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Re: Meeting the Pack

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:30 pm
by ledrif
"ooooookay..... You can tell me later" I said putting mine hands on mine fore head and moved a little away from the group feeling the calm breeze of the forest and Sitetd on an falled tree trunk I sighed and started talking to myself "well I'm a werewolf.." I looked to the skies "but what i'm going to do about it? accept it and shift or just act like this part of me don't exists..."

Re: Meeting the Pack

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:36 am
by SnowwolfTalian
I sighed in contentment as Enir nuzzled my cheek. The throbbing sensation in my skull was only getting worse. I pressed my fingers against my temples, humming under my breath.

Do not be afraid, child.

I jumped, looking frantically around.

"Did anybody just hear that?" I asked.

When everyone said no, I moaned. What was happening to me?

Re: Meeting the Pack

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 3:15 pm
by DWDruid
I stared at the friendly she-wolf, she looked and even smelled happy. For some reason this made me fell happy as well. I said to her, "Thank you, I'm feelling much better. My name's Leon, Leon Fenrir." I couldn't help giving a small snicker at the irony.

I looked over at the others. The other wolf had the small girl in his arms, giving me a mistrusting look. The girl seemed to be clutching her head as if in pain. I hoped she was alright. The guy with the strange scent was sitting a little further away , not really doing anything. I twisted my muzzle into a smile for Cain and asked her, So, what did I miss?"

Re: Meeting the Pack

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 7:27 pm
by Enir
I scooped up snowy and found a small stream that was on the other side of the bush behind us. I sat her down by the edge and put my paw on her fore head. She was really warm and wasn't going to cool down soon without help. I told her to lay down and I dipped one of my paws into the river. I then sat down behind her and gentally pulled her back. I then leaned against a tree while i held her close, with my cool wet paw on her fore head.

Re: Meeting the Pack

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 7:57 pm
by SnowwolfTalian
I sighed in relief, grateful for the cooling sensation that spread through my head. I felt like my head was going to split in half. I opened my eyes a fraction of an inch. There was a woman standing somewhere off to my right. I yelped, pushing myself backwards. Her skin was awfully pale, and blood was seeping from a cut in the center of her forehead. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew that she was dead. I watched Enir give me a confused look. He couldn't see her. Oh, crap.

Re: Meeting the Pack

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 9:12 pm
by Enir
"Are you okay dear?" I asked snowy, starting to worry about her. "Is there anything I can do to help you feel more comfortable?" "If you want I can hold you above the water level so you can float there in the river and cool off even more?" I was starting to notice her sweat and my paw needed dipped in the river again. I decided I could not do this by myself. "HEY CAIN!!!!" Once cain came over I asked,"Can you do something without giving her your blood?" I didn't like the whole sharing blood thing.

Re: Meeting the Pack

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 9:26 pm
by Cain
I heard Enir calling me, his tone put me on alert. I rushed over and saw Snowy, she was running a fever and looked frightened. I neiled down next to them and started checking her vitals, but then I noticed her staring off into the distance. "Snowy, Snowy I need you to tell me what your seeing right now, I dont care how ridiculous you think it will sound, but i need to now. I need to make sure your not just hallucinating, Tell me what you see." I said in a concerned tone, and told Enir to keep cooling his paw with the water and put it on her forehead like he was doing.

Re: Meeting the Pack

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 11:27 pm
by Enir
I did as Cain instructed and hoped for the best. Curious and still worried I asked cain, "What do think might be going on with her?"

Re: Meeting the Pack

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 2:24 pm
by ledrif
I Heard enir calling Cain he seemed Worried I looked and saw Snowy she seemed to be in Pain I though about going to check what was happening but I knew I was only going to bother then I decided to try shifting I tough how I supoposed to do that and Decided to do like Cain Itook an deep breath and concentrated I felt an Pain that went all over mine body I holded the scream to don't call atention Mine Bones Cracked And mine feet grew longer mine hands started turning into paws Fur covered mine body I closed mine Eyes And got on all fours after the pain Gone away I opened mine eyes and stood up I was bigger I looked at myself Mine clothes thigt on me and mine hands where Paws Mine shoes where shredded and I had an digitrated legs I opened mine Hoodie and took it off tryign mine best not to rip it I looked at mine arms and saw an light-gray Fur all over it I quickly pased mine hand on mine head and felt mine wolf muzzle as Mine tail wagged I tough about it a little and remenbered Cain saying I could have more then only one form I got On all fours and concentrated again this time wasn't so painfull mine paws got more wolf like and I got a smaller and after a few seconds I was an normal wolf mine clothes where huge now i took them off and putted on the trunk that I was sitting I aproached the Wolf that was on the ground and I putted mine paw on he's back I tried to talk but words didn't came out that didn't surprised me as I was an Wolf now I sitted remenbering the way dogs usually do Near the Wolf Called Leon and stared s Cain and enir helped Snowy

Re: Meeting the Pack

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 3:39 pm
by SnowwolfTalian
I swallowed thickly, shaking all over.

"It's a woman. She's wearing this gown and there's blood everywhere. She's dead. Oh God, she's DEAD!" I rambled, shaking my head over and over again.

Do not be afraid, child. We'll help you. We'll all help you. Ghost Woman said, walking towards me.

"Who's we?" I asked, noticing Enir give Cain a look.

The Ghost woman merely smiled.

All will be explained in time.

With that said, I promtly passed out.

Re: Meeting the Pack

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:05 pm
by Enir
I wetted my paw and put it back on her fore head, I was getting even more worried. I looked at cain with a pleading gaze and said, "I don't want to loose her cain, I can't go on without her." I hugged snowy closely.

Re: Meeting the Pack

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:36 pm
by DWDruid
Still kind of dizzy from the drugs, I slowly got up wincind a bit at the pain. I looked over my shoulder to find yet another werewolf where the kid was. Considering what had already happened to the rest of us, I wasn't all too surprised and so I gave him a small smile. Making my way over to the others, I noticed the same girl in the arms f the other male, looking passed out. "What's going on?" I asked Cain, to which she gave me a sort summary. Watching the male, I saw the pain in his eyes and could even smell his fear. "You really care for her, don't you?" Not looking away from her, he nodded. "How long have you known her?" I pushed a little more.

Re: Meeting the Pack

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 4:19 pm
by Enir
"For a little over a year now, and I hope I will be with her even longer." I wetted my whole arm this time and wrapped my arm around her forehead hoping to help cool her faster. I then whispered in her ear,"C'mon dear you can do this, don't leave me, I need you."

Re: Meeting the Pack

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 4:35 pm
by Cain
I put my hand back on her forehead when she passed out. "Its either apart of her abilities, or she's half dead. She needs rest, we need to move and find a nearby city, I rummaged through the bag Sylar gave me when he gave me these clothes, it has alot of money in it as well. We can probably get a hotel, Enir, can you carry her? I'll get the others." I sprinted and found the other two and informed them. I shifted, this time to full wolf. It hurt a little more than the hybrid form, but i met back with Enir, gathering the group. "Lets go."

Re: Meeting the Pack

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:35 pm
by DWDruid
Cain shifted into full wolf in front of us and urged us to follow her. On our way out of the woods, I couldn't help watching Cain. I admired the way it was so easy for to the take control of a situation, call everyone together, and take the appropriate action all the while remaining calm. She had the makings of a natural born leader inside her, despite her being slightly younger than us. I began wishing that I could be like but then I thought, why not? If I became more involved this our group's (or is it pack's) future and well being, I wouldn't feel so sorry for myself anymore. As a first step, I caught up to Cain and started walking even with her. We arrived at the edge of the forest and saw a small city. Thinking about our next step, I turned Cain and asked her, "If we're going to get a hotel room, somebody's going to have to look human. And you also need to be at least 18 years-old to get a room, so only Enir or myself could do it. By the way, where exactly are we?"

Re: Meeting the Pack

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:47 pm
by Cain
I watched out of the corner of my eye when Leon jogged up. "Well, Enir cannot shift, and Hey! I can pass for 23, i've done it before at Planet Hollywood in Orlando, Fl. I just need an ID." I mumbled the last part. I shifted, making sure I looked older than I was, your welcome to shift as well. I mean, Im a good actress, but a single girl with a bunch of animals, and a ginormus wolf that kinda looks like a bear; carrying an unconcious girl, is really odd. Maybe you could carry her and I can make a make-shift leash for these other two." I grabbed one of my ripped shirts, cause I was wearing a tank top underneath my t-shirt, and ripped it, then I noticed Enir was wearig his collar. I smiled cause i use to PM him about it. I tied it to the long piece of ripped shirt.

Re: Meeting the Pack

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:41 pm
by ledrif
I putted mine clothes on the floor and still in mine full wolf form I managed to talk "I'm not going to wear a Leash!!!" I said leting an uncontrolable growl to Cain and then I felt bad growling at Cain as I did I said "sorry it's just that I don't want to look like a Pet..."

Re: Meeting the Pack

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:34 pm
by DWDruid
I tried to calm the younger male down, "Look, we could always sneak you three in later after me and Cain get a room. Let me try shifting back." I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on what I used to look like before. After a few moments of intense concentration, a tingeling raced through my body. Since I was unconcious for my first shift, this would be my first time really experiencing a transformatio . I o ly felt the slightest pressure as fur retracted back into my skin, claws became regular nails again, my muzzle shrinking back into a face, and the tail shortening until it no longer existed. I felt a sence of relief to find myself back into my old human body, but I could also see a few sutle differences than before. My hair was a darker brown and seemed a little longer. I could feel that my ears were now a bit pointier, as were my canines. I was also a bit more toned and my body had a better build than before. The last and most important feature I noticed was that I was completely naked! Quickly trying to cover myself up as much as possible I asked Cain, "Got any extra clothes I can use?"

Re: Meeting the Pack

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 10:52 pm
by Enir
I settled Snowy on my back and went down on all fours. I let Cain tie her make-shift leash to my collar and then said to the younger wolf,"Just do it for Snowy please."

Re: Meeting the Pack

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:00 pm
by Cain
I grabbed the extra set of clothes I grabbed and threw in Leons direction while helping Wnir get the annoying fake leash on. I growled right back at Ledrif, making sure he knew he shouldnt at least growl at me, cause at that moment and time i was Alpha. I was trying to get Snowy to a safer place. After that I dont care, as long as my pack was healthy and able to run. "Ledrif, i dont care if you shift or not, but I cant have you whining over a piece of cloth around your neck. You can always rip it off later."

Re: Meeting the Pack

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 3:46 pm
by ledrif
I looked to everyone and most important to the uncosious snowy at Enirs back I whined and said "okay.... okay I won't talk anymore big boss..." I aproached Cain so she could put the Leash on me

Re: Meeting the Pack

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:01 pm
by DWDruid
Finally changed in the clothes Cain gave me, I looked at myself in a nearby puddle. "Not bad" I thought to myself as I wore the simple pair of jeans and black tee-shirt. "I look a bit older as well." Since Enir was more comfortable with Cain, she took his leash while I took Luiz's. We made our way into the city, Luiz still growling a bit at the leash. It was late at night so almost nobody saw us. At one point, Cain tried to lead us into one hotel, but I stopped her and pointed to a big sign outside that said"NO PETS". "Let's find another one." I told her.

Re: Meeting the Pack

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:04 pm
by ledrif
OOC: Hey i haven't told mine real name cuz it may sound wierd so I told you guys to call me Ledrif altough it may sound even more wierd uhm... o_o i'm confused anyways By now mine character is beeing called ledrif not Luiz maybe further in the story i'll say it...

Re: Meeting the Pack

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:18 pm
by Cain
I sighed at the sign, then we all started walking. I saw a crappy motel out the corner of my eye and led the others. There was a sign, but it was vacant and the guy needed the money. I got two rooms, We all could choose who we wanted to bunk with, But i had pointed out that Enir and Snowy should get their own room, cause one, Enir's really protective of her. And two, He would be the one i would most definately trust with her, not just because its his mate, but because he's really caring. I helped get Snowy into the room, gently resting her onto one of the beds. ((I put two!!!! itd be a little odd for me and the others to put yall in the same bed.... lmfao, jkjk)) I made sure she was alright, her fever had diminished, so she was okay as far as I knew. I told Enir to come get me if something happened, and that I would be in the next room with the others. ((that room has three beds, chill out, lol^^)) I untied the rope from both Enir's and Ledrif's necks. I walked into the room, racing the others to certain beds, I got the one nextto the door, laughing as i fell onto my back inti the bed. "Nyeaha, i winn^^" I said and smiled.

Re: Meeting the Pack

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:36 pm
by Enir
OOC: Well....iam going to miss you guys.....Ill be gone for about 2-3 weeks starting tonight.......I miss you all already. *Hugs you all*

I layed down behind snowy curling myself around her and made sure I was facing the door. I whispered encouragement into her ear. "Hold in there dear, your strong, you can fight this."