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Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 1:16 am
by Enir
"Which one is he?" "We must grab him and go, I can hear the sound of jets approaching." Enir looked off into the west, and was barly able to see 3 tiny black dots.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:45 am
by Miguel
Zan pointed towards the man known as Alexi and then fired his gun into the sky, towards the jets in the distance, trying to provide cover fire.

"That's him!" he spoke. "Now let's get out of here!"

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:49 am
by Enir
Enir lept out from behind the stand and grabed the man Zan had pointed out. Then, with alot of effort, he was able to get airborn. Enir flew fast and low,toword the last known location of the APC the other were in. "Put me down right now!!!" The man shouted, but Enir just ignored him. Enir landed beside the APC and shoved the man inside, then he told the others, "Make sure he doesn't leave, he is the reason we even came here in the first place." Enir then took off again to go get Zan.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:23 pm
by Miguel
Zan stopped firing the gun and ran towards a nearby destroyed HR vehicle. Most of the rebels were beginning to flee the area. They didn't stand a chance against aircraft and seemed to finally be catching on. Zan then looked towards Surge expecting him to do something about the incoming planes. If any of the aircraft dropped even a single explosive, the area was going to be devastated.

Moments later, Zan ducked behind the destroyed vehicle and leaned against it. His eyes were becoming tear filled. This place reminded him of something, a place of his past, a place that he didn't want to be in.


"Zan, let's go!" a voice spoke to him. "We need to get out of here!"

Zan opened his eyes and found himself lying on the floor in some sort of shack. A fire was burning in a barrel in its center. Two small windows were built into the leftmost wall of the shack, covered with wooden planks. Three other people were in the building with him, two men and a woman, all wearing fatigues. One of the men was standing beside the first plank covered window with his back to the wall, as if hiding from something, while the other man, Zan's friend Misha, was crouched down on the floor assembling some sort of RPG. The woman was standing beside the other window, firing a sniper rifle through the openings between the planks of wood.

"What's going on?" Zan asked.
"The commander betrayed us, turned us over to the HR. Our armored calvary have been taken out, so now we just need to get out of here, alive if possible," Misha responded, chuckling.
"Six tanks closing in," the woman spoke, backing away from the window.
"How many infantry," Misha responded.
", fourty," she replied.
"Darn it!"

A loud shattering sound filled the air as small bullet holes began forming in the wall that the others were standing beside. The man that Zan didn't recognize dropped to the ground and screamed. Moments later he was dead.

"We need to go," the woman spoke once again.
"Go where?" Misha responded, now checking the dead man's pulse.
"Away from here!" The woman began firing her gun once more.

The wall exploded seconds later and the woman seemed to disappear completely from existance. Misha was thrown across the floor. Zan could see the world outside. Two HR tanks were aiming at the shack, and around them were at least ten infantry.

Misha stood back up, raced back to the blood stained RPG, and then fired it towards one of the tanks, causing the vehicle to explode into a firework show of flames. Gunfire followed and then Misha dropped to the ground, nearly tossing the RPG across the room. Zan's best friend was dead.

End of Flashback

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 3:10 pm
by Enir
Enir dived down and landed beside Zan. "Come we must go, ill do what I can about those planes but I can't garuntie anything." Enir flew Zan back and then flew up to fight with the planes.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 6:28 pm
by silver1
Fang sat and waited for Enir and Zan with the others. He was trying to come up with a plan to wipe out the HR that had sided with shadowclanians with out getting himself killed or captured,he knew that they wanted thier expiriment back,and thinking of that almost made him laugh because the HR and the shadowclanians had no idea where they were at or where they were going.

He climbed out of the APC and watched for Enir,making sure that there were not an HR in the area,he really did not feel like fighting,but would if he had to do so.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:11 pm
by Enir
Enir grabed two large chunks of a building as he fly into the sky. He turned toward the on comeing jets. They would be to fast to fly after but if he was careful, he could get at least 2 of them and stall the other one. Enir waited till the jets were to close to avoid him. He placed himself in the center of there V formation. Then at the last second he threw a boulder at each of the ones on the side. BBbboooooommmmm!! the two jets on the sides blew up in a cloud of smoke, then the center one colided with Enir's body.

Enir dragged himself up onto the cockpit of the jet and started to burn through it. When the flames finnaly went through the windshield and started to crisped the pilot, the pilot opend fire with a 9mm pistol. Enir took a bullet to the right shoulder but was able to finish killing the pilot. He decended to the APC and ran inside.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:57 pm
by silver1
"Nice one." fang said looking at Enir's shoulder. "Well,now it looks like both of use have wounded shoulders." he said looking at his own wound that was slowly healing. He thought he should at least have Enir look at it like he had asked,so he sat beside him. "Well,hows it look,you asked to see it earlier,but i didn't get the chance to answer you." he said scratching behind his right ear.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:06 pm
by Enir
"I'll take a look as soon as I take care of mine." Enir twisted his neck a little so he was looking strait at the wound. He then pinched it with two claws and blew a short burst of flame on it, burning it closed. "Are you ready?"

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:51 pm
by silver1
"Yeah,im ready."he said pulling his sleave up so Enir could look,he knew that what Enir was about to do would hurt,but he also knew that it would help him out in the long run.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:54 pm
by Enir
Enir leaned closer to the wond on Fangs shoulder. Takeing his two claws he pinched the hole together and then blew a small burst of fire onto the wound sealing it and burning away any infection that may have started. The smell of burnt fur hung in the air inside the APC. Enir opened the door wide enough for the air to suck the smell out. Then grabbing a canteen off the floor he pored some water over the spot, cooling and soothing the red mark on Fang's shoulder. "There, that should keep you from loseing any more blood, and it will have killed any desieases that may have tried to grow there." Enir smiled a little and then sat down examining his own shoulder.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:37 pm
by Thunderclaw
Surge remained at the ruined Steel city. Demons were on their way, the Human Regime already there. He had to do something. every time he went to help, someone else got there first, but as a result, he might just have enough energy to do this.
"Release restraint, level three." A spot on his stomach glowed for two seconds, followed by an explosion of energy bustling in the nearby area. He walked to the Human Regime's forces. They saw him and began opening fire. Every bullet Swept past Surge, and no shot made contact. Surge waved his hand as casually as one would greet a friend, and the whole attack force was sent sprawling backwards, into the purple glow of a portal that Surge had opened up also. The Renegade Shadowclanians attacked, and Surge manoeuvred clearly through every attack with ease, until eventually drawing his sword and cutting down all the Shadowclanians to a point where they all had to reform. A roar from inside the city. The demons had arrived. Surge sped through the city to greet them. Not that many, nor as powerful as expected.

"The black sonnet, Dark Lightning." Black light, defying logic and understanding, shot out of Surge's fingertips, destroying the small attack force. Only one remained alive, just to be silenced by Surge's blade. The city had just been cleansed of all the threat, but the city no longer existed. Their lives had all ended a few hours ago, and if Surge was going to pull of this, he would have to take a risk, and rely on everything.

"Release restraint, level two." The two second glow, the burst of energy, and Surge's power doubled from that of three. A level he still couldn't fully control, but a power level required to pull off something as reckless as this.
"Recall the souls of the departed, and restore what once was to time now."
With those simple words, the city began rebuilding itself, and Surge began mass ressurrection. The energy required for ressurrecting himself was hard enough, and this was intense. Anyone who was innocent that had been killed in the city was slowly beginning to gather life energy.

Two hours later, Surge fell down exhausted. I've failed, he thought, as he blacked out.

Surge opened his eyes, to see a green, grassy field, and a large, crystal blue lake, clearer than the sky itself, before the war had broken out. Sitting up, he knew e wasn't dead, but was still unconscious in mid-process of ressurrection. This was the realm of his god, Mysttra, lady of water and visions. Often associated with darkness for being the patron of Mystte, but that wasn't so. As her emissary, he would know. Above the waters, Mysttra stood. Not touching the water, but hovering just above it. Slowly, she walked towards Surge.
"You shouldn't have tried bringing back an entire city. No mortal would have the strength to do that."

"I had to try. Too many innocent lives were lost, and I feel like I've been doing nothing to help!"

"Surge, just remember, you can call on my help. You've drained your energy, and are now at the mercy of the first person who walks by and takes you up, be it friend or foe. That is the consequence of your action. However, with such determination to set the place right, I'll finish the ressurrection, on the condition you never try to do something like that again."

Surge nodded, and slowly Mysttra faded out of existence, shortly followed by the garden, and Surge returned to blackness.

Footsteps. Someone was approaching Surge.

"Well, well. Look what we have here. So this is what's become of the great Surge Aquos. Drained on a feeble attempt of mass ressurrection. I guess now Mysttra will finish it off for you. Oh, well. Humans are just my playthings. But you, however, are a much greater prize.
The figure picked up surge, and stepped back into the shadows.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:52 pm
by Enir
OOC: Sounds like someone has watched to much Hellsing. May just be though. But pat him on the back anyways, he saved the town.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 11:16 pm
by Thunderclaw
(OOC: I don't watch Hellsing. The books were enough to put me off. Anyway, that's just the sort of strength Surge can reach when he needs to.)

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:29 pm
by Enir
OOC: Someone hurry up and post.....this waiting thing is rather boreing. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:06 pm
by silver1
OOC:have patience Enir,i am also waiting for someone to post. :)

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:02 pm
by Miguel
Slowly, Zan awoke from the daze that he had previously fallen into, now in a different place than before. Somehow he had returned to the APC and everyone was present except Surge. Alexi, the man that had previously refused to help him, was now sitting across from him. The explosions outside had stopped.

"You aren't going to get away with this," Alexi spoke, clearly afraid of the werewolves around him.
"It didn't have to happen this way, Alexi," Zan responded to him, sighing in the process.
"I would rather be killed than help a group of werewolves!"
Zan pointed his gun at the man. "Are you sure about that? I can make that wish happen."
"Go ahead, Carson! Shoot me! Your wife always said you were a fool!"
Zan rammed the stock of the gun into Alexi's face, causing the man to fall to the floor. "Don't talk about Amy!"
"What, Carson, can't take the truth? Don't you know why she came here?"
Zan clicked the safety on his gun. "It doesn't matter."
"She was infected with the beast's disease," Alexi chuckled, looking towards Fang and Snipshot.
Zan looked towards the floor. "No she wasn't."
"Yes, she was, Carson. Why do you think she was always running away from New Richlend. Your people didn't accept her kind."
"You're wrong," Zan spoke, feeling tears filling his eyes.

Zan fired a bullet into Alexi's right leg, causing the man to scream, and then looked towards Enir, Fang and Snipshot. His eyes were full of rage, as if he had never seen the werewolves before, and then he looked back to Alexi.

"Find out how we get into the tunnels and then end him as you please," he spoke weakly towards his friends. "Torture him if you have to. Tell me when it's done."

He lowered his gun onto one of the APC's chairs and moved outside, out of view of the others. He didn't want to believe what the man had told him. The girl he loved had been a werewolf and he didn't even know.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:26 pm
by silver1
Fang growled at Alexi,showing his teeth. "What we have is not a disease,if i had not have been turned id be dead right now." he growled moving closer to Alexi. He was enraged over what Alexi had said and he was going to teach him a lesson he would never forget.

He walked over to Alexi and picked him up by his shoulder,being very careful not to tear into Alexi's flesh with his claws,he threw Alexi out of the APC and quickly quickly got out before he could recover. Fang picked Alexi up by his shoulder and punched him hard enough that he flew backwards into the side of the APC and actually dented it. "Now,how do we get into the tunnels?" fang asked growling. "You know,i was going to kill you,but i think i will just turn you instead." fang growled and then bit into Alexi's neck,he held his mouth around alexi's neck for a moment and then released him. "You will soon become like i am,when the full moon rises,you will become as i am." he said licking the blood from his teeth. He figured he would keep from killing Alexi and instead turn him into a werewolf,besides Zan did say he could do as he wished with him.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 2:25 am
by NightDeath
"I go outside and sit next to Zan".

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:00 pm
by Enir
Enir looked outside and then down at the ground. "Ths isn't right, let me deal with the human." Enir walked around the outside of the APC and picked Alexi up off the ground, and held him. "Come we must have a talk." Enir flew 20 yards away from the others and told the man. "I am not a werewolf as you can see, and I don't intend to harm you, all I ask is that you give me the information we want and then I will ensure that you will be able to leave unharmed.....well you won't be harmed any more."

"And further more, if you hate what you will become then I will full fill your wish and end your life for you." Enir shrugged and then said, "Your choice, BUT either way, you will have to answer our question." Enir then sat cross legged and waited.

Vashnna: "So surge you , tried to save the poor little welps of this punny planet, and off course that weak godess of yours is probably try o-so hard to finish what you started." "To bad her favorite little toy is mine now." "HAHAHAHAHAHA" Vashnna picked up surge and went back through his portal. As he approached the cells he looked at surge with a mocking appearance of care and worry. "O my!!! you poor little thing, you look so tierd, here take a nap here." Vashnna laid Surge down on a cldsteel table, and instantly, straps appeared and entangled Surge's body.

"There, all comfortable are we?" Vashnna laughed merilly to himeslf, for he had finnaly caught the one responsable for interfearing with his plans the last 200 millenias. "I have something special for you." Vashnna hit a button and then the straps started sucking what was left of surge's powers. Then they collected it in a small dragon looking vase that had glowing blue eyes and smoke pouring out of it's mouth. "Iam sure your just DIEING to find out whatthat dose, arn't you?" Vashnna noticed thatSurge had already blacked out though, and replied rather disapointedly, "Well he is rather rude. And a bit of a disapointment from the other times he had visited." Vashnna kicked surge and then went to prepare for his next step in his evil scheme.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:58 pm
by silver1
Fang walked over to Zan. "Zan,i need to talk to you in private,its about your wife." he said looking at Snipshot. "You need to go for a minute." he said looking back at Zan. "I hate to tell you this,but i knew all along. I was the one who turn your wife into a werewolf,i never meant to do it. I had only been a werewolf for about three days,she startled me and i attacked her,do you remember the night she returned to you...i placed her on the porch of your house." "Can you forgive me Zan?" he asked with sorrow in his eyes

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:20 pm
by Enir
OOC: Someone else will have to do Alexi......I have trouble enough with posting as 2 characters, with opposite attitudes and mind processes. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:53 pm
by Miguel

For a moment, Zan simply stared at the ground, acting as though he didn't hear Fang. After all, he wanted nothing more than to kill the one who had infected his wife. Even as angry as he was, though, he couldn't find the strength to attack Fang. His wife was already dead and he couldn't do anything to change that.

Somehow the city in the distance had repaired itself almost completely but people still fled from its gates. Weakly, Zan looked towards Snipshot and then to Fang and sighed.

"You're my friend, Fang," he spoke. "I'm not angry at you. It's just hard to believe the truth sometimes. I mean who would have thought that this would happen to the world, this war, the constant dying, all of it. I didn't want her to know about the world beyond New Richlend, a place that was seemingly preserved from this gruesome reality." He laughed. "All along though, she had become one of your kind and I didn't even know it. She was afraid of me, the one person she could trust most. If only I knew, I could have told her not to be afraid anymore, but I waited too long. Now...she's dead. You must know how it is to lose your wife."

Zan turned to face Snipshot once more, nodding.

"So what's your story, Snipshot? Did you ever have a family or pack?"


The short man known as Alexi only grinned, his leg dripping with blood from where Zan had shot him. It was clear that he was afraid of the dragon-creature, but he was trying to ignore his fears by laughing instead. As a freedom fighter he had learned that showing fear gets you killed. He pointed towards the city's palace in the distance.

"You see that building over there?" he asked rudely. "That is the home of Steel City's government, a congress of inexperienced citizens. Beneath them is a network of at least seventeen different tunnels, one of which will get you to where you want to go. Those same tunnels were abandoned over eight years ago because of horde infestation. The demons love it down there and unfortunately they love the tunnel leading to the HR even more; I don't know why."

Alexi pulled a set of keys from his pocket and then threw them towards Enir.

"Luckily the tunnel leading to the HR has a door on it. The rusted key will get you into that tunnel and it's pretty much a straight shot into the HR's major base or something. I haven't been down that way for years. If the government security tries to stop you, I didn't help you, okay?"

Stumbling weakly, Alexi stood up and began limping towards Steel City. A few moments later, he stopped.

"You creatures have been doing nothing but endangering us, you know, since the day your first 'pack' came to our city. One day you're going to wipe us out and take our land for your own, just like the demons, and then you'll be happy. Can't you just leave us alone?" he continued speaking and then resumed walking towards the city.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:02 pm
by NightDeath
* I look to the sky then back to Zan, with sadness in my eyes* I...I did once but that life is dead and gone. *I go back inside*.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:47 pm
by silver1
"Wait Alexi!" fang said catching up to him. "Your wrong about us,most of us werewolves want peace,it is the rogue werewolves you are talking about." he said walking at Alexi's side. "Are you shure you want to leave us,now that you are as i am?" he asked "Because the full moon is to night and you will change and trust really don't want to go through that alone he said looking at the wound in Alexi's leg.

"Your leg is bleeding very badly." fang said "let me heal it for you so you don't end up making it worse than it already is." fang said looking at the bllod dripping from the wound.