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Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 5:06 pm
by outwarddoodles
AUGH, I want a job!!


Note: After reading about poor Terestas, I feel much worse for him than for myself. At least my life style doesn't depend on me having a job, being I'm still in highschool and living with my parents.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 5:29 pm
by WerewolfKeeper3
I'd say Terestas's brother is trying to make his life a living heck.

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 1:53 pm
by MoonKit
kitetsu wrote:Image
I agree completely.

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:50 pm
by IndianaJones
I work at GameStop and the business is tacky. At least people still come here and go. But sometimes only 1 or 3 people come into the store and that's it! Compare to other GameStop stores in my city. But hey its all quiet and not as noisy as the other ones. I will give you all discounts if you guys come to my store. :evil:

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:46 pm
by darkest wolf
Gah! I knew I went into this deal too hastily, now I realize why I was afraid of buying used guitars on eBay. "Oh yeah, its got a few dings, but there small and barely noticeable"- my a**! Most of them went all the way through the paint. "Oh yeah, I'll have it all set up before I ship it out" -not! Gotta get the truss rod adjusted (Could do it myself, but too afraid), strings replaced (Could do that myself too, but the tech will pay for the in that case I won't), a major clean over (Kinda easy) and the frets recrowned (Don't even wanna try.). Thanks for costing me $60, you prick, you'll be paying for it! :evil: Oh yeah, lets not mention I should've had the guitar a week ago, but finally got it monday! :splodey:

*Takes a deep breath.*

Whew...much better now... Live and learn I suppose... :cry:

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:52 pm
by Baphnedia
I try not to use this thread... but I've succumed...

I've had a couple days to cool off, and I'll just link to the original vent:

It still makes me mad... ugh.

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:12 am
by MoonKit
Baphnedia wrote:I try not to use this thread... but I've succumed...

I've had a couple days to cool off, and I'll just link to the original vent:

It still makes me mad... ugh.
We get all your Copy-Paste posts. That's what I want to vent about! :lol:

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 1:19 am
by Terastas
darkest wolf wrote:Gah! I knew I went into this deal too hastily, now I realize why I was afraid of buying used guitars on eBay. "Oh yeah, its got a few dings, but there small and barely noticeable"- my a**! Most of them went all the way through the paint. "Oh yeah, I'll have it all set up before I ship it out" -not! Gotta get the truss rod adjusted (Could do it myself, but too afraid), strings replaced (Could do that myself too, but the tech will pay for the in that case I won't), a major clean over (Kinda easy) and the frets recrowned (Don't even wanna try.). Thanks for costing me $60, you prick, you'll be paying for it! :evil: Oh yeah, lets not mention I should've had the guitar a week ago, but finally got it monday! :splodey:

*Takes a deep breath.*

Whew...much better now... Live and learn I suppose... :cry:
E-bay really is hit or miss like that. I got screwed over twice myself. First time I bought a game that was said to be "100% ENGLISH!!!!" and. . . Well, to be fair, the e-bay auction itself was written in piss-poor English, so I really should've known better. :P Second time I got screwed, I tried to buy another video game and the damn thing didn't even come period. I shouldn't complain too much though because it only cost me, like, seven bucks give or take a few, and when I looked at this guy's online history, there were tons of complaints about items bought from him that were never received, and a lot of them went for well into the hundreds.

So let that be a lesson: Avoid buying used on e-bay.

Oh, and if anyone cares to know, the NBA finals worked out perfectly (for me, anyway). There wasn't a game seven so I didn't have to listen to the two of them bantering back and forth, my A-hole brother was at work by the time the game ended and therefore wasn't around to yell "IN YO FACE!!!" in less polite terms, and the Lakers got stomped so badly that the L.A. A-hole was more depressed than upset and responded to it just by hitting the sack early.
So as long as my brother didn't bet money against the point spread, I'm free of basketball-related excess crap to put up with. :D

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 2:57 am
by Midnight

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:12 pm
by darkest wolf
The sad thing was that the guy had perfect feedback. It turns out that his delay in shipping was that he had told his room mate to send it out while he was on the road (touring musician...supposedly.). So I was stuck waiting until he got back from his chain of gigs. What pissed me off was that he did such a good job hiding the dings that they were barely noticeable in the pics. Although, when I consider it, for 10 years old the guitar doesn't look half-bad, I just would've liked to have known how bad the dings were before buying... Which reminds me, I need to write that bastard some feedback. :evil:

And in regards to the NBA, Terastas, GO CELTICS! :P

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 11:22 pm
by Terastas
OK, the job hunt is over. That's it, I've had it, I'm through with Las Vegas. I could understand my brother being frustrated at my continued inability to pay the rent. I could even have overlooked him ignoring the fact that the Vegas job market is stagnant at best and accusing me of not even trying. But God help me, when he accused me of doing nothing but masturbating nonstop for the entire two and a half months I've been living in this s--thole city, that did it. I did not pack up my entire life and fly across the entire country just to put up with this kind of crap from someone I never gave half a s--t about in the first place.

So that's it. Don't worry about me not being able to find a job here anymore, because I'm no longer looking. Now my one and only goal is to get out of here ASAP, backtrack to Boston and restart my life where I left it.

*prances off singing*
Leaving Las Vegas
Leaving for good, for good
I'm leaving for good
I'm leaving for good


Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 2:23 am
by Baphnedia
You're not the first to sing that song, though the ones whom I've heard sing it in the past aren't Pack members... yet.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:20 am
by Xiroteus
Terastas - Will you be able to get a job there quicker?


Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 4:45 pm
by Infinite_Path
Always outside. No room in the circle for me. Always a n00b cause no matter where I go it's freakin "urban terror syndrome".

And, of course, I can never trancend my place because in order to do that, I need to say stuff, but everything's already been said, so the only thing I can do is say it again, which, of course, makes me a n00b anyway.

And of course, I can't complain because then I look self centered because other people have real problems, and all I have to worry about is a soul-sucking sense of being alienated.

"boo-hoo, join the club"

Not that I'm blaming anyone. No one's fault but my own that I showed up after the party's over.

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 5:58 pm
by RedEye
Hang around: having the last word always has its own panache.

You'll be a n00b as long as you think you're a n00b. Get past that, and you're just like everyone

Don't stand by the edge of the pool; dive in and swim with the rest of us.

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 7:21 pm
by Baphnedia
Whatever Redeye said (I just don get it), I second. :P

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 7:24 pm
by outwarddoodles
Joining a new forum is always daunting. But don't worry, there's no science to post responses on forums -- not here anyway. Say whatever is on your mind, and be polite. Just by being yourself you are a new and unique personality that can contribute to what we say and do here.

And if you're lonely, drop someone (including me) a friendly PM or E-mail. Or start up an AIM discussion. If you're afraid to start a conversation, ask questions and show interest to whomever you're trying to chat up.

Otherwise, if you're shy or "socially inept," about half of us here would say we're just the same.

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 9:55 pm
by MoonKit
outwarddoodles wrote:
Otherwise, if you're shy or "socially inept," about half of us here would say we're just the same.
Outwarddoodles is right. This is an internet forum after all. If we were social butterflies we wouldnt be here. 8)

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 10:33 pm
by WerewolfKeeper3
MoonKit wrote:
outwarddoodles wrote:
Otherwise, if you're shy or "socially inept," about half of us here would say we're just the same.
Outwarddoodles is right. This is an internet forum after all. If we were social butterflies we wouldnt be here. 8)
Gotta agree with you there.

I'm... not that good with people...


Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 9:24 am
by Infinite_Path
Thanks you guys. A little support really goes a long way :D

Now to find something original to say...

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 7:54 pm
by Sioux
Why do people praise those for artwork that clearly sucks?
Honestly, if it sucks I'm going to respectfully/politely tell you so; if you don't want to read it than you shouldn't allow people to comment.
I mean, I see artwork here (and on DA) that's clearly awful and people praise the artist anyways. Why? Shouldn't you tell them the truth so that they'll work harder to improve? No, I'm not saying a person should get a negative comment on all their awful artwork. I know people need positive praise every now and then so they won't give up on their interest. But, some get too much praise for their bad artwork. A negative comment every now and then will do them some good.
What's even more aggravating is some people get angry when they get a bad comment. Again, if you don't want to read it then don't allow people to comment. An artist isn't always going to get a good comment. Even the most prestigious of artists get bad reviews but, do they get pissed off and pitch a fit over it? No! What they do is turn that anger into motivation/determination and work harder to improve.

So if one of you does get a bad review from me, I hope you don't pitch a fit and cuss me out, thats childish and immature. I promise you, if you get a bad review from me, it will be a respectful one. I won't degrade you in any way.
However, I rarely feel the need to comment on a piece art so, you really don't have anything to worry about.

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:02 pm
by Baphnedia
When it comes to artwork, especially when posted 'among friends', there are few things happening:

1) Friends want to make their friends feel appreciated, etc. So, if positive comments create a 'feel good' feeling, then that 'friend' may have done what they set out to do (whether it's here or on DevArt, or wherever).
2) Getting comments on artwork and getting a critique are two different things. If someone requests a critique, all of a sudden the language changes - because NOW in order to create that 'feel good' feeling, the viewer/friend/critter needs to find something about the artwork that the artist could improve upon.
3) I use the term 'friend', at least since here, it is a rather tight-knit community.
4) There are a lot of artists out there who do art for the sake of art (much like musicians). When it comes to truly great works - there are a few winners, and a whole lot of losers (semi-grabbed from George Carlin). With any form of art, very little of it grabs a hold of us, even less endures history.

The difference between art and music is that art is not capable of causing bodily harm to the viewer. However, really bad music (esp at high volume) can easily destroy the mind (Dementia Radio) or the ears of the listener. The Music Industry should come with more safety labels. :P

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 1:00 am
by WerewolfKeeper3
{looks around} i think part of the thread disappeared again... i remember posting something here...and now it's gone...

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:36 am
by Baphnedia
More recently than the 23rd of June?

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 8:34 am
by MoonKit
Sioux wrote:Why do people praise those for artwork that clearly sucks?
Honestly, if it sucks I'm going to respectfully/politely tell you so; if you don't want to read it than you shouldn't allow people to comment.
I mean, I see artwork here (and on DA) that's clearly awful and people praise the artist anyways. Why? Shouldn't you tell them the truth so that they'll work harder to improve? No, I'm not saying a person should get a negative comment on all their awful artwork. I know people need positive praise every now and then so they won't give up on their interest. But, some get too much praise for their bad artwork. A negative comment every now and then will do them some good.
What's even more aggravating is some people get angry when they get a bad comment. Again, if you don't want to read it then don't allow people to comment. An artist isn't always going to get a good comment. Even the most prestigious of artists get bad reviews but, do they get pissed off and pitch a fit over it? No! What they do is turn that anger into motivation/determination and work harder to improve.

So if one of you does get a bad review from me, I hope you don't pitch a fit and cuss me out, thats childish and immature. I promise you, if you get a bad review from me, it will be a respectful one. I won't degrade you in any way.
However, I rarely feel the need to comment on a piece art so, you really don't have anything to worry about.
I do agree with you. Its always good to point out something that doesnt look that great but follow it up with something that you do like about the picture I guess. Also, I think sometimes people get a lot of praise because it DOES look good to the person commenting because they've never drawn anything but stick figures.