic replacement bones. Would you do it then?

Or this:
They can do it without involving synthetic skeletal replacements, but it would involve 18 months of intensive care while nanites reconstructed your existing skeleton. Using synthetic bones would have you up and around in one week, and would cost a tenth as much. Which option would you take?

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:29 am
by Vuldari
Uniform Two Six wrote:
Vuldari wrote:Meaning, it doesn't involve a surgion picking up parts off a table and sewing and grafting them onto the body, but instead involves fooling the body into growing into a new shape, and growing fur from the skin, rather than grafting pre-made patches onto the body, plugging in a fabricated tail to the spine, etc. etc.
Okay. How about this:
They can do most of the changes utilizing purely biological alterations, however changing your skeletal structure would require at least some synthetic replacement bones. Would you do it then?

Or this:
They can do it without involving synthetic skeletal replacements, but it would involve 18 months of intensive care while nanites reconstructed your existing skeleton. Using synthetic bones would have you up and around in one week, and would cost a tenth as much. Which option would you take?

I take the impossible "Perfect" option, or none at all.

No Major surgery. Basicly...I would never REALLY let someone do that to me...but the allure of the new body would still be tempting.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:43 am
by Kirk Hammett
Kaebora wrote:My biggest concern is the lack of acceptance the world would have with hybrid humans. Racism is still a rampant thing in some countries, and america only started falling away from it twenty years ago. I imagine that attacks, threats, and stalkings would plague the world around hybrid individuals.
That's my biggest concern, and that they'd use other animal parts. Imagine going to work with a big ole' monkey tail? :lol: I don't see any mothers letting me teach their kids how to play guitar in such a case. It'd be like Jakkal's Kaetif comic...if people went fully anthro animal that is. Racism on an entire new level of specism. But you're right, we dunno what the world will be like.

And to Moonkit: I think the tiger pelts are likely not his or that he killed them...but I shudder at the thought of having another animal on me like that. My leather jacket makes me bad enough...I'm not an all out vegan, but it doesn't mean I don't sort of notice it sometimes. Having it graphted to me...would be terrible.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 10:20 am
by Kaebora
The thought of having rabbit feet is just so appealing to me. Walking around on your toes, and not needing shoes on account of the natural pads. Plus, I'd constantly have a couple of rabbit's feet to rub for good luck.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 10:23 am
by White Paw
i guess a large set of large pointy wolf ears wouldnt be half bad looking either..... though id rather be the real deal....rather some wannabe copy... :D

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:20 pm
by outwarddoodles
Kaebora wrote:My biggest concern is the lack of acceptance the world would have with hybrid humans. Racism is still a rampant thing in some countries, and america only started falling away from it twenty years ago. I imagine that attacks, threats, and stalkings would plague the world around hybrid individuals.
I would be concerned about that too.

(I don't think it'd be specism, though, being the surgery is completely cosmetic. Even if the werewolf did have their internal DNA structure changed to match their new form, I'm unsure how able the hybrid would be able to reproduce.)

I can find a lot of controversy in people wanting to change their body so drastically already. Already there are so much people floating in the same boat as I believing that surgery to only change some aesthetic features of your body (nose jobs, breast implants, face lifts...) is unnecessary (especially when there's so much else you can do with those funds), and a terrible sign of how shallow our society can be.

And changing yourself to look other than human? How would others veiw that?

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 4:05 am
by Kirk Hammett
outwarddoodles wrote:
Kaebora wrote:My biggest concern is the lack of acceptance the world would have with hybrid humans. Racism is still a rampant thing in some countries, and america only started falling away from it twenty years ago. I imagine that attacks, threats, and stalkings would plague the world around hybrid individuals.
I would be concerned about that too.

(I don't think it'd be specism, though, being the surgery is completely cosmetic. Even if the werewolf did have their internal DNA structure changed to match their new form, I'm unsure how able the hybrid would be able to reproduce.)

I can find a lot of controversy in people wanting to change their body so drastically already. Already there are so much people floating in the same boat as I believing that surgery to only change some aesthetic features of your body (nose jobs, breast implants, face lifts...) is unnecessary (especially when there's so much else you can do with those funds), and a terrible sign of how shallow our society can be.

And changing yourself to look other than human? How would others veiw that?
Heh -Shrug- I don't know that having a tail is changing an outward appearance (Okay it depends how you look at that) rather than adding to it.

As for plastic surgery, breast implants...I'd never do that. That's shallow because our society is based on looking like a magazine. It's based on conformity. It makes me sick. In Australia we have showbags which are aimed at girls with makeup and pardon my language...-slutty- ... things in them. How on earth are we raising our children on this? I agree 100%.

But as for this...I think it's all a little harmless fun. :howl:  :oo But I gotta say, I'd prefer to be able to shift my form. I'd never live in a Gestalt form, I mean with those paws how could you play guitar?? I like the way I look (Not vainly, but I'm just happy with myself). But I've always wanted a monkey tail...not for anthro animal reasons, simply because, shallow as it may be, it'd be damned cool to hang upside down on trees with it, without tiring my legs out all the time, it'd give me balance, and shallowest of all, it'd look great (Not to others, but since when have I cared how society views me? To a certain extent we all conform to be able to live here and go to school, work, University/college etc...but we all have our quirks :lol: ).

While I'm pretty happy with what my parents have given me, there is nothing wrong with dreaming of flying with wings, or playing about with a tail, in my view. But you are right...many wouldn't view it the same way, but they aren't of my concern, and it won't probably occur in my lifetime (Or any of yours) anyway.

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 11:25 am
by MoonKit
I know I said that I would think about it and I did. I REALLY REALLY wanna be in half form. But I wouldnt do it. Not even small enhancements and not even if I had all the money in the world and it was commonplace and my mate was OK with it.

I just dont like cosmetic surgery. *shrugs* And Im deathly afraid of any kind of surgery. :(

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 11:59 am
by lupine
I WOULD LOVE to be a werewolf. But not permanently....

Part of the attraction (of being a werewolf) for me would be the fact that you can change forms, whether it be cyclic or at will.
To be permanently in Gestalt form, for me would be awful.

Think how us humans have persecuted and descriminated throughout history. If we don't understand it we cut it up or experiment on very best, I could hope to be locked up in some enclosure for the paying public to come and point at. The only way to avoid this would be to disappear into the wild, where I would have to live a solitary life, never seeing friends or family. Cut off from civilisation, alienated from society for the way I look. I would love to experience the physical power, and visual impact of being in Gestalt form, if only to satisfy my dream of loping across the forcourt of the petrol station by my house to buy some cigarettes. :D
But not at such a high price.

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:26 pm
by Border Walker
I would really, really, REALLY, have to think about it. being a furry as well as a fan of Shifters and were's, I would like the idea at first, but then would have to think of the many reprocussions, such as how my friends would take me afterwards, new problems that would arise from it, like finding new pants that'll fit.

But, if I did, it'd be the full works

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 7:15 am
by Kirk Hammett
MoonKit wrote:I know I said that I would think about it and I did. I REALLY REALLY wanna be in half form. But I wouldnt do it. Not even small enhancements and not even if I had all the money in the world and it was commonplace and my mate was OK with it.

I just dont like cosmetic surgery. *shrugs* And Im deathly afraid of any kind of surgery. :(
I gotta agree that having surgery is absolutely unattractive. I'd rather grow the tail naturally.

And how is that done? :lol: But I guess any thought of it's for a billion years away anyway.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:19 pm
by Aki
I think I'd go for the works, kinda. There would have to be little changes.

The eyes for one. Wolves have piss-poor eyesight. While mine is far from great, I rather like my full-color spectrum. Keep them human in function, and if possible, lupine in appearance.

The hands would have to be more-or less rather human. Sorta like the paw on the Freeborn wallpaper with less stubby fingers. There's claws, but they're more akin to sharp pointy fingernails, not too cumbersome. I like being able to do dextrous stuff with my hands. Like type.

And I'd be somewhat leery of sugery and thus would prefer some sort of slow, natural (well, as natural as such things can be) transition, rather than a glorifed facelift (Bodylift? Heh).

As for discrimination, well, you'll always get it. If you're black, there's white folks who'll call you a nigga, if you're white, there's black folks who'll call you a cracka, if you're hispanic, you're a spic, etc.

Sure it'd probably be alot more intense discrimination, but I could deal with it. I spend most my time at home, and when I'm in school, people tend to leave me alone.

It's always the quiet ones, afterall. :wink:

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 3:28 pm
by Rhuen
I voted the works because if you're going to do something than you should go for broke.

Now the mostly human option, is that wolf-man or Furre that you mean there?

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 3:39 pm
by MoonKit
Kaebora wrote:Besides, I think rabbits would make sexier human hybrids.
Rabbits are for eating. :D

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 3:43 pm
by MoonKit
Kirk Hammett wrote:
And to Moonkit: I think the tiger pelts are likely not his or that he killed them...but I shudder at the thought of having another animal on me like that. My leather jacket makes me bad enough...I'm not an all out vegan, but it doesn't mean I don't sort of notice it sometimes. Having it graphted to me...would be terrible.
I am definatly not a vegan but I dont believe in wearing an animal unless you killed and ate it yourself. Then its OK. (I have weird, primitive ideals, I know)

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 3:47 pm
by Rhuen
MoonKit wrote:
Kirk Hammett wrote:
And to Moonkit: I think the tiger pelts are likely not his or that he killed them...but I shudder at the thought of having another animal on me like that. My leather jacket makes me bad enough...I'm not an all out vegan, but it doesn't mean I don't sort of notice it sometimes. Having it graphted to me...would be terrible.
I am definatly not a vegan but I dont believe in wearing an animal unless you killed and ate it yourself. Then its OK. (I have weird, primitive ideals, I know)
I fully agree, if you want to wear its skin than you better eat its flesh.
But then again in this modern world I view the wearing of animal hides as barbaric and un-necisary. Doesn't mean I am going to stop eating them though :wink: