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Re: The worst people on-line

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:03 pm
by Terastas
Kaebora wrote:I pay $6 a month for a remote server of 200GB, which could hold their website and their bandwidth easilly. They aren't smart enough to migrate to a more economical server, or the admin is 13 years old and cant afford $6 a month.
Or the $5000 goal is just a ploy to get their fans to overpay, and if they're dumb enough to find that kind of crap amusing, they probably will.

That, I'm sure, is the whole purpose of the website: to get people to pay them without them having to actually do anything.

Re: The worst people on-line

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:55 am
by Silent Hunter
E.D. is easy to ignore, simply by not visiting their website.
QFT. If people do not like ED then why the hell do they come there in the first place. Its not as if no one FORCES people to visit ED yet people b**** and moan. ED had the title Dramatica at the end for a reason. Its not meant to be taken seriously. This is going to get me hated but I find that some of ED's articles certain things like DA and a couple of furry areas actually has some truth in it.

Oh and I am going to be my own type of person now. The quitter. Basically someone who will drop out either if he is is losing a game or for any other reason. Can be loud and shouty but can also be very quiet. I found a lot of team droppers in DOW which f*** things up. I will admit I do drop out. If I am not having fun anymore, why should I continue playing?

Re: The worst people on-line

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:34 am
by Terastas
Silent Hunter wrote:
I will admit I do drop out. If I am not having fun anymore, why should I continue playing?
It really depends on why you quit and how. It's one thing to say "RL calls" or "OK, you win." It's another thing to throw a tantrum because you're losing or try to fake a bad connection. I don't mind people quitting as long as they freely admit that's what they're doing.

Re: The worst people on-line

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 4:12 pm
by Silent Hunter
Its a bit of both. If I feel like there is no fun to be had then I will leave. If I lose badly and do not want it to be on my record then I will D/C. I hate lose/win rates as people can see that and kick you thinking your bad. So its a bit of both tbh. I don't often leave though.

Re: The worst people on-line

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 4:45 pm
by Kaebora
That only bothers me in games that have a small playerbase. Steel Battalion: Line of Contact never has more than 6 -10 people on (at most). There are the players that try to buff their stats by pulling the plug after their first death to obtain the title "Immortal" on their profile. Due to the close-knit nature of that community, word spreads to not let them into your matches. Same thing happens in Operation Flashpoint for XBox. Very few players, and a BIG hit to your team if you are outnumbered.

Re: The worst people on-line

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:43 am
by Terastas
Silent Hunter wrote:
E.D. is easy to ignore, simply by not visiting their website.
QFT. If people do not like ED then why the hell do they come there in the first place. Its not as if no one FORCES people to visit ED yet people b**** and moan. ED had the title Dramatica at the end for a reason. Its not meant to be taken seriously. This is going to get me hated but I find that some of ED's articles certain things like DA and a couple of furry areas actually has some truth in it.
The problem with E.D. and other websites that cater to that brand of stupidity is not the content itself, but the fact that they inspire (and often encourage) their viewers to go to our websites and do whatever they can to try and make our lives a little more miserable.

That's why websites of that nature are so resented; not because of the content itself, but because of the site-inspired "goons" that spread out across the Internet to do their bidding. That is essentially the purpose of websites like E.D.: to give all these dumb angry suburbanites something for them to hate.

So for the record, I don't hate the websites themselves. The people that actually believe the kind of crap being said at those websites and act upon it, however, I hold nothing back against.

Re: The worst people on-line

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 3:40 am
by Silent Hunter
ED was always more "For the lulz", basically a Wiki version of 4chan, or at least thats how I see it. Now you can goons who have been on 4chan, beleived something on it and went out and attacked, or at worst joined a 4chan raid (pools closed). Now you can not say that the whole of the chans are like /b/. People decide whether to act on this info they hear. In the end it comes down to the person.

Re: The worst people on-line

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:14 am
by Kaebora
The internet. Filled with cesspools of ignorance and idiocy, while we try and avoid them... still approches us regardless.

Re: The worst people on-line

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:00 am
by JoshuaMadoc
I hope the rest of you can realize that accepting ED won't turn you into a disgusting mess of sin.

Re: The worst people on-line

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:40 am
by Kaebora
kitetsu wrote:I hope the rest of you can realize that accepting ED won't turn you into a disgusting mess of sin.
If its purpose wasn't to bash every minority in existance, I might not be so annoyed with their website and members much. Yet their closed-minded arrogance still reaches me through Second Life, and a couple of forums where their members keep rejoining to preach BS.

Re: The worst people on-line

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 12:15 am
by JoshuaMadoc
I was shown the complete opposite when i had a brief private talk with a lot of their mods -- no whinging, no persecution, just natural speaking. If anything, they act a lot more like any other sensible mod for forums and such.

Re: The worst people on-line

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 11:58 pm
by Terastas
kitetsu wrote:I was shown the complete opposite when i had a brief private talk with a lot of their mods -- no whinging, no persecution, just natural speaking. If anything, they act a lot more like any other sensible mod for forums and such.
Much like at Something Awful or the Portal of Evil, the staff and site owners themselves are not stupid, but they deliberately cater to people who are stupid, encourage that kind of stupidity, and allow it to spread all across the Internet.

So while they might not be stupid and/or hateful, they are still making a profit at the expense of everyone else. Just to give you an idea of what kind of money can be made in a hate website, consider this: SomethingAwful charges a $9.95 activation fee to register at the SA forums which they claim already has over 94,000 registered users. Do the math: SA's made over nine hundred thousand dollars in activation fees alone; tack on their banner ads, Awful Mart etc. and they're getting payed quite a lot just to write mediocre filler articles about how everything sucks.

SA, DA, PoE etc. are the Anne Coulters of the Internet -- they intentionally perpetuate blind hatred and stupidity and get payed to do so. That's not stupid, it's evil; it's as dishonest a living you could possibly make while still being legal.

If it was just the site owners themselves, I'd have no problem. But it's not them: it's their countless idiot supporters that spread out across the Internet spreading their hatred and stupidity wherever directed. That's what I object to.

Re: The worst people on-line

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:33 pm
by W'rkncacnter
The people I hate most online are those who outright cheat. I don't mean those who employ tactics or somesuch I can't or don't understand- that's being cheap, and while annoying, it's okay for me.

What I'm talking about is cheating in the traditional sense-going outside of the game's intended rules and play system to win. This is, in my opinion, unacceptable in multiplayer. It damages the experience for everyone, including the player who is cheating. An example would be someone who uses aim bots in an online match of CoD4.

Also, kids. It boggles my mind how these children can convince their mothers to defy normal logic and purchase, oh, say, Battlefield 2142 (which is rated M for good reason). And then they play these games and use the speak channel to accuse everyone around them of being an (insert expletive here; where do they get this language?) for not playing on their level (IE that of a pre-teen whose voice hasn't even changed and has used the game for a sum total of a few weeks). Thank god for mute buttons.

Re: The worst people on-line

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 6:20 pm
by Terastas
W'rkncacnter wrote:The people I hate most online are those who outright cheat. I don't mean those who employ tactics or somesuch I can't or don't understand- that's being cheap, and while annoying, it's okay for me.
On that note, I'd like to add some commentary about people that insist people are cheating when they were doing something that might be considered cheap but is perfectly acceptable by the game's format, or maybe even just because they're getting their tails kicked and refuse to admit it.

You see them on Pokemon Battle Revolution all the time, for which there are plenty of ways to play cheaply (spamming Double Team, spamming Cosmic Power, using Protect and Substitute sequentially, etc), but here's the thing: all of those "cheap" strategies are actually pretty easy to work around. Trust me, I know, I've bred and raised pokemon in Diamond specifically as counters for those "cheap" move sets everyone complains about.

It's just so much easier for some people to say "that's cheap" or "he cheated" than actually prepare for those kinds of strategies. Don't like it when people play cheap like that? Go into the game expecting someone to play like that and try to think of a way to beat it. Don't like somebody hogging a good sniper spot? Get there early and place a few proximity mines. Hate how people always snag all the good weapons and horde them? Hang back out of range and practice your head shots. Yes, it's pretty boring to play cheaply, but nothing's more satisfying than when another gamer plays cheaply and you mop the floor with them anyway. :wink:

Re: The worst people on-line

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 6:38 pm
by Kaebora
Terastas wrote:
W'rkncacnter wrote:The people I hate most online are those who outright cheat. I don't mean those who employ tactics or somesuch I can't or don't understand- that's being cheap, and while annoying, it's okay for me.
On that note, I'd like to add some commentary about people that insist people are cheating when they were doing something that might be considered cheap but is perfectly acceptable by the game's format, or maybe even just because they're getting their tails kicked and refuse to admit it.
In the mech simulator game Steel Battalion: Line of Contact, there is an ability called "Clip Dumping" or what the Japanese players know as the "Magazine Rush". It was originally a glitch in the game, as it was not a feature mentioned in any manuals, and did not exist in the previous single-player-only game. Basically, you hold down the Main Weapon Fire button and tap the Magazine Change button rapidly. The first round of each magazine instantly fires (IE: 3 to 4 bigass sabot rounds all at once), allowing devastating damage if it impacts. The downside is that you are now down to your last mag of ammo, and must either switch weapons or resupply soon. Because of this drawback, it is seen as somewhat balanced.

Most matches online have simple but uniform rules known as "Gentlemen's Rules" enforced only by the word of the host:
-No VT Gen Violations (dont ask)
-No Clip Dumping
-No Pre-Ejecting (eject before VT is destroyed)

Now, this is a scenario in which it is a totally legitimate glitch. Everyone can use it, and everyone knows the risks if they miss. However, when a match says CDing is not allowed, and you do it anyways... people aren't going to be happy. Those who have violated host rules time and time again have been blacklisted from the small and tightly knit community of people that play the game. Therefore, it is fear of future rejection that we play fair.

Re: The worst people on-line

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 12:14 am
by Wingman
As has been mentioned earlier, and this is copypasta from his post, but I agree.
Frivolous Accusers: Just because I won doesn't mean I cheated. Fair enough, right? Well, no matter how much of a total n00b someone may be, they'll still insist that someone could only have beaten them by cheating. These are the evil twins of hackers -- one cheats blatantly and the other accuses everyone else of cheating.

I mean, it's possible to luck out on almost anything, especially in shooters that make headshots instant kills or do substantial amounts of damage. I was playing a sniper guy on Battlefield: 2142, heading towards where the main battle was going on. It's one of those games that lets you see further with your peripheral vision than by looking at something directly, something to do with the whole fog of war effect. Anyways, when I'm turning a corner I see three guys heading for me, all rather skilled players. I drop prone and line up a shot, I was playing recon, they were assault, so it was pretty unlikely they could spot me yet. I fire a shot, nail some cloaked monkey in the forehead. I had no idea he was there. Of course the three guys I was aiming at scattered.
Now, the cloaked dead guy started screaming at me, saying I was cheating, that his cloak was broken, and that I shouldn't have shot at him even if I knew he was there simply because he was cloaked.

The other main type I dislike are those who feel they are entitled to something, simply because they are playing the game.
In a different match, I was in a tank and someone was in the other seat running the gun. So some third guy comes up, tries to get in. Tank's full, no more seats. When he doesn't stop, and I didn't really want to run him over, I go through the trouble of typing out that there are two people in the two-seated tank, there is no room for him.
Then some enemy jeep flies over the corner and, very pissed off at this jackass standing in front of my tank, I fire a shot and hope to kill him in the crossfire. Justifiable accident. Sadly I somehow hit the jeep driver in the face, without harming the jeep. The now-empty jeep rolls to a gentle stop in front of the guy. I just say "Get in." and hit the gas, not caring if I run him over any more.

Then there was the time that me and some lucky guy got over 40 kills in a minute or two while we were in a Walker. 64 player match, everyone swarming the same spot. We just mow through them, laughing merrily. Right spot at the right time in a giant mechanical engine of doom.
It's an effective way to vent anger.

And that's the story of why Punkbuster blocks me from play Battlefield: 2142. Someone, or probably several people, reported me as being a cheater, and I didn't really feel like going through the trouble to get my account back. Ah, Charlston, he of few words(no mic at the time) and the impressive luck. I seem to recall getting up to the same military rank as Hitler had in WWI. Then I got banned. Seems suspicious.

I've also managed to kill Solid Snake with a dumpster lid on Metal Gear Online. I was hiding inside, heard footsteps, and popped out when I thought whoever it was had walked past. Turns out he had climbed on top somehow, and the lid crushed him against the wall. We both had a good laugh.
I'm cursed like that, every once in a while I'll bust out some phenomenal bit of luck(like when I jumped a warthog off something in Halo 2 and hijacked a banshee in mid air, then went kamikaze on a tank and hopped out and hopped out), and then I'll get accused of cheating.

Years back, on the Goldeneye game from N64, I karate-chopped a bullet from the golden gun out of the air. It should have killed me, yet I pimpsmacked it out of the air. Me and my brother both jump just looked at each other and said "What?"

Re: The worst people on-line

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 2:47 pm
by Kaebora
The only recent occurances I've seen was in Counter-Strike Source. I was using the Duel Elite Pistols. In games that require "tapping the A button" nobody is better. I just have a knack for clicking very fast. I was running through the Office map firing these pistols like someone would a machine gun. Crazy awesome. Minutes in, I'm accused of using some kind of hack called an "auto-clicker". I have no idea what that is, but I denied the use of any hacks. I didn't get banned, but I really didn't like them complaining about it for the rest of my time online that day.

Just a week or two ago I was playing in Line of Contact, and accidentally clip-dumped someone. It happens every now and then because the key presses to make it happen can commonly happen through usual operation. It just so happened that the clip-dump hit and killed the final VT on the enemy team. After admiting to causing the strange occurance, all was forgiven.

Re: The worst people on-line

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 9:31 pm
by Terastas
Kaebora wrote:Now, this is a scenario in which it is a totally legitimate glitch. Everyone can use it, and everyone knows the risks if they miss.
That's my stance on cheap gameplay. What you described sounds simple enough in process (so theoretically their opponents could just clip dump them right back), and it has some obvious drawbacks. It's cheap, yes, but it's not like there's anything prohibiting anyone else from trying to do the same.

The Pokemon cheap-os are about the same; they're cheap, yes, but they're also really easy to set up. More over, most veteran players can recognize a cheap-o as soon as they see it in their opponent's team (Jumpluff and Vespiquen, for example, are almost always used cheaply), so countering one isn't exactly brain surgery either.

Accusing someone of cheating when they played the game perfectly within the rules therefore strikes me as being equally as selfish/lazy as hacking blatantly.

Though yesterday I encountered in Gaia Online something far more annoying than either one of them:

"Let me win!"
:P Need I even address that one? I think it speaks for itself.

Re: The worst people on-line

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:51 pm
by Anubis
You know what kinda person that really pisses me off on-line!! PEOPLE THAT CAN'T TAKE BEING OWNED!!!

When I try to get on xbox live today I found out I gotten suspended from Live untill tomorrow!!! You know why? Because thursday before I gotten off some punk was screaming at me because I kept dishing out some pain on CoD4. The little punk reprted me now I got a suspension all because some a** hole couldn't take it. So he did what the only thing he could do to me, was report a complaint against me!

Now I can't even go on martket place, or the xbox website. It's f*** bullshit, and it's not fair!!! :x

Re: The worst people on-line

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:11 pm
by W'rkncacnter
Anubis wrote:You know what kinda person that really pisses me off on-line!! PEOPLE THAT CAN'T TAKE BEING OWNED!!!

When I try to get on xbox live today I found out I gotten suspended from Live untill tomorrow!!! You know why? Because thursday before I gotten off some punk was screaming at me because I kept dishing out some pain on CoD4. The little punk reprted me now I got a suspension all because some a** hole couldn't take it. So he did what the only thing he could do to me, was report a complaint against me!

Now I can't even go on martket place, or the xbox website. It's f*** bullshit, and it's not fair!!! :x
Easy, killer. You're not alone.

I happen to be somewhat exemplary at Battlefield 2142. I call it abnormal when I don't get the most kills in a round (not necessarily the most points total; the team leader gets a huge bonus if we win), and I once destroyed the opposing team's entire base on my own (look it up, this is no easy feat).

I have also been banned from multiple servers by Punkbuster. At one point, I was banned 4 times in one day. Unlike you, however, I typically don't find myself angry when I get banned for being too good. I actually like to think of it as being so good that my enemies' brains explode from over-exposure to pure AWESOMENESS.

It's a funny mental image, no? :P

Re: The worst people on-line

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:52 am
by Wselfwulf
Some bloke on Dark Messiah of Might and Magic insisted on calling me a 'slashnoob' or 'noobslasher'. This was, as you could imagine, because I frequently slashed him to death with the warrior class. As a warrior, in terms of attack, you can either hold down a direction and attack for a stance attack, or slash the crap out of your victims. The warrior class takes massive reduced damage from non-stance attacks so stance attacks are most appropriate for them. Against most other classes, a simple sprint/hack combination is usually enough to take them down if they let down their guard, and this fear should keep them from standing still for too long.
You have to be have pretty good timing to pull off a stance attack against most players, it is appropriate against other warriors or as a shock assault to finish off most others, or at least send them packing. But as a take down, warriors to fantastic damage per hit and this guy seems to think, not only am I doing something wrong, but this is betraying my inexperience.
I really do not understand his logic. It is suicidal for a warrior to charge an archer or mage, thus when I close the distance it often involves very difficult dodging/pre-empting of attacks and seizing their moments of reloading or whatever. It is not easy and by no means does it always work out in my favour. What on earth was this guys deal?

Re: The worst people on-line

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 10:23 am
by W'rkncacnter
My guess would be that you killed him, and he was angry at you. Not everyone takes getting killed in a game with the same grace that most people do.

Re: The worst people on-line

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 12:20 pm
by Wselfwulf
I guess so. As this thread proves, the internet can tap into the worst demographics...

Re: The worst people on-line

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 1:45 pm
by Kaebora
Some games make me so frustrated that I could end up being one of the whiners, which for me means I don't play those games. This includes any games related to Racing, Guitar Hero, DDR, arcade style shooters, and most MMORPGs where Player-Killing is allowed. I typically stick to social MMOs, simulators, FPS, and RTS games. They don't frustrate me as much, even when I lose, because I have more control over my own skill-level in such games.

Best just to avoid games that make you bitter.

Re: The worst people on-line

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 5:22 pm
by Anubis
I gust got another really bad experience just now. :x

I was playing halo 3 multiplayer, playing 3 ball for double exp weekend with some guys I got partied up with. Then I got match made with some f*** arrogant little asshole; II ibPROfen II (feel free to flame him!). before the game started the little faggot started to trash me, I ignored him at first. thinking he was just some another asshole on the other team and I wont have to see again after the game. In mid game the little prick started to teabag me every time he killed me and since it was social, I can hear every word he says, every bit of trash talk. I just kept on playing.

At the end of game my party leader let him join. I WTFed the party leader, I got no response since he unplugged his mic. Now the f** starts trashing my speech impediment, my rank, and my file share. The guy kept calling me a n00b because I was a major grade two with a skill level of 32, and he was a captain with a skill level of 48!!!. I asked what was his f*** problem and what I ever f*** do to him, he just laughed and continued his trash talking. The next game was worse because he singled me out for his faggotry. After that I pleaded to party leader to boot him, instead get this...

the asshole made the HIM the party leader!!! :x

I couldn't take the bullshit any longer so I left. When I went to his gamer card to submit bad review so I wouldn't have to play with him ever again. I found that little prick was also HLG!!!!.... figures!! :x