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Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 3:41 pm
by Grayheart
A slight smile appeared on Night-Song's face as she saw what Metal-Wolf had brought. She nodded appreciately into his direction. A short gaze of hers followed to make clear that everyone was there. Then she inflamed a prepared branch and then she hold the improvisated torch above her head.

Good, you are all here, just in time and now we shall begin! I will inflame the pile and then I will call your names to tell the story and to toss the gift into the fire! I will be the last and I will end the ceremony - I hope this was clear. We will raise our voice to sing the dirge for the fallen for Dark-Moon! While one is telling the story the other's go on more calm with singing - don't worry if you don't know the song - I lead you all through it!

With this last words she raised her voice to a strong, but calm and sorrowful howl that filled the air with the feeling of a great loss. The song was wordless and and was easy for all to follow as long as they could hear Night-Song sing. Without ending the song she inflamed the pile and made a short gesture into the direction of Metal-Wolf. It was good to begin the funeral of such a great warrior with his last honorful and glorious deed. She nodded and calmed down the voice a little bit, but remained singing, working into it a short call of Metal-Wolf's name.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 6:22 pm
by Nishah
As the flames rise higher in the dry wood, the crackling of the fire is heard by all as the heat is felt on their faces.

Strangely, the fires do not reach high enough to envelop the body of the old wolf, as if waiting...

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 2:59 pm
by Night-claw
Noticing the flame Lone-wolf cocks her head questioning but tells no one.

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 10:55 am
by Ancient
Bright-Howl joins in Night-Song's howl her voice was beautiful and held a sad air to it. She softened her song a bit as she noticed the flames. She cast a look to Night-Song wondering if she saw the same.

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 11:01 am
by Grayheart
Night-Song didn't interrupt her song - she went on howling and nodded again into Metal-Wolf's direction. Again she worked his name into the howl to underline the call of action for him to begin with his story. The flames were waiting - waiting for the storys and the gifts!

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 6:58 pm
by Aki
Metal-Wolf nodded, stepping forward. Speaking in wolf-tongue, he began.

"The tale I will tell is of Dark-Moon Man-Slayer's very last battle, fought recently in this very forest. Dark-Moon was with Lone-Wolf, Forest-Wolf, and Bright-Howl, or atleast, Bright-Howl had been with Dark-Moon. She had gone off to face man, a hunter of Garou, who had fire-spirits to call upon. Forest-Wolf and Dark-Moon soon joined her to destroy this hunter."

"Dark-moon and Forest-Wolf were the first to charge the hunter, and as Dark-Moon drew nearer, great gauntlets of ice formed around his claws, the man was not phased by this - but the fire spirits that made up his weapon's blade flashed brightly, as hot and cold are longstanding enemies, and fire could not contain its eagerness to triumph over its old foe in this battle."

"Dark-moon called forward his pack to join in the battle, then fire and ice clashed as the battled was joined. Forest-Wolf and Bright-Howl responded swiftly, though it was obvious that the hunter was far beyound what they were used to, not having faced such a foe before, or even worked together very long. Dark-Moon kept the hunter's blade busy, burning flame and chilling frost having their own battle. As they battled, Dark-Moon issued commands to his new pack."

"Bright-Howl and Forest-Wolf circled to attack the Hunter from the rear as Dark-Moon kept him occupied, but the hunter was cunning - a ward inscribed upon the back of his armor enabled him to utilize the wind to throw Bright-Howl and Forest-Wolf from their attack, Dark-Moon threw himself in the path of the blade to protect Forest-Wolf from having his neck cut by the blazing sword, and howled out his pain for all to hear."

"At this, both Forest-Wolf and Bright-Howl take up their war-forms, and attacked the hunter again, full of rage. This was the turning point of the battle, and the hunter knew it, he twisted his command over the spirits of flame that made up his blade, and wreathed his body with that same flame - just as claws ripped into him. Dark-Moon then called for Lone-Wolf, who had not yet participated, to join in the battle."

"Lone-Wolf approached, but the life-or-death struggle was intensifying as the hunter built the power of the flames pooling in in a ball within his hands. Then he called to three members of the Ghost-Pack, and they answered...and another, howl, from one of this world joined them, urging all to join the battle, brought comfort to the Garou, and struck fear into the enemy's heart, but, as the howls rent the night air, the hunter released the inferno he held in his hands...."

"It seemed at this point, he had won, he saw the Garou all burnt by his inferno, their fur sorched off and their flesh roasted black, once he thought them dead, he released the fire-spirits, letting the inferno sputter and die, but he found what he had witnessed was a illusion, and the Ghost-Pack had drawn the fire-spirits from the living pack, and made him relive their deaths..."

"The pack was only slightly burnt by the flames that had managed to reach them, the hunter was left without the spirits he commanded - and so, defenseless. Dark-Moon left the man to Lone-Wolf, Bright-Howl, and Forest-Wolf. Needless to say, there is not much left of him now. And so, ended Dark-Moon's last battle."

Metal-Wolf finished the tale by holding up the blood-soaked, singed breastplate of the hunter, then cast it into the flame and stepped back, his head bowed as he rejoined the song.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 5:25 pm
by Grayheart
Night-Song nodded appreciately into Metal-Wolf's direction as she heard the story he told. Her howl became a little bit louder, more intense now, announcing the loss of a great and cunning warrior. Then she worked another name into the song: Forest-Wolf was supposed to be the next ...

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 6:09 pm
by Miguel
Forest-Wolf stopped howling. He knew that he was next. He turned to his hybrid form and nervously walked to his leader's body. Images still raced through his mind from when they defeated the hunter. It kept a sense of honor in his spirit. He grabbed a knife from the ground and nodded.

He slowly arrived to his leader's body. The flames seemed to be controlled by something.
"Broken-Fang, I'm sorry that I let you down when we fought the hunter. I really am sorry. But, I won't fail Bright-Howl. I will protect her if it means my life."
Forest-Wolf turned towards his friends and began to speak.
"Today I'm here to honor a magnificent leader and warrior. Dark-Moon is what most of you know him as. I simply knew him as Broken-Fang. He awoke my inner wolf. To show me the other side of my life. On this side I met four magnificent friends. Bright-Howl, Lone-Wolf, Night-Song and Metal-Wolf. For this I am thankful. This is all because of the one named Dark-Moon. When we were nearly killed by a hunter he allowed me to use my courage and protect my friends. I thank him for this. All because of the one named Dark-Moon. May his spirit rest in peace."
Forest-Wolf raised the knife above his head and dropped it into the flames. Turning away from the body, he moved to where Lone-Wolf was. He bagan to once again howl.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 5:13 am
by Grayheart
Again Night-Song howled a little bit louder - this time changing the melody of it to announce the loss of a great warrior and wise leader that had brought together what had been once pieces into a whole.

Another name was worked into the song, calling the one named Lone-Wolf to step forward...

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 5:36 pm
by Night-claw
Lone-wolf walked into the middle after a while she turned into her human form to tell her story. "Dark-moon was the frist Garu I ever ment that tried to show me that to be with others is ok, but He never got to finish teaching. Hopefully I can still learn." with that she threw the chains that had binded her when she was torured in her cave so very long ago. She turned back into her wolf form and stood next to Forest-wolf.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 6:10 pm
by Grayheart
Night-Song let the melody change again slightly to announce this time the loss of great and wise warrior that had posessed the knowledge about the strength that lays in the boundaries of a pack.

The next name was worked into the song - now it was the strangers turn, to tell his story. It was Anubis turn to step forward like the ones before him ...

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 8:26 pm
by Ancient
Bright-Howl continued to howl lowly along as Night-Song had instructed. She cast a look to Anubis wondering if he would speak up. She then looked to Night-Song again.

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 11:12 pm
by Anubis
((oh oops sorry forgot about this :P ))

Anubis stepped forward "when my parents died, Darkmoon help me to survive he tuaght me how to fight and hunt and the ways of the garou. its been at lest 20 years since i last saw him. even though he was my teacher i saw him as a father."

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:14 am
by Grayheart
Night-Song waited for Anubis to throw something into the fire. Hopefully he wasn't unaware enough to deny the gift for the spirits of fire. While she waited she worked the call for the gift into her howl

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:15 am
by Grayheart
((OOG: I'm sorry that I let you all wait so long ... but I'm having serious familiytrouble at home and this made it difficult for me to go on with this ... I try to do my best to end at least the funeral ...))

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 8:25 pm
by Anubis
((OOC: was i supposted throw some thing in the fire? i must have missed that part))

Anubis took out a simple cloth, it was a polishing cloth that Dark-moon before he left, and threw it out in the fire

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 2:12 pm
by Grayheart
Night-Song almost let out a relieved sigh when Anubis threw his gift into the fire, but she forced herself to remain singing and again let the melody of the howl change like all the times before. Now it announced the loss of a great, wise and caring packleader who had had the mercy to care for a left alone child.

Then her gaze turned to Bright-Howl and a short flash of an indefinable feeling appeared in her green eyes. She worked Bright-Howl's name into the howl, announced the spirits that it was the Theurges turn to tell her story. Her voice was now almost gently, almost bare of all sorrow - comforting all hearing her and trying to strengthen Bright-Howl in this last deed for her father ...

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 10:01 pm
by Ancient
Bright-Howl heard the call. Still in her human form she gathered all her strength and steped forward. Her warm honey colored eyes looked towards the flames as she spoke.

"I did not know Dark-Moon Man Slayer until recently. He came as Broken-Fang Man Hunter. One in the same. I then found him to be my father. He told me where I came from and taught me how to have balance between woman and wolf. For that I will always remember him. He taught me the law of the mother and how to honor it. I shall honor it. Thank you father for the peace you have given me. By showing me how to walk in the way of the mother and for showing me that woman and wolf are one."

With those last words she took a knife from her belt and cut a lock of her hair and threw it into the fire. She then stayed there for a moment and then stepped back.

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:07 pm
by Miguel
Forest-Wolf silently stood behind Bright-Howl. His eyes scanned the flames under Broken-Fang's body. The persistent crackling seemed to join the howling. Looking around, he once again turned his attention towards Bright-Howl.

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 6:19 am
by Nishah
With this, the flames finally rise to consume the body. Long tendrils of fire rise up and nearly block the sight of the still form lying on the pyre.
A sound like a low howl can be heard from the flames, even above the hissing of the wood as it is charred.

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 9:51 am
by Ancient
Bright-Howl cast an appericiative look to Forest-Wolf. She then noticed the flames. Her ears went forward as she was curious about the howl. She kept her eyes trained on what she could see of her father's body.

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:14 pm
by Grayheart
Night-Song grinned slightly as the flames rised higher. Only her story was left, only her gift had to be given now to complete the funeral. She gave Bright-Howl a gaze that clearly expressed her task for her to lead the song from now on, because Night-Song couldn't do it herself when she was telling her story. She intensivated the song to give Bright-Howl and the others the chance to go on with it, waited for a short nod from the young Theurge ...

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 7:08 pm
by Ancient
Bright-Howl gave Night-Song a short nod as she took over the lead in the song. Her ebony hair blew gently away from her face her eyes ever trained on the flames.

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 4:51 am
by Grayheart
Night-Song stopped howling and took a step forward. She opened her arms and raised her voice to a strong and singing voice

*howled wolf-speech*

she then stopped howling and went on telling the announced story in the same strong and charming voice like she had sung in before

Many storys I could tell about Dark-Moon Man-Slayer, because many storys are told by the ravens of this area and they whispered them into my ears when I walked alone through this lands, far away from my home. I listened to all storys about him with awe - a great warrior he was and when I heard about his death deep grief caught my heart, because of this great loss.

I still traveled through this foreign lands, always searching other storys I could achieve and tell. Then, one night, I had to face the hunter whose last story has already been told tonight. He almost killed me but he was to eager to find his real prey to make sure I am really dead. After I awaked I followed him without regard for my deep wounds - no hunter is allowed to do this to one of the Fenrir and stay alive afterwards!

I was to late to join the fight, but I did my best to help. Well - it worked out good, like you all has heard before! I howled the introduction and the one who introduced himself as Broken-Fang Man-Hunter gave his permission to enter his territory.

When I first saw him great joy rushed through my venes and heart, because I knew who he really was - no other garou could have had these famous scars! Blessed I felt to meet the one who I had believed to know dead!

And even when the time I could share his presense was all too short I learned that all the storys I had heard about him were true! He revered the Mother's Law in all it's aspects - like my folk, the Fenrir do it as well. I wished our time together in this world had been longer!

May you rest in peace Dark-Moon Man-Slayer! May you get a good place near Great Fenrir, our father and may you fight the Wyrm during Ragnarok as glorious and successful like you has done it in this world!

again she fell silent for a short moment, then she started howling again

*howled wolf-speech*

with this words she suddenly made a powerful leap into the middle of the fiercly burning fire and the flames immediately rised up around her higher, shutting them all off a clear sight on her ...

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 8:21 am
by Nishah
As the flames roared higher, the low howling that could be heard through the licking flames becomes a thunderous roar as a form made of smoke and fire rises from the Pire... swiftly rising higher and vanishing from sight between the canopy of the trees.

Just as all watchers begin to avert their eyes and turn towards the pire again, a burst of light filters through the leaves - as a bird of bright blue and white flames descends again, drawing all fire from the pyre into itself and growing larger with each passing second... untill a creature the size of a horse rests in a nest made from burnt-out wood and bones

the bird looks around with eyes of icy-blue embers, looking deep within each soul that is present. then it speaks... a voice like harp-music in a desolate winter landscape - melodious yet cold and with the promise of death if not treated with care and respect

The last of my children has passed away...
The last of their flesh has been consumed...
I - The Great Thunderbird - now seek new flesh to bind with...
New flesh to strengthen and shape...
A new Pack...

the creature spreads it's majestic form, wings flaring with blue flame and crackles of lightning - while the eyes burn brighter still

You wear the conduit of my power
You wear the mark of the warrior
Such is my will that you be my vessel
Such is my will that you be the pack's leader

You are the conduit of my power
You wear the mark of the Shaman
Such is my will that you be my voice
Such is my will that you be the pack's shaman

All you others will respect and obey them
As they will defend and nourish you

Such is my will
Such is my word

As the echo of these last words fades, the form begins to keen, loudly and witch such intensity all but Alexander and Bright-howl cover their ears to support the sound....

As the wings spead even farther and flame and lightning starts to play around the form, Alexander spreads his arms as well... as if something has taken over his will and directs him through motions that are utterly strange to him...
The same time, Bright-howl finds herself imitating the keening shriek of the bird, as loud and intense as the creature itself...
And syddenly, with a blinding flash... all is still...
the creature is gone...

Only the new pack remains...