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Re: The werewolves rise to power

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 6:24 am
by Ceth Ericson
I turn to the other two who have sofar been nice enough to not act like 5 year olds....."I've seen alot of rascism...but this is the worst I've ever seen...." I stand up and face the now upright wolf......"I have a name you know" I say staying completly calm and..... I sudenly turn around and crouch down.....smelling something....."warm blood coming here...and rather fast....I'd gues 50 of'em" I turn to the wolfes...."nice have managed to atract fur hunters.....If you haven't know yet...the closest twon has a big fur industry...and your growling has atracted some of them.....well done" I jump into the direction I smelled the humans come from and start running pulling out my blades......"finaly..some action" I say to myself

Re: The werewolves rise to power

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 1:40 am
by Thunderclaw
I heard the schhinng sound from the unsheathing of a sword. In my tent once again after everyone else went after that wolfman, I first thought nothing of it, until I heard thoughts. I could barely see human thoughts, and couldn't see any thoughts of the others, so I assumed they were human. Their thoughts were all essentially the same, which was why I could read the thought: kill. They must be after the others! Not sure what to do, whether help the humans or the wolfmen, he exited the tent, and ran in the direction of the men, thinking of a plan on his feet.

Re: The werewolves rise to power

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:16 pm
by Cain
I mentally scolded myself for the ultimately idiotic mistake i made. I shifted and ran inside the tent to grab antonio and ran back out. Shifted into an enormusly large bird.I grabbed the wolf i met not even 24 hours ago, and flew high in the sky, heading for my parents home, it'd be safer for all of us there.

((anyone want to take over antonio?))

Re: The werewolves rise to power

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 1:13 pm
by Ceth Ericson
I run getting close to the human pack...........I grab on to the closest branch and leap up through the air and land in the midle of them......"let's get the show started!!!!!" I say with a grin and slash at the first couple of filthy humans I see!!

Re: The werewolves rise to power

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 9:04 am
by Goliathe Dark
Idiot. I thought to myself as Ceth charged at the humans without thought. Just because you are supernatural doesn't make you impervious.

I gestured toward the human, smiling as always. "Now, you said before that you were different than humans. Now might be a good time to share how different."

Re: The werewolves rise to power

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:21 am
by Ceth Ericson
most of the humans don't show mutch talent....just a screaming mad hord....they scream...they curse....hack and sign of stealth........and a blade hitting me in the arm amde of poor steel doesn't seem to do mutch damage......"is that all you've got?!?!?!?!" I shout in anger

Re: The werewolves rise to power

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:19 pm
by Cain
I land softly into the grass in front of the old den. I flew antonio home before i got here. Too dangerous for him out here. I set the other werewolf on his feet, but he fell back and snored a bit. I couldn't help but smile, and then heard a growl from behind me, knowing my father's growl anywhere.

"Father, our guest is asleep, its not polite to wake them with a warning growl" i say playfully.

"Amber! Its been so long! Come, bring your guest as well!" He said, I picked the other wolf up gently and brought him to my old bed and i went out hunting with my father while my mother stayed home to tell the wolf when he wakes, I'm out hunting and where he is.

Re: The werewolves rise to power

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 3:22 pm
by wolfward
Slowly I stir and awake. Strange eyes look up at me. I try not to show instinctive fear, but cower away from them slightly, despite my best efforts. I had not said a word since my travels, my throat hurt, after trying to speak just the one time. In wolf I spoke, because it was easier and because I was among more of my own kind. "Who are you? Why am I? What's going on?" I try not to sound too panicky, but still all these recent events made me frightened of the world outside my head; the world I'd been thrust into so suddenly.

OOC: Sorry for the long silence, but I was in Holland for a week, and besides that it's hard for me to get onto a computer anyway. I can't promise anything, but I'll try to post more often from now on. :howl:  :oo

Re: The werewolves rise to power

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:17 pm
by Cain
OOC: its fine, as long as ya post we're gud. lol


I walked back into the den with a deer carcass hanging out of my mouth. My father was in tow as well with another carcass. I dropped it and walked over to where the wolf was laying.

"Hey, how ya feeling? Its alright, these are my parents, its their den. It was the only way you'd be safe as well." I say softly, then went back to the meat and dragged it to where he was laying. "Eat, you've been asleep for hours. It's fresh, my father and I just killed them." I say, then going to the other deer and biting into its leg.

Re: The werewolves rise to power

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:31 pm
by wolfward
Rather shakily, I go over to the animal and take a bite. It tastes good, but different from the food in the forest afar. I swallow and say shyly."I'm... My human name doesn't matter anymore, I hated it. I....I don't have a wolf name."

Re: The werewolves rise to power

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:45 pm
by Cain
I looked up at him. "Well, why don't ya make up a name? Like, dominic, or scout." i say and walked over to him so he wouldn't feel afraid or alone.

Re: The werewolves rise to power

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 5:31 pm
by wolfward
"I....I wanted my creator to name me." I spoke more confidently now. I was liking her, she purely wanted the best for me. Better than anyone before me.

Re: The werewolves rise to power

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:06 pm
by Cain
I looked at him again, and smiled. //Finally, there's the confidence i was looking for.//

"Well, did ya know him?"

Re: The werewolves rise to power

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:18 pm
by wolfward
"No, he bit me and then fled into the night. I never knew who he was." I smiled at her. I has this strange feeling towards her, but I couldn't place it. What is that!?

Re: The werewolves rise to power

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:24 pm
by Cain
I nearly spat out a huge chunk of meat when he smiled.

"would you allow me to name you?" i ask, rather shyly. He looked like a Wolf... Wolf something.

Re: The werewolves rise to power

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:29 pm
by wolfward
"I..."I started. I didn't know what to think. "Sure, if you want to. But I don't know, maybe I'll find my creator, I'll have to see." That fading hope was all I had ever had to hold onto, but now? I may have to reorganize my thoughts, I couldn't think straight while looking at her.

Re: The werewolves rise to power

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:46 pm
by Cain
"Tell ya what, we'll go search for your creator, if we don't, I'll give you one myself. I promise." I say, and grab his hand. I felt a small shock from the contact. If i was in my human form, I'd been blushing by now.

Re: The werewolves rise to power

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 7:19 pm
by wolfward
" just name me now. If that's what you want." I'd also be bright red, if it wasn't for the fur. "I haven't been in my right mind for so long, I just don't care anymore...."

Re: The werewolves rise to power

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 7:31 pm
by Cain
"How about, Wolfer, no, Wolf... Wolfward!"

Re: The werewolves rise to power

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 7:37 pm
by wolfward
"Um....if you want. I like it." My new name? Wolfward? I don't know, sounded strange... But it fits me, I guess I'll grow to like it."So, what now?" I asked boldly.

Re: The werewolves rise to power

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 7:52 pm
by Cain
"Well, we get somw rest, then I'll give ya a grand tour of the home." I say and head off to the beds.

Re: The werewolves rise to power

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 7:56 pm
by wolfward
Despite the fact I'd just woken from a slumber, I followed her on four paws, looking the new place. I could live here, but I just wasn't sure what to make of it all. I was trying to forget my past, start a new life. I wouldn't want to speak o fit, but to her. Well, maybe she could know. I went over to her and licked her gently on the back of the hand.

Re: The werewolves rise to power

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 7:58 pm
by Cain
I look at him and return the gesture.

Re: The werewolves rise to power

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:03 pm
by wolfward
Startled by this, I wasn't expecting her to return the motion. I put my head close to hers and look into her eyes. "You are beautiful." I said softly.

Re: The werewolves rise to power

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:10 pm
by Cain
I nuzzled into his neck, "thank you" i whispered softly.