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Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 1:03 am
by wolf4life
Faolan Bloodtooth wrote:Luckily for us in dear old Australia, we got Transformers here before America :D

So i'm guessing most of you haven't seen it... but fear not! No spoilers shall be uttered in these sacred halls :lol:

It is an awesome movie, very heavy on the special effects (as you would expect) but it is seamlessly done (for example, there's a scene where Optimus transforms on the highway, extremely well done)

If you like your action, go see this movie, and even if you dont, the characters are extremely lifelike and i enjoyed it thoroughly, so much so i will see it at least 3 more times :D

actually...i saw it like three months ago...this was a good movie and pretty funny to....I recommend it to everybody....except babies....babies will cry

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:56 pm
by 23Jarden
(Resists urge to show it to babies) :D

I enjoyed the film regardless of comedy vs action sequences. And of all those sexual references, what do you expect? It was made by fan boys full of piss and vinegar. :p

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 10:57 pm
by wolf4life
what do you mean sexual refrences?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 11:23 pm
by Dreamer
The masturbation jokes and such. I try to block it out of my mind. By the way, I had a pretty neat idea...

HE-Man/Transformers crossover. I know that that would be impossible because two seperate competing companies, but it would be awesome to see Transformers that turn into He-Man vehicles and creatures be awesome (Yes I know about the Meterorbs and Comet Warriors, but this would be cooler). I got the idea from a Cringer/Transformers custom.