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Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 12:05 am
by silvereye
Shara nodded, the yawn Morland let loose was infectious, she let out one of her own and blinked sleepily, "a little time to think would be a good course of action." She swayed slightly, all that had happened that morning was finally catching up to her, all the shock and knowledge.

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 12:14 am
by Cinder
He caught her gently as she swayed and walked her to his bedroom. "You will sleep in peace tonight," Morland promised as he walked her to the bed and pulled back the covers. "Sleep well, Shara," he whispered and dissapeared from the room.

Morland rummaged through his fridge and cooked himself a meal to distract himself from the beauty in his bed. "Damned you, Wolf, call me to distract me, take away my problems, fill me up with the World's," he gave a sigh and looked up through the ceiling as if he could see Shara. So beautiful, when she lets her guard down, he thought to himself as he cooked a pizza.

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 9:34 pm
by Cinder
Next Day

Morland walked the town, looking for Kate. Damnation, where did you go? Did someone find out about our secert plan? Are you in a ditch somewhere, six feet under? thoughts ran through his head as he walked in the rain, he slowed and looked to the grey, mournful skies, rain carrassing his brow and running down his cheeks. Rain, Angel's Tears, he smiled ruefully, washing the land as they cry for the sins of mortals.

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 10:19 am
by [arpegiuswolf]
(I think this is as good a place as any...whee!)

Walking along the street, slightly hunched over with his hands in the pockets of that old brown raincoat. A simple ball cap pulled down slightly to hide his strangely colored eyes. He strode on past the figure gazing at the sky, pausing for a moment to look up and see what he was looking at. Revieling thoes strange blue-green cat-like eyes, giving a very vague glow. He gazed for a moment, then continued on with his walk.

A young man, possibly no more than 20, His hair was a deep blue-black color, squashed under the old cap. He was considered very hansome by the women he knew, but he didn't seem interested. As he walked, his eyes returned to a slightly more normal bright cobalt blue color...retaining that vague glow...His name, Balmung "Jett" Starback...he was anything but human and carried the scent of blood...

(how's that? lol)

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 5:46 pm
by Kzinistzerg
(Dude, totally sorry. Grades and school and such, I couldn't get on for a couple of weeks.)

Kate was not, in fact, on the street, or dead. She was sitting high up in a tree, flipping through the packet carefully. As she read through, she shivered. Yes, the facts definitely fit.

Perhaps she ought to meet up with Morland- but not at the Blue Moon.

She climbed swiftly down the tree, landed, and then walked towards town, brushing bits of bracken off as she went.

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 11:24 pm
by Cinder
(Not a problem ;3)

Morland sharply looked at the retreating figure, clothed in a shabby brown raincoat. Blood, Morland thought, much blood. He shook his head and tailed the raincoat from a safe distance. Where are you going little red riding hood? He asked himself. To grandmother's house, a little voice pipped out in the back of his head, making him smile.

Totally soaked through his leathers Morland sprinted for his bike, past the raincoat and took off. I must ask Kate if she knows about a young man with odd colored eyes, he thought before he took off.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 11:44 am
by [arpegiuswolf]
The strange figure watched the other man run past, tilting his head very slightly to one side as he gazed out from under the brim of his cap. Who was that? He thought to himself. He shrugged, stepping into a shop right beside him.

It was his place of employment, or was it a cover? Nevertheless, "Jett" worked at a small butcher shop. He nodded to the owner of the store, who mumbled something about him being late again...Jett shrugged and went to put his coat and hat away.

He walked back out, a stained white apron on. Brushing his wet hair back in such a way that it spiked up on its own. "I'll get to work, Joe..." He said with a vague wave, walking to the back of the shop and behind the counter. He began skillfully chopping beef into smaller chunks for sale. Taking the unusable chunks and putting them in a bag...Possibly to take home...

(Whee! Long post!)

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 5:41 pm
by Kzinistzerg
Kate heard Morland's bike from afar before she saw him turn down the road she was on. Impulsively, she waved.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 9:39 pm
by Cinder
Morland waved back and nodded, slowing his bike, Morland removed his helmet, long silver hair falling out. Everytime you change this happens, he thought to himself as he greeted Kate with a gentle smile. "Find anything interesting in those files?" he asked softly, keeping the bike so its soft, muscley purrs would cover up his soft words. "Would you mind if I let a collegue of mine in to help? She is very talented and could sneak in and get information where we could not." Besides I think she would enjoy the challenge. "Do you know of a man with deep blue-black hair and colbalt eyes?" he asked leaning over the bike in a sensual stretch. "He carries the scent of blood and something unnatural... there are no files on him in the Manor, I should know, I know all of them that fall within the decade by heart..."

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 10:26 pm
by silvereye
Shara woke in the best fashion possible, no alarm clock. She stretched, gave a jaw cracking yawn and sat up on the edge of the bed. Blinking sleepily she looked around, her eyes narrowed as she looked about. This is not my room, as she looked about she saw little momentums of Morland's.

She knew Morland wasnt home so she took her time in taking over his bathroom. The shower felt great, blood that had been hiding from when Morland shot himself slid in rivets down her skin and into the drain. Her blond hair a silky wave as she stood in thought under the pounding water. She turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, "yes" she said looking into the mirror "I will join Morland". Wrapping a towel around herself, Shara moved swiftly to her room and dressed.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 10:35 pm
by [arpegiuswolf]
While cutting the beef into smaller pieces, Jett felt another of his "attacks" coming on...With a soft growl only he could hear, he set the knife down and removed his apron. He grabbed his coat and hat and left out the back door, hearing the angry shouts of his boss in the background....

His deep cobalt eyes returned to that otherworldly blue-green, puples becoming thin slits like a cat...Running down an empty alley, dodging around trashcans and over other discarded items. Leaping effortlessly from the ground to the roof of one of the buildings, stumbling slightly when he landed. His hair turned a startling silver-white as he regained his ballance, eyes glowing...He growled, looking to the sky. His body shifted quite violently to a very strange looking form...resembling a Werewolf...but some new form of it. Built for agility and dealing with projectile weapons, parts of its body were covered by a hardened shell or spikes jutting out from the lightly furred skin...Like combining one of the Xenomorph aliens from the movie "Alien" with a white werewolf...A loud, otherworldly howl cut the air right before a loud crash of thunder...masking much of the sound...


Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 10:10 am
by Kzinistzerg
Kate shook her head no. "He sounds like someone from a different tribe, but the Dark Frost dominates around here. I've found a few names and such in the files... they fit together too well. Your friend could help, I suppose- so long as she dosn't have to go anywhere where her scent would be noticed."

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 11:51 pm
by Cinder
"the only people that will be noticing a scent wil be mine," he teased gently. "I will see what I can do for you, miss. Have a nice day, we will meet later, you know how to reach me." He set the helemet on his head and shifted the bike into gear and sped away, heading home to his Shara.

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 1:23 am
by silvereye
She came down the stairs, whipped into the kitchen and slid to a stop at the counter. Lauging lightly Shara pulled out a pop-tart and stuck it in the toaster. She twirled around to face the fridge and pulled out the milk, grabbing a glass and pouring the milk before putting the milk back and facing the toaster once again, glass in hand.

After she finished the pop-tarts she went into the den to check out the news. Flipping through the various news channels, she heard stories about cats in trees, dogs missing and various things. But she stopped when she heard a reporter talking about strange noises residents had heard.

"...These residents claimed to have heard some sort of animal let off some sort of howl from the roof," the reporter said calmly, "a man went up to see if a pet had been left above, but nothing was found, all of the residents swear they heard it, no matter what other people say."

Shara flipped off the channel and sat back in the chair, mulling over what had been said. Shaking her head, she stood once again and went into the kitchen to wash her dishes.

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 8:43 pm
by [arpegiuswolf]
The strangely reptilian-looking Werewolf had moved swiftly and silently across the rooftops. His feet and hands, bearing a resembilance to some ground-based lizard's, held onto the edge of one of the buildings tightly, claws leaving grooves in the concrete. He was following a lone woman as she walked down one of the alleys. saliva dripping from his shortened maw.

He didn't seem to have any control. Jett had been having this problem for a while now...He usted to be a normal Werewolf....but something had caused his wolf form to mutate into this reptile-wolf hybrid...its thirst for blood was almost un-quenchible....

He dropped down from the building, landing behind the woman with a snarl. Lunging at her and catching her head in his jaws...he would simply crush it and tear it off....she barely made a sound...

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 11:23 pm
by Cinder
( :crazy: =^^= sweetness )

"Grr," said Morland as he walked through the door. "Hey, Shara," he greeted, dumping his bag to hug her. "What is happening? Another killing, oh, hon its always business with you," he winked, seating himself on the sofa, stretching. "Found an odd man today, do you want to have a little fun with him?" Morland gently teased. "I think that he is one of the missing links, and Kate is pretty sure that he is not part of the Dark Frost you know what that means," he grinned wickledly. "He is a Rogue."

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 10:20 am
by [arpegiuswolf]
Standing up from the nearly stripped corpse, nothing but bone left...The strange Lycan sniffed the air, blood staining his short white fur. This strange beast's proper name was Homo Lupus Chimerus...A Lycan Chimera...Somehow hybridizing two types of Weres into one. A werewolf and somehow, a dragon-like creature...

The Chimerus is incredibly rare and incredibly dangerous. Jett was some sort of un-natural Chimera, his form was incomplete and uncontrolable...A dangerous combination.

He gave another eerie sounding howl before taking to the rooftops again. Stumbling slightly as he landed, grasping his head with his strange hands and snarling....Running back to the rooftop he had shifted on...he returned to his human form...what remained of his pants clinging to him...He picked up his raincoat and wraped it around himself, glad it was so long. He coughed, leaning against an AC unit as he caught his breath...."Damnit....Why can't I control him.....RRGH!" He growled, punching the ground...

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 9:03 pm
by Cinder
Morland frowned as he watched the news, totally focused. "And the corpse, apparently fresh, was found on the rooftop of an apartment building. The causes of death are still being detained by the Government, but we will know the truth in a matter of time. This is John Gresham, signing out," said the reporter.

"Hmm," mused Morland, he leaned forward, resting his chin on the knuckles of his left hand. Unaware of anything, except his thoughts and the path they wove. He leaned back and looked up at Shara. "I am going to visit the butcher's place on 5th Ave. and Confluence St., okay? If you could, would you report to the Manor that I have accepted a Freelance?" He stood and gently embraced her, not waiting for a response. "I will be back late, be safe."

And once again he was out the door, racing down the pavement on his bike.

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 9:30 pm
by [arpegiuswolf]
Maby 20 minutes later, Jett was back at work. He was working slower than usual, and he had changed his clothes. His boss suspected there was a woman involved...Lucky for him...

Jett yawned. It was time for his lunch hour...too bad he'd taken it earlier...He decided to go the local cafe, about three buildings down. He told his boss, then he left...

Sitting alone, reading a magazine and sipping a hot chocolate...Nobody would suspect what he had done earlier...

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 10:17 pm
by Cinder
Morland entered the shop, browsing through the selection behind the glass, BS-ing with the clerk. Clean shop, neat, and tidy, Morland thought silently as he looked around. What a perfect setting for something foul. He smiled at the company logo that stated: 'The Best Meat in Town'. "Best meat in town, huh?" Morland asked smiling.

"Now honestly," said the person behind the counter, "this is the best meat in town, I swear it."

Morland laughed in reply. "The butcher shop on the other side of town said that and I got salmonila."

"Oh, c'mon, we prepare are meat far beyond state standards," the clerk smiled sweetly. "Our butcher is the best in town, no one can cut a piece of meat like him." the clerk beemed.

"If he is such a good butcher, how come I have never heard of him?" Morland asked, leaning on the counter with an easy smile as the door opened, the bell up top, gently ringing.

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 12:49 am
by silvereye
Shara closed the car door with a sharp snap, walking briskly up to the manor door. Only stopping, because she had spotted a not on the door. Leaning in she read:

Morland / Shara

Whichever one of your finds this first, i just wanted to let you know i had gone out. Something urgent has come up, something that warrents my attentions. If you wish to get in touch, you both know how to reach me.

dont use the upstairs bathroom

Shara sighed at the note the intern had left, deftly ripping it off the door she stepped inside. Writing in large letters she left a note telling all who read it that Morland had accepted a freelance and was not to be disturbed. Tacking it to the message board, she left the manor with the swish of the closing door.

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 5:55 pm
by [arpegiuswolf]
Jett was in the back, quietly cutting meat with the quick prescision of a master. His messy blue-black hair was hidden beneath his blank gray baseball cap, turned around backwards.

He could vaguely hear the conversation at the front of the store, but he ignored it, humming along with the music on the radio. To any unknowing onlooker, Jett looked like your average guy. Nothing out of the ordinary, other than thoes intense cobalt-blue eyes....

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 9:24 pm
by Cinder
Morland walked away with a small package of meat and a filled out application for the butcher's shop. Luckily he had seen enough of the young man to confirm that it was the man he had seen earlier. He hopped aboard his bike once more, this time he made a quick, early stop at the Blue Moon to listen to the latest gossip and to fill out yet another application -this one as a waiter/entertainer. He could use a job around town, where the gossip was flying 24/7, 365.

You never know when a job may come in handy, Morland thought quietly to himself. He grinned wickedly at the bouncer and gave a mock toast, quickly exiting, but not so quick as to miss the, "Oh sweet a**," comment. Live it up, you sexah Incubus, he thought.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 10:24 am
by [arpegiuswolf]
Jett gave a slight snort as the man left...something about him smelled odd. "hey, Joe, you realy think I'm the best?" He asked, his voice held a tone of youth. He looked up from the meat he was cutting to look at his boss with a questioning expression.

'corse ya are. Never seen anyone cut as fine as you. or as fast..." Said Joe, walking closer and leaning his elbow against the doorway. "How'd ya learn to cut like that? You should be a chef." He asked, laughing slightly as he watched Jett work.

"Practice and natural tallent." He said, cutting the piece quickly. "I'd never be any good as a chef, I can't cook to save my life..." He laughed...

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 10:37 pm
by Cinder
Morland opened the door to his house, yawning. "Shara?" he questioned into the empty room. He paced up the stairs, looking in every nook and crany. Must be at the Manor, he thought slouching against the wall, doozing off, front foor wide open.