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Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 11:18 am
by WerewolfKeeper3
Baphnedia wrote:More recently than the 23rd of June?
yeah... it was right after your post on the 26... eh, never mind...

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 9:32 pm
by MoonKit
Do we have a thread for the miserable to just get together and mope in? Im not exactly angry...

Stupid life and its stupid curveballs...Just as you find something very special and realize how much it means to you, its whisked away and you never see it again. Literally.

Maybe Ill just join some kind of covenet and devote my life to somebody's god. :(

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 11:03 pm
by Kaebora
Shoplifters piss me off.

One of my two jobs is at a Radio Shack. The location I work at is very new. We're still stocking new items every day, and labeling it all is a real chore. We do everything we can to keep people from walking out the door with items, and they keep coming up with ways to beat the theft devices. It hurts my store manager more than anyone else, but we're all accountable for keeping thefts from happening. Two separate incidences cost over $600 in stolen merchandise.

I just put a new PC on display, and put every security measure on it that is available. I'll snap if someone tries to run out with it. I mean... just yesterday someone failed to take a 21" HDTV. I mean... WTF is up with people!?

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 11:24 pm
by RedEye
Sometimes I wonder if its desperation. The lifter feel that stealing is the only way they're going to get something.

Then there's the "coolness" factor. Something is "cool" and they just have to have it, but lack the money.

That's why I-pods are behind locked display cases.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:13 pm
by WerewolfKeeper3
MoonKit wrote:Do we have a thread for the miserable to just get together and mope in? Im not exactly angry...

Stupid life and its stupid curveballs...Just as you find something very special and realize how much it means to you, its whisked away and you never see it again. Literally.

Maybe Ill just join some kind of covenet and devote my life to somebody's god. :(
trust me, most of the time i hate my life... it gets better after a while though... hmm... maybe a mopeing thread would be good... {goes off to check if there is one before he starts one.}

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:09 pm
by Xiroteus
Should I vent that I have nothing to vent about?

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:14 pm
by outwarddoodles
Xiroteus wrote:Should I vent that I have nothing to vent about?
I HATE when I have nothing to complain about sooo much!


Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:44 pm
by Xiroteus
I do not mind too much. :D

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:49 pm
by Lukas
no ventage needed, no sadness felt, all that going on is friends around me are getting sad *shrugs*


Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 10:52 am
by Terastas
Sioux wrote:Why do people praise those for artwork that clearly sucks?
Honestly, if it sucks I'm going to respectfully/politely tell you so; if you don't want to read it than you shouldn't allow people to comment.
I mean, I see artwork here (and on DA) that's clearly awful and people praise the artist anyways. Why? Shouldn't you tell them the truth so that they'll work harder to improve? No, I'm not saying a person should get a negative comment on all their awful artwork. I know people need positive praise every now and then so they won't give up on their interest. But, some get too much praise for their bad artwork. A negative comment every now and then will do them some good.
What's even more aggravating is some people get angry when they get a bad comment. Again, if you don't want to read it then don't allow people to comment. An artist isn't always going to get a good comment. Even the most prestigious of artists get bad reviews but, do they get pissed off and pitch a fit over it? No! What they do is turn that anger into motivation/determination and work harder to improve.

So if one of you does get a bad review from me, I hope you don't pitch a fit and cuss me out, thats childish and immature. I promise you, if you get a bad review from me, it will be a respectful one. I won't degrade you in any way.
However, I rarely feel the need to comment on a piece art so, you really don't have anything to worry about.
I think people praise the crappy artwork because they don't want to discourage the artist from giving it up altogether, or worse. Artists can be an emo lot; more than once I've seen an artist delete all of their art accounts, put entire communities on block and refuse to speak to anyone online for years just because one person said something negative about their artwork.

My opinion, however, is that if you put your work someplace where everyone can see it, you should be prepared for everyone to weigh in on it. And I don't think of the artists that flipped off the entire community over one petty little squabble as being lost, because even a virtual Picasso is not worth it if his work comes with that kind of drama attached to it.

Me personally as a writer, I have the opposite problem: I love constructive criticism and sometimes feel like I'm not getting enough of it. All I get are the occasional "u suk cuz ur gay" comments here and there. Those piss me off because they're thoughtless, judgmental and have "troller" written all over them, but if I'm making mistakes as a writer, I'd rather have them pointed out to me now by my friends in my online crap as opposed to by a publisher or producer when I finally try to write a book/script with mass appeal.

So go ahead and critique till' your heart's content. Just avoid using profanity, harsh comparisons etc. so the artist doesn't interpret you to be just another furry/theri-basher.

Re: Venting

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 2:41 am
by *nagowteena*
gah.....lately I've been having these rage spats....having head aches...and no one will leave me the hell alone. and the more people talk to me, the more angry I get. I just want to be left alone...but when I tell them, instead they wont shut up! o_o I cant take it! my head is killing me...and I haven't talked to my mom or friends in 3 days... and I really don't want ends up me screaming my head off at them...and hurt feelings. :(

that's all I'm willing to type at the head hurts to much...I'm going to sleep. :|

Re: Venting

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 10:02 pm
by outwarddoodles
*nagowteena* wrote:gah.....lately I've been having these rage spats....having head aches...and no one will leave me the hell alone. and the more people talk to me, the more angry I get. I just want to be left alone...but when I tell them, instead they wont shut up! o_o I cant take it! my head is killing me...and I haven't talked to my mom or friends in 3 days... and I really don't want ends up me screaming my head off at them...and hurt feelings. :(

that's all I'm willing to type at the head hurts to much...I'm going to sleep. :|
Do you typically have headaches like this?

Every so often I tend to get headaches that last for about a week -- they are irritating, sometimes painful, unbearable, and turn me more anti-social than I typically am. I've been to the doctor for this problem, and if it persists for you, I would recommend it likewise (I was checked for tumors, by the way. Catch 'em early and such.).

I was later explained that my deit, amount of exercise, sleeping pattern, how much water I consume, etc, were all factors on my headaches. Although you're probably sick and tired of hearing this, but my recommendations include a bike ride and a bottle of water if you feel the headache starting to annoy you.

It wasn't until recently that I figured out my headaches correspond exactly to air pressure -- when the weather remains consistantly rainy, I get my headaches. I know another women who claims to be in the same scenario.

If you don't think any of this applies to you, you may be denying that you're stressed. Regardless, go take care of yourself, (hot bath, good book, etc) please.

(Also: Tell your mom about this. Headaches suck. Apoligize for screaming, and your parents should understand.)

Re: Venting

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 4:21 am
by *nagowteena*
outwarddoodles wrote:
*nagowteena* wrote:gah.....lately I've been having these rage spats....having head aches...and no one will leave me the hell alone. and the more people talk to me, the more angry I get. I just want to be left alone...but when I tell them, instead they wont shut up! o_o I cant take it! my head is killing me...and I haven't talked to my mom or friends in 3 days... and I really don't want ends up me screaming my head off at them...and hurt feelings. :(

that's all I'm willing to type at the head hurts to much...I'm going to sleep. :|
Do you typically have headaches like this?

Every so often I tend to get headaches that last for about a week -- they are irritating, sometimes painful, unbearable, and turn me more anti-social than I typically am. I've been to the doctor for this problem, and if it persists for you, I would recommend it likewise (I was checked for tumors, by the way. Catch 'em early and such.).

I was later explained that my deit, amount of exercise, sleeping pattern, how much water I consume, etc, were all factors on my headaches. Although you're probably sick and tired of hearing this, but my recommendations include a bike ride and a bottle of water if you feel the headache starting to annoy you.

It wasn't until recently that I figured out my headaches correspond exactly to air pressure -- when the weather remains consistantly rainy, I get my headaches. I know another women who claims to be in the same scenario.

If you don't think any of this applies to you, you may be denying that you're stressed. Regardless, go take care of yourself, (hot bath, good book, etc) please.

(Also: Tell your mom about this. Headaches suck. Apoligize for screaming, and your parents should understand.)

Well I do get headaches every now and then, but not nearly as bad as the resent ones. they are very painful...and just the slightest noeses set me off, and this is totally at random. and my mom knows about this...she keeps talking to me about them... and other random things and I mean Nonstop! she goes on for hours... even after I say okay..please stop...but it's like she doesn't hear me! o_o and she keeps going...and she's the energizer bunny! :cry: and then my head feels like :splodey:

and tumors have come to mind, in fact it's been in the back of my mind for a couple of years. don't know why, but maybe that's just me worrying. I'll still get it checked out anyway.

I've felt a little better today...but the the headaches are starting up again. gah...I better go to sleep before I yell at someone. :(

Re: Venting

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 4:48 am
by Konietzko
I hate it when people can't seem to grasp the concept that, once you get yourself used to a particular sleep cycle, it helps if you maintain it. Let me explain.

I work...the 3rd shift. What this means is that, for the most part, I've ended up putting myself onto a nocturnal sleep cycle. I sleep during the day, and get up around early evening late afternoon, mess around for a little while and then head to work at 10:30 at night, where I am until past dawn, when I come home and start it all over again.

So...when I get a day off, since it's only one day a week, I just find it easier to maintain the same schedule instead of tying to be up during the day and trying to get my sleep schedule back on track the following day. So...people wait until my day off and call me during the day.

"Whatcha doing?"

:evil: "Sleeping. What do you want?"

"Sleeping? But it's you day off! Why are you sleeping?"

And that's really all I have to say on that. My response to that question is, generally, something that I'm not going to repeat on these forums boards, as it isn't for unsuspecting eyeballs to read.

Re: Venting

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:03 pm
by RedEye
Nagowteena: it sounds like you are getting Migraine headaches. I had them too, at your age. They lasted into my late twenties.
As to your headache: Try a cup of coffee (it really works) or some Excedrin (again caffeine). Caffeine causes the blood vessels in your brain to constrict. Swollen blood vessels cause Migraines
Migraines cause you to be hyper sensitive to things like light or sound. Sometimes they give warning by means of "Aura", where you either hear things, see things or have visual illusions, or become extra sensitive to touch.
I used to hide in my closet when they were really bad. Tell you mom that sound hurts when you are having a migraine attack, and that you need quiet and dark to help you outlast them. :(
If she won't listen, and keeps talking, try what I did: scream and throw something at her. My mom understood then... :evil:

Re: Venting

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 12:10 am
by Terastas
Hey, does anyone think that if I wrote all my stand-up material down and sent it all to Jay Leno, that he would read it and possibly hire me as a writer just because we're both from New England?

Don't answer that. I know the answer is "no." Most likely it would be "hell no."

But my mother's suggested that over a hundred times already and I haven't even been back home in Boston for a week yet.

Help me out here: Why is it that the more far fetched and out of this world something sounds, the more a woman will want to believe it and push a guy into it?

Or is this just part of that "men are always wrong" thing I keep hearing about?

:x Seriously, I know she means well, but this is really starting to piss me off. Finding a job is hard enough without her trying to send me off on these Holy Grail assignments.

Re: Venting

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:47 am
by MoonKit
Could never hurt to try, Terastas.

Re: Venting

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:06 pm
by Terastas
Oh holy mother of God, I have never been so tempted to kill someone as I have now.

First, lemme' provide a little back story to those of you who have not heard of The Gloucester Seventeen. The long story made short is that teen pregnancy has spiked in the city of Gloucester, MA, and it is now believed that seventeen of said girls had decided amongst themselves to get pregnant intentionally.

So there's the previous development. I thought that was depressing, but it doesn't hold a candle to this pitiful display by humanity: ... 65108.html

I'm not going to say anything about how I feel about those little snot-nosed elitist brats that not only thought this was funny, but thought it funny enough to labor away on three entire floats for it. I'm not going to say anything because I think the links speak for themselves.

Spread the news everybody. Half of me posted this because I'm pissed, and the other half of me is hoping that will become a viral video and the entire planet will recognize them for the [extensive profanity] that they are. You might think you live in the worst town in the country, but be thankful you don't live in Beverly.

Re: Venting

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 11:17 pm
by WerewolfKeeper3
Yeah i know... this whining not venting, but i don't think i've used this thread before, so...

Why am i not surprised at all that the first thread of mine that gets locked is the one i made to try and help?

Whatever... hey Takyoji, if you don't mind, could you pull it? I'm tired of seeing the X next to it... next time, i won't even {bleep}ing bother... i seriously didn't think venting and depression were the same thing... or, as i usually am, am i wrong on that?

i feel so great right now... {slumps against pillows and hopes tomorrow doesn't suck as much as today...}

Re: Venting

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:28 pm
by Sioux
WerewolfKeeper3 wrote:Yeah i know... this whining not venting, but i don't think i've used this thread before, so...

Why am i not surprised at all that the first thread of mine that gets locked is the one i made to try and help?

Whatever... hey Takyoji, if you don't mind, could you pull it? I'm tired of seeing the X next to it... next time, i won't even {bleep}ing bother... i seriously didn't think venting and depression were the same thing... or, as i usually am, am i wrong on that?

i feel so great right now... {slumps against pillows and hopes tomorrow doesn't suck as much as today...}
What? It was locked?! Why? Its not like a flame war was getting read to burst forth or anything.
If the mods(or whoever) thought the thread was unnecessary then they should have just deleted it, not locked it.

Re: Venting

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 10:48 pm
by MoonKit
WerewolfKeeper3 wrote:Yeah i know... this whining not venting, but i don't think i've used this thread before, so...

Why am i not surprised at all that the first thread of mine that gets locked is the one i made to try and help?

Whatever... hey Takyoji, if you don't mind, could you pull it? I'm tired of seeing the X next to it... next time, i won't even {bleep}ing bother... i seriously didn't think venting and depression were the same thing... or, as i usually am, am i wrong on that?

i feel so great right now... {slumps against pillows and hopes tomorrow doesn't suck as much as today...}
Sorry about that. I think it was probably my mention of a sad thread that made you make that one. I didnt think it was a bad idea! Anger is very different from sadness.

Re: Venting

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:02 am
by WerewolfKeeper3
I agree... otherwise i'd be moping on this thread most of the time about how my life is okay, but how i feel like crap 90% of the time, and i don't know why... as is emotionally... {curls up and still thinks life sucks...}

Re: Venting

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:32 pm
by RedEye
WerewolfKeeper3 wrote:I agree... otherwise i'd be moping on this thread most of the time about how my life is okay, but how i feel like crap 90% of the time, and i don't know why... as is emotionally... {curls up and still thinks life sucks...}
Guess what, it DOES! It gets worse as you get older, too. There's a reason for it, though.
It gives you something that you can overcome. It makes your successes sweet. It is the reason for progress.
90% of the way life affects you is through your own choice. Change what you accept out of life and it'll get better.
I had to spend six decades to figure that one out. Do me one better, ok?
And take another look at your thread, willya?

Re: Venting

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:58 am
by Howlitzer
Terastas wrote:Oh holy mother of God, I have never been so tempted to kill someone as I have now.

First, lemme' provide a little back story to those of you who have not heard of The Gloucester Seventeen. The long story made short is that teen pregnancy has spiked in the city of Gloucester, MA, and it is now believed that seventeen of said girls had decided amongst themselves to get pregnant intentionally.

So there's the previous development. I thought that was depressing, but it doesn't hold a candle to this pitiful display by humanity: ... 65108.html

I'm not going to say anything about how I feel about those little snot-nosed elitist brats that not only thought this was funny, but thought it funny enough to labor away on three entire floats for it. I'm not going to say anything because I think the links speak for themselves.

Spread the news everybody. Half of me posted this because I'm pissed, and the other half of me is hoping that will become a viral video and the entire planet will recognize them for the [extensive profanity] that they are. You might think you live in the worst town in the country, but be thankful you don't live in Beverly.

Yeah....not going to lie. Gloucester is literally right next door to me (exactly where, I'm not saying), but having all this stuff happen right next door is a

And first off, I believe it was 18 pregnancies. I'm not sure why one of them was so contested in the media, but I am fairly sure it was 18. But whatever.

My prediction for events to come: Halloween shall be very interesting for Beverly. I predict lots of Gloucester kids going down there and causing shenanigans, moreso than usual.

Beverly should also be very glad that they do NOT play against Gloucester in football.

Re: Venting

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:18 am
by WerewolfKeeper3
RedEye wrote:
WerewolfKeeper3 wrote:I agree... otherwise i'd be moping on this thread most of the time about how my life is okay, but how i feel like crap 90% of the time, and i don't know why... as is emotionally... {curls up and still thinks life sucks...}
Guess what, it DOES! It gets worse as you get older, too. There's a reason for it, though.
It gives you something that you can overcome. It makes your successes sweet. It is the reason for progress.
90% of the way life affects you is through your own choice. Change what you accept out of life and it'll get better.
I had to spend six decades to figure that one out. Do me one better, ok?
And take another look at your thread, willya?

Just did today... hmm... thanks whoever unlocked it... and i'll try... i've been trying... i'll try harder. And thanks RedEye for the advice...