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Re: test subjects

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:59 am
by Cain
OOC: Hey Enir, he's still being approved for posts, he cant help it if we all post without needing the consent before his is approved, so lets just chill until he's not as new as he is now. kayy? plus we've got a cool twist for this storyy.^^

I saw Ledrif clench his head when we were leaving, i couldnt help as old emotions returned to be concerned for his conditioned. I tried to go back but the shifters around me still dragged me away. "Lemme go! Hes in pain!" I roared and wrestled out of their grasp and tried to get to Ledrif.

Re: test subjects

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:12 pm
by ledrif
ooc: I don't want to be annoying for anyone because of mine posts but i can't do anything about them... :(

They were leaving but What Kohaku said have done something with me Mine head was hurting alot and stared at Kohaku I putted mine hand on mine head and then I got some sort of flashback...
HI there... oh hey Kohaku so how about till now liking here?....No they are telling me to kill pepole I don't want that!....hey come here sweetie remenber what they have told us? about freedom?......But it dosen't worth Ledrif It doesn't I hate doing this....I know i hate this more then anything too but....what what is it?......We are beeing watched....what?.....hey no matter what they happen to do with me now remenber I'll alway be your friend okay?....hmmm okay I guess...thanks that's all I need to hear...
Then I suddenly seemed like I woke from a Nightmare, "hmmm where am I...Oh my..." I remenbered evrything before that All I have done "oh damm what the hey wait I don't want to..." I saw Kohaku beeing carried away and I remenbered myself in that situation before "argh..." I stayed where I was the Pain on mine head wasn't gone "Kohaku don't go..." with all mine will and mine strenght I started slowly walking to her Mine body wasn't responding mine commands but i had to try "I won't loose you again...." I whispered to myself then I collapsed to the ground I coudn't help I was in too much pain I stayed there mine hands on mine head I couldn't even scream But I could hear "Lemme go! Hes in pain!" I heard was Kohaku she still was mine friend as she promised that made me fell better, I MUSt DO IT I CAN'T LEAVE HER...., I stood up the pain now going away and saw her trying to get to me "Kohaku..." I couldn't stand that I never liked seeing her sad or angry after all I love her and knowing she could be angry with me and the tough that i tried to kill somone witout a single reason made me fell the most wicked hearthless villain of all....

Re: test subjects

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:20 pm
by Flatline
fleck couldnt believe what she wass seeing. the werecat wass trying to help the wolf thatt had betrayed them! fleck wouldnt have any of thhat nonesense. snarling she jumped between ledrif and kohaku facing ledrif. the traitor had endangered her unborns, and after losing her first litter to another werewolf she would kill to protect the ones she had on the way.

still facing ledrif fleck said through clenched fangs, "if you ever endanger my cubs again, I WILL KILL YOU!!! LEAVE NOW TRAITOR! or i'll just kill you now instead of waiting for you to threaten us again!"

fleck, still snarling, waited for ledrif to leave. she had spoken

Re: test subjects

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 7:24 pm
by Cain
Hearing the threat I leapt over Fleck and stood tall in front of Ledrif, protecting him. "back off female, you dont know hi like I do." I growled lowly undery breath. "I did promise to protect you, and I'll explain later about this whole thing if you let me tend to him." My tone was at its warning mode. I was not to be played with, and Ledrif knew this tone. I flexed my muscles, showing her I wasnt bluffing, and then huffed, showing my dominance. I turned to Ledrif and whispered into his ear; "You remember, dont you old friend?" I said in a calm voice.

Re: test subjects

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:03 pm
by Flatline
(lets give ledrif a chance to reply now)

Re: test subjects

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:17 pm
by silver1
I followed right behind fleck,my wound still bleeding but finally starting to heal. I stood at Flecks side. "Are you ok Fleck? I asked showing some concern. "Just calm down." I said falling to my knees,weak from the amount of blood i had lost from the gunshot wound.

Re: test subjects

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:34 am
by ledrif
"I do remenber it but...." I couldn't believe after all I did she was still mine friend as she promised "but after all that you still trust me and defend me...." I stared at her almost crying "I.. don't know what I am going to now...." I stood up "I won't be accepted by your friends anymore after all that and if I go back To the facility I'll pay for not getting you back" an tear on mine right eye "I can't stay with you I guess..." I said and looked back to the werewolf called Fleck "I won't come back I probably get alone for the rest of mine life..." I turned around "so I won't threaten anyone anymore..."

Re: test subjects

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:02 pm
by Flatline
fleck after hearing ledrifs words now felt sorry for her actions. she had threatened a werewolf who in his right mind might not have attacked the way he did.

fleck faced ledrif again with shame in her eyes and said, "ledrif cann you forgive me forr what ive done? my paranioa plus pregnancy hormones sometimes get the better of me. if you wish you may travel with us. there's safety in numbers. i lost my first litter of cubs to a murderous werewolf. i killed him for killing my cubs but was exiled from my pack for doing so. ever since i got pregnannt again ive been so scared for my unborns that ive been seeing everything and everyone as a threat to them. please forgive me."

Re: test subjects

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:26 pm
by Enir
OOC: Sorry Ledrif, forgot about the 3 post rule set by the moderators. Please forgive me if I seamed to forward with it. And you are not annoying. :D

Hearing the commotion in the back I stopped the group and headed to the rear. Upon reaching it I saw Kohaku defending Ledrif and the others were trying to keep him from following. I was about to intervene when I heard Ledrif talk to kohaku and the others calmed down. "May I ask what's going on?" I said in a curious tone, wondering what was happening.

Re: test subjects

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:43 pm
by Cain
I saw the bear looking wolf again. "He's been my friend since we we're forced to come here. we trained and fought together. Until my former master took me and seperated us. we grew apart after." I helped Ledrif up. "My guess is that they brainwashed him amd trained him as a recruiter. They hunt and bring back the missing or wanted Therianthropes. Thats what him and his team were." I turned to my old friemd agaim, wiping away his tear, and giving him a much needed hug.

"Welcome back Led"

Re: test subjects

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:01 pm
by ledrif
I hugged her back "it's good to be back" I closed mine eyes for a few momments just apreciating that momment then I stared at Enir "so Fleck isn't the Big boss around here you need to decide either I will or not go with you guys" still staring at him I sad "sooo what you choose? will you forgive me?"

Re: test subjects

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:29 pm
by Enir
I looked strait at Ledrif, then after some consideration I said, "You have no more future with the humans without one of us, and that will not happen, so therefor you have no were else to go and makes you one of us." I slowly approached him and laid my left paw on his shoulder, still holding my side were he had stabbed me with my right paw. " Yes, you may come with us, BUT for the first 2 weeks you will stay by my side and will not be armed, just as a safety measure." I hoped it was a reasonable agreement and that he would understand my caution.

Re: test subjects

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:49 pm
by Cain
I looked at Enir. I was a little skeptic on him watching over Led, and feeling a tinge of overprotectiveness that ive never felt for Led. I decided I would stay at Ledrif's side to keep him company. It would be great for a game of catch-up.

Re: test subjects

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:34 am
by ledrif
Istared at Enir for a while "Agreed and again sorry for all this pain and suffering I caused you guys..." I looked to Kohaku "seems you got some Pretty nice friends"

Re: test subjects

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:46 am
by Cain
"Theyre cool^^" i smiled and shouldered him lightly.

Re: test subjects

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:30 pm
by Flatline
fleck turned her back towards ledrif and kohaku. walking away she remembered that fatefull night she had returned to herr den to find her cubs murdered...

walking into the den with a mouth full of deer meat for her cubs in weaning, she smelled werewolf blood. a lot of werewolf blood. it was the blood of herr pups. laughter sounded from outside the den. sakurvo! that murderous traitor!

fleckk leaped out of the den and lunged at him, seeing his muzzle stained with blood. he wass biggerr and stronger than her but was still no match for her cunning and rage. within seconds of the fight sakurvo lay on the ground, throat torn open and gushing blood.

the alpha, greyback, had seen it all. he brought fleck to a pack trial, in wich thhey found her guilty of murder. they were wrong about her. she had only been following werewolf law. cub killers were to be killed thhemselves if found guilty. but still greyback exiled her...

fleck shook away the memories and reminded herself that it wass overr, that she might have found a new pack at last, and that she now had an unlikely friend.

Re: test subjects

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:00 am
by Enir
We moved on, Kohaku and Ledrif at my side and the others following. Every so often we would stop so that everyone can rest. During one of these stops I consulted Kohaku, Ledrif, and Fleck. "We can't go on like this to much longer, we all need a place to rest for a few days....any ideas?"

Re: test subjects

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:48 am
by ledrif
"There Is an Cave near an waterfall just east of where we are now..."
I sad pointing it "I know it because it was where I was living before they bring me to the facility" I quickly shaked mine head just remenbering that place made me angry "It's a big cave we could survive just fine there and there is an place deep inside it I haven't explored yet" I stared at Enir for a while seeing he was thinking about it "and there is a thing I must get there so even If you guys are not going there I will..."

Re: test subjects

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 11:55 am
by Cain
"A cave actually sounds real nice." I said to Led. "Im gonna scout it out Enir, I'll come back with a detailed report on the cave's condition and its surroundings." I spoke confidantly. I then sprinted in the direction Led said the cave was in. I found it, about an half and hour from when i left. I checked the surroundings, everything was in good shape, and the cave was large enough for the whole pack. but i found a large tree, and before I went back i made myself a little shelter in the tree's base.

Re: test subjects

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:14 pm
by Flatline
fleck much appreciated ledrif's idea of thhe cave. she much needed the oppurtunity to rest for her unborns sakes. if she didnt take the rest she could end up killing thhem frrom exhaustion, or miscarrying.

fleck walked up to enir and the others, saying "i say we let ledrif lead since he knows where its at. and enirs right about needing too rest. i can already feel my pups kicking me more often thhen normal, and we also need to hunt some food. im eating for more than just me right now and they need nourishment too."

fleck stepped back a little and waited for the others too reply

Re: test subjects

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:56 pm
by ledrif
"oooohh.. easyy there I don't think Enir would agree with me leading up the pack after all that happnned" I sad staring at Fleck "he doesn't even fully trust me" I looked down and closed mine eyes "Look I know you are worried about your cubs and I understand it But we can't rush things..." I looked to Enir "let's just leave the decision to Enir then he decides what's best"

Re: test subjects

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 4:07 pm
by Cain
After I finished the little makeshift hide away of mine, I sprinted back to Enir and the others. "Everythings in great conditon for the pack."

Re: test subjects

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:14 am
by Enir
"Well if Kohaku says it's safe and there is water near by then by all means, lets go." I waited for everyone to move ahead before pulling up the rear with fleck. It had been about 3 days since ledrif joined us and he hadn't done anything wrong yet. I was starting to trust him a little more each day. I called up to him and kohaku,"You go ahead and lead them there, Iam going to make sure that no one gets left behind!!" I the turned my head toward fleck as we all walked. "If you need any help at all, let me know, and don't worry, were there is water there will be food." I smiled at her hoping to lift her spirits a little.

Re: test subjects

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:39 am
by ledrif
I whispered to Kohaku "I will go on the front As I sad there Is something I gotta get there" then I runned to mine old den reaching there I Catched the small key hidden around the rocks near some trees and mooved inside the cave I pulled an huge rock to the right and entered the small tunnel I keept folowing it untill I reached the crest I opened with mine key and picked the amulet inside "It's time for your to wake up" I sad putting the amulet on me and going back up I pulled the rock back to the place and gone out the cave again I hidded the key once again and started heading to meet with the pack once again...

Re: test subjects

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:14 pm
by silver1
I followed behind quietly,looking up into the star filled sky as a slight breeze blew through the trees. It was so comforting to me as i caught up to Fleck. "Is there something wrong,you seem like there is something bothering you." i asked showing some concern for her.