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Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 11:25 pm
by WolvenOne
As I said before, they wouldn't, necceserilly have 3 sets. The first and only set on a human after all, is mainly to attract a mate, size and shape, as far as I know, doesn't play much of a part in milk production, which would be the only real use for another two sets.

That being said, I don't mind the idea of having 3 sets too much, it's not my cup of tea but, it's just not high ranking enough on my list to really rile me up.

On another note, I just went back and read Winters view on how werewolves should look, and I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree. Winters description focuses way too much on the sexuality of werewolves, and I don't like the idea of naked male werewolves walking around showing off thier plumbing for a movie that needs to appeal to mainstream audiences.

I'm a fur, and the idea even wierds me out a bit.

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 11:38 pm
by Vuldari
I don't think having multiple sets of...ummm...assets on the females would be a good Idea. It does not bother me that much, but I fear it may be too distracting to viewers who have never seen such a thing before. Instead of following the story and the action, they would be like, "...*chuckle*...look...she's got Six BOOBS! ...what the hell?!..."
In that respect, I think it might take away from the mood of the movie. I'm not too fond of the idea of giving some rowdy young men in the front row an excuse to start hooting and laughing durrring a scene that is supposed to be serious.
(although, those kind of people will cause trouble no matter what anyway. :( )

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:01 am
by WolvenOne
My only real demand on this subject, is that the sexuality of the werewolves not inherently be flaunted.

It's okay if there's one werewolf whom just has a personality that's, flirty and, er, sexually agressive, but it needs to be clear that werewolves are not inherently built for hanky panky. This is a horror/thriller after all, not porn.

That being said, while I'm for only having 1 set of breasts, I don't think it's absolutely impossible to have 3 sets, if the other two sets are, very diminitive. It'd be difficult to pull off, but It'd be unfair of me to say that it's impossible.

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:58 am
by Winter
Whoa six breasts...I dunno about having that many..would make a intersting transformation..i mean female wolves do have muitiple teats...and males even have more vestigal ones...hidden well in the fur.. though wounder how Goldenwolf depicts a male wolf?

Male wolf continued

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 1:00 am
by Winter
I mean a pic with a male wolfs groin visable...and then the example of modesty, or fur covering

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 1:54 am
by NightmareHero
I'd prefer that the two other sets be MUCH smaller then the top ones, so that she looks more "normal",

If not, then I would recommend she simply have one set. If she procreates like a human female, then she wouldn't have a need for so many. Now on the other hand, if she transforms INTO a full wolf. then I could see her having teats. But if the hybrid is their primary or only form then in the interest of not making it too awkward for the males or the females in the audience, AND the public, the I recommend two breasts

Oh and when I posted that pic of the example regarding how I wanted the breasts to look like from Goldenwolfen's gallery, I was referring only to the top set, sorry for the misinterpretation, if any.

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 3:15 am
by Goldenwolf
Okay okay, I'll stop being juvenile now and make a real post ;)

My interpretation of werewolf genders, quick sketch:

Here's the breakdown:
Female werewolves are more...shall we say 'petite' than the males. They are slightly smaller, with a less bulky form and slender, sleeker features (as far as form goes). They likely would not have breasts (though I know how much you guys like the jumblies) though they would have a form to suggest a feminine torso. Okay, they -would- have breasts, but only when lactating. Otherwise they would be very small and unapparant. The female form would also obviously be noticeable, including the shape of the hips and thighs. Likely female werewolves would not be as strong as the males, but would be swifter and more agile instead.

Male werewolves would be all around more bulkier than the females, with lots of muscle mass and a larger frame all around. The male form is very apparant, though his, er, bits are not seen, only suggested by a furry mound. The males would be a lot stronger and more powerfull than the females, though both sexes are extremly deadly in their own right.

Okay, so that's my .02 on this subject :)

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 3:53 am
by Figarou
Goldenwolf wrote:Okay okay, I'll stop being juvenile now and make a real post ;)

My interpretation of werewolf genders, quick sketch:

Here's the breakdown:
Female werewolves are more...shall we say 'petite' than the males. They are slightly smaller, with a less bulky form and slender, sleeker features (as far as form goes). They likely would not have breasts (though I know how much you guys like the jumblies) jumblies. :wink:

nice sketch BTW

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 4:09 am
by WolvenOne
Very nice sketches..

Anyhow, you're about right on I think. I do think that the females would have breasts, as that's typically what upright walking members of the animal kingdon use to attract mates.

However, this isn't an issue I care about enough to really press. So I'll just leave it up to the director.

Oh, and BTW, Goldenwolf, I've always been a bit of a fan of yours, not the fanatical obsessive kind but your art is definitly some of the top ranked on my list. Keep up the good work, and goodluck with everything.

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 4:41 am
by NightmareHero
With all due respect Goldenwolf I prefer your drawings on your site better, aside from the lack of body mass that I see for the females and males compared to your artwork on your site, they look feral. The sketch makes me believe that they wouldn't be able to hide their teeth in their mouths. And if the aim is to make them have character in wolf form and have us relate to them, Then its best if they keep the teeth inside, however, when they open their mouths to eat, scare, or kill is another story. For howling, I think it would look better if they simply showed their front fangs, not their side teeth.

I think the best example of this implemented, the closest example, are the disney films Lady and the Tramp, and 101 Dalmations. Or my personal favorite, real life wolves. Wolves don't always bear their teeth, especially when being tender to each other. I hope the filmmakers look for inspiration from these sources.

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 8:20 am
by Winter
I still think a nude male wollf should have visable male bits, a nice patch of fur over the crotch.. and the female with modest sized breasts...

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 3:06 pm
by Goldenwolf
Think-Harder wrote:With all due respect Goldenwolf I prefer your drawings on your site better, aside from the lack of body mass that I see for the females and males compared to your artwork on your site, they look feral. The sketch makes me believe that they wouldn't be able to hide their teeth in their mouths. And if the aim is to make them have character in wolf form and have us relate to them, Then its best if they keep the teeth inside, however, when they open their mouths to eat, scare, or kill is another story. For howling, I think it would look better if they simply showed their front fangs, not their side teeth.

I think the best example of this implemented, the closest example, are the disney films Lady and the Tramp, and 101 Dalmations. Or my personal favorite, real life wolves. Wolves don't always bear their teeth, especially when being tender to each other. I hope the filmmakers look for inspiration from these sources.
Yes, but these are not true WOLVES we are dealing with. These are wolf-like beings, monsters even, who do not act or probably think in a fully wolfish way. For my anthro wolves (who are beings completely unto themselves, non-shifters who evolved to look the way they do) yeah they look and act more like normal wolves because that is pretty much what they are.

As for the way I drew them, that is the way I draw werewolves. I <3 the snarly, slavering beasts that werewolves traditionally are, ala The Howling and American Werewolf in London, thus my werewolves tend to look more savage and feral, creatures who could make you wet your pants just looking at them.

If, however, you prefer a more gentle, noble looking creature, that's fine as well. I, however, prefer the beast to the animal when it comes to werewolves ;)

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 3:23 pm
by Lasthowl
Goldenwolf wrote:I, however, prefer the beast to the animal when it comes to werewolves ;)
Amen, sister.

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 3:27 pm
by Figarou
As long as the werewolves are not deformed in any way. To me, thats giving the wolf a bad reputation. Instead of looking at them a noble creatures, people might see them as ugly animals if they see a deformed wolf/werewolf on the screen.

NO deformed werewolves please.

I hate that. :x

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 3:33 pm
by NightmareHero
Goldenwolf wrote:
Think-Harder wrote:With all due respect Goldenwolf I prefer your drawings on your site better, aside from the lack of body mass that I see for the females and males compared to your artwork on your site, they look feral. The sketch makes me believe that they wouldn't be able to hide their teeth in their mouths. And if the aim is to make them have character in wolf form and have us relate to them, Then its best if they keep the teeth inside, however, when they open their mouths to eat, scare, or kill is another story. For howling, I think it would look better if they simply showed their front fangs, not their side teeth.

I think the best example of this implemented, the closest example, are the disney films Lady and the Tramp, and 101 Dalmations. Or my personal favorite, real life wolves. Wolves don't always bear their teeth, especially when being tender to each other. I hope the filmmakers look for inspiration from these sources.
Yes, but these are not true WOLVES we are dealing with. These are wolf-like beings, monsters even, who do not act or probably think in a fully wolfish way. For my anthro wolves (who are beings completely unto themselves, non-shifters who evolved to look the way they do) yeah they look and act more like normal wolves because that is pretty much what they are.

As for the way I drew them, that is the way I draw werewolves. I <3 the snarly, slavering beasts that werewolves traditionally are, ala The Howling and American Werewolf in London, thus my werewolves tend to look more savage and feral, creatures who could make you wet your pants just looking at them.

If, however, you prefer a more gentle, noble looking creature, that's fine as well. I, however, prefer the beast to the animal when it comes to werewolves ;)
I was under the impression that your anthro wolves WERE werewolves. Point taken, however, I'd prefer to see something that has never been showen in modern werewolf movies from transformed werewolves.......character. This of course excludes the Jack Nicholson movie Wolf, which didn't look like the perfect combination of a wolf and human but rather a man wolf. I am certain this movie will do better than that.

That doesn't rule out that there won't be some killer werewolf in the movie. Just because they would not look necessarily monster like doesn't mean their movements, mannerisms, and the sounds they make would not be monster like for the villian, assuming it is a werewolf.

Ah well everyone has their tastes, we can only hope that most will get what they would like to see on screen.

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 3:34 pm
by Werewolf
I like you're artwork "Goldenwolf", I've always admired you stuff from both a wolf/werewolf fan and art appreciator point of view since they are done very nicely and a fellow wolf/werewolf lover ^..^

I can go either way, but I guess I am more partial to the animal myself... but that doesn't mean that I don't like the beast, as long as that beast is not some mindless creature that they depict in most horror movies :x

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 3:45 pm
by NightmareHero
Werewolf wrote:I like you're artwork "Goldenwolf", I've always admired you stuff from both a wolf/werewolf fan and art appreciator point of view since they are done very nicely and a fellow wolf/werewolf lover ^..^

I can go either way, but I guess I am more partial to the animal myself... but that doesn't mean that I don't like the beast, as long as that beast is not some mindless creature that they depict in most horror movies :x
That's what "plausible motivations" are for, I'm still thinking of what would work best for a villian werewolf. Serial killer is too simple a way out, it has to be something more motivated than childhood experiences that we never see, as in the case of Hannibal Lecter, rather a misinterpretion of events, a presumed "injustice" that would make the villian werewolf do what he or she does in the movie, but this after all is assuming much.

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 4:46 pm
by WolvenOne
Werewolves are niether wolf nor human, but rather an amalgamation of both.

With this in mind, Werewolves would have some of the strengths and weaknesses of both humans and wolves, but not all of the strengths and weaknesses.

Keep in mind, that some of the strengths of wolves and humans would partially nullify eachother as both creatures have evolved in different ways. Human eyes for example, are designed to see great detail, but cannot see well in the darkness, and wolves were designed to see well in darkness, but cannot see detail very well.

Many of the distinctive aspects of human and wolf females though, isn't contradictory.

Both are statistically a bit smaller then thier male counter-parts, and both are a bit more, agile/mobile. (Well, human females are when they don't have to worry about, er, thier chests.)

Anyhow, what I guess I've been trying to get at, is that even though werewolves have aspects of humans and wolves, they're thier own creature, and when they're designed, this has to be kept in mind.

Like human, but not human, like a wolf but not a wolf. Both, but niether, in many real ways, werewolves are trapped between two different worlds, or perhapes they're trapped in thier own distinct world located in between.

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 9:55 pm
by Winter
I bet we could never convince Golden wolf to draw a male wolf with visable gentitals....

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 10:05 pm
by WolvenOne
I bet we could never convince Golden wolf to draw a male wolf with visable gentitals....
You're a bit obsessed with visable male bits arn't ya.


Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 10:42 am
by Winter
Ok ok...ill shut up... I just think male and female werewolfs shoudl been so modest looking proud to show off a bit...ect... I mean too much fur over evertying can be a problem i think...exspecially if the wolf were to get wet...fur gets a knotted up would be kinda of a problem then and the the were would be a mess when shifiting back. to human...i just could immagine how horrible it would be...

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 10:50 am
by Apokryltaros
Winter wrote:Ok ok...ill shut up... I just think male and female werewolfs shoudl been so modest looking proud to show off a bit...ect... I mean too much fur over evertying can be a problem i think...exspecially if the wolf were to get wet...fur gets a knotted up would be kinda of a problem then and the the were would be a mess when shifiting back. to human...i just could immagine how horrible it would be...
We want this to be a horror movie, not a furry porn fest.

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 12:53 pm
by WolvenOne
I agree with you Apokryltaros, but I think we should just let the subject die methinks. I think everybody has had enough.

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 2:20 pm
by Winter
I suppose your right.... though there, to my point of view... are too many werewolf horror films out there... id like to see, not pornographic, but a nice werewolf story

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 2:29 pm
by WolvenOne
Horror and a nice werewolf story, and not necceserilly mutually exclusive goals. Though in my opinion, emphasizing werewolf sexuality and having a good werewolf story, would indeed be mutually exclusive goals.

I just don't see those two goals being able to co-exist in one movie.