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Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 11:26 pm
by JoshuaMadoc
Set wrote:
IndianaJones wrote:Science is another manipulating tool that most of the "Impossible" must rely on science and theories.
First, that sentence makes no sense. Second, I'll never understand all the hate for science. Science is a GOOD THING. We'd all still be stuck in the dark ages thinking the world was flat without it.
Relax, he's just being himself.

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 11:27 pm
by wolf4life
Were Dono wrote:
cumulusprotagonist wrote:
Were Dono wrote:Buh.

I'll excuse myself from this discussion, as I let my own person experiences get in the way.
Aka: retarded replies, when replying probably wasn't a good time for me.

So, my apologies.

Heh. Stupid girl.
No... It was stupid of me to use that as an extreme example. I should have realized that I was forgetting the fact that there is no way I could possibly know whether or not you or someone else reading the post was affected by that themselves.

I thought calling the topic hilarous could hurt his feelings.
I felt some of the things being said could be hurtful.
I am sorry.
Heh, I think we both forgive each other
wolf4life wrote:i think cumulus should be free to says what he thinks...
...But no one else should be?

alright let me refase that....

everyone should be aloud to say what they think

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 11:32 pm
by JoshuaMadoc
wolf4life wrote:everyone should be aloud to say what they think
... And take some f*** responsibility for the repercussions, otherwise, one must burn thine tongue and mightly silence one's echo.

So, in that case, let's all go to germany and use the necronomicon to revive Hitler, shall we?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 11:33 pm
by wolf4life
i siad should be aloud...

never said people couldnt shoot the hell out of you for it

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:45 pm
by fredriksam
Okay, First i have to say: I,m used to people not beliving in that i have been abducted. Its very hard to "prove" this kind of happenings. I have tried take a photo/movie of them, but failed.

The electronics often go haywire when they are around.

Of course i get sad when people dont belive me.

Also, about the abductions, i usually dont talk about this with strangers. But this forum has become like a pack or family for me, so thats why i had courage to tell it. Even in the best families, theres a little teasing or "bullying" to each other. Right? or i,m completely wrong?

Someone here (dont remeber who) mentioned it was strange that the aliens are so humanoid like. They might take that appance to us because we humans dont like "odd things". So its a try to making us (me) calm down.

Who knows?

They have said they come from Zeta something. But so far, never told why they abducted me, more than: "you have been chosen". They should learn to explain that better, in my opinion.

Secondly: I,m sorry, but i,m not one of these that post alot. I read alot and sometimes i make a commentary. Its not that i,m unintressted, more like being a little shy, maybe.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 6:23 pm
by cumulusprotagonist
Kaebora wrote:
cumulusprotagonist wrote:What if this was meant to be taken seriously? I would find it sad if "Fredriksam finally posted something he was afraid to talk about for all this time and get many of the responses he was dreading he would get."
I never said I don't beleive him, rather, that I remain highly skeptical. I am open to every scientific possibility. It's just that some details of his story, and the late timing of him telling it, make it much less convencing. If he seriously beleives it happened, he should be prepared to be countered by those whom are skeptical of such possibility, and I would thus applaud his bravery due to that fact. If I were a werewolf, or an alien abductee, I'd probobly never come forward for fear of being called crazy.

He hasn't responded, so I guess we scared him off. Sheesh.
I was not refering to you...

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 6:27 pm
by cumulusprotagonist
kitetsu wrote:
wolf4life wrote:everyone should be aloud to say what they think
... And take some {censored} responsibility for the repercussions, otherwise, one must burn thine tongue and mightly silence one's echo.

So, in that case, let's all go to germany and use the necronomicon to revive Hitler, shall we?

Fredrick what do you think of his response. Do you think I am sick and need to have my tongue burned? I was trying to express how I felt. I did not know how the comment would effect you. I was trying to make what I was saying understood but in the end, I failed...

One more thing when I said A and B were more probable in my first post I was BS'ing. There is no way I could possibly know what is more probable. How can I say this when all the doubts I have come from society? Many people claim with all the cameras and media in the world today it would be impossible not to know about it. They may have a device that jams recording equipment. Um...Don't we have such a device?

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:30 pm
by Lukas
jesus crist people the only think kite is saying is if your going to say something controversial be prepared to take some crap for it, calm down

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:02 pm
by IndianaJones
Set wrote:
IndianaJones wrote:Lots o' text...
*pokes* You're weird.

Yeah, I wasn't like that, before I found what the f*** is wrong with this world!

Think about what you know....and what you think you know!
IndianaJones wrote:Humans are manipulated everyday. So you don't know what's real and what's fake.
The Matrix has you!
We're all in the Matrix..........

I believe in Fred. He has a rather interesting experience with the Grey aliens. I am not saying Science is a bad thing, but it can help most of us, but not really. I hate all of the world's government. They are nothing but puppets and liars.

I like this quote:
"Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become disturbed. When he becomes disturbed, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."

Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

Neo: What truth?

Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind. I'm trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it. Free your mind! -Excepts from the -Matrix-

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:41 am
by Kaebora
Well, I commend Fredriksam for putting his pride on the line by trusting us with this story. That takes guts.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:09 pm
by Lukas
wither its true or not i agree with Kaebora

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:31 pm
by Set
fredriksam wrote:They have said they come from Zeta something.
That...sounds vaguely familiar. Where have I heard that before :?

I'm still a little unclear as to why you told US, instead of a shrink, the cops, or someone that might actually be qualified to help you.
IndianaJones wrote:Text!
As for you... :splat: You're getting to be as annoying as Cumulus. Not a goal to strive for.

There's no such thing as Greys.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 10:13 pm
by Lukas
That...sounds vaguely familiar. Where have I heard that before Confused

I'm still a little unclear as to why you told US, instead of a shrink, the cops, or someone that might actually be qualified to help you.
that wouldn't happen to be this would it?

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 11:25 pm
by IndianaJones
Man, you people are ignorant. Oh well.

I will just stop my ramblings then.

I'm only one month old as a member, so throw wet duckies at my head.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 1:31 am
by JoshuaMadoc
Indy, just face it -- there are more people who'd listen to usual subjects than something yet to be physically proven than you think.

If it's of any consolation, i confess that i'm leaning to believing that the Second Renaissance... Yes, that Animatrix episode, will happen. Robots gets racist treatment, we keep treating them like s***, they pay us back with driving us underground and forcing us to play Matrix. That's gonna be our fault to start with, which we'll probably never admit because we're all too emo and primitive to talk about what went wrong.

But do i have to tell everybody that i believe it'll happen? No. In fact, it's better people don't know until it inevitably bites them in the a**. Until then, i'll sit back and wait for it to happen, or not.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 7:44 pm
by IndianaJones
Yeah, I remember that episode in Animatrix. It's a very dark episode, the way how humans treated their own creation and the robots wanted peach with them, instead the humans wanted war. Which caused their 'Matrix' to happen.

Many timeline and events from fictional stories are coincidental......

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 8:53 pm
by Lukas
whether we believe it or not, calling us ignorant and acting like we are all wrong and you hold the maximum truth isn't going to help convince people to your side

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 8:56 pm
by Set
Lukas wrote:that wouldn't happen to be this would it?
Not the one I've heard of, no. Don't know about fredriksam though. Sound familiar?

From terror, hope

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 8:18 pm
by Scott Gardener
First, for openers: I believe you.

What's this, you say? I, the scientific-minded skeptic, and I'm the one who believes? Yes. Here's why.

There's no logical motivation for deception here. The story is in keeping with similar abduction stories, including that it is felt to be an invasive process rather than some grandiose cosmic experience. I'd be a lot more skeptical if you described some sci-fi-ish battle between the Grays and Reptilians over ancient artifacts, the fate of humanity, or some lost ancient civilization's knowledge. But instead this account is more about the effects it has on you and your family. And, it's similar to many other abduction reports.

Some might use that similarity as a criticism, but I think not. There are better ways of getting attention. I have found that attempts to dismiss abductions as "ploys for sympathy" have failed to explain the phenomenon; they've just tried to pretend that it isn't there. Attempts to invoke "Occam's Razor," that "the simplest explanation is probably correct," have in my opinion backfired, because attempts to describe a mass hypnosis / hysteria involving obscure regions of the human brain become, after trying to include all factors of the abduction experience, more complicated than the explanation that people are being indeed abducted by aliens.

This is not to say that an abduction should be assumed to be exactly what is experienced. You may have experienced something else and only remember parts of it, or the memory itself may be a replacement for something else. There is no way to know. Thankfully, whatever is happening, ultimately, it seems that you are in the long term safe--the Grays, whoever or whatever they are, are pretty good at putting things back where they found them, minus some pretty substantial emotional scars.

First and foremost, this is more about you and your family than about any paranormal elements. None-the-less, the extraterrestrial or ultraterrestrial influence is the first thing we all see, and it's what raises so many questions. Since it's unavoidable, I shall offer some observations that I think may be of some use.

Attempts at understanding an advanced consciousness are pretty tricky, since we're human, working with human brains and looking at the experiences from a human standpoint. One thing that the human brain does handle well is metaphor and comparison. So, with that in mind, I'll suggest that the best way to understand an alien mind (without going into the question of whether they're really aliens, versus ultraterrestrials--visitors from an outside realm of existence--time travellers, or native to Earth all along--as our Faerie lore suggests) is to consider a situation in which we, humans, are serving a similar role to another species. There are plenty of examples of species that experience "human abductions," but one of the best might be sitting right next to me in the bank of emoticons--wolves.

From a wolf's perspective, humans are a very strange phenomenon. They are at once destructive and kind. They do terrible things, at times seeming bent on total extermination of all wolves. But, they also seem intent on preserving wolves. They keep wolf-like beasts among them--childlike creatures who resemble wolf pups in scent and behavior, but who look strangely different. (We call them "dogs.") Humans are very unpredictable--one may be more interested in photographs while another is more intent on killing. But, an individual wolf probably does not think about any of this. To most wolves on a day to day basis, at least the ones still in the wild, humans don't exist on a routine basis, at least not directly.

Picture a wolf who periodically finds strange scents left in the forest. He knows from his parents only that this scent is bad. His parents lack the language to explain anything more specific to describe or understand what motivates them, but they know that these things are very aggressive, smell terrible, and impose their territorial boundaries upon wolf kind. They chase wolves away from other animals, making food scarce. Then, one evening, a light appears in the sky. As it gets brighter, a loud rumbling noise shakes the ground and surges of wind blow in all directions. The wind is filled with strange scents, of human machinery and of the strange beasts themselves. The wolf looks up and sees a human pointing something. A loud noise is heard, followed by a twinge of pain. One tries to run but collapses. Weakened and inexplicably unable to control one's body, one is drawn paralyzed into the craft. One awakens later inside a metal cage, only to be taken out onto a table. A sharp pain is felt as something is attached to one's ear, fairly close to one of one's personal scent areas. A collar is placed around one's neck. Then, one is returned to Earth. Once back, others reject the wolf, because his scent has been altered, and he has to struggle to regain acceptance, haunted by the ordeal of a human abduction and unaware that the humans, however torturous their ordeal may have seemed, was in fact the work of conservation scientists trying to understand wolf behavior and laying groundwork research towards wolf recovery.

The purpose of this metaphor is not neccessarily to say that the Grays are acting for the good of humanity. Rather, it's to point out that whatever motivates them is something that may not seem to make any sense from a human perspective. To a wolf, the world is about hunting down food and establishing territory. The schizophrenic tendency towards at once killing some wolves, abducting others, bringing them to the brink of extinction, reintroducing them all over again, and domesticating them into dogs would make very little sense to a wolf. Humans, however, have the ability to figure out and understand wolves. Too many neglect to do it, but others try to patch the damage. But, one cannot unilaterally declare humans "good" or "bad" in all this, and the ones that do the tormenting to the above wolf are, paradoxically, the ones closest to the "good guys." Human technology would also be very confusing to wolves, frequently doing things that break familiar rules; likewise, an advanced technology probably would appear to defy physics as we understand it--not that any actual laws are broken, just our current assumptions about what is possible.

I shall now address the evidence versus lack of evidence issue. Skeptics are quick to point out the shortage of physical proof of alien interference. But, if an advanced consciousness didn't want to be noticed, there wouldn't be very much evidence. We're getting just enough to suspect something is going on. This is in my mind in perfect keeping with the sloppy nature of the real world--that we're getting just about the amount of evidence we should be getting in a real-universe scenario. If they don't want to be seen, they'd do a pretty good job of hiding themselves from the human consciousness, but there would be occasional slip-ups. They wouldn't need human co-conspirators to maintain a "government cover-up" (though I won't discount the idea that there is one, just because no one in power wants to admit being completely unable to control something that seems this threatening to a people used to the idea that advanced civilizations are motivated to stomp out primitive ones.)

Conclusions: If malice per se were the intention, beings with the kind of capabilities you observed could have vanquished or enslaved humanity long ago. Their interest in humans is for some other reason or series of reasons. They are likely not all one unified people or civilization but instead several with different motivations and interests, but it is too simplistic to try to brand them as "good" or "bad." That said, it is clearly not a desirable position to be one of their favored specimen for whatever it is that they are doing. But, there is at least the reassurance that if you're interesting enough to them, they have a vested interest in keeping us in general around and you in particular. While the idea of a "guardian devil" might seem unsettling, consider that it's evidence that there's another consciousness watching the Earth.

Most people are frightened by the idea of a more advanced intelligence; I'm counting on it, myself. We nearly did ourselves in in 1963 when the Soviet Union started to build a nuclear missile launch complex in Cuba. Had things happened just a little differently, most of life on Earth would be vanquished by now. Nuclear technology is now falling into the hands of places like North Korea and Iran. I need not go into the ecological crisis of today, either. I grant that it's hardly personal consolation, but at least it introduces an extra avenue of hope for life on Earth.

And another thing

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 8:33 pm
by Scott Gardener
As a side note, I must admit I'm a little annoyed at how un-supportive The Pack has been for fredriksam. I'm dissappointed and even surprised a little. Granted, not surprised by much, since alien abductions have worked their way into the popular culture as the epitome of the irrational. But, come on. If he were faking it, he would have mentioned it when he first signed on over two years ago. He could have posted some wacked-out rip-off of Stargate: SG-1, but instead his account was more about emotional effects and personal life. Don't treat him as if he just logged on yesterday and claimed to be a literal, physical-shifting werewolf.

It's understandable that you can react with skepticism if you don't believe there's any reality in the phenomenon, but there's no need to be rude and stomp him down when there's plenty of evidence that, real or not, people who report abductions do show psychological evidence of post-traumatic stress, indicating that, real or not, it plays genuine havoc with one's emotions. The paranormal phenomenon is debatable, but the need for compassion isn't.

The Pack has been in a doldrum for awhile. We've lost several long-time members, and many of our key influential members have been out. The Brownriggs mention work on some preliminary Freeborn demo footage, but we've hardly heard from them in the last month. Matt's Camp Lycanthrope has suffered setbacks and has been shelved for now. I don't want to lose you guys. Let's turn this thing around. Let's remember what we have here. Wake up, people! Good friends are hard to come by. Hang on to them.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 8:59 pm
by Shadow Wulf
After reading hes post.....Im not sure how to respond. I dont know what to say about all this. ??

Re: And another thing

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 9:08 pm
by Dreamer
Scott Gardener wrote:As a side note, I must admit I'm a little annoyed at how un-supportive The Pack has been for fredriksam. I'm dissappointed and even surprised a little. Granted, not surprised by much, since alien abductions have worked their way into the popular culture as the epitome of the irrational. But, come on. If he were faking it, he would have mentioned it when he first signed on over two years ago. He could have posted some wacked-out rip-off of Stargate: SG-1, but instead his account was more about emotional effects and personal life. Don't treat him as if he just logged on yesterday and claimed to be a literal, physical-shifting werewolf.

It's understandable that you can react with skepticism if you don't believe there's any reality in the phenomenon, but there's no need to be rude and stomp him down when there's plenty of evidence that, real or not, people who report abductions do show psychological evidence of post-traumatic stress, indicating that, real or not, it plays genuine havoc with one's emotions. The paranormal phenomenon is debatable, but the need for compassion isn't.

The Pack has been in a doldrum for awhile. We've lost several long-time members, and many of our key influential members have been out. The Brownriggs mention work on some preliminary Freeborn demo footage, but we've hardly heard from them in the last month. Matt's Camp Lycanthrope has suffered setbacks and has been shelved for now. I don't want to lose you guys. Let's turn this thing around. Let's remember what we have here. Wake up, people! Good friends are hard to come by. Hang on to them.
Very inspirational. And I agree with you and Kaebora.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 9:40 pm
by Lukas
well i wasn't that harsh, all i did was say that this was weird, this it was strange to wait so long to tell(but i understand why now), and that if Vuldria was here he would have a field day, i men really, we all know vuldria would have gone crazy over this topic

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 4:26 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Lukas wrote:well i wasn't that harsh, all i did was say that this was weird, this it was strange to wait so long to tell(but i understand why now), and that if Vuldria was here he would have a field day, i men really, we all know vuldria would have gone crazy over this topic
Thats Vuldari, and I agree with you, Scott and Kaebora it takes guts and putting your pride at risk, I dont think any less of him. While I do enjoy about talking aliens, I wouldn't know where to start about abduction, now if its about government conspiracy, area 51 and cover ups that I know about.

I would like to comment about fredriksam and hes experience which I actually dont doubt it happened to him because I believe in aliens. Give me time to reread hes post and I'll see if I can make a good reply.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 8:09 pm
by Scott Gardener
I think he hesitated all this time because he wasn't sure what kind of reaction he would get. I think he might have gotten a better reaction six months ago, when we were more with it and cohesive as a group. Granted, he would have taken a lashing from Vuldari alright, but there's always the one guy. I just hope fredriksam is still following this post. He might have gotten discouraged. Maybe a personal mail to let him know that now that we're past the initial shock, we're listening.