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Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:22 pm
lycan_thrope_is_a_person_that_thinks_he_or_she_is_a_werewolf_and_can_be_as_dangerous_as_one 8)

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 7:54 pm
by Black Fang
Nevermind then, found it

You just got the name wrong

Search Results for Lycanthropy:

There is also a mental illness called lycanthropy in which a patient believes he or she is, or has transformed into, an animal and behaves accordingly. This is sometimes referred to as clinical lycanthropy to distinguish it from its use in legends.

And its not just a wolf, its all kinds of animals.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:29 am
by howlbigbadwolf
YA what about diffrent moons, like red moons or blue moons of full moons during the day i have seen the moon out in the middle of the day and it was full. I would like to belive that a red moon would cause werewolfs to have uncontrolled transformation or be very violent and eat cows or somthing :x Diffrent moons sould play some kinda of part in werewolfissum

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 1:18 pm
by Jamie
howlbigbadwolf wrote:YA what about diffrent moons, like red moons or blue moons of full moons during the day i have seen the moon out in the middle of the day and it was full. I would like to belive that a red moon would cause werewolfs to have uncontrolled transformation or be very violent and eat cows or somthing :x Diffrent moons sould play some kinda of part in werewolfissum
Red (usually more orange than red) moons are caused by pollution, volcanic ash in the air, or an impending eclipse (there are also orangy-red moons sometimes right at sunset when the sun is making the sky reddish).
"Blue" moons are (nearly always) not blue, it is just terminology for the second full moon in a calendar month. (See this article).
Full moons out during the day are fairly common (the technical definition of a full moon night is the one night in the moon cycle when the moon is closest to being directly opposite the sun, which means that it rises at a time near sunset and sets at a time near sunrise). They just aren't likely to be out for a long time like that. As to what effect a full moon like this would have on werewolves, most fiction doesn't have the transformation happening at the exact moment of moonrise, if moonrise is in the late afternoon.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 3:13 pm
by deruty
Black Fang wrote:Nevermind then, found it

You just got the name wrong

Search Results for Lycanthropy:

There is also a mental illness called lycanthropy in which a patient believes he or she is, or has transformed into, an animal and behaves accordingly. This is sometimes referred to as clinical lycanthropy to distinguish it from its use in legends.

And its not just a wolf, its all kinds of animals.
The new term for that is Therianthropy.

Well back to the topic...
I was originally leaning toward the "forced on a fullmoon, free to change whenever later", but after reading over a few of the replies someone brought up a very good point. Being a werewolf is normally looked at as a curse and well changing at whenever you want makes it out as a superpower....

However just for the sake of not being one sided. A probable reason for changing on a full moon when control is no longer a factor is visibility. Yes I know werewolves=awesome eyes, but maybe they are like rvt and not :shift: . I'm just saying another idea reason for a full moon shift is light.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 5:06 pm
by Vuldari
deruty wrote:
Black Fang wrote:There is also a mental illness called lycanthropy in which a patient believes he or she is, or has transformed into, an animal and behaves accordingly. This is sometimes referred to as clinical lycanthropy to distinguish it from its use in legends.

And its not just a wolf, its all kinds of animals.
The new term for that is Therianthropy. [/size]
Whoah Now...

Clinical Lycanthropy =/= Theriantropy.

...just FYI, there are more than a few Therians around here that would be deeply insulted by that accusation.

"Therians" (by one definition, though there are many) are those who feel they are connected or one with an animal other than human, but generally behave just like any other civilized person.

A "Clinical Lycanthrope" is someone who can not help themselves, but behave like ferral animals either all the time, or suddenly like a split personality syndrome.

...allthough there are very, very rare cases of Self-Proclaimed Therians displaying actual symptoms of Clinical Lycanthropy, this is almost NEVER the case.

They are NOT the same thing.

I know you did not mean to be insulting in any way. It is understandable how one may become confused about what many of these terms actually mean. From here foreward, please be more careful about saying things that may be considered Insulting to our Many therian Members.

Thank you for your understanding, and...

Welcome to "THE PACK"! :welcome:

--------------------------------------------- may now return to the previos conversation about the effect of lunar phases on the transformation habits of werewolves...allready in progress...

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 8:54 pm
by deruty
:( Sorry about that

I was told therians were basicly lycanthropes, except with connects to an animal other then a wolf. So I made the assumption that a Clinical person who that he was...say a bear would be a case of Clinical Therianthropy

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:27 pm
by Vuldari
deruty wrote::( Sorry about that

I was told therians were basicly lycanthropes, except with connects to an animal other then a wolf. So I made the assumption that a Clinical person who that he was...say a bear would be a case of Clinical Therianthropy
Again, your confusion is perfectly understandable as not everyone uses these words in the same way, which is just confusing for everyone.

The group that is now most popularly known as "Therians" also call themselves "Weres" in some circles, though it is becomming less common than it used to be.

And then there are the "Furries", some of which call themselves that, though they more closely match the popular definition of "Therian", or vice versa.

"Furry", "Therian", "Were" wary about these three titles, as there are those who have very strong feelings about the use and misuse of thier chosen labels, and are sometimes taken very seriously. ...but none of them can agree on what exactly they all mean...

However, "Clinical Lycanthropy" is a little bit easier to define, as it is actually a scientificly documented condition/phenominon, and if you are ever uncertain, you can allways look it up in official medical journals. harm done. See you round the Forums Image

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 2:44 am
by Rhuen
Vuldari wrote:
The group that is now most popularly known as "Therians" also call themselves "Weres" in some circles, though it is becomming less common than it used to be.

And then there are the "Furries", some of which call themselves that, though they more closely match the popular definition of "Therian", or vice versa.

"Furry", "Therian", "Were" wary about these three titles, as there are those who have very strong feelings about the use and misuse of thier chosen labels, and are sometimes taken very seriously. ...but none of them can agree on what exactly they all mean...
I like to poke these people with a stick and tell them to chill out.
:howl:  :oo
Not sure why I like to poke them with a stick I just do

I have noticed some like to make a big deal out of it even when others don't like they are the ones makeing a big deal out if and no one else.

I have seen "furres" go off the deep end when asked the simple question, "why do you like dressing up like an animal?" or anything simple like that. While others can answer calmly.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 12:05 pm
by Vuldari
Anyway...back on topic.

I find the idea of visually distinct moons, like different colors and such, or lunar/solar eclipses, or the difference between midnight and daylight moons having variant influences intriguing.
...for Supernatural/Mystical Werewolves.

The visual appearance of the moon, even durring an eclipse, would not make much difference from a scientific, physiological standpoint (I think), though it could potentially have a significant psychological effect on werewolves that take notice of the event.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:30 pm
Black Fang wrote:Nevermind then, found it

You just got the name wrong

Search Results for Lycanthropy:

There is also a mental illness called lycanthropy in which a patient believes he or she is, or has transformed into, an animal and behaves accordingly. This is sometimes referred to as clinical lycanthropy to distinguish it from its use in legends.

And its not just a wolf, its all kinds of animals.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:34 pm
by Aki
Usually, I like werewolves being able to transform at any moment, but I also like moon-based werewolves.
Transforms three nights in a row, when the moon looks full, always into the same form.
^ My favorite of the choices. Though if I could alter it, they'd get to transform whenever, with only those three days being forced (perhaps even locked in that form during those days...)

GENSI wrote:
Black Fang wrote:Nevermind then, found it

You just got the name wrong

Search Results for Lycanthropy:

There is also a mental illness called lycanthropy in which a patient believes he or she is, or has transformed into, an animal and behaves accordingly. This is sometimes referred to as clinical lycanthropy to distinguish it from its use in legends.

And its not just a wolf, its all kinds of animals.
Gensi, no offense but, there's this big button on the keyboard called the "spacebar", using it would go a long way to making your posts look/sound better. And therfore people taking you more seriously.

Unless its' broken, of course.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:45 pm
by Vuldari
Aki wrote:Gensi, no offense but, there's this big button on the keyboard called the "spacebar", using it would go a long way to making your posts look/sound better. And therfore people taking you more seriously.

Unless its' broken, of course.
Gensi's spacebar IS broken...

Seriously Gensi...just go to the store and buy a simple new one for $10 They are not expensive or hard to find. I can't imagine trying to use a keyboard with essential keys not functioning.

...if you look at garage sales, flea markets and used merchandise stores like the "Good Will" stores we have around here, you can find one for $3 or even 25 cents.

No one should have to try to use a broken keyboard. Even many laptop keyboards are replacable.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:52 pm
by Aki
Vuldari wrote:
Aki wrote:Gensi, no offense but, there's this big button on the keyboard called the "spacebar", using it would go a long way to making your posts look/sound better. And therfore people taking you more seriously.

Unless its' broken, of course.
Gensi's spacebar IS broken...

Seriously Gensi...just go to the store and buy a simple new one for $10 They are not expensive or hard to find. I can't imagine trying to use a keyboard with essential keys not functioning.

...if you look at garage sales, flea markets and used merchandise stores like the "Good Will" stores we have around here, you can find one for $3
or even 25 cents.

No one should have to try to use a broken keyboard. Even many laptop keyboards are replacable.

Alternative solution:

Most people use a PC. PC's usually have Windows. Windows has a virtual keyboard. This can be used for its' spacebar function.

Or you could copy a space and paste it when you need one.

Both are klunky and sucky, but they work until you can get a keyboard. Which I'd suggest. My current keyboard is a replacement of an old one's who's spacebar broke. They're easy and inexpensive to replace.

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 1:27 pm
by howlbigbadwolf
I would think that changing under a full moon is easer then forcing a transformation. I Feel if i forced a transformation i would burn up so much energy that after i changed back i would be extramly week and need somthing to eat right away like a ham. Thay think werewolfs are murderus cratures but we only eat humans ( me i would eat cows, deers wild pigs) because our change take so much energy to do so and to stay transformed. If we did not eat enough to keep out matablism in check we would either pass out and revert back to normal to stay alive or die from exastion. Our body and werewolf virus (of curse) would not let this happen
( i consider it a virus because of how i think of the lobo gean thats the way my comic is going right now that i am typing. Its a virus that the goverment has found and creats and use this gean to create a modified human, pluse the main charcter is a female lck )

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 10:29 pm
by RedEye
How do you like Moon triggered Werewolves?

On toast points with drawn butter....why?


Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 12:35 am
by neoritter
Jamie wrote: Red (usually more orange than red) moons are caused by pollution, volcanic ash in the air, or an impending eclipse (there are also orangy-red moons sometimes right at sunset when the sun is making the sky reddish).
Red moons are called harvest moons and occurr around late September or early October. Hmm....around the time when farmers are harvesting their crops.
I don't know where you got your info.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:33 am
by Rhuen
neoritter wrote:
Jamie wrote: Red (usually more orange than red) moons are caused by pollution, volcanic ash in the air, or an impending eclipse (there are also orangy-red moons sometimes right at sunset when the sun is making the sky reddish).
Red moons are called harvest moons and occurr around late September or early October. Hmm....around the time when farmers are harvesting their crops.
I don't know where you got your info.
Actually those moons are typically orange, the special effect of them is that due to an optical illussion they appear much bigger than they really are. In fact if you take a photo, the photo comes out looking normal rather than the way you saw it.

the Red moon, or Sanguin moon is a rare event but is not limited to a time of the year that I am aware of.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:46 am
by neoritter
Did you read what the guy before me wrote? No. Thats what I thought.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:40 pm
by Rhuen
neoritter wrote:Did you read what the guy before me wrote? No. Thats what I thought.
yes, and you're both wrong, what's your point?

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 2:47 pm
by Raxus
What if the moon affected the primal beast in them, like when they where transformed, such as they are more like an animal with no free will when the moon is full and they really control what they do but only do it because of instinct. But they would still be able to transform when they fill a strong urge too or if they are a cocky show off when they want to impress or scare someone.

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 1:27 pm
by Therian
Hmm I was thinking that when he/she transforms for the first time they transform only when the moon is full, but as they begin to get older transformation gets to where they can do it whenever they want.

But also thye begin to look more wolfish as the full moon grows near. They get more of a short-tempered attitude ect.

my personal view

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 11:12 pm
by wolfsangel
my view on the subject is that for born-weres they will choose to change after reaching puberty(which also brings along the transformation as a whole) the first full moon after a set date of age would determine the transformation (which is a full manditory transformation to note) and afterwards the person would be taught to control the urges.
now for bitten-weres, diffrent story. :lickshift: those who are bitten( or licked :lol: ) will allways transform( unless taught otherwise-which i doubt) on a three day full moon bases. but thats just my opinion. :nerdwolf:

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 10:05 am
by Therian
Hmm could also maybe be that born weres at first transformation may like transform on a full moon but then do it whenever untill controled ect.

Bitten will most likey change on every fullmoon......untill they get use to the transformation..

But I also agree with wolfsangel

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 8:33 pm
by JoshuaMadoc
I'd much like to have the moon serve as more of a universal spiritual symbol for an annual "moongazing" festival event for werewolves.