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Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:49 am
by Vuldari
Figarou wrote:I know what role playing is. And there is several ways of playing it. You can "act" out your character in an open field with others. Or on paper surrounded by others at a table. Then there is videogames and online RP games.

When I was a kid...I never pretented to be something else because I had a hard time choosing what I wanted. I never liked this question when I was younger....What do you want to be when you grow up? I could never answer that because I don't know. If I knew how to draw, I could say "I would be an Artist."

I also didn't hang around other kids that "play pretend." I was in more active games. Like hide and seek, "touch" football, and other outside games.
When my brother and I played, the games usually began with an object or toy of some sort being the focus. (Just playing with toys...), but as the play went on, we would slowly begin to add more and more toys and objects into the game untill we eventually included ourselves as well.

A broken electronic game became the most powerful bit of secret alien technology in the known universe (and the cornerstone of his entire technological empire), and my wristwatch became my untraceable uplink to my interdemensional gateway.

Strangely...I never desired to be a GOD character. I allways insisted upon being the "underdog", with few special abilities. link to and alternate dimension and near immortality only came in to play because it was necessary to remain in the game. brother had a habit of putting me in inescapable positions in which I surely would be dead, so I had to cheat just to keep playing. (...though sometimes I would just stop and say " that's it...I'm over", and walk away.)

Figarou...did you never play with Action Figures as a young child?

That is pretty much how our games were played, exept that we ourselves became living action fugures ("players") in our own games.

It's funny, but I never really thought of it as roleplaying back then...or even ever untill just now. It was allways just, impropmtu co-operative storytelling...with props. Our games would spring up at any time, anywhere, with no real purpose or goal.

Suddenly, one of us would just say something like..."...if you touch that doorknob, you'll be trapped in my laser grid." ...then the other would respond..."...nuh unh...I've got my anti-laser pack. It will disrupt any electronic restraining fields that come within it's range. " and then would motion as if breaking the imaginary field, and the battle would spiral out of controll from there. ...usually ending with one of us calling upon our secret Mega-Cannons to fire upon the others base of operations. ...or our guardians duking it out in an epic DBZ scale martial arts battle. (Even if our toys in question were not actually present...we would describe the battle play by play in absurd detail, constantly one-uping each other.) "OH YEAH?!...but then he... "

*sigh* I miss those days.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 4:02 am
by Figarou
Vuldari wrote:
Figarou...did you never play with Action Figures as a young child?

Nope...I never really cared for them.

I played a lot of board/card games instead. I loved chess. Thing is, not all of my friends played it. I played against my father and brother. I also liked to play Monopoly with my brother. Then came "The MAD magazine game." I loved it!! My brother got it for Xmas and we played the heck out of it.

As for card games. I'm talking about the standard cards. You know, King of hearts, Queen of Spades, ETC. Its amazing how many games you can play with only 52 cards.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 4:43 am
by Vuldari
...never played "make believe"...ever Image

That's sad. Image

Playing as if I was somoene or something other than a pre-teen, powerless child was integural to every game I ever played as a child...nay...the very mindset of my entire childhood. I can't even imagine being that age and never thinking about being anything other that who I was, where I was, what I was doing at that very moment.

When I was a child, nothing was what it was. Everything was what I imagined it to be.

Playing board games strictly by the rules was dull beyond forgiveness back then. Even playing checkers, or CandyLand, the game pieces allways had to make a sound when I moved them. ..because they were not merely game pieces, but were people, or machines, and often had something to say* if the game was not going well. (*Usually "Pow" or "Kaboom")

I never knew how to answer that imfamous "what do you want to be" question either. (even now), but that was allways irellevant at playtime. I didn't neccesarily want to be a soldier or a doctor or a mechanic or a movie dirrector (when I "grew up"), back then, but that did not stop me from playing as one.

I still just can't believe you never played like that at all as a child. For me, that was the very Definition of childhood.

(...and I never liked Card games. ...they bore me to sleep to this very day.)

That's life, I guess. Everyone is different. :) Image Image

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 5:25 am
by Figarou
Vuldari wrote:...never played "make believe"...ever Image

That's sad. Image

Playing as if I was somoene or something other than a pre-teen, powerless child was integural to every game I ever played as a child...nay...the very mindset of my entire childhood. I can't even imagine being that age and never thinking about being anything other that who I was, where I was, what I was doing at that very moment.

When I was a child, nothing was what it was. Everything was what I imagined it to be.

Playing board games strictly by the rules was dull beyond forgiveness back then. Even playing checkers, or CandyLand, the game pieces allways had to make a sound when I moved them. ..because they were not merely game pieces, but were people, or machines, and often had something to say* if the game was not going well. (*Usually "Pow" or "Kaboom")

I never knew how to answer that imfamous "what do you want to be" question either. (even now), but that was allways irellevant at playtime. I didn't neccesarily want to be a soldier or a doctor or a mechanic or a movie dirrector (when I "grew up"), back then, but that did not stop me from playing as one.

I still just can't believe you never played like that at all as a child. For me, that was the very Definition of childhood.

(...and I never liked Card games. ...they bore me to sleep to this very day.)

That's life, I guess. Everyone is different. :) Image Image

Thats correct. I never played "make believe" when I was young. Why? Because I wasn't around other kids who did the same thing. I was born a military brat. I hated every moment of it. Every 2 years my father was stationed somewhere else. I had it extremely rough during my 1st 10 years of life. :(

And you're right. Everyone is different. I'm very different. I made my own choices while growing up. Good choices. Others find it hard to believe that I don't drink alcohol or smoke. Why is it hard to believe? There is nothing wrong with that. I'm a good person. Fun to be around with and never the kind that'll get you into trouble.

As I grew older, my interest went towards electronics. I remember going crazy over that "Merlin" hand held game!! Then came home theater. That was love at 1st site!!! I always wanted one!! I was 12 back then. Today, my dream has come true.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 2:58 pm
by Set
Would've replied to this sooner, but I was at my dad's this weekend. And I must say everyone is taking it better than I thought you would. I guess I'm just used to people jumping down my throat every time I state my opinion...
I just want you to think about what you are saying and think about it hard because if you don't have patience then you really shouldn't be on this forum because you are going to run into a lot of things you don't like, a lot of contraversy goes on in things like this.
Controversy I can handle. It's just little piddly things that annoy me to no end.
If you want to argue, do it over something important like"Why is Bush not doing something to help those poor people?" now that's sopmething important to argue about.....
I've already done that. Just because it wasn't here doesn't mean I haven't given my two cents on the matter. Argued so much it got me banned from another forum. I'm done with the hurricane. I don't have the patience to keep fighting over it.

It's not so much an issue with any individual people, it's just that I've put up with morons who acted like they really were supreme ruler of everything they saw for years. I just finally got sick of it and decided to vent. I think the concentration of werewolf queens on this particular board is what reminded me of it.
Figarou wrote:I never played "make believe" when I was young. Why? Because I wasn't around other kids who did the same thing. I was born a military brat. I hated every moment of it. Every 2 years my father was stationed somewhere else. I had it extremely rough during my 1st 10 years of life. :( poor thing. *hugs Figarou*

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:58 pm
by outwarddoodles
I played a lot of board/card games instead. I loved chess. Thing is, not all of my friends played it. I played against my father and brother. I also liked to play Monopoly with my brother. Then came "The MAD magazine game." I loved it!! My brother got it for Xmas and we played the heck out of it.

As for card games. I'm talking about the standard cards. You know, King of hearts, Queen of Spades, ETC. Its amazing how many games you can play with only 52 cards.
I love alot of stragety board games. Chess is fun, though I do really suck, and so are cards but I like other games too. Settlers of Catan is a very fun game, and I kick arse in it, I win a lot in that game. I also like Empire Builder, sadly though I get bored and gain headcahes for the game takes an average of 3 hours. I always love to learn new ones, Dad's friend Brad (whos 7'2'', he's a TALL man.) plays games with us (he beat me last time at Settlers.) and I think next time we go there he's going to tech us a new game that has no chance at all to it, all stragety, though its another several hour game so I hope my short attention span doesn't get the best of me.

Vuldari: I used to do that alot also. Now I only keep my day dreaming to myself, that is if I'm not doodling them all over, and the fun playing pretend games are often more on the silly side (Mainly somehow related to llamas.), which I guess is one thing about the interent. Though I can't pick up a stick from the dirt and claim it as my magic staff in person much anymore, atleast I can type out some Role Playing with friends here.

Strangely Role Playing is derided and made fun of at times. Though there isn't much of an excuse now days for me to run on all fours like an animal as I used to, I find nothing wrong with having a 'magical staff' or having super powers. I was even made fun of last year when playing some sort of game when we were survivors from the hurricanes last summer. When the fact just about everyone has Role Played, and it surely is alot of fun!

...And on that topic, I as a nerd kick arse too! :Insert nerd wolf:

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 4:02 pm
by Figarou
Reilune wrote:
Figarou wrote:I never played "make believe" when I was young. Why? Because I wasn't around other kids who did the same thing. I was born a military brat. I hated every moment of it. Every 2 years my father was stationed somewhere else. I had it extremely rough during my 1st 10 years of life. :( poor thing. *hugs Figarou*

Ooooo....a hug. :D *hugs Reilune*

Being a military brat can be rough at times. I lost count at how many times I went to a new school. I went to Potomac high school in Maryland my senior year. But stayed there only 17 days before going to Fairfield secondary school in Virginia. Thats where I graduated.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 4:21 pm
by Vuldari
outwarddoodles wrote:Vuldari: I used to do that alot also. Now I only keep my day dreaming to myself, that is if I'm not doodling them all over, and the fun playing pretend games are often more on the silly side (Mainly somehow related to llamas.), which I guess is one thing about the interent. Though I can't pick up a stick from the dirt and claim it as my magic staff in person much anymore, atleast I can type out some Role Playing with friends here.
Yeah...though I don't really do it actively any more, I never really stopped playing. Everywhere I go, if my mind is not entirely focused on something else, I am allways daydreaming. It's just all in my head now. for picking up sticks off the ground, though I will not say it out loud, if I find a nice, solid, balanced stick on a trail, it automatically becomes my "Sword/Staff" in my overactive imagination. Though I may only use it as a walking stick, the association is still there.

Funny thing is...though my brother and I have both grown up and have not played our old game for years, I'm pretty sure it's not officially over yet. My brother still makes reference to his imaginary corperation from time to time, and the scenarios we came up with in our games remain active in my mind, and may very well become part of a book some day.

..."Nova Eve" may yet cross paths with the "Nebular Mist" again...someday...

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 4:30 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
:( poor Figarou :cry:

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 10:01 pm
by Renorei
Reilune wrote: It's not so much an issue with any individual people, it's just that I've put up with morons who acted like they really were supreme ruler of everything they saw for years. I just finally got sick of it and decided to vent. I think the concentration of werewolf queens on this particular board is what reminded me of it.
Well, at least you can rest assured nobody from the Pack acts like a domineering tyrant, no matter what we call ourselves. hwlwnk

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 9:02 am
by 23Jarden
We're just lovavble people who try to doge duckies. lol :P

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 3:12 pm
by Akela
I'm not so good at dodging :( I've actually been pelted with a rubber duck before.

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 4:35 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Akela wrote:I'm not so good at dodging :( I've actually been pelted with a rubber duck before.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 10:12 pm
by Wolveblade
i am what i am and i am proud to be what i am :howl:  :oo

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 10:59 pm
by Akela
What exactly are you talking about?

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 11:12 pm
by Renorei
Akela wrote:Right...
What exactly are you talking about?

*wonders the same thing*

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 11:33 pm
by Akela
[insight]I think I know, Wolveblade is talking about Popeye!
"I am what I am"

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 11:41 pm
by Renorei
Akela wrote:[insight]I think I know, Wolveblade is talking about Popeye!
"I am what I am"
Lol :lol:

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 2:11 pm
by 23Jarden
what's it? "I've had all i can takes and I can't takes no more" ?

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 7:38 am
by bloodwolf_345
I proclaim myself protector of the Alpha Male and his Lupa(werewolf queen)

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 8:05 am
by Hearth
Oh my, I think I'm in trouble now....

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 9:55 am
by Nishah
we need you to host the "loup-garou" game...
I'll cover for you, Oh mighty Heart-Of-The-Pack
*cowers before the mighty wolf*



Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 2:14 pm
by Figarou
Nishah wrote:we need you to host the "loup-garou" game...
I'll cover for you, Oh mighty Heart-Of-The-Pack
*cowers before the mighty wolf*



Heh....I'll cover all of you guys. With duckies, of course. :jester:

:ducktoss3: :ducktoss3: :ducktoss3:

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 3:52 pm
by Nishah
Why didn't i see that coming....


Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 2:56 am
by celtwolf
on another foreum, i am the werewolf in charge of the battlegrounds. as i created the 'battlegrounds' thread and such and created all of the rules, and was the only one on the foreum to 'know how to get there without getting lost'
but here, on this forum, i prefer to be the lone werewolf scholar. one who has no connection to a pack. one who knows much, yet still knows little and wishes to learn more. but that just fits me well!