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Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 11:08 pm
by RedEye
Here's what happens on 21 Dec. 2012: It's a solstice. The Earth and the Sun align with the center of our Galaxy, which happens every 56,000 years, give or take a decade. In that alignment, there is a dark section of the Milky way that is the "Dark Place of Evil" of Mayan beliefs.

Like this:
Earth-------Sun-------Hole in Milky Way-----galactic centre.

Remember: that's only four days away from Christmas. Be sure to have all your gifts bought, as the stores will be crowded. The next day will be 22 December, 2012.

Now could we PLEASE get back to the original thread?

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 11:20 pm
by Baphnedia
Thanks for the description Red Eye... I wasn't sure what all the hubbub was about.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 12:26 pm
by Blue-eyes in the dark
so i guess my topic has turned into the end of days or something? :? hmm can't wait to see what comes. :D

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 12:32 pm
by Kaebora
Blue-eyes in the dark wrote:so i guess my topic has turned into the end of days or something? :? hmm can't wait to see what comes. :D
I'll bring the popcorn and lawnchairs.

This thread has been...


Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 12:34 pm
by Blue-eyes in the dark
No kidding. :roll:

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 4:47 pm
by Dreamer
RedEye wrote:Here's what happens on 21 Dec. 2012: It's a solstice. The Earth and the Sun align with the center of our Galaxy, which happens every 56,000 years, give or take a decade. In that alignment, there is a dark section of the Milky way that is the "Dark Place of Evil" of Mayan beliefs.

Like this:
Earth-------Sun-------Hole in Milky Way-----galactic centre.

Remember: that's only four days away from Christmas. Be sure to have all your gifts bought, as the stores will be crowded. The next day will be 22 December, 2012.

Now could we PLEASE get back to the original thread?
So, in 2012 the Earth will be sucked into a blcak hole? Is that what you said?

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 5:01 pm
by RedEye
Dreamer wrote:
RedEye wrote:Here's what happens on 21 Dec. 2012: It's a solstice. The Earth and the Sun align with the center of our Galaxy, which happens every 56,000 years, give or take a decade. In that alignment, there is a dark section of the Milky way that is the "Dark Place of Evil" of Mayan beliefs.

Like this:
Earth-------Sun-------Hole in Milky Way-----galactic centre.

Remember: that's only four days away from Christmas. Be sure to have all your gifts bought, as the stores will be crowded. The next day will be 22 December, 2012.

Now could we PLEASE get back to the original thread?
So, in 2012 the Earth will be sucked into a blcak hole? Is that what you said?
In astronomer-speak; an area in a bright section of sky that is dark-as in no stars to speak of-is called a "hole", as in "Hole in the bright part of the sky"... not as in Black hole. Those are in the Galactic centre, and 'way too far away to do anything much here on earth.

Now: Lissen up! Either we get back on thread, or I'm locking this thing.
If you don't know what the thread is about, go look at the first post.
Kaebora is right: this thing is so-o-o derailed it isn't funny. Either we get back to the original thread, or it's lockey-lockey-time.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 6:07 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Yes, you had your share of being off topic, now its time to get back on the original matter.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 12:06 am
by IndianaJones
It's my fault for bringing that up anyway.....

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:46 am
by cumulusprotagonist
IndianaJones wrote:The Wolf is still a misunderstood creature among city-dwelling humans.

Physical Wolf??! All sentient beings have souls, their spirit animates the body. Our physical body is nothing more than a fleshy bag control by our spiritual body. Just like animals, the Earth Humans are currently living the 3rd density, the animals in the 2nd density, and plants/rocks in the 1st density, all which we can see them and ourselves. The 1, 2, 3 densities are connected, Earth will move on to the 4th density in December 21, 2012. But, a greater force behind the World's Governments won't let us.....
This is still on topic. The extra information supplements the part of your response that was on topic.

Anyways fake is not fake because it sounds like it. Maybe blue eyes just isn't able to tell the story in a good way.

Fairy Tales come true every day, just nobody knows it because nobody believes them. Nobody believes them because a Fairy Tale never happened to them and probably never will.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:51 am
by cumulusprotagonist
Just try not to turn this into a minority report and punish blue eyes before YOU KNOW he actually commited crime.

Intuation or "common sense" does not cut it.
If it was "commen sense" it would not be common sense to make a "minority report" over it.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 4:41 pm
by RedEye
This all boils down to one word: Memory. How much can you trust your old (as in childhood) memories--those of you who are old enough to have such a category, and aren't still living them.

If a memory is faulty; then does that make someone faulty as well?
If a dream is remembered as real; is it a real memory or not?

Blue-eyes has said what he remembers: and he has every right to: We all exist in the immediate past while our minds "process" the present. We all have such "questionable" memories, a product of our mind's "compression" system.

For me, there were so many things NOT gone into by Blue-eyes in his post that while I can't say "Yeah, that's real"- I can't say it isn't, because of the omissions and assumptions.
It's an incomplete report; lacking lots of background data.
That's what gives it some possibility. Had it been presented in a complete report form, listing where they were camped, when, what was in the immediate area; and all the other minutea-while it would be more fact-filled; I'd trust it less, largely because of the likelyhood of a carefully researched fake.
Events aren't neat. They're messy and incomplete. Maybe it was a dream, maybe it was real; if those were human habituated Wolves-it's just barely possible.
And that's the sticking point.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:19 pm
by MoonKit
I dont know, guys. I think a lot of you jumped to believe it right away because he said wolves.

Somehow, I think had he said hyenas or bulls or chickens, he would have gotten a very different response.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:05 pm
by PariahPoet
lol, abducted by checkens. :D

IMHO- I think that Blue had a real experience even if the event did not occur in reality. I think it was probably more of a dream or a spiritual experience than an actual event.
I saw a wolf spirit in my house when I was a child, so I do believe that Blue is not just making this story up. But I don't think it was a pack of flesh and blood wolves.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 12:23 am
by cumulusprotagonist
MoonKit wrote:I dont know, guys. I think a lot of you jumped to believe it right away because he said wolves.

Somehow, I think had he said hyenas or bulls or chickens, he would have gotten a very different response.
Not from me...

chicken :roll: (not even a mammal)

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:36 am
by Set
cumulusprotagonist wrote:*chorcccccoooough*
chicken :roll: (not even a mammal)
Intuation or "common sense" does not cut it.
If it was "commen sense" it would not be common sense to make a "minority report" over it.
And once again I must ask you to speak in english. Think you can do that?

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:03 am
by Midnight
That's the tricky thing about memories... some dream-memories can seem as real as "real" memories. I occasionally have that problem (although mine are nowhere near as interesting, being as they are all about work). I still have vivid memories from about 8 or 10 years ago of doing a field inspection and making notes about it... and I even spent half an hour at work the next day trying to find the field notes I'd made... but they couldn't be found - because they'd never existed in the first place. The entire thing - the site itself (I could find where it should have been on a map - but it didn't exist so it wasn't shown), the inspection and the notes - was all part of a dream I'd had the previous night.
Set wrote:And once again I must ask you to speak in english. Think you can do that?
Welcome to the Internet. Please leave your ability to write clear, correct and intelligible English at the door. Sigh.

By the way... is that a Tenth Doctor icon you're wearing today?

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:41 am
by Set
Midnight wrote:By the way... is that a Tenth Doctor icon you're wearing today?

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:23 pm
by RedEye
PariahPoet wrote:lol, abducted by checkens. :D

IMHO- I think that Blue had a real experience even if the event did not occur in reality. I think it was probably more of a dream or a spiritual experience than an actual event.
I saw a wolf spirit in my house when I was a child, so I do believe that Blue is not just making this story up. But I don't think it was a pack of flesh and blood wolves.
That could well be the case; in which it would still be real to him. Perhaps the reason we reacted to it (either way) is hinted at by our now unique Emoticons :wink: I believe that GoldenWulfen began them, but they have been expanded upon by several people...
That may well be why he presented his experience in the way he did.
One suspects that he didn't expect the avalanche of opinions that have risen from that one story.
That's what makes a forum such fun.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:09 pm
by Scott Gardener
Proof is only important if you're trying to convince someone. If you are satisfied that it happened, then that should suffice for your own purposes. Unless the wolves show up again and warn of imminent doom or are offering free lycanthropy to any takers, then convincing any of us is not important.

You don't have to care what we think; that's the beauty of paranormal experiences. So many of us get caught up trying to convince others that these experiences are real. I just go with having the experiences and tell the right people in the right context. No reason to invite people to pick apart wonderful experiences. Granted, some of us do enjoy reading about these experiences--some of us will believe them, some won't. Just keep in mind that sharing intimate secrets with a global forum will produce mixed responses.

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 7:27 am
by WereWolfBoy
true but like i said everyone has things that happen that are unexplained to them

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:54 pm
by cumulusprotagonist
Set wrote:
cumulusprotagonist wrote:*chorcccccoooough*
chicken :roll: (not even a mammal)
Intuation or "common sense" does not cut it.
If it was "commen sense" it would not be common sense to make a "minority report" over it.
And once again I must ask you to speak in english. Think you can do that?
I misspelled two words give me a break.


"If it was "common sense" it would not be common sense to make a "minority report" over it."
Minority Report is a movie. In the movie people are arrested before they commit a crime. Even if you think common sense tells you that blue eyes is lying, common sense should also tell you not to punish him unless you can prove it.

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 10:09 pm
by Set
I wasn't complaining about your spelling. I didn't (and still don't) understand what you were trying to say. Punishing? How is anyone punishing anyone else here, exactly?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:35 pm
by Lukas
Set wrote:I wasn't complaining about your spelling. I didn't (and still don't) understand what you were trying to say. Punishing? How is anyone punishing anyone else here, exactly?
i think he is trying to say don't go calling blue a lier and insulting, etc. him before you have proof it didn't happen and he is saying common sense isn't proof because he claims common sense also says you can't punish(insult, call liar) without proof of it not actually happening,that is a logical fallacy tho since if it was never there, or it happen on another plane(dream, spirit) theres is no way to prove or disapprove it, so that reason is just some cheap a** excuse

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:33 am
by Kelpten
Well, before I give an opinion on this I'm going to divulge a few nuggets of knowledge.

First, this experience is not unprecedented. Though I cannot remember the specifics, a woman was raised by wolves from age 2-8. They mentioned this on a special on wolves on the discovery channel or something. In the book Never Cry Wolf, which was written by the respected lycanologist Farley Mowat, an Inuit claimed that his father had placed him in a wolf den when he was a baby and later retrieved him unharmed. While these events aren't the most concrete, they do demonstrate that the concept has been presented before.

Second, I work in a wolf shelter. Most of our animals, and remember these have been bred in captivity, would try and eat small children. To recall a specific event, a photographer wanted a picture of his six year old daughter with a wolf. So we brought out Kiowa, not really sure of what the outcome would be. He tried to take the little girl out. Fortunately it ended well, but after that we kept children away from the wolves. Wild wolves would probably respond much worse.

So for my own opinion, I'd say that I don't believe it. As previously mentioned, it would be very difficult if not impossible for a wolf to move a six-year-old, even a skinny one, without waking him (I assumed you slept through the transit since you have no recollection of it), let alone entering the tent you were in without waking anyone else. Second, I've been inside a wolf's den, and it's nothing like you described. It's a steep hole that widens at the bottom but is nonetheless much smaller than even the smallest of tents. The ceiling is barely 2 1/2 feet high and can fit at most two fully grown wolves at a squeeze, though I suppose it is possible that the den you were in was merely bigger than the ones I've seen.

Finally, I can't imagine that you'd be missing for an entire day in the woods and that your family would merely be surprised, since most mothers and fathers would be panicked if their children went missing for an hour. But why should they be surprised if you'd wandered off before "like [you] always did when [you were] younger"? It seems more likely that you dreamed it and remembered it later as a true memory (you were young at the time).

Sorry that I picked apart your narrative, but there just seem to be too many inconsistencies. You're welcome to counter any of my points, and I sort of hope you do. It sounds like a wondrous experience that probably is very special to you, and if it is real I'd like to hear about it in more detail.