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I actually remebered a dream

Posted: Sun May 15, 2005 4:08 pm
by Aki
I had a dream i actually remebered upon waking for once.

It started out in School, something happened that was going to make me late for Physics class, so i start running for the class, but am unable to find it, despite the fact that i know the school well and that is is somewhat circlular.

Then, somehow, i end up on a road, a paved road in grassy place with a diapidated old house nearby, and a black wolf, who turned out to also be a vampire-wolf ( I can't rember if it explained this or i somehow magickally knew this... ), and went over to the house and open the door.

The interior was like the background of a Resident Evil Game, Pre-rendered, and uninteractable. Oh, and there was blood and gore everywhere. I remeber the wolf thingy explaining that "the Wovles" did it. Now this thingy being a Wolf and vampire, the logical assumption was he meant werewolves.

Dream progressed in some manner i can't rember, i'm running down the road, with a random person, still trying to get to class. Regardless that i'm
probablly miles from ccivilization. Not to mention whatever caused that bloody mess is probablly still around.

Road slopes into a swampy bayou type river thingy, we try to swim across it, and the current pulls me into some tree type things growing on one side, and i try to cross using those.

Well, i hit a spider that was floating in the water and woke up.

Wacky dream. Damn spider. I wanted to see how that was going to end. :lol:

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 10:05 pm
by JonathanBaine
:oops: Uhh....Ok...Now, my issue with werewolves started when I was REALLY young. It was one of those bad dreams that actually HURT. My mind made it real and so I felt pain. Being ripped to shreds isn't my kind of dream. It lasted for a long while, but I overcame it in an interesting way. :D

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 2:52 pm
by Kzinistzerg
Any more info o nthe dream itself?

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:15 pm
by Set
I guess this is what I get for staying up until 4:30 in the morning playing Zoo Tycoon...

I had a dream about Africa and a bunch of duckies. I was wandering around different places in Africa and I kept running into rubber duckies. For some reason I got arrested at one point, so I had to break out of jail. Then they caught me again and I had to escape some other way. Hank Hill from King Of The Hill got arrested too. I don't know what for. And the duckies, they were everywhere.


Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:36 pm
by Figarou
Reilune wrote:I guess this is what I get for staying up until 4:30 in the morning playing Zoo Tycoon...

I had a dream about Africa and a bunch of duckies. I was wandering around different places in Africa and I kept running into rubber duckies. For some reason I got arrested at one point, so I had to break out of jail. Then they caught me again and I had to escape some other way. Hank Hill from King Of The Hill got arrested too. I don't know what for. And the duckies, they were everywhere.

You guys have all the intersting dreams. :D

I sometimes have several dreams in one night. Its like I'm changing channels in my mind looking for something to dream about. :sleepy:

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 5:28 pm
by Kzinistzerg
hehe- this is the onlydrea with real ducjkies in it...

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 10:34 pm
by Wolfhanyou
The only interesting one I can think of for me right now is this one where I wa chased all over town trying to get away from his one homeless person that was murderin' people left and right. :o

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 6:58 pm
by JonathanBaine
Shadowblaze wrote:Any more info o nthe dream itself?

I can remember how the dream played out. First, I was walking around my backyard. It's all woods anyway and I've gone out on my own since I was very young. So, I'm walking and I look up and see this big wolf. Now, I'm short at the time, really young. And I'm just about its height. It gets worse when it stands up on his back feet. Now, after the first dream, I can feel my heart beat in my head, that the most memorable. He just stands there for a while, waiting. I turn around and I can't move. I start WALKING away...walking....And then, it hits me. I am knocked down and I'm being dragged.(I actually feel my a tingle in my leg when it happens.)
So when it has me at its mercy, it starts circling me while I'm on the ground, playing possum. So then it happens...Just the usual biting and tearing of flesh...ripping of limbs, not being able to run, because he broke both legs, one by one, taking his time, after he caught me...breaking my arms at the shoulder, so I couldn't fight back....dragging me by my ribcage. You know, the general playing around.
I feel the leg biting as tugging, the ribcage thing was pain in my chest and I wake up in sweat. This dream happened about five times and I developed a case of ansomnia...I can't spell, but I had to go to a doctor about it. They gave me pills for sleeping, hypnosis that didn't work on me. So, I improvised. I dreamed one last time, the last nightmare, infact. I dreamed the same dream, but I didn't turn around. After standing around for a while, HE made the first move...walked away and I never had a nightmare again, never had a dream again either.
I gave him the name, Jonathan Baine, and he became, my inner demon, my friend. I developed a story within the three years after and thirteen years later, I finished the fifth book.(cant say the series title, because of publication, don't want other to know who I am....)

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 9:07 pm
by Hamster
I had this dream that I woke up, streched, and begain to change my cloths to look up at my mirror and saw I was a dark brown werewolf (the color of my hair :P )! I slightly screamed then covered my mouth. I doubt my mom would be an less happy to see this and she have a bad heart. Then I heard her call out at me and ran to my door. My door was locked and she was demainding me to open it. I just told her that I had a nightmare and that I am not dressed. In real life, mom wasn't going to have that and still demand for me to open the door but in my dream she was ok with that and went back to her room. So I stood there, a werewolf not even knowing what to do. I didn't know how to shift back. Heck, I don't even recall even being bitten! It was morning so it wasn't like, "Oh, let me see what this body can do!" and leave out the window. I'm traped. So, I decided to leave the house for a while. I opened the door and tried to sneak out when I met my sister on the steps. She opened her mouth to scream, and I woke up from my alarm clock. Weird dream. :|

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 9:13 pm
by Figarou
I had a dream about myself dreaming in a dream about myself dreaming a dream. Then I woke up from that dream about myself dreaming in a dream.

Turned out to be a nightmare instead. :o

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 9:20 pm
by JonathanBaine
:? Uhhhh....ok.

:wetwolf4:....I was waiting to do that.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 9:22 pm
by Figarou
JonathanBaine wrote::? Uhhhh....ok.



Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 9:28 pm
by Anubis
i once had a dream that i was going threw my first transformation. i was at school and i did what i always did when i was bored i try to make my hand shift into a werewolf hand. but this time i finaly did it it felt like my hand was a baloon inflating, but it wouldn't stop it went up my arms to my torso and so on. every one staired shocked or scared can't rember. then i was done i was a tall grey handsom werewolf i say myself. :D then i woke up.............Damn!!!!!!! :x

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 9:30 pm
by Anubis
Figarou wrote:I had a dream about myself dreaming in a dream about myself dreaming a dream. Then I woke up from that dream about myself dreaming in a dream.

Turned out to be a nightmare instead. :o

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 9:38 pm
by Figarou
wolf marine wrote:
Figarou wrote:I had a dream about myself dreaming in a dream about myself dreaming a dream. Then I woke up from that dream about myself dreaming in a dream.

Turned out to be a nightmare instead. :o

OH I love it when I confuse people!! :lol:

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 9:41 pm
by outwarddoodles
Figarou wrote:I had a dream about myself dreaming in a dream about myself dreaming a dream. Then I woke up from that dream about myself dreaming in a dream.

Turned out to be a nightmare instead. :o
The other night I fell asleep with the TV on. Well I was dreaming and in my dream I fell asleeep and had another dream, inwhich I woke up from that dream and then was trying to go asleep again in my dream but I was sleeping in real life. I had a dream inside a dream!

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 8:41 am
by Kzinistzerg
Uuug, I just had a really scary dream-

I was in Canada, at my place with a group of people I knew from school- all my age. We were standing on a balcony and I was pointing out things and they were responding badly (“shut up already, we can look at these things ourselves!”)- Which was surprising, because they were new to the place and I wasn’t. We were also at a place i 'recognized' but wasn’t at our place Then some weird dude with white skin, a back jacket, some pants, and black hair came by with flowers. And i don't mean he was holding them- they were sort of part of him, almost like pigment. Then the scene jumped to me leading him to a library (don't ask me why) where he would stay, because he was slightly mentally deficient and also a very odd person. There i would go and visit him every day- but he had to be there because his girlfriend, who looked the same as he did only longer hair and was female, would freak out if he wasn't. so one day he wanders to the back of the library, a total of about 10 feet away from where he was before. his girlfriend comes at the wrong time, starts freaking out, and then runs into the back of the library and is extremely overjoyed to find him there. Then it was one f those horrible movies where they can't actually show anything- there were two big floating flower-heads in a gray swirly place and then teeny flower-heads started appearing. bleh. but then the scene jumped to me leading a swarm of little children with no upper torso's but flowers in their place towards the library, through my high school, which was where i encountered two punching people. they punched almost al the 'kids' to bits but then i suggested they use their punching skills to punch the rest of them to the library, which they liked, and the kids arrived at the library. then the scene shifted and this is where i really started getting scared. i was some sort of woman who was supposed to be really smart, courageous, etc. I must have been some sort of civilian, and also a computer whiz- I remember I was around thirty in the dream. I also didn’t look like me. i was protecting the flower-people from some weird people- probably some sort of odd genetic experiment is my guess. now the library was back out in the street (aka- not In my high school). there was a password and a code required to see the flower-people and i usually typed it in on one of a couple computers, but these two people were lounging in a couch where they could easily see what i was doing- which was odd. the two people looked up as went in, but both looked down. Somehow, i knew they were both evil- and I seemed to recognize them very slightly. The “leader’ of the two looked very smug. so i went to a computer that wasn't in their view and typed in the password and some other commands really quickly, then wiped the computer clean of all memory of it. I heard them whispering, and it made me slightly suspicious. i glanced back as i walked out and saw one of them grinning at me in a most unpleasant and definitely evil way. i walked out the door faster and across the street to the library, where i stopped in the main entrance. there was a faint white line on the carpet, which looked like it had been drawn in chalk. one of the employees stopped and saw me looking at the line, and said "oh, it's just where I’m supposed to say something'. i looked at the line which got definitely thicker and more pronounced in the direction of the flower people's place. The employee looked at it and blushed, and then i turned around and ran out the door and across the street- i knew something horrible was going to happen, that the people In the couch were connected, that my work I had worked on so long was In danger and that something bigger was going on and it was not good. i burst into the other building (which nobody except the people o the couch noticed) and then grabbed the throat of the one who had been grinning- he was grinning wider now, and the expression didn’t stop- at me. i was half crouching, and then he said something like- “I don't know, it's a bit (some word) to accuse me of using a (some word) computer virus to control people”- it was clear he'd been doing something evil to my work- and that he knew I couldn’t do anything without real evidence. i sank back on my heels, dismayed, because I knew something was going on and couldn’t do anything. then stood up, turned around and went outside. i felt his gaze burning into my back with his smug look. i felt like something really big was going on and i had no idea what it was. i walked outside, fighting the urge to do something uncharacteristically different. (Somehow, this was related to what the guy had said.) (i also don't know what i was trying to do). I walked over to my car, got inside, and shut the door. After a moment, the windows of the car started shutting and a panel came over the dashboard- the doors also started closing. I noticed the car wasn't working properly, felt a sudden flash of fear related to the 'virus', and then the car seemed almost to be responding to what I didn't want- i always drove with the windows open and the dashboard revealed (with doors closed, and unless it was raining, etc) and it just seemed to me like everything was going wrong- and this was almost like a way to get rid of a liability. i dove for the car door and slowly wiggled my way out, looked around and noticed my area was somewhat deserted- then i realized my car was almost trying to run me down- it started forward and then turned, grazing a store window, then went in an almost complete circle, then, just as i thought i could run off and get someone to fix the car, it changed course sort of for me- i jumped out of the way and it went in a larger circle and then went straight for the only lighted doorway- a mechanics shop. at this point i started screaming my head off, saying (warning, I’ve censored this but I’m telling a true account. bad words follow. also i happened to be panicking.) "What in Hell? My [spoiler]F***ing [/spoiler]car is crazy! LOOK OUT!! H MY GOD< GET OUT OF THE CAR’S WAY IT’LL [spoiler]F***ING [/spoiler]KILL YOU! IT’S[spoiler] F***IGN[/spoiler] DERANGED!" Don’t ask me why- but i was panicking, running towards a shop full of the only people who could help my which my deranged car was trying to destroy- mechanics. i could hear screaming in the shop as i spirited towards it. the car was weaving frantically, trying to run down people. I ran in, saw it immediately change course and head for me- i then jumped up and scrambled up a pile of milk crates, hanging onto a padded beam. the car then ran straight out the window, stopped in the street and burst into flame. i just realized, that it seemed like sir smug dude in the couch must have been planning this. then (warning gruesomeness follows) a government agent popped up amid the screaming (there were now screaming people outside. don't ask me how.) and said reassuringly, "now, this can be explained by" and then stopped, as a mechanic had just (here is where it's all ewwy) blown off his head with an ak-47 he just happened to have- revealing a disgusting snake-thing in his neck. Then i spent about five minutes dream-time staring at it and clinging to said pile of mild crates, while I realized that whoever the guy in the couch must have been- whatever it was doing, It involved controlling machines b one thing and humans y another, then heard and loud banging which woke me up and happens to be construction people working on my house.

I hate, just HATE dreams like this where it's almost a warning. *shakes fist at sky* :cry:

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 8:58 am
by Figarou
:o Wow, what a dream!!

*rushes off to write a story*

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 9:11 am
by Kzinistzerg
:lol: Oh, no you don't not before i do...

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 7:52 pm
by 23Jarden
Once I had a dream where Jason Vorhees Killed a bunch of sex-hungry collage kids. Then afterward i went to the warehouse where it had happened and spoke to him. he said that he didn't want to do it. That something was making him. We had a nice long talk and we were considering being friends when this white and black light came and Jason was levitated into the air. Then he fell to the ground and all friendliness had vanished from him left only was the mindless rage of a killer. Then I ran from him out of the ware house. I got away and went back home. Then my Mom comanded me to bring the dog out to do its business... And he was there. He began to transform into a huge Black dog. He growled and got ready to jump on me then I woke up.

Please note that this was long before I had EVER watched a Jason film. which reminds me... JASON ROCKS!

And I've had plenty of Dreams where I flapped my arms and flew.

A more recent dream is this...

I was talking to some prepy looking people on the corner and they decided to be rather stuck up. We'll I grew claws and raised my hand to scratch them when a man in a brown hat and leather trench coat grabbed my arm and I felt ashamed like I got caught stealing cookies or something. Well that night the Old man took off and me and a male decided to have some fun. We transfored into two silver phased wolves and drove all the people out town I remember raiding a shop and attacking people in a courthouse. Then we lay down stomaches full (I know not what of) to sleep I stared at a little girl's dirty face wet with tears. And I felt nothing. Instead I turned to the other wolf and said, "we must go. It is not safe here." So we left the town and walked up my back yard where there was a snow fort rather close to the door. A man came out the door with a gun in his hands. I tried to hide but he was getting really close to me. So I poped my head out and said I was just playing in the snow fort and he told me that its late and should go home. So we High tailed it out there. And then we howled. A few minutes later the old man's howl answered and we started off after him. and then I woke up.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 3:10 am
by Black Shuck
I'd like to share mine that I had because it's the first time I remember something like this happening :roll:

In my dream, I went somewhere and I ran into my aunt (who hates me in real life). She was wearing a City Market uniform (she works there in real life) and she started talking to me and being all friendly. She's never been all friendly and stuff when I'm by myself- she just ignores me.

Anyways, I wake up and a few hours later my mom calls. I have to go pick up her pills at City Market and buy dog bicuits. So, off I go. I check out with my stuff and as I'm exiting, who should but my aunt! She's in her uniform and is being all friendly with me. It was like how I dreamed, but the only thing I remember her sayin in my dream was "How're you doing?" She talked a lot more, I just don't remember what it was :lol: Anyhow, the fact I dreamed about a situation like this the night before didn't dawn oon me until I coming out of the parking lot!

The 2 nights before that, I had dreams about manical birds. The first one was about mutant birds invading my neighborhood, the secong was about hummingbirds gone bad :lol: The used their beaks to slice through the screen in the kitchen and fly into the house. I had to take refuge in my room (for some reason I was by myself except for all these people I only knew in my dream). Yay for night-time entertainment! :howl:  :oo

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:28 pm
by Black Shuck
Okay, I was reminded about some wolf/werewolf dreams that I've had, some of them being pretty recent.

I've had a few dreams where I was a wolf. I never transformed into one, but I remember looking at the wolf in the dream and thinkin "That's me". I had two a month or so ago where I was a werewolf, but they're really fuzzy and I can't remember a lot of details except a werewolf and that that was me.

The next dreams I've had involve wolves in the wild. I had one a couple nights ago. Usually in these dreams, my family and I are out in the forest and we're in a cabin. I go to the cabin and there's some wolves near it, usually between 3 and 5, and they look like timber wolves with the grey head and back and white face and legs you know? Anyways, I always approach the wolves and they very friendly towards me and I spend the rest of the dream petting them and hanging out with them.

This is what happened in the dream I had a couple of ago. My mom and I were walking through some little mountain town like Park City. We end up near the woods and I can see some animals in the shadows of the trees. I howl and the wolves that are hiding howl back. They come out and I cross a little stream to get to them. There's this one that comes over to me and I feel a little scared, but I continue towards him. He's red with brown ears and legs. I spend the rest of the dream hanging with him. It was strange because I've never dreamed about a wolf that color and that situation. I don't know why I howled in the dream, but I did, even though I was next to my mom (who later disappeared as I sat with the wolf).

So anyways, there it is. My wolf dreams. Later guys! :D

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:40 pm
by Hamster
I just took a well welcomed nap and had this weird dream about a break dancing werewolf. I think his name was Scott or Scotty or something. Weird. :o

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:45 pm
by Black Shuck
Break dancing werewolf?! That's awesome! *sings Scotty Doesn't Know for no apparent reason other than the name Scotty was mentioned :lol: ) I wish I could break dance

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 9:27 pm
by Anubis
"last night i had another werewolf dream that i was a werewolf life gaurd on a beach and all the beach babes were all over me" :wink:

man that what i get before watching baywatch before bed (i got to do it more often)