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Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 2:30 am
by Enir
Enir awoke suddenly from a jolt of electricity. Holwing in pain he tried to leap on his antaganizer but found to his dismay he had been chained down the the base of a cramped steel cage. Upon further examination he noted that the cage was more like a coffin with bars instead of sides. Looking out into the dim light he saw two HR men with P-90's and 3 people with white coats running around the room with pads and pens.

He then looked for the source of the shock that had woken him and found it, it was some HR military official with a long steel poll that had two prongs on the end. "What do you want with me?!" Enir asked the man, while strugleing against his bonds. And the only reply was another jolt from the stick tazer. Then the man said something in german and the 3 in white coats aproached. One of them had a needle and injected some fluid into his shoulder. Within 2 minutes he was out cold.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 4:50 am
by Enir
Enir awoke again but this time he found himself in some room. The sides were smooth metal and the floor was hard tile. To his surprise there was a human in the corner of the room, crouched down and crying. Enir sat up and held his head with his paw, it was throbbing badly. As soon as the human noticed that Enir was awake he started to cry harder, apperantly the HR and him as well, expected Enir to be some crazed mindless animal and slaughter the guy.

But Enir wasn't about to let them have what they want, Enir looked at the man and twisted tipped his head to the one side as though asking the man why he was terrified. Then in a low reasureing voice Enir spoke to the scared human, "Do not worry, I have no intention of eating you." then he asked "Were are we?" but the only reply he got was a long string of german. Decideing it was pointless, Enir moved over to a corner of the room furthest from the door and crouched in it.

To his surprise the HR apperantly hadn't noticed the sling stilltied to his wrist, obviousely they didn't belieave it was a weapon. Then Enir was once again surprised to see that the german guy in the other corner had his sone pouch. Enir walked over to the man and reached for the pouch, he started to pull but right then, there was a flash from the mans chest and blood flew all over the place, it had been a trap all along, they had sergically inserted 5 flashbang grenades and 1 regular one in the mans side and connected all the pins to the strings on the pouch.

Enir was thrown across the room and the sound of the grenades at such a close range deaffend him. He was now blind, deaf, and severly wounded. He was unsure of how much longer he would last but he knew it would not be long.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 10:27 am
by Thunderclaw
(@Zan - I have been given permission by Miguel to play this character, as he is away for a while)
Zan saw Fang approaching, running at quite a remarkable speed - even for a werewolf. Zan went to stand, whincing as he pulled himself up. The wounds were still painful. Picking up the knife given to him by Enir, he called out to Fang. "Fang! Over here! What's the rush? is something wrong?"

(@Surge) Surge, after freeing the vampire from his curse of the shadowclan, searched for Enir. Zan was close to the rest of the group, and should be fine. Enir, however, had ran off. If the vampire had been modified by Dominiara's Vashnaa, then it could only mean that Dominara's Vashnaa was active in the area. If that was the case, he would have to find Enir quickly, and keep the group together.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 2:44 pm
by silver1
"Enir was taken by two HR soldiers,we have got to find him." He said changing to his full wolf form,making him much stronger and much stronger,he knew that the HR soldiers would not stand a chance against hem in that form.

He continued slightly ahead of the others,he came up to a large building with two HR soldiers guarding the door,he killed them both before they could scream,then he kicked the door in with all of his strength sending it crashing against the wall inside the building.

He looked around inside the room and noticed a few HR soldiers,they would'nt stand a chance against him,he grabed the nearest solder "Where is my friend?" the soldier didn't answer "Im going to ask you one more time,then im going to kill you.."Where is my friend being held?" he growled again the soldier did'nt answer so he picked the soldier up and threw so hard against a post in the middle of the room so hard that it broke the soldier in two spraying blood in every direction.

The other soldiers in the room tried the room,but he moved,the soldiers never even seen him coming,he grabed the soldier by his throat and lifted him into the air. "If you don't want to end up like your friend over there i suggest you start talking,the soldier did'nt answer. "Have it your way." he said and ripped the soldiers throat out and stayed ther long enough to listen to the soldier drown on his own blood.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 3:38 pm
by Thunderclaw
Archangel awoke, feeling drowsy. He couldn't remember going to sleep, which normally meant he had had a prophecy. He looked at his surroundings, eventually remembering where he was.
"About time you woke up, apprentice."
Archangel raised his head to see Surge towering above him. Archangel smiled.
"I had a prophecy, didn't I?"
"Yes, Archangel. And from what you said, I worry for Enir's safety. Intel I gathered from Miguel a few minutes ago, was that Fang had found out that two Human Regime soldiers had taken Enir. Fang is causing a right ruckus with nearby soldiers, and if it hadn't been for the fact I managed to strike a deal with the vampires, with help from a newly made friend, the vampires would have killed him by now. Anyway, I was relieved to hear it was only humans that had taken Enir, which, quite plainly, is much better than something else I believe is nearby. Then I heard your prophecy."
Archangel groaned. "You always end your long talks with suspense. You know I can't remember prophecies of the future or past, only present events. What did I say?"
Surge looked darkly at Archangel. "Humans and Wolves war nears the end, but humanity has the final weapon. Dark magic of the shadowclan used for science by he who's named science's shadow. An alliance between Human's regime and hunderclaw's enforcer cause havoc among the lives of the other sides. Wounded from conflict the demons will conquer all in a matter of days from that point."

"The one who's named science's shadow...Dominara's Vashnaa." Archangel slammed his fist on the ground, then rose to his feet. "I remember him well. I could help you find it. I know it's dangerous for me, but I must do this. Please, master Surge."
"Of course I'd let you come. You learn best in life/death situations. Now come on."

(@Zan) Zan saw Surge returning. Despite hating him, he had to trust him, fro the moment at least. He would use his magic and find Enir...or something, and then once Enir was back, he could deal with him later. Surge walked over to Zan and told him of the situation, and plan.
"That's crazy! Not even the HR are dumb enough to align themselves with a maniac like that! And your plan is probably even crazier than him! What makes you think that will work?"
Surge stared at Zan for a while before responding, "I've done it before."
Zan couldn't believe what he was hearing. This man was meant to be a powerful spellcaster, and an almighty warrior, and he came up with suicidal guerilla tactics? It was hard to decide whether this man was a genius or a complete lunatic. Zan shook his head. "I still don't trust you, but I'll give it a shot. But be warned, if you die during this, and if anyone else dies as a result, I'll find a way to get you back from the grave, so I can kill you again!"

Surge wandered over to the are Fang was annihilating the HR, and cried out to him, "Get over here! I need to talk to you! We know how to find Enir!"

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 4:34 pm
by Enir
Enir awoke once again, and like earlier he was tied. But this time he was tied to a streatcher. They had leather restraints on his ankles, wrists, and his neck. There were 3 men in the room and two more guards on the other side of the door. "What are you doing to me?" "Why are you doing this to me?" Enir asked weakly. Then to his surprise one of the men actually replyed in english, "We are going to run a few tests and then, when you finnaly can't go on, we will disect you."

Then the man smiled and pulled out a syringe and injected some odd pink fluid into Enir's arm. He tried to struggle but the wounds from the grenades had taken most of his strength. His legs started to go numb and the man who had spoken before was now back with a silver spike. "Are you numb yet?, I guess we will find out." Then with a vile smile he slammed the silver spike into Enir's leg, just barly missing the bone.

Enir let out a low deep menacing growl and said defiantly "You better pray I don't get free, because if I do your the first one to die." The only reply was "Hmmmmm he didn't change back to human form, a hybrid maybe?", "How interesting, this one will require a few more tests than we planned to have." Then the man twisted and wiggled the spike around in his leg causeing imense pain. Then the man said, " And don't worry, you won't be getting free any time soon, so until you die, we have all the time in the world to play with our new test subject."

Then the man petted Enir as though he were some human's pet or mut. It was so humiliating and it angered Enir greatly. But before he could say or do anything the man knocked him out with the silver spike.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 8:04 pm
by NightDeath
I start to walk down a path singing "Let the bodies hit the floor".

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 8:48 pm
by silver1
He heard Surge's call and quickly made it back to him. "what is it you need?" he asked licking blood off of his teeth and claws,a little angry that he had to stop what he was doing.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:08 am
by Thunderclaw
Surge continued talking to Fang. "We have reason to suspect a person by the name of Dominiara's Vashnaa to be behind the attack. The humans have aligned themselves with him to destroy the werewolves, and is using Enir to help them develop special weapons for dealing with them. Archangel has experienced this man before, and we need to be fast to catch him before he kills Enir.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:37 am
by Enir
Enir woke once again, wishing he hadn't or that this was one terribly real nightmare, but of cource it was real. "So this is the path of the lone warrior then?" "To die as some ones lab rat?" Then feeling a slight rise in his mood he said defiantly, " Well not me!", "If iam going down, Iam going down swinging." Then Enir started to struggle against his bonds once more, he tried and tried to free even one paw so he could remove the leather strap around his throat, and chew the others off, but they were to tight, and within minutes he had worn him self out.

Enir heard someone at the door and then a man in a white coat came in. The man grabbed a knife and started to move toward Enir, who was still on the streatcher. This was his chance, it was now or never. As soon as the man got within a foot of the streatcher, Enir gave a mighty heave and flipped it over on top of the man along with him self. The sudden flipping of the streatcher had knocked the man to the floor and the knife had gone into the strap around Enir's waist and into him.

Ignoreing the pain, Enir took this chance to pull as hard as he could, and to his joy the strap around his waist snapped in two. Since the wrist bands were mounted to the now broken waist strap he now had his paws he could use. He used his paw and swipped the bonds at his ankle, or at least he thought he had. They had trimmed his claws off. So he had to try and work the remaining straps loose. After he had finnaly freed him self he looked down at the unconcious scientist, and for some strange reason behond even his ability to understand, he did not kill the man.

He hid behind the door and called the two guards in. As soon as they saw the man on the floor the rushed to see if he was okay and that's when Enir struke. Swinging with all the force he could he did a round-house kick. Sneding his foot claws into the side of the mans head and slaming him into his friend, knocking one out and killing the other. Enir searched them for weapons, and was quite pleased with what he found. 2 P-90's, 2 flash grenades, 4 mags for the P-90's, 2 combat knifes, and a pair of tazer guns. Enir gathered most of these and put on a bullet proof vest one of the guards had on.

Then he moved toward the door, and checked the hall way, no one was there and there were no cameras. He moved from shadow to shadow in the poorly lit building. Half way down the hall he heard foot steps and looked franticaly for an open room to hide in. He noticed a door to the side and threw him self into it. He waited till the two guards had passed before heading back for the door but then all of a sudden some shadowy figure came up from the side and knocked him out.

Enir later woke to find himself restrained once again and a the man who had woken him the first time, standing over him with the tazer stick again. As soon as the man saw that Enir was awake he jabbed the poll tazer into his sides and held it there for a minute or two as it shocked him. Then he pulled it out and laughed as Enir blacked out once again.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:58 am
by NightDeath
After a walking for a while I come to a strange built door. I look at it for a moment then kicked it down saying "knock knock"

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:37 pm
by silver1
"If that is the case,then i am going to kill every HR soldier i come upon." "Im going to save him even if its the last thing i do." he said running at an incredible speed back to where he last was.

He entered the building once afian and kicked another door open leading to an empty hallway. "Enir is here somewhere,i have to find him. he said running quickly and quietly down the hallway. He found another door and kicked it in. There were two men in labcoats,one was shocking the werewolf while the other was helping to hold him down,this enraged Fang,and he grabed one man and lifted him off of the ground then threw him so hard he went through a nearby wall...then quickly killed the other,when he examined the other werewolf he new there was nothing he could do,the poor thing had already died from its wounds.

He walked back into the hallway until he got to another door,he put his ear against the door and listened,he heard what sounded like a tazer,he slowly and quietly opened the door and walked in,there was only one man in the room this time,and when he got closer he noticed that it was Enir being shocked,he moved closer to the man and quietly put his paws around the mans neck and broke it killing him instantly,he then moved to Enirs side and noticed that Enir had but knoked out and was badly wounded,but still breathing. Fang cut the straps away with his claws and lifed Enir into his arms. "Lets get you out of here,and i will heal your wounds." he said walked out of the room and into the hallway quietly so he did not alert any HR soldiers to his presence.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:51 pm
by Enir
OOC: WOW that was a little.....soon.

Enir woke up and to his surprise, with Fang carrying him. He heard Fang say something about healing and he tried to tell him that it wouldn't work. Something they had injected into Enir kept him from healing, otherwise he would have already healed from the stake wound, which was still there like a dark red gapeing hole in his leg. Enir was to weak to walk and could only speak in wispers. His breathing was heavy and he could feel something moving inside him. Like his insides were shifting position. But then it suddenly stoped and everything seamed to settle. He was going to be okay for now.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:19 pm
by NightDeath
I walk a little more and notice a werewolf with another werewolf on his shoulder walking away from a lot of carnage. I laugh and say so have fun killing their you pest.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:57 am
by Thunderclaw
(OOC) Enir, I have responded to your PM, and would like you to read that before continuing reading this further)

Surge felt a flux of energy, and the shock of it made him jump. Quickly , he tried to pinpoint the source and the cause. It was coming from the building Fang had just entered, definitely, and had a feel of trap. As curious as it may sound, traps, magic, weapons, everything had it's own feel when sensing something. It felt elaborate, but didn't seem to be killer. It was more of a magical trap than concealed blade, or a giant boulder. Moving closer, Surge began feeling the complete aura. It was a teleportation trap, but it required a trigger. Otherwise, Fang would have triggered it in either the entry or exit. The trigger could be a button, or...or maybe a person

Surge looked at the entrance, and saw Fang about to pass through.

"No! Don't!" Surge shouted, but it was too late

A fragment of Enir passed through the barrier, and a carrion swarm surrounded Enir. For a brief second, there was a Pwiiiiinng sound, and the shadows dissipated into the surroundings. When they had cleared, Enir was gone, and Fang still standing.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:03 am
by Enir
Enir became consious and looked around expecting to see his friends, but to his dissmay he was strapped down on some tray sticking out of a machine. Still to weak to strugle or break free, he was forced to watch as a shadowy figure moved forward. He couldn't see much but what he could see was that the figure was vary tall and thin. And he knew that this was it, his end was near. Then a low snakelike voice came from the figure "Don't worry my little pet, Iam not going to kill you.", "You are going to be the first one that I test this new device on!" Then after an evil snicker he then asked,

"This newest invention of mine strips any DNA off a sample and copys it over top of the subjects, thus rewriteing there dna completely and irreversably." "So shall we take it for a test run, little wolf." Enir tried to free himself but was straped down like before and could do nothing. The stranger hit a button and the device started to hum, as the tray Enir was attached to slowly creeped inside the machine. Once inside Enir saw nothing but a creepy green light that slowly moved up and down his body.

He could hear the person laugh evily as Enir felt his bones shifting. His fur started to fall out, and his spine began to strech. He felt two sack like things grow inside his throat, one on each side. His face flattened even more and became smooth. Thousands of little blck scales began to replace the fur that had fallen out. His vision had started to become red. He tryed to let out howl of pain. Hhhhhooooww.....ooorrrrrr. But it turned into more of a roar at the end. Then suddenly the machune stopped and the tray slid slowly out. When the tray stoped the figure was standing beside Enir with a mirror. "Go ahead and look at yourself, I think you will find there is something new about you mmmwwhhahaahahahahaha!!!!" Enir tried not to look but it was impossible not to, he no longer was a werewolf, but some sort of lizard thing.

Looking at the man with the mirror he asked "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME!!!" The man simply replied, " I have turned you into a drakkin, sort of like a weredragon, and as soon as I attach this mind control device, you will start serving me, and help eliminat those pests you called friends once and for all!!!" Then he attatched a small round thing that looked like a button onto Enir's head underneath one of his horns. From that point on Enir was under his control...........for now.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:58 am
by silver1
Fang fell to his knees "What just happened,what happened to Enir,where did he go?" he asked franticly Enirs wound were very bad and he knew if he did'nt get help he would die.

"I fell into some kind of trap did'nt i?" "And i probably just cost Enir his life." he said putting his paws over his face,he did'nt want to lose someone else to the war,but he new he probably just did.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:11 pm
by Thunderclaw
Surge walked over to Fang, and put his hand on his shoulder.
"Don't worry, Fang. Dominiara's Vashnaa isn't the sort of person who kills like that. His trap is more likely to have moved him somewhere much harder to get to. We still have a chance to save him."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:41 pm
by Enir
Enir looked at his new master and said, "Iam ready to do your biding master!" But on the inside he was fighting himself, trying to regain control of his body. 'Good, my new pet is ready!, guards get him a sword and some armor, I have a job for him!' Enir was lead away after he reseaved his orders. He was to gear up, join a small group of HR units and help them capture Surge and the others. The master wanted to remove Surge in person so no matter what, he was not to be killed or harmed. Enir grabed 2 swords and put on some black chest armor. Then his new master opened a portal that lead to an HR camp. Enir walked through with 4 shadowclanians escorting him.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:34 pm
by silver1
"Then lets find him quickly." he said getting to his feet. "I have a feeling things just got a lot worse. "What if we can't find Enir,surge,im not saying that we won't,what if it takes to long and something bad happens to him?" "I have a feeling that the HR have him again.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:48 pm
by Thunderclaw
"It's much darker forces than humans at work here.We have no choice but to go as fast as we can."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:57 pm
by NightDeath
I wouldn't say dark, twisted is more like it *evil grin*.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:36 pm
by silver1
"Ok then what do you say we take out every one of them we come across?" he asked drawing his sword,he noticed the other werewolf and turned toward him "Who are you?" he asked holding his sword in front of him just in case he tried to attack.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:51 pm
by Enir
Enir walked into the tent belonging to the general of the HR. He walked right up beside the man and said, "Iam here by order of my master to assist you in the capture of Surge and his co horts." Then the leader pulled out a map and pointed to were they had last run into the werewolves. Then the HR leader started to say, "We ran into them here but we were attacked by vampires and then the wolves as well. We are going to...."

Enir cut him off right there. "What we will do human, is suround the city with heavy armor and order the citizens to turn over the werewolves or we shall burn the city to the ground." We will set up tanks at the entrances and use snipers to cover the wall tops, if anyone trys to leave, shot them on site, and if the werewolves are spotted DO NOT FIRE ON THEM. Try to corner them and then let me take care of the rest.

O and there will be a human with them as well, bring him to me alive and unharmed!" "If you dis-obey these orders or kill any of the werewolves...or the human..than my master's forces will completely take over these oporations and your family will be slaughtered to feed our ranks. Enir enjoyed the look of horror on the mans face, and then said, "Is that understood Human?' The general had no choice but to agree. "Yes winged one, that is understood." Enir then left the tent as the HR gathered and prepared to move forward toward steel city.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:32 pm
by NightDeath
Werewolf yes but not the type you are thinking of my name and reason being here is not important right know everthing will unfold it's self i'm just here to help then i'll be on my way. *I lick my fang*