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Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 2:06 pm
by Figarou
There are films out there that people hated. But I ended up enjoying it. I enjoyed Ep.One. Sure, everyone hated Jar Jar Binks. What if he had a different voice? Would everyone still hate him? How about if he spoke a different language the whole time and you had to read the subtitles?

Everyone is entitled to thier own opinion whether they like the film or not. Nobody is going to force me Not to see it. I will see it eventually. I'm tempted to go ahead and see this in the theaters instead of waiting for the DVD.

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 3:30 pm
by Howling Fan
O.k., I'll explain the movie point by point in your message. WARNING: To do so, I have to contain numerous SPOILERS. Anyone who has not seen the movie, STOP READING THIS NOW:

1) Anakin was seduced by the Dark Side because the Emperor convinced him that it was the only way to save Padme from death during child birth. Since he practically lost his mind when his mother and only parent died in Ep. II, he couldn't bear to lose his wife. Clearly, he has severe abandonment issues, to say the least. So his love became possessive, unhealthy, and, ultimately, destructive to their relationship and his soul. The Emperor brainwashed Anakin into thinking the Jedis were trying to take over, when it was really the other way around (the Sith were), but his obsessive love for Padme, and extreme devotion to Palpatine during an attack on his life, blinded him from the truth. The Emperor has been pulling the strings throughout this Saga the entire time, and now we see how.

2) Yoda gives up because all the Jedi, except Obi-One (not including Luke and Leia) were killed. There was no one left to help him fight the Emperor, and since he proved he couldn't do it himself, it was useless to keep trying.

3) C'mon, you didn't think the huge battle in the first 20 minutes of the movie was exciting? What about the clash on Kashyyk? (I know I spelled it wrong) Plus, the lightsaber battles were filled with much more emotion than previous "SW" films (Anakin vs. Count Dooku, Anakin vs. Mace Windu, Yoda vs. the Emperor, and especially Anakin vs. his master and former friend Obi-One).

4) They did explain exactly why they had to split the twins up, in both this movie and even in the Original Trilogy: To protect them from their father, now a dark Lord Sith, and the Emperor, because the Emperor knows they are alive (even though Darth Vader doesn't) and also knows they will probably grow strong in the Force, since their father was. He knows they present a threat to his existence since they could use this Force to defeat him, which, of course, they do in "Jedi." Also, would you really want these kids near people like Vader and the Emperor? Again, were you paying any attention?

5) C-3PO's mind was erased because he was being given to a new owner, which, I'm assuming, is standard practice when droids trade owners. I know they didn't do this in "A New Hope" when Uncle Owen bought him, but there ya go.

6) We've seen Darth Vader wield a lightsaber in three other movies. This movie wasn't about how good Vader is with a lightsaber (which we can plainly see anyway when he's Anakin), but about how Anakin became Darth Vader in the first place, which they showed in spades.

"Episode III" was the worst film in five years (or whenever "Jurassic Park III" came out)? Really? Worse than "Gigli"? Worse than "Bubble Boy"? Worse than any Rob Schneider movie? I could go on....

No, there weren't two versions of this movie. It's just that some audience members pay attention, and some don't. Although, to be fair, you did see it at an ungodly hour. Maybe you should give it another chance when you're awake.

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 3:52 pm
by Darth Canis
Well i really enjoyed episode 3. i thought it was up there with empire strikes back. Sure there were things that were a little disheartening (vaders yell at the end) but overall i though it was excellent. It was very dramatic. i thought in the begining it captured the spirit of the old movies extremly well. I wish they would have left some of the deleted scenes in but as i have said this movie was awesome i think just like the other prequels and star wars in general for that matter some people like and some don't. I for one thought it was great. pictues coming soon.

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 9:42 pm
by Vilkacis
Howling Fan wrote:
Vilkacis wrote:Many people may enjoy it, even if you didn't (i.e. Howling Fan).
No, I did enjoy it. That was the whole point of my messages.
I guess my intention wasn't clear in that statement. I was addressing Vuldari, and citing you as an example of one who had enjoyed it.

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 1:44 am
by Vuldari

Howling Fan wrote:2) Yoda gives up because all the Jedi, except Obi-One (not including Luke and Leia) were killed. There was no one left to help him fight the Emperor, and since he proved he couldn't do it himself, it was useless to keep trying.
So it seems totally natural to you that Yoda lives by the idea, "...if at first you don't succeed, give up because there is no way it will be different if you try again..."? That does not sound like the Yoda I know.
Howling Fan wrote:3) C'mon, you didn't think the huge battle in the first 20 minutes of the movie was exciting? What about the clash on Kashyyk? (I know I spelled it wrong) Plus, the lightsaber battles were filled with much more emotion than previous "SW" films (Anakin vs. Count Dooku, Anakin vs. Mace Windu, Yoda vs. the Emperor, and especially Anakin vs. his master and former friend Obi-One). they were not.

That opening sequence had alot of cool looking ships in it, and explosions and stuff, but tell me Mr. "I was paying attention...unlike Vuldari"...what were the Serperatists attacking durring that scene? WHY were there all of those ships flying above the planet shooting at each other? If they were holding Palpatine prisoner...why would they hold him in a ship hovering dirrectly over their supposed enemy's base of operations?

Nothing in this film made logical sense. It was all "bad soap opera" / "lame excuse to have the sides shoot at each other" Logic...

The battles were bigger, and more chaotic...but there was no real sense of emotion in any of it. The film did a horrible job of making the viewer feel what the characters were supposed to be feeling. There was no fear...there was no anxiety...(did you shed a tear when Anakin slayed the "younglings" NO!!! I bet you laughed, just like everyone in the theatre where I was did.) Did you cry for the Loss of Mace Windu? Did you feel like anything significant had really happened when Dooku and Grevious were defeated? ...and what the hell was up with Padme "dying of a broken heart"?! ...that is soo lame...

The lightsaber battles had more emotion?! Bull Sh**!! Supposedly, everyone was all stressed and full of angst and hatred and fear and regret...but did you really feel any of that? I didn't.

I DID, however, cry for Luke and Leia in "A New Hope" after the climactic final battle between Vader and Obi-Wan. There was "real" sadness and a feeling of loss in that scene. There was nothing even CLOSE to that when Mace died...or the rest of the Jedi for that matter.

Howling Fan wrote:4) They did explain exactly why they had to split the twins up, in both this movie and even in the Original Trilogy: To protect them from their father, now a dark Lord Sith, and the Emperor, because the Emperor knows they are alive (even though Darth Vader doesn't) and also knows they will probably grow strong in the Force, since their father was. He knows they present a threat to his existence since they could use this Force to defeat him, which, of course, they do in "Jedi." Also, would you really want these kids near people like Vader and the Emperor? Again, were you paying any attention?
They said NONE of that in EP:III. The part about them bing split to protect them from their father, you took from the original trilogy. In Ep:III, they just looked at each other in a room and said..."we should split them up".

Did you feel the tension of the doom they feared, should Anakin, as Darth Vader, be given the chance to raise them in the ways of the Dark Side? ...NO?...ahh but you know you were "supposed to", so you claim that it WAS an emotional scene. ...BAH...

I sure didn't get any of that vibe. The characters didn't show any significant emotional motivation for doing so...nor did they even show that they so much as considered how tragic it was to split of twin siblings before they could even get to know each other. They just handed off the infants to their adoptive families because that is what was supposed to happen. They never elaborated on had to figure that out yourself.

All that stuff about the Emperor knowing they are alive and all of that, You just made up. Sure it's logical and all...but having to logically decode why they MIGHT have done it the way they did After the film is not good dramatic storytelling. We had all deduced that much long before seeing the movie, and looked forward to seeing the "Real" story to find out the TRUE emotional motivations behind their actions, ...only to be left in the dark again, speculating on "probobly", "maybe" and "obviously" scenarios, having been left in the dark once again, trying to Guess what they were thinking.

Howling Fan wrote:5) C-3PO's mind was erased because he was being given to a new owner, which, I'm assuming, is standard practice when droids trade owners. I know they didn't do this in "A New Hope" when Uncle Owen bought him, but there ya go. have to figure it out on your own, because they did not explain it at all in the film. A single line like, "I want that droids memory erased because, it knows too much about the twins, and the hiding places of Yoda and Obi-wan, and we can't risk Vader getting his hand on him. Since this driod was created by Anakin, he may still hold loyalties to him and might betray us...and we can't risk that." or even "I wan't this driod to be loyal only to me, so I wan't it to have no memory of it's previous master."

...something...anything...but no. We have to just guess.
Howling Fan wrote:6) We've seen Darth Vader wield a lightsaber in three other movies. This movie wasn't about how good Vader is with a lightsaber (which we can plainly see anyway when he's Anakin), but about how Anakin became Darth Vader in the first place, which they showed in spades.

He wasn't the GREAT FEARED "Darth Vader" yet when he was just running about killing people as Anakin with yellow eyes. Darth Vader has an aura of being one of the most powerful beings in the universe withing the Star Wars mythology, however, you never got to see where the Man in the Black suit got his fearsome reputation in the original trilogy. You never got to see Vader go all out. I looked forward to seeing that in this film...and was dissapointed.

I thought Vader was supposed to be responsible for wiping out the jedi...and yet, he killed NONE. (Excluding Padawans, who were all of 7 years old)

...actually...I thought this film WAS about how much of a BAD A** Darth Vader was. The "birth" of Darth Vader was supposed to spell the end of the Jedi. But it didn't happen that way. Anakin had little to do with the destruction of the jedi order. His decention into the Dark Side just conveniently happened at the same time. the emperor would have a new apprentice AFTER the clone troopers wiped out the jedi.

Howling Fan wrote:"Episode III" was the worst film in five years (or whenever "Jurassic Park III" came out)? Really? Worse than "Gigli"? Worse than "Bubble Boy"? Worse than any Rob Schneider movie? I could go on....
The worst film "I'VE" seen in years... I don't even bother to watch garbage like that. I've seen worse...but I'm trying really hard to forget those movies.
Howling Fan wrote:No, there weren't two versions of this movie. It's just that some audience members pay attention, and some don't. Although, to be fair, you did see it at an ungodly hour. Maybe you should give it another chance when you're awake.
Oh, I was wide awake allright. I got plenty of rest, and was dressed as comfortably as possible, (in ALL BLACK, and wearing my "Darth Vader" t-shirt), because I was Really, really exited and didn't want any distractions at all durring the film. ...No Popcorn or soda for me... only watching the film. I didn't want to miss any of those crucial little statements or subltle occurances that would reveal the mysteries of the Star Wars mythology I have been wondering about for decades.

I was paying attention all right. I know the reasons the film provided for the characters to do what they did...but I didn't find any of it to be believable or logical in a real human sense. ...they wouldn't have acted like that... ...real people don't act like that...

In the original trilogy, the charcters did and said some stupid things...but in Most cases, (I concede that there were numerous exeptions), they were aquard "human" moments, where the characters showed their character flaws, and thus gained more "personality". ...Like the Lovers Spats between Han and Leia in the original trilogy... Han said alot of stupid things, and generaly made a fool out of himself, but real people say stupid stuff like that when they are in love. "...I'm Nice Men..." ...real people say stupid stuff when they are nervous too. "...were fine here...we're all fine are you?..."

Did Padme and Anakin have any moments like that? NO! was all "soap opera" drama... ...real people don't talk and act like that, so you didn't recognise their characters as real people in the Star Wars universe, and therefore did not really feel for them.

I DID catch on to the whole "Anakin does not know how to deal with loss...Anakin is possesive of Amidala...Anakin cares more about his wife than the entire Jedi order, and anyone else he has to kill to save her..." motivation behind Anakins turn to the dark side.

...but really... Did it really feel believable to you that someone with those emotional conflicts would one moment say...*paraphrased* "NO! You can't kill him. That is not the Jedi way. He must be put on Trial"...and the next moment get down on his knees and Pledge to do anything Palpatine told him to do, including KILL innocent people...all because Darth Sidious had a master who knew how to cheat death, and EVEN ADMITS in that very scene that he himself does not really know that power, (though he suggested earlier that he did)...and that he needed Anakins Help to "figure it out".

Anakin did not even get mad when his new "master" told him that he really didn't know how to save Padme after all. He just happily mached off with an army of clone troopers to slaughter all the Padewan Jedi. I don't remember seeing him shed a tear for the little kids...but he DID have tears on his face after slaugtering the Seperatist leaders.

...does that make sense to you?...

...I could go on...but I don't want to.

There is no doubt in my mind that...Had I (a person with no dirrecting experience whatsoever) dirrected Episode III, it still would not have been oscar worthy by a long shot, but it at least would have been much better that it was. ...though I'm still not quite sure what "IT" is...because it sure ain't STAR WARS...not the Star Wars I know...

Of course...all of this is Just "MY Opinion". All of the reveiws in the newspapers and even on the Star Wars Fan-Sites RAVE about how great this film is.

...the "whole world" can dissagree with me for all I care...I still HATED this movie...

...feel free to ignore me and talk about how much you LOVED this movie now. I can't stop you. You will believe whatever you want to believe.

Image longer a George Lucas fan...

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 9:00 am
by Howling Fan
Whatever. I could go on, again point by point (e.g., the reason the battle in the beginning might seem contrary to logic was because the whole thing was a trap set up by Palpatine, since him and Count Dooku were really on the same side; Anakin became Darth Vader BEFORE he put the suit on (he only put the suit on to stay alive, not "O.k., I'm turning into Darth Vader now"--just the Darth Vader we know from the Original Trilogy), so he really was a bad a** as Vader (I'd say slaughtering innocent children counts as bad a**); Padme died from the stresses of child birth, not just a broken heart; and if Yoda kept trying to fight the Emperor over and over again, the movie would be five hours long, etc., etc.), but I'm sure people are getting tired of this conversation by now. We'll just have to agree to disagree Mr. "I like ridiculous, childish name calling like 'Mr. I was paying attention...unlike Vuldari.'" Again, I say people should see it and make up their own minds about it. This isn't a popularity contest.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 11:39 pm
by Vuldari

I don't get it.... ...I just don't get it. Image

I saw a movie that I, my brother, my sister and her boyfreind all agreed after seeing it (all being Huge Star Wars fans) was Horribly, horribly, HORRIBLY written... and yet, I hear all of these people talking about how GREAT it was, and I'm like "...WTF!?!..."

Think of one of the worst movies you ever saw...any one will do... imagine that everyone exept your closest freinds all beleive THAT movie is one of the greatest, funniest movies they have ever seen, though you just can't figure out why...

That is how I feel right now. me it is as if hundreds of people are claiming that "White Chicks" was Ten-Times Funnier than "Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail"...

...I just don't get it...

( I appologise for my "childish namecalling". I was insulted by your suggestion that I was not paying attention. I'm just really pissed that NO ONE else seems to see what I saw. )

*spoiler*(...and by the the end of the film, the medical droids taking care of Padme durring childbirth clearly stated , "we can not find anything physically wrong with her.", and in response to the question of WHY she was still dying, they responded"...she just seems to have lost the will to live." So she DID die of nothing more than a "broken heart". There were no comlications with the births. )*/spoiler*

...but you are right Howling Fan... it is not my, or anyones place to tell others whether or not to like the movie.

Everyone who is curious SHOULD go see this movie...and then make their own conclusions on whether George Lucas is Insane...or I am...


Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 11:43 pm
by Vilkacis
Vuldari's like someone claiming that "White Chicks" was Ten-Times Funnier than "Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail"...
Never seen "White Chicks," but nothing could be ten-times funnier than "Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail"!

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 10:50 pm
by Silverclaw
Search for the Holy Grail is one of the funniest movies ever made in the history of mankind. (Love the witch/duck/weighing scene) :lol: :duckie

Saw Ep. 3 today with a bunch of people. I liked it a lot actually(hehe, sorry Vildari) A LOT better than ep 1 and 2 imho. Best of the newer ones. :D It was interesting to see the Star Wars story come full circle; see how certin things happened. (I love that big feathery lizard thingy :D ) Would of liked to see more Chewy though. I hear their is a lot more background info in the Star Wars novels/serie books.

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 3:35 am
by Figarou

Oooooowwwwwww!! :howl:  :oo My ears!!!

Now I know why dogs howl when a police siren goes by!! :lol:

This is one of the reasons why I'm so glad to have my own home theater setup.

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 8:57 pm
by Vuldari
WARNING---more *Spoilers* contained within.

Silverclaw wrote:Saw Ep. 3 today with a bunch of people. I liked it a lot actually(hehe, sorry Vildari) A LOT better than ep 1 and 2 imho. Best of the newer ones. :D It was interesting to see the Star Wars story come full circle; see how certin things happened. (I love that big feathery lizard thingy :D ) Would of liked to see more Chewy though. I hear their is a lot more background info in the Star Wars novels/serie books.
WHY does everyone keep saying that?!

Sure...1 and 2 were not very good, but I find myself looking back at Episode I fondly when I compmare it to "Revenge of the Sith"...

Does no one care about "good" stories at all? Lucas's version of how and why all of this stuff happened seemed unbelievably LAME to me. ...and I SWEAR he even got some of it WRONG.

For example: to reference quotes from the original trilogy;

In "Return of the Jedi", Luke and Leia have a conversation in the Ewok village about their parents and childhood. When Luke asked about his mother, Leia said that she Did know her mother...well enough to be able to describe her as "...very beautiful, but...sad. Why are you asking me this?...". I know she said that her mother died when she was very young, but...How could Leia have known her mother if she died the day she was born? I guess George Lucas just FORGOT his own story. *cough*

In "A New Hope", Obi-Wan told luke that his father wanted him to have his old light saber, but his "... Uncle wouldn't allow it. He was afraid you might run off on some fool, idealistic crusade like your father did".
...wait...when did this happen? When did Anakin tell Obi-wan that he wanted his son to inherit his lightsaber? ...oh yeah...HE DIDN'T!. (...oh that George...he's so forgetful...) the reason Palpatine's face was so horribly disfigured in the original trilogy was becasuse he fried it himself while fighting off Windu?... OH PLEASE...THAT was the best Lucas could come up with? I could do better than that. (Like, maybe...He is actually the "thought Dead" jedi Sypha-Dias {rhymes with "Sidious"}, who is very, very old...and was using the deceptive power of the Dark side to "cloud the vision" of everyone who looked at him to appear younger and not be recognized by the Jedi Counsel...but he actually looked that way all the time, so when he becomes the EMPEROR, he does not bother to mask his appearance any more and let's all see his "True Self". Being able to cloud the eyes and mind of even master Jedi like Yoda himself would have added some meaning to Yoda's quote from the original trilogy, " NOT...underestimate...the powers...of the EMPEROR...". ...cheezy, maybe...but not as LAME as burning his own face off. THOSE DID NOT LOOK LIKE BURN SCARS!!!)

And what was with Chewbaca knowing Yoda and being a soldier durring the Clone Wars? He looked like his normal, Adult self in Ep:III. ...and yet Obi-Wan Kenobi was still a Young jedi. Obi-Wan was an old man by Ep:IV. So Chewie is older than "Old Ben"? (...don't bother giving me lame excuses about how wookies "probobly age differently than humans...blah, blah, blah...) Honestly...his "cameo" appearance was totally unnecesary, and I feel it actually Took Away from the film.

...and, though I agree that the Lizard-Thing Obi-wan rode on was cool looking...can ANYONE tell me what it was?...where he got it?...why it was so fearless and loyal to him? Seriously...what the hell?!...

...I'll tell you... It was a random excuse to put a cool looking creature in the movie, and George Lucas was a lazy @#%@ for not even bothering to try to explain it's presence in the film.

When I ask people, (in person, and even random people at work), why they liked Ep:III they all describe to me a scene with lot's of special effects and how "COOL" it was when this and that happened, and *whoosh* and *bam* and *click...buzzz* and "Whoah!!!"...and everyone lays out the generic line "It was cool to see how it all came together/ how it all really happened", but they never give any examples of THAT.

Can anyone who has seen the movie share a favorite "quote" from Ep:III? Can you remember any at all? ...did anyone in the film say anything worth quoting?...

...OF COURSE the special effects were awsome... I do not deny that at all. (Exept for any time a Jedi or Sith started spinning or flipping in the air. Each time it happened, it looked SO BAD that I could not help but roll my eyes and whisper under my breath "...oh geez...") But is that all anyone cares about? ...just as long as there are lot's of space ships, alien creatures, LightSabers, (and piles of severed limbs...which there were), and plenty of explosions, no one cares WHAT the characters are doing, or why they are doing it, or if any of it is believable or makes any sense whatsoever...the public will sing it's Praises anyway?...

...I think that George Lucas must have had the same attitude as most of the people who LOVED this movie...

"...Why did that happen?...WHO CARES?! long as I get to make this SFX scene, the pulbic will love it. Hey....let's add 1,243 extra space ships to the background of this scene...just because I CAN... Hunh?...story? time for that. I would have to shorten the " Obi-Wan and Anakin fly through space in synchrony" scene if I made them actually discuss why the Seperatist forces are in orbit above the planet. ...or how Palpatine was captured... no one cares about that...they just want to see all the pretty, shiny Pre-StarDestroyers and the annoying sounding Jed-Ti-Fighters flying through them...hey!... let's make that sequence even LONGER and MORE obnoxious...then people will love it even more...OH!...and let's give all the Battle Droids quirky personalities while we're at it..."

...okay, okay...that was really obnoxous and childish, I admit...but I'm really bitter about how much this film sucked.

I will SHUT UP now if you ask me to... I'm not trying to ruin this thing for anyone else, and if I'm doing that, I'm sorry. I'm just looking for some glimmer of hope that someone else out there cared about the story and how it played out. ...or at least acknowlage that it could have been WAY better if Lucas had tried a little harder...or just realised that he Sucks as a dirrector and let Soneone Else dirrect it, like he did with the original trilogy. (Irvin Kershner-"The Empire Strikes Back", and Richard Marquand-"Return of the Jedi")

*Daydreams* ", if only George had let Steven Spielberg direct Ep:III for him... Now THAT would have been a good movie. Good ol' Stevie never let's me down." Image */Daydream*

I heard that George asked Mr. Spielberg for some advice durring the films production...but he must have ignored everything Steven said.

*sighs* least I still have the Original Trilogy...

(...or, at least I WOULD if he would ever release the "original" films without all of that Special Edition @#%@#...) Image

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 3:19 am
by Figarou

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 9:39 am
by Howling Fan
I know I promised I'd drop this, but, to paraphrase "Scarface": "Vuldari keeps pullin' me back!"
Of course, this message is rife with SPOILERS:

Here I go:

1) In "Return of the Jedi," Leia is talking about her ADOPTIVE MOTHER! Not Padme.
2) You "look back fondly on Episode I"? Really? Even Jar ("Yousa say peeples gonna die???") Jar? And the completely unlikeable Qui-gon Jin, who doesn't crack a smile throughout the entire movie, even when making lame jokes about "there's always a bigger fish." And don't even get me started on little Jake ("I'm too young to act") Lloyd. "Now THIS is pod racing! Whee, this is fun! Etc., etc., cute line, etc...."
3) Obi-Wan manipulated a lot of the truth about Luke's father, cos he didn't want to hurt him and thought he wasn't ready to know the real story yet. This also explains why he said Darth Vader killed Luke's father, and then Luke presses for an explanation in "Return of the Jedi." Obi-Wan's and my response to you now: "Everything depends on your point of view."
4) No, it's not a lame excuse to say Chewbacca ages differently because he's a completely different creature. That's like being confused as to why your dog seems older than you when he's only 14 and you're in your 20s. It's because he's not human!
5) To be quite honest, your explanation of Palpatine's face is confusing, at least to me, and would take too much time to explain in "Ep. III."
6) To your credit, the lizard thing was explained in a deleted scene of "Ep. III" (according to the novel and comic book adaptation). Obi-Wan bought him at a shop, and the shop owner told him it's fiercely loyal. But Lucas couldn't fit it in the overall story, and it's really not that important.
7) Favorite quotes from "Ep. III":

Anakin: "Is it possible to learn this power?"
Palpatine: (slowly smirking) "....Not.....from a Jedi."

Anakin: "You're a Sith! I'm handing you over to the Jedi Council!"
Palpatine (almost orgasmic): "I can feeeeeel your anger! It makes you strong!"

Yoda: (unintentionally hilarious) "Good relations with the Wookiees, I have." (Really, Yoda? In what way? Wait, don't tell me!)

Obi-Wan: "You were the Chosen One! You were supposed to defeat the Sith, not join them!"
(later on:) "I failed you, Anakin. I failed you. I loved you like a brother."
Anakin: "I HATE YOU!!!"

8) And I checked with other people who saw the movie, and they said "Ep. III" DID explain why they split up the twins in this movie, not just the Original Trilogy (they specifically said "for their protection" in the movie).
9) Yes, Lucas expects people to fill at least some of the blanks in themselves, since he realizes that if you're going to bother watching "Ep. III," you probably saw the other five movies. If Lucas had to recap every plot point from every movie, "Ep. III" would be 12 hours long (2 hours/movie X 6 movies = 12). So that's why right before C3-PO gets his mind erased, he doesn't say, "We need to wipe his memory because Darth Vader actually built him and he knows too much about Anakin Skywalker and the twins Luke and Leia, and he could meet up with them eventually and tell them the truth and yadda, yadda, yadda...." To say the least, it would be an awkward moment.

I hope this cleared up everything for you, although I know you're still going to hate this movie. I still think you should see it at a decent hour though.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 11:58 am
by Vuldari
Howling Fan wrote:I know I promised I'd drop this, but, to paraphrase "Scarface": "Vuldari keeps pullin' me back!"
Of course, this message is rife with SPOILERS:

Here I go:

1) In "Return of the Jedi," Leia is talking about her ADOPTIVE MOTHER! Not Padme.
...excuses, excuses... I definately got the impression from Ep:VI that Leia was talking about her real, biological mother...but it seems that Lucas just decided to change his mind about that so he would not have to tell the story of how Padme lived for a few more years on Alderan.
Howling Fan wrote:2) You "look back fondly on Episode I"? Really? Even Jar ("Yousa say peeples gonna die?") Jar? And the completely unlikeable Qui-gon Jin, who doesn't crack a smile throughout the entire movie, even when making lame jokes about "there's always a bigger fish." And don't even get me started on little Jake ("I'm too young to act") Lloyd. "Now THIS is pod racing! Whee, this is fun! Etc., etc., cute line, etc...."
Jake Lloyd played a terrible young Anakin...I don't deny that. ..."completely unlikable Qui-Gon Jin" ?... He was the most interesting character in Episode I. I didn't understand why they killed him off.

Darth Maul was a very shallow character. (It would have been nice to have learned a little about his background), but the battle against him is still the Best, by far, of all of the Lightsaber battles in any of the STAR WARS movies. ...IMHO...

...and I am one of only 0.1% of Star Wars fans who actually thought Jar-Jar was an amusing character...he just should not have gotten so many lines, or so much screen time. He was funny...when taken in very, very small doses... His presence in Ep:II didn't make any sense though...he should have stayed behind on Naboo...not become a senator.
Howling Fan wrote:3) Obi-Wan manipulated a lot of the truth about Luke's father, cos he didn't want to hurt him and thought he wasn't ready to know the real story yet. This also explains why he said Darth Vader killed Luke's father, and then Luke presses for an explanation in "Return of the Jedi." Obi-Wan's and my response to you now: "Everything depends on your point of view."
I was quite familiar with Obi-wans odd attitude of describing things from skewed points of view. I was really hoping that I would see something in Ep:III that showed why he decided to think of it that way. All I saw was one scene (I believe it was when they were watching the hologram of Anakin slaying the younglings), where someone (I don't remember if it was Yoda or Mace), said a similar line ,( all depends on your point of view...) to Obi-wan.

What...that's it?...

Howling Fan wrote:4) No, it's not a lame excuse to say Chewbacca ages differently because he's a completely different creature. That's like being confused as to why your dog seems older than you when he's only 14 and you're in your 20s. It's because he's not human!
...Lame... possible, sure...but he looked EXACTLY the same. Same Sash/belt...same crossbow...chewbaca never changed at all in 18 years?

And that scene still was totally unnecesary...that screen time could have been used for a hundred better purposes in the plot. Really...there didn't seem to be any point to including Kashyyyk in the film, other than to show an army of wookies running around (again, the film focused on visual oppertunities over plot progression), and so Yoda and Chewie could say farewell in one of the LAMEST scenes in the movie.
Howling Fan wrote:5) To be quite honest, your explanation of Palpatine's face is confusing, at least to me, and would take too much time to explain in "Ep. III."
First of all...that is just something I came up with off the top of my head as I was typing, and second, it would make more sense if you saw it play out and reveal itself gradually over the course of the whole film...rather than showing his face mysteriously start melting in a single scene.
Howling Fan wrote:6) To your credit, the lizard thing was explained in a deleted scene of "Ep. III" (according to the novel and comic book adaptation). Obi-Wan bought him at a shop, and the shop owner told him it's fiercely loyal. But Lucas couldn't fit it in the overall story, and it's really not that important.
I wasn't asking for much. I did not mean Obi-wan, or any other character should have stopped and decribed in detail what the creature was and how it was trained.

A good example of how it could have been done is the Taun-tauns from Ep:V. You breifly saw some of them in their stable within the rebel base. That told you that the rebels specifically cared for and trained them as a convinient way to traverse the harsh environment. Seeing them in a stable environment immedieatly allowed the viewer to compare them to other animals that are kept in stables and are fitted with harnesses, and likewise recognise their purpose immediately, without any explanation.

Showing 3-seconds of Obi-wan walking into the aria where that facility kept it's various transportation options and then smiling at the large riding lizard, choosing it over potentially present other pack-animals and crude hover bikes, etc. would have sufficed. That would have told you that they used such creatures as a common form of transportation on that planet.

That's all I wanted. 3 seconds...

As for WHAT it was, it would have been nice if he had mentioned it at least once. Like...*said to a clone trooper* "...I'm going to take my *name of creature* up the ridge to catch the enemy off guard...cover me". That would have told the audience what it was.

...One line... Just say the things name.

Howling Fan wrote:7) Favorite quotes from "Ep. III":

Anakin: "Is it possible to learn this power?"
Palpatine: (slowly smirking) "....Not.....from a Jedi."
...okay...THAT was a good line.
Howling Fan wrote:Anakin: "You're a Sith! I'm handing you over to the Jedi Council!"
Palpatine (almost orgasmic): "I can feeeeeel your anger! It makes you strong!"
Did you notice how many times lines were repeated from the original trilogy. "I have a bad feeling about this", "Join me and together we could rule...", "seach your know it to be true", etc. etc.

I do not count any lines that were just re-hashes of the original best quotes. ...again...LAME...
Howling Fan wrote:Yoda: (unintentionally hilarious) "Good relations with the Wookiees, I have." (Really, Yoda? In what way? Wait, don't tell me!)
There were ALOT of "unintentionally hillarious" quotes from this film...because the diologue was so horrilbly written, in general.

Those lines are only quotable if it is your INTENTION to Make Fun of the film, and how bad it was... ...Interesting that you would choose such a line as one of your "favorite" quotes...
Howling Fan wrote:Obi-Wan: "You were the Chosen One! You were supposed to defeat the Sith, not join them!"
(later on:) "I failed you, Anakin. I failed you. I loved you like a brother."
Anakin: "I HATE YOU!!!" really think those lines were well phrased and quotable?...
Howling Fan wrote:8) And I checked with other people who saw the movie, and they said "Ep. III" DID explain why they split up the twins in this movie, not just the Original Trilogy (they specifically said "for their protection" in the movie).
"...for their protection..." is an explanation? We all knew that allready...I was expecting a little elaboration.
Howling Fan wrote:9) Yes, Lucas expects people to fill at least some of the blanks in themselves, since he realizes that if you're going to bother watching "Ep. III," you probably saw the other five movies. If Lucas had to recap every plot point from every movie, "Ep. III" would be 12 hours long (2 hours/movie X 6 movies = 12). So that's why right before C3-PO gets his mind erased, he doesn't say, "We need to wipe his memory because Darth Vader actually built him and he knows too much about Anakin Skywalker and the twins Luke and Leia, and he could meet up with them eventually and tell them the truth and yadda, yadda, yadda...." To say the least, it would be an awkward moment.
Talk to ANY successful writer/storyteller. A GOOD story should allways stand well on it's own. would it have been an "aquard moment" for him to have said, instead of just 'I want this droids memory erased', to have said..." This protocall droid belonged to Anakin, right? I wan't his memory erased so it will not be able to consider betraying us and returning to his master".

Same scene...a few more words...a much happier and more satisfied Vuldari.
Howling Fan wrote:I hope this cleared up everything for you, although I know you're still going to hate this movie. I still think you should see it at a decent hour though.
You seem convinced that I missed something while watching the film, and did not catch what was gong on.

I could describe the movies plot, scene by scene, as well as you could, without seeing it again. I KNOW what happened...I just think Lucas was an Idiot for making it happen the way it did. could have been so much better...

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 1:01 pm
by Vuldari

Again...I appologise for being such a downer about all of this. I would not be so stubborn and insistant about my opinoin being acknowlaged if I did not feel so STRONGLY about it.

Star Wars, is more than just a series of films to me. The story and the characters are a part of my childhood, and have been a part of my life and my imagination for as long as I have been alive.

I feel horribly betrayed by George Lucas for making such a dissapointing finally to my favorite "Modern Mythology" of All Time.

I suppose I should feel happy for all of the people who enjoyed Episode III. In the end, the whole point was to have the audience thoroughly entertained...and it seems Lucas succeeded in doing that for everyone...everyone but Me...

...I guess I must have just set my expectations for this movie impossibly high...though I tried not to. I even remember saying, before I walked into the theater, "...I'm not expecting much from this movie, but I expect I will at least be reasonalbly entertained..."

...I was not...

...and it seems I was one of very few who felt that way...

I appologise again for my irripresably negative attitude. I have let my anger cloud my judgement.

I have become a fool, on a path to the Dark Side.

To quote one of my favorite lines from Ep:I , "...fear leads to ANGER...anger leads to hate... HATE...leads to Suffering...".

I did not intend to make anyone "suffer" from having to put up with my endless Rants.

...I am sorry...Image

'Star Wars' Earns Record-Breaking $158.5M

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 2:30 pm
by Figarou
Check this out!! ... _office_14

Lets see if Ep.3 can break the all time record of $600,788,188 which "Titanic" now holds.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 1:55 am
by Darth Canis
Well i promised pictures so here we go... All of these were taken either at my house or at the midnight showing in Gainesville Fl


My jedi outfit :)


Me playing with my force fx lightsaber


An awesome duel that i had with a guy that had a red force fx. The theater was packed and the whole crowd was cheering it was lots of fun.

Well i hope you enjoyed the pics. I feel really bad for you vuldari, that you did not like the movie. There were parts i did not like as well but they were few and far between. I feel for you man i really do if i would have not liked this movie it would have crushed me as well :cry:

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 2:34 am
by Figarou
Cool pics there, Darth Canis.

I plan on seeing Ep.3 to see what the fuss is all about.

Oh, check out this pic!!

Figarou plays the part of Darth Vader. He is next to Darth Maul.


Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 3:12 am
by Vuldari
Darth Canis wrote: The theater was packed and the whole crowd was cheering it was lots of fun.
Thanks for sharing the pics. ...indeed...if I did take at least ONE positive experience from seeing the film at midnight, it was the crowd that I watched it with.

(...though they DID have an irritating habit of lauging, hooting and hollering durring the movie, amplifying every bad line in the film, and making all the dramatic scenes into a big joke...on second thought...maybe it was the rude audience that made the film so much harder for me to enjoy. )

Waiting in line, and in the theater before the film, and in the parking lot afterward, the hordes of Star Wars fans were a blast to be a part of...though my little group seemed to be the only one muttering sounds of dissapointment.
Darth Canis wrote: I feel really bad for you vuldari, that you did not like the movie. There were parts i did not like as well but they were few and far between. I feel for you man i really do if i would have not liked this movie it would have crushed me as well :cry:
Thank you for your understanding.

Long story short...(if you want the Long story, read above and below)... There were a number of events and scenes that I was looking forward to seeing in this film, but NONE of them happened...

...intsead...many things that I felt should NOT have happened...did. tremendous dissapointment.


I am strongly tempted to write out my entire version of how I think Episode III should have played out...the way I had slowly been concieving it to be since the announcement of Ep:I

Based on everything I knew about the original trilogy, and the momentum of events from Ep:I and II, I had a VERY different vision of what was going to happen, and what REALLY made Anakin turn to the Dark side.

[EDIT: Realizing that knowing what will NOT happen in the film could also be a spoiler, I have shrunk down my "alternate" plot for the benefiet of those who have not seen the film yet.]

I could write an entire NOVEL with all the intricate details I considered, but the most significant difference was that, in MY percieved version of events (which I was expecting and looking forward to seeing), was that Anakin would loose his body and become mostly machine BEFORE turning to the Dark side completely...

...the traumatic loss of his body was supposed to be one of his primary motivations for becoming "...twisted...and...EVIL...".

Then...feeling betrayed by his former master and freind for not saving him from that horrible fate (...though he would be primarily responsible for the confrontation leading to it, but emotion rarely is firmly based in logic...), he would turn to Palpatine as his only remaining ally, (whom Anakin would not yet know is really Darth Sidious yet).

It would be THEN that Palpatine reveals his true nature to Anakin and tempts him to join the darkside. Being now "...more machine than man..." and unbeliavably bitter, feeling he has nothing left to loose, (believeing Amidala, and his unborn child to allready be dead...but I won't go into detail about that now...maybe later.) he would at that moment swear his allegance to the DARK SIDE to seek revenge, and would put on the "imfamous" black suit over his mechanical body, and change his voice as he assumes his new Identity...DARTH VADER.

Then VADER himself would have lead Palpatines armies and slayed the remaining jedi Himself with his new Red ligtsaber.

...not the jedi being shot in the back by clone troopers...Image

I WANTED to See the MAN IN BLACK kick everybodys A##$!!!! Image

...all but Mace. OH...I had a "special" fate in store for Mace-Windu.

Dooku?...he would have lasted a little longer, and would have died in a one on one duel with Mecha-Anakin (before he puts on the black suit and helmet), to earn his place as Sidious's ONLY apprentice, as well as the official title of "DARTH" "...allways TWO there are...NO MORE...NO Less..."

Dooku would have fought hard, like the serious threat they made him out to be in Ep:II...but get his over-confident smirk wiped off his bearded face by ANAKIN, fuled by the intense anger and hatred flowing through him. ( ...and, yeah...he probobly would have chopped Dookus hand and head off with his own light saber like he did in LUCAS's version of the film.)

Later...Obi-Wan and Anakin (now as "Lord Vader") would confront each other again as the climax of the film. ...and Obi-wan would totally "school" Anakin before he escapes and leaves Yoda and Obi-wan for dead, ( is too compicated to expain now). That ending would have added meaning to the conversation between Vader and Ben in Ep:IV when vader said "...when last we met, I was but a learner. Now I am the MASTER...".

...and it also would have explained why Vader and the emperor never sought out Obi-wan, Yoda or Anakins children...because they thought they were all allready dead.

If I had it MY way...episode III would have been a little more like that.

What do you think?

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 3:39 am
by Vuldari
Figarou wrote:Cool pics there, Darth Canis.

I plan on seeing Ep.3 to see what the fuss is all about.

Oh, check out this pic!!

Figarou plays the part of Darth Vader. He is next to Darth Maul.
Heh, heh...

Cool picture FIG'...who's been drawing these again? ...and why does the Chewbaca wolf have wings? (Is everyone in that picture someones you as Darth Vader?)

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 3:46 am
by Figarou
Vuldari wrote:
Figarou wrote:Cool pics there, Darth Canis.

I plan on seeing Ep.3 to see what the fuss is all about.

Oh, check out this pic!!

Figarou plays the part of Darth Vader. He is next to Darth Maul.
Heh, heh...

Cool picture FIG'...who's been drawing these again? ...and why does the Chewbaca wolf have wings? (Is everyone in that picture someones you as Darth Vader?)
This pic was drawn by "Ninjawolf" and colored by "Speedbump" from The Werewolf Cafe

As for Chewbaca wolf, Its Zage_the_winged_werewolf. Also from The werewolf Cafe

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 3:50 am
by Vuldari
Figarou wrote:This pic was drawn by "Ninjawolf" and colored by "Speedbump" from The Werewolf Cafe

As for Chewbaca wolf, Its Zage_the_winged_werewolf. Also from The werewolf Cafe
Cool. Image

...and please, by all means, go see Ep:III in the theater.

I expect that you will disagree with my opinion like everyone else does, and I'm okay with that.

Go...enjoy...and come back to tell us all what you thought of the film.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 10:10 am
by Howling Fan

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 11:29 am
by Vuldari

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 2:22 pm
by Figarou
Vuldari wrote:
...and please, by all means, go see Ep:III in the theater.

I expect that you will disagree with my opinion like everyone else does, and I'm okay with that.

Go...enjoy...and come back to tell us all what you thought of the film.

Yes, I plan on seeing the film. The question is...when? I may wait till after A-kon. I need to get my truck ready for the trip up to Dallas. Going to spend money on an oil change, filters, new spark plugs, whatever I can do myself.

I'll let you know what I think of the film. I may end up liking it. I really enjoyed Ep.1 That means I'll enjoy Ep.3 as well.