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Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 11:38 am
by Fang
That's Kim Jong Ill

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 11:52 am
by lupine
Nah, Jim was Kings poorly brother :lol:

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 12:18 pm
by Templar
Yeah, Jim Kong Il wants to rule the whole garaxy (but can't because he's poor), while Kim is content ter rule the whole rurld.

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 12:24 pm
by lupine

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 3:01 pm
by deruty
One of my favorite cancelled shows is "Roughnecks Starship Troopers" It was a cartoon that I used to watch. Completely CGI and based on Starship Troopers the Movie that I also loved :D

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 3:06 pm
by Vuldari
deruty wrote:One of my favorite cancelled shows is "Roughnecks Starship Troopers" It was a cartoon that I used to watch. Completely CGI and based on Starship Troopers the Movie that I also loved :D
That show was Ten Times Better than the Movie it was based off of.

...which really isn't saying much, but still...

I actually liked that show.

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 2:22 pm
by Kaebora
It was based off of the books, but yeah.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 6:59 am
by Morkulv
Starship Troopers (movie) was good, because it was directed by Paul Verhoeven.


Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 9:02 pm
by KittyRose
I have a lot of tv shows that I liked that were canceled. Some of them include: Arrested Development, Saved, The Street, Philly, Home Movies, Daria

That's all I can think of right now.

P.S. Saved, The Street, and Philly all started Tom Everett Scott who is a fantastic actor and devserves to be on TV longer than one season.

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 9:41 pm
by lupine

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 10:04 pm
by Avareis
I miss "Batman: The animated series." I still watch the episodes once and while on youtube, but other than that there isn't anything that compared to it. It recieved an Emmy for it's great storyline and dark deco style. Funny, I remember an episodes with werewolves, werebats and werecats. It was the first season for all of them. Check it.

I often try to recall my childhood as much as possible, but it's difficult in most cases. Remembering all those shows from your childhood puts a strain and often am reminded of not so good memories. To really reconnect, I look to this site.
Looking there, I wish I could watch TMNT again. Super Mario world. Inspector Gaget. Denvor, The last Dinosaur. GI Joe. Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. Rescue Rangers. Moble Suit Gundum Wing. The list goes on. Looking at the shows kids watch today I would be surprised they're somewhat ammused. Watching a show about people playing cards is not entertainment!!!

That said, I'm going to leave you with an aweful recollection of TJ Hooker

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 10:05 pm
by Avareis
Edit: Damn, I think I just made myself very sad....

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 10:11 pm
by Set
Avareis wrote:Watching a show about people playing cards is not entertainment!!!
Just out of curiosity, which show would this comment be referring to?

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 10:26 pm
by Avareis
Set wrote:
Avareis wrote:Watching a show about people playing cards is not entertainment!!!
Just out of curiosity, which show would this comment be referring to?
You know the one...It's about this kid that has a bipolar disorder and plays cards with a magic theme to them. There is the actual game itself, but the show is pointless. Yoogiyoo or something like that.(I know I spelled it wrong, intentionally) They play "Monster Reborn" card every time and everyone wonders why the kid wins. I don't get it! They're playing cards! It's just a game and everyone gasps and give reactions. Relax! It isn't the end of the world when the opponent pulls out a dragon card. Ahhh!
These kids these day got it bad. They have no quality entertainment. I hope they're excercising or doing something productive, at least.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:10 pm
by Set
Avareis wrote:Yoogiyoo or something like that.(I know I spelled it wrong, intentionally)
That's actually quite generous, compared to what my dad likes to call it. *insert long string of random syllables here* is his name for the show.
Avareis wrote:They're playing cards! It's just a game and everyone gasps and give reactions. Relax! It isn't the end of the world when the opponent pulls out a dragon card. Ahhh!
...You've only seen about five minutes of the show, haven't you? It is kind of the end of the world. *contemplates introducing you to Zork...*

I watch it because it's uber-crack. Seriously.
Avareis wrote:These kids these day got it bad. They have no quality entertainment.
I do agree with you on that one. Most of the crap on TV right now is just that. Crap.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 12:41 am
by Kaebora
It's all a bunch of obvious marketing for kids. Make a show about a card game... sell the actual cardgame that is based on the show.

I can't stand Yugioh. The game or the show. In high school I played Magic: The Gathering, which is an increasingly harder card game to pick up and play, and we took it to the level of tournament play (and won cash prizes to boot). To have a group of Yugioh players hooting and hollering over their anime picture cards only one table away felt like an insult to us. Heh, it was a war amongst nerds I suppose. Strange days those were. At least I survived the onslaught of Pokemon in the late 90's.

Just an observation I made, but why do Yugioh cards count damage in the thousands? Remove the two extra zeroes and the math would be so much easier to do mid-game. Gawd. Even Magic:TG is sensible enough to keep the single and double digits for quick mental math.

If they start making cartoons after games, then I'll be pissed.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 3:19 pm
by Set
Kaebora wrote:It's all a bunch of obvious marketing for kids.
[begin nitpick] Actualy, the original show was for older teens. Several people die in the manga, horribly, I might add. It only got butchered once 4 Kids got ahold of it. [/end nitpick]
Kaebora wrote:If they start making cartoons after games, then I'll be pissed.
They already have. May I direct you to the old Super Mario Bros. cartoon?

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 7:48 pm
by Vuldari
Set wrote:
Kaebora wrote:It's all a bunch of obvious marketing for kids.
[begin nitpick] Actualy, the original show was for older teens. Several people die in the manga, horribly, I might add. It only got butchered once 4 Kids got ahold of it. [/end nitpick]
Kaebora wrote:If they start making cartoons after games, then I'll be pissed.
They already have. May I direct you to the old Super Mario Bros. cartoon?

Let's see...there was:

*SuperMario BROS Super Show
-(I think there was a second "Mario Wold" series too)

SEVERAL Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon shows, including a recent one "Sonic X"

*A Kirby's Dreamland show

*Viewtiful Joe (yes, there is a show)

*Viva Pinata


*Captain N


...I could go on and on...

There have been ALOT, and there are at least a half dozen on the air right now, not the least of which is the never ending POKEMON series with Ash Catchem.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 2:23 am
by ravaged_warrior
Vuldari wrote:
Set wrote:
Kaebora wrote:It's all a bunch of obvious marketing for kids.
[begin nitpick] Actualy, the original show was for older teens. Several people die in the manga, horribly, I might add. It only got butchered once 4 Kids got ahold of it. [/end nitpick]
Kaebora wrote:If they start making cartoons after games, then I'll be pissed.
They already have. May I direct you to the old Super Mario Bros. cartoon?

Let's see...there was:

*SuperMario BROS Super Show
-(I think there was a second "Mario Wold" series too)

SEVERAL Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon shows, including a recent one "Sonic X"

*A Kirby's Dreamland show

*Viewtiful Joe (yes, there is a show)

*Viva Pinata


*Captain N


...I could go on and on...

There have been ALOT, and there are at least a half dozen on the air right now, not the least of which is the never ending POKEMON series with Ash Catchem.
Jesus, F-Zero? Seriously? And Captain N was an odd one, it wasn't really based on any game in particular, it was pretty much had the same basic situation of that show Monster Rancher, where a kid gets sucked into a video game. After that, it was different, though. Instead of having a consistent world, he met up with a bunch of Nintendo characters. It was based on a comic, or vice-versa. Not really sure, since I never saw it. It was from the '80s. It really screwed with some of the characters, though. Here's Mega Man:

I s(OOPS!)t you not.

Also, let's not forget the show-within-a-show of the Super Mario Bros. Super Show, The Legend of Zelda:

What a (CENSORED!)load of f(BEEP!).

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 6:18 pm
by Vuldari
Aw, come on...Captain N and the Zelda show weren't that bad...


...okay, maybe they were...I didn't care back then though. I grew up in the 80's. I just thought it was cool that there were all these shows about my favorite videogames on TV.

There was ANOTHER randomized Videogame cartoon show back then too, though I can't remember the name. It involved BigFoot (the monster truck, not the Yetti) and some weird random characters (including this round red-guy...thing...) and villains that escaped from their videogames, and they all had to recapture them by zapping them back into NES cartridges. It was videogame characters in the Real World instead of a real guy in the videogame world. ...what a twist...

...but yeah...Captain N's versions of all the characters that appeared in the show were terrible in most cases...though I kinda liked the "Little Shop of Horrors"-esque interpretation of Mother Brain. ...annoying...but memorable.

I used to walk around my house with one of my NES controllers tied around my waist like a belt and my orange "Zapper"TM in my pocket, zapping everything in sight. ...the 80's were really weird...I miss them...
Image Image

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 12:11 am
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
I'd have to say Street Sharks, the original TNMT, BATMAN TAS, Extreme Dinosaurs, Super Mario Brothers, Captain Simien(sp?) an the Space Monkeys..Yeah I know there's many more, though I can't remember to save my life :roll:

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 4:37 pm
by chubhound favorite cancelled shows would probably have to be (in no particular order):

Werewolf (DUH!!!)
Normal, Ohio
Automan (I think that got cancelled anyway)
Forever Knight (was that cancelled or did it just end?)
Kindred:The Embraced
Dungeons & Dragons
John Doe (never saw it originally, but caught it on the Sci-Fi channel later. IT STILL COUNTS!!!)

There's gotta be more....I just cane think of 'em at present.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 4:43 pm
by chubhound
Vuldari wrote:
PariahPoet wrote:
Veruth wrote:The whole techtv network. :cry: I really do despise G4. :x
Thank you! G4TV should die!
I miss Eye Drops and Screen Savers :(
So true.

G4 sucks. TechTV ruled. The only good show left is "X-Play".

...I swear...G4 killed the entire TechTV channel just to snag that one show, because of thier entire channel of Videogame shows, that one show was better then all of thiers. ...and still is.
Hey.....does G4 even SHOW any videogame shows anymore? Or have they gone the way of MTV? I know they still have X-Play at 4 in the morning, but every other time I look, it's "Cops" or "Cheaters" or......God help me...."The Man Show" (pardon me whilst I barf). I gotta admit....I LOVE watching "Ninja Warrior" though.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 4:44 pm
by lupine
Just got to add a new one to my list....

Life On Mars. Last episode screened last night. 2 series and that was it!!

God I'm gonna miss Gene Hunt!! :lol:


Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:21 pm
by Faolan Bloodtooth
Here's Mine!

Quite possibly the most realistic and altogether kick butt Sci-Fi show i've ever seen. I'm in the porcess of writing a What If story about if Mal and Inara had a child :D

And i don't mean the Captain N version either, there was an ACTUAL Megaman show... I saw 2 episodes (The Mummyman and Lightman episodes i think) Man i miss that show, it had Rush and everything!

For the fear of being labeled as a fanboy i'll keep it light... This Show was the *beep*! Goliath was an awesome leader and i especially liked how they went to other countries and found out they weren't the only Gargoyles, that was just kool!
