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Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 8:14 am
by PariahPoet
Figarou wrote:
PariahPoet wrote: It's not just that but the way you treated me before you resigned as admin. You were a real jerk. I was just trying to keep people from getting upset at you for being so grouchy and you turned and bit me for it saying I snapped at you. I really considered you a friend, that hurt.

I can be "hurt" as well. I thought YOU was my friend before you said this. ... 508#159508
PariahPoet wrote:Yeah, she got the attention she deserved in the con, but not from the Pack.

Fig, you're always going to be my friend, I wouldn't let anything as petty as my need for attention get in the way of that, but you really weren't interested.
Remember I sent you a pm saying I wasn't sure if it was worth finishing Red becaue I didn't want to compete with Okami?
Your reaction- OOH! I didn't know she was making an Okami!

I mean, it's not that big a deal. You liked her stuff before I even started making suits. But you know me, I have to whine.
It's just that I really didn't have much fun this year.

I was hurt because I went to see you at Oni-con in Houston. I had fun there being with you. Even though that convention can't compare to A-kon.
What does Oni-con have to do with anything? If you didn't want to go you didn't have to. The fact remains that even though I let you know it hurt my feelings that you had no respect for my costume work you continued to go on and on about Shadowsaber. Your next post in that thread went on to whine that you didn't get to see her Okami suit. Boo-hoo, you didn't see ONE out of her Pack of what? four? five?

That's why I took down all of my art and suits from the Pack. Nobody here cares unless it's Vrik or Shadowsaber....of Kae just posting that he's THINKING about making a suit. Now that's not to disparage anyone, they put a lot of time and skill into their costumes and they deserve respect for it. I just don't understand why nobody cares about mine. Joker and Z are the only ones who have been supportive. (of course I thought Z didn't get the recognition she deserved either)

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 2:46 pm
by Figarou
PariahPoet wrote: What does Oni-con have to do with anything? If you didn't want to go you didn't have to. The fact remains that even though I let you know it hurt my feelings that you had no respect for my costume work you continued to go on and on about Shadowsaber. Your next post in that thread went on to whine that you didn't get to see her Okami suit. Boo-hoo, you didn't see ONE out of her Pack of what? four? five?

That's why I took down all of my art and suits from the Pack. Nobody here cares unless it's Vrik or Shadowsaber....of Kae just posting that he's THINKING about making a suit. Now that's not to disparage anyone, they put a lot of time and skill into their costumes and they deserve respect for it. I just don't understand why nobody cares about mine. Joker and Z are the only ones who have been supportive. (of course I thought Z didn't get the recognition she deserved either)

That is a fine example of "personal feelings" getting in the way, folks. :roll:

I DID care about your costume. And Z's

You think "The Pack" doesn't care. How do you know that? Is it because they didn't respond to your post? Heck......I had the same results when I was posting new wolf smilies. I post responce. And it doesn't get used at all. Is my feelings hurt? No.

If the screening to Red Victoria wasn't at the same time as the costume contest...I would've been there to see you. But since I keep mentioning Shadowsaber's work, you assumed I didn't care about yours. I hate to say're just jealous because Shadowsaber got most of the attention. Everytime someone brings up her say something negative about it.

Look...I'm not angry at you. Never was. I'm just confused because I don't know what kind of "personal feelings" is going on in your mind right now.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 5:40 pm
by Lupin
PariahPoet wrote:Dreamer did. But magically his posts disappeared.
Funny, huh?
Nothing magical about it, since phpBB doesn't show posts from user ids that aren't in the users table. And there was a bit of an accident while cleaning up spambots yesterday.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 6:26 pm
by Set
cumulusprotagonist wrote:It is the holidays please cheer up and be happy.
The ONLY thing holidays do is bring out the dramawhore in everyone. Hence why this topic got so long so quickly.

Guys, chill. Get off the damn computer and go do something fun instead of sitting there sniping at eachother over stupid s***. It's getting on my nerves.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 9:16 pm
by Morkulv
Wow... I'm actually glad I'm not a furry reading this page.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 9:20 pm
by Lukas
That's why I took down all of my art and suits from the Pack. Nobody here cares unless it's Vrik or Shadowsaber....of Kae just posting that he's THINKING about making a suit. Now that's not to disparage anyone, they put a lot of time and skill into their costumes and they deserve respect for it. I just don't understand why nobody cares about mine. Joker and Z are the only ones who have been supportive. (of course I thought Z didn't get the recognition she deserved either)
Pariah i don't respond to most art anyway because im a looker, but i don't know stuff about art, usually when i comment on art i try to to think of something that caught me, or at least stick in something from comments on it, but if its just good and i got nothing on it, i enjoy the art and move on, besides isn't the point of making art not to get attention but to show off your artistic talents and let others enjoy it?

anyway its like set said, things are getting to over-dramatic, we need to toughen up now, if we got too fickle over stuff on the internet, how can we deal with the real world?


Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 11:19 pm
by Scott Gardener
OK, people. Relax and breathe.

I'll start with general advice that goes for a lot of people. Think before you post. Conversely, consider that the other person might not have. If something can be interpreted two ways, as either a generalization or a personal attack, assume it's the former and not the latter until proven otherwise. Most people here don't start fights; they just retaliate at what was inadvertently a very personal-seeming attack. Bashes against furries or Christians are examples--statements made against a general group, callously forgetting that members of said groups are here among us.

We're not ignoring your work. Far from it. Cathey and I have been extremely impressed with it. We looked for you at A-Kon in it, but never once actually ran into you. We did get to see Z's Joker outfit, and we thought it was nothing short of spectacular. We were out of pocket a good part of Saturday because of personal matters. My showing off my Shadowsaber outfit has never, ever been an attempt to upstage anyone or claim superiority of one individual over another. I have advocated Shadowsaber's work as among the best, and with Shadowsaber and a friend entered two competitions. (the hallway costume contest at A-Kon, which we won, and another competition over at the Lizard Lounge that night, in which we got hosed by Master Chief) I do not feel that either of these acts represent any lessoning of recognition of your own work, which I also consider first-rate. Indeed, if you decided to do commission work, I would recommend you. Why didn't I seem more supportive during A-Kon? Not through any actual ill will; we just weren't as a Pack very organized this past year in general, and our involvements in events from the Red Victoria screening and Brownrigg's panels to the costume events just didn't seem to come together very cohesively. (I am not pointing fingers, and any attempt to interpret this sentence as a finger-point at anyone will be met with a pummeling of my snobbishly convoluted rhetoric.)

I'm so glad you're back. Any plans on restoring your section on Camp Lycanthrope?

Also, though the post was edited, you did have some criticisms of Freeborn. These criticisms are actually pretty important, because a director like Anthony can fix problems now while the movie is still in pre-production a lot more easily than after the thing is already out. (Granted, George Lucas doesn't seem to have a problem with diddling with movies twenty years after they've been out.) I know, you were angry and disgruntled, but outbursts often represent suppressed feelings you may still feel. Freeborn is not an infallable holy relic that must never be criticised. If you see things that need to be fixed, then please let Anthony know. He'd much rather hear your advice about fixing flawed characters and plot elements than my geekish drooling devotion to the concept.

Also, Matt, I thought your "I didn't even mention furries" was funny. No one else got it. Indeed, some people took offense to your mentioning not mentioning them. I can't help but think of a disclaimer at the beginning of some episodes of Monty Python's Flying Circus. "This program has been found to be offensive to people who are easily offended. So, if you are one of those, then don't watch."

Re: It's!

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 3:39 am
by Figarou
Scott Gardener wrote: PariahPoet:
We're not ignoring your work. Far from it. Cathey and I have been extremely impressed with it. We looked for you at A-Kon in it, but never once actually ran into you. We did get to see Z's Joker outfit, and we thought it was nothing short of spectacular. We were out of pocket a good part of Saturday because of personal matters. My showing off my Shadowsaber outfit has never, ever been an attempt to upstage anyone or claim superiority of one individual over another. I have advocated Shadowsaber's work as among the best, and with Shadowsaber and a friend entered two competitions. (the hallway costume contest at A-Kon, which we won, and another competition over at the Lizard Lounge that night, in which we got hosed by Master Chief) I do not feel that either of these acts represent any lessoning of recognition of your own work, which I also consider first-rate. Indeed, if you decided to do commission work, I would recommend you. Why didn't I seem more supportive during A-Kon? Not through any actual ill will; we just weren't as a Pack very organized this past year in general, and our involvements in events from the Red Victoria screening and Brownrigg's panels to the costume events just didn't seem to come together very cohesively. (I am not pointing fingers, and any attempt to interpret this sentence as a finger-point at anyone will be met with a pummeling of my snobbishly convoluted rhetoric.)


Sorry for my last post, Pariahpoet. Its just that I don't like being called a jerk when all I tried to do was my job here as an admin.

Now I know what cops go through when they hand out speeding tickets. :(

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 11:19 am
by MattSullivan
Again, Anthony has at the very least managed to raise funding for his film. All i can say ( at the moment ) is that i had trouble keeping track of the story in the script I read, which had major structure problems and seemed to be UNEDITED. A good script goes through revision after revision after revision. it's very rare that a movie EVER goes into production on its first draft ( though there are exceptions.

Also, its really not my place to tell Anthony how to make his film. If he ASKED for suggestions sure, but after my outburst, I'm pretty sure he wants nothing to do with me. I probably would feela bit miffed if the same were said about CL, ( though i ALWAYS ask for HONEST critiques )

As for Cl, i think it might be wise to avoid bringing my forum back, especially since I have a number of pitches coming up. i don't want those studios to think every little detail about the film is up on this site to "ruin" it.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 12:10 am
by nekocj
wow I haven't been here in awhile and everything is going this bad? (not that it has anything to do with me being here or not :p) It kind of makes me feel bad to see all you guys fighting! This is the first forum I've ever been on that I felt welcome to and I think very highly of all of you and hate to see you all fighting. *group hug* come on guys lets just talk about werewolves and cool stuff we all enjoy! Lets be a pack again :D It's best in my opinion to ignore rude comments, and if you don't like someone else's opinion then that is fine, just don't spark a hateful discussion about it or the rudeness. Forgive and forget and help make the pack strong again! I'm glad you are all still around. Mat I'm glad you stuck with us, Kae you get on my nerves sometimes but I still love ya : p, Pariah your costumes always are and always have been awesome and I think you are just an all around awesome person to begin with! Fig I'm glad you're still here too despite your heavy work schedule! And everyone else I know we all have problems and difficulties with other people, it's human nature not to get along with other humans for whatever reason, we'll always argue, but just remember. We're all still pack mates. I could gripe about a lot of stuff too. There are things you all do that bug me, but I'm not here to complain about why I hate what certain people say. I'm here to enjoy werewolves and the making of movies like Freeborn and Camp Lycanthrope with like minded individuals so try to keep that in mind. We're all like minded individuals.

Maybe that's why nobody gets along neh? :P


Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 1:26 am
by MattSullivan
In a wolf pack, there's always a little fighting now and then, RIGHT? :D

We'll be OK. It's all this eggnog we been drink..s making us CRAAAAZY!

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:40 am
by Shadow Wulf
MattSullivan wrote:In a wolf pack, there's always a little fighting now and then, RIGHT? :D

We'll be OK. It's all this eggnog we been drink..s making us CRAAAAZY!
OMG that reminds me! There eggnog in the fridge I have to throw away! :o

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 7:33 pm
by nekocj
ick eggnog, you guys are gross :lol: j/k actually it would make more sense for werewolves if you guys were drinking coconut milk wouldn't it? :lol: (although I'm not sure HOW that would make more sense ?? )

Yes Packs do tend to have some teeth baring, and growling and that's why the Omega's, those of us who would act the fools to dispel any aggression, need to come by and help lighten things up a bit yes? :D Lessee lemme see if I have something fun to watch...

Ah here we go. I know this isn't necessarily the place for this but come on it's kind of cute and we all need to see something cute and laugh! Here's some wierd guy singing about his little kitty tearing stuff up. I think its fun to watch kitties getting into trouble. Enjoy.


Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 12:11 am
by PariahPoet
Figarou wrote: I hate to say're just jealous because Shadowsaber got most of the attention. Everytime someone brings up her say something negative about it.
You listen up. I have not ONCE said anything negative about Shadowsaber's work! Don't you dare put words in my mouth. Every boody time I have made my complaint I have qualified it by saying she deserves all the respect she gets because she does indeed have a great deal of talent. Moreso than myself.

Now, if you care to continue this discussion you can move it to pm. If not I have nothing more to say to you.

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 9:20 pm
by RedEye
Sorry guys: but it's Lockdown time.