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Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 11:01 pm
by Set
Hrm. I had a dream that I was standing in the middle of a shallow pond. On one side of the shore there was a saber toothed cat taking a nap. I shift into a Common Loon and make one of it's calls. Then I'm a human again, only I'm trying to walk over these piles of hard dirt. There was a bunch of lions around me. They snapped at me, clawed at me, basically they tried to eat me. I dodge their attacks and see a few (I think it was two or three) hyenas. I run over to them and they protect me from the lions. Then I end up somewhere else, I'm looking through a glass door. I was some kind of owl, I had grayish feathers spotted with a bit of black and orange eyes. I had my talons wrapped around part of the door near the top. I say something to someone, I can't remember who. Then I let go of the door and fly away.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 10:31 pm
by Veruth
Dreams are awsome. I'm by no means anything approaching an expert, but I've read all I can get my hands on and picked up a few tricks. As soon as you wake up if you keep your eyes closed, stay in the same position and try to recall all you can about a dream then write it down. It doesn’t matter if you only remember a tiny fragment, it both keeps you from forgetting later and often helps you remember parts you had forgotten. It also makes it easier to remember subsequent dreams once you get in the habit. There is also supposedly a way to control the subject of your dreams known as dream incubation and even something that's supposed to induce lucid dreams. I think these two are tied to self-hypnosis, which would be why I can't do it very well.
I've got a good one to post, but I'll have to write it all out first, or find my record of it.

Edit: Changed my first sentence because I didn't likr the way that sounded

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 3:35 pm
by NarnianWolfen
Just last night I had a werewolf dream. >>>

I'm not sure how it was started...I just know that somehow I'd heard of some sort of migration going on. Starting from somewhere in an unidentified northeast, a wave of what people described as werewolves were sweeping the states. There was video footage of dark shapes flitting through the trees, and stories of very violent deaths. Nobody was sure of what was going on, but there was a lot of chaos.
I was fascinated by these stories, and the wave had almost hit my town. So I start walking. There were fewer big cities...the setting was very..eerie. The woods I entered were thin, but seemed to stretch on forever. A lot like most scary movie woods. The ground was unusually flat except for the occasional protruding root or what-not, a blue light seemed to dominate the entire area in general...and there was a thin veil of mist. I entered these woods and just started walking.
Finally I could see a line of black shapes on two legs just rushing forward. A surge of dark fur. The alpha male spotted me first, and the line shifted just a little. Right as he was almost on me, I yelled, WAIT! They skidded to a halt, and some formed a circle around me. I could hear them, but I couldn't smell them..even with the leader just inches from my face. They had very well-developed shoulders, long, narrow heads, walked digitigrade. Weren't that muscular at all, were hunched a bit when on two legs. I saw some on all fours, more animal than man. Most of the fur was thinnish, but around the head, neck, and shoulders, it was very thick. Anyway. So the leader asks me in this really raspy voice why I should live, and I told him.
I told him I'd loved their kind for as long as I could remember...that I'd adored werewolves a long time. I wanted to be one of with the pack. I might have cried a little...but I pleaded for my life like I've never had to before. He just stood there looking at me a while, and then leaned forward very slowly. He opened his mouth and wrapped his jaws around my face, bit down very gently. He could have ripped my jaw off right then, but he just bit down enough to draw necessary blood. Then he leaned back and gestured a little, and the pack all settled down like a camping trip, some now all human, others at a sort of halfway phase. And started telling me what it'd be like, and all sortsa stuff. It got dumb after that, and the werewolves less cool looking. Maybe meaning the mysterious and frightening are nowhere near as such after there is no fear or mystery left..?

I remember another dream I had when I was about twelve that I'll put here. In the dream, I was in class. The teacher was telling us about a guest speaker we were to have, and telling us all to be very polite. The man that walked in was native American, but I don't know the tribes well enough to have been able to identify him. He was dressed in native clothes, hide, with some sort of very thick fur at the collar. The teacher received a call at the office and left the class, telling the man to feel free to talk.
He did, for a while..I've never been able to remember what he talked about. And then he...moved forward. It was like a surge of energy rushed from him, but suddenly every kid in that room went nuts. Nobody wanted him to touch them and were clawing over each other to get away. We felt every step he took as he walked through the crowd of overturned desks and the maze of chairs..I was just crawling under one such chair when something stopped me. I turned back just as he laid a hand on my ankle, and wasn't in the room anymore.
He was standing nearby...we were in a giant circular cavern of ice, where everything seemed pale blue. Not far from where we stood was a wolf puppy, silverish grey, watching us. As soon as the wolf pup and I spotted each other we raced forward like old friends, and I felt this..wild joy. I skidded down to my knees as it reached me and wrapped it up in a hug, and turned to thank the man..he was gone. I saw this as the wolf puppy licked my face, and I woke up.

The symbology's not clear to me...but cool dreams, nonetheless!

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 11:22 am
by outwarddoodles
I've been having a couple werewolf dreams lately.

Like a month ago I had a crazy (yet then all my dreams are weird.) dream about a paper werewolf mask that turned me into a werewolf! I came home one day and found the wolf mask, it looked like just a crummy paper cutout. So I pressed the thing onto my face, and as I did that I felt it strecth and grow then move all around my body and changed me into something like a gestalt. I was pleased at this and started to check out this new body. I was up stairs so I hide myself in my room and moved around to know how it felt. I knew I had ears so I went to my Dad's bathroom so I could see if I would move my ears about. Thats when I noticed I had no tail! So I went downstairs and took a crayon and tried to draw a tail in mid-air. It worked, and the lines materilized into a fuzzy tail, yet the thing was limp and useless. I soon heard someone coming. I leaped up the stairs, richocheted off a wall and in another leap ran strait back to Dad's bathroom. Dad was coming upstairs so in the same amazing agility I used to get upstairs I lept back downstairs and onto the couch, pulling off my face. The thing started to come off like a skin tight leotard, I managed to get the whole suit half off when Dad caught me. He shook his head and walked away. I managed to get the whole leotard like thing off when I took the suit upstairs and hid it in my bottom drawer.

Friday night I had a strange dream that I was a little foal in a strange place where they tortured horses. In the end from all these things horses where decayed, half dead and turning into rust stuck to the floor. I ran tot he woods, noticed I could be hurt there, ran back, and then woke up, quite scared if you ask me. Yet my next dream was much happeir. I was at this huge strange (notice how much I use the word strange to my dreams.) hotel like thing. A huge room that had doors on the sides, and when up different storied among the sides to other doors. I was to be in a play. There I was that day infrount of the people, strangly calm, I have terrible stage fright in real life. I acted out the play, though I don't remeber reheasing at all. There was this part where the man was growling, the play was indeed about werewolves! This was a very long play and we had to take a break for the day, I went to sleep not being able to wait to wake up and preform the rest of the play. I woke up for real, and I kept thinking on how much I couldn't wait to do the play!

Just last night I had atleast four dreams on werewolves. (Yes, I had alot somehow.) I currently remeber three though lets hope I remeber some of the others soon.

My first dream was that this person had partially shifted into a cat, I wanted to also, he told me the next day I just may be! I woke up and my mouth was partially enlongated, not like the one in Anthony's avatar, much less. Just my nose and mouth where longer and pushed forward, my nose started to take the shape of a wolf's and I was growing fangs. I was strangly at my mom's house here and I had to cover my nose so no one noticed. Sadly I woke up before I got to shift anymore.

Later I had this dream I was at someone elses house and was spending the night (actually, I was stayng at my Step Grandma's house since yesterday and got back this morning, yet this was someone else's house.). There were two older boys there. That night to my surprise I turned into a werewolf! I ran around and romped a bit outside. I came in where one of the boys saw me and shifted too! So we started to talk a bit and searched the freezer for food (what can I say? We were hungry like the wolf.). The older boy came out, we hid in the darkness of the room, being no lights were on. He said to be quiet and that their mother was sleeping! Me and the boy came out to the older brother, and we sat and talked and were not to tell the mother. I don't remeber fully what we did, yet I was eating toast in that dream. I love toast with jelly!

My favorite dream last night was before that one though. I woke up turned into a wolf, though I looked much like Lorelei fromBlack Taspestries when she turns into her fox form. I was frightned for a second, and then I remebered that was normal. So I went to go to work. I really can't remeber all thats happened, but soon enough I was at this place showing my big brother Dale around. It was big and looked like a factory, though people were doing what they may do in an office. I was very interested in my reflection, I could move my ears and lift my tail! I sappose it was a fun dream, I still really like moving that tail, it was huge and floofy just like the fox's in Black Taspestries.

Yep, lots of werewolf dreams lat night. :D

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 12:09 pm
by Miguel
I have strange dreams about random things. I have many dreams that are real events that occur in the future. Nobody believes me when I tell them somthing but it happens and they get pissed and I say (Told Ya So.)

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 2:50 pm
by Kzinistzerg
I don't have prophetic drams, but my dreams do show me the depths of emotion- they warn me to stya awa... anyways

i've seen

fear of dieing
knowledge of you're gonna die 3 secs from now and there's nothing you can do
fear for the world
fear of disgrace

I just recently had a dream about the comp game battlezone- all i reme,ber is that (warning spoiler possible ahead) the scions lost and john cooke (who was me for some reason at this point i nthe dream) was sitting leaning agains a building when yelena shabayev and maj. manson come by (note: cooke is scion, and yelena isn't, ofr some reason) and he looks up and seen them and then runs... it was weird...

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 7:37 pm
by PariahPoet
Ooh, dreams are fun.
I had one dream where I shifted into a gelsalt-form were-jaguarundi in order to protect a little girl from some guy who was trying to kill us both.

The most cool dream I've ever had, I was at a birthday party or family reunion or something when I saw a red jaguarundi and a dark genet. The jaguarundi was male and the genet was female. The genet was always on the jaguarundi's left side and kept looking to him as if for guidence. Then they became human and kind-of reminded me of Adam and Eve. They say they have discovered the secret and I wake up before I hear it. It was most frustrating!

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 7:51 pm
by Miguel

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 3:53 am
by Figarou
MUWA HA HA HA!!! I'm going to invade everyone's dreams!!! :lol:


Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 1:16 pm
by Hamster
Figarou wrote:MUWA HA HA HA!!! I'm going to invade everyone's dreams!!! :lol:

Cool! :D :D :D

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 3:41 pm
by PariahPoet
lol, awesome! :)

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 4:14 pm
by Lupin
:roflmao: nice

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 4:17 pm
by Sesi
I once had a dream I was in a squid eating contest o_O;.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:35 pm
by Hamster
I had this dream a couple nights ago that a werewolf was my pet. He was a good pet too. :)

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 7:57 pm
by PariahPoet
Sesi wrote:I once had a dream I was in a squid eating contest o_O;.
mmmmm....calimari :meat:

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 8:28 pm
by Short Tail
I had a strange dream about two months ago. This is when I really started to understand therians and not just think of them as interesting.

It started off innocent enough, I was in my Literature class (300 years of horror fiction) and we were discussing a book we were reading. I suddenly noticed there was a wolf sitting in the corner of the classroom looking at me. I asked the others why it was there, but nobody else could see it. I spent the rest of the class period in a staring contest with it. I went back to my dorm room and sat in my recliner and the wolf appeared in front of me again, and like before, it just stood there looking at me. After this the details get a little hazy but after a wile, I am at one of our schools football games watching and once again the wolf appears to me. Fed up with it looking at me, I walk up to it and reach out my hand. The wolf then proceeds to scare the crap out of me by jumping right at me. I remember feeling it hit my body, but it was absorbed into my body. Needless to say, I was freaking out and then I doubled over in pain. I can distinctly remember feeling my bones crack and rearrange themselves, and I remember the pain I felt. So there I was changing into gestalt form right in the middle of a crowd of people and nobody even noticed. I stood up somewhat shakily, and walked three steps. Then my alarm went off waking me up but the weirdest part was when I was waking up, there was one thought that filled my whole brain and rang in my ears. "This is my gift to you." I heard that being said many times over in the same moment. Those few seconds before I was completely awake were eerie because that was all I could think and hear. Then I became fully awake, and turned off my alarm and just sat there thinking about the dream. I then went and wrote down what I remembered (because I forget my dreams if I don't) I cannot remember another day where I have felt like I did that day. It was an overwhelming feeling of inner peace and tranquility. That is my favorite dream I have ever had.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 9:05 pm
by Miguel

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 4:59 am
by Figarou
Sesi wrote:I once had a dream I was in a squid eating contest o_O;.

Heh....imagine eating live squid. You'll be inked before you place that thing in your mouth.

Ewwwww!!!! :lol:

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 6:01 am
by Celestialwolf
Vuldari wrote:You obviously have never had a "Lucid Dream".
I can only recall having two for certain, but both times were unspeakably fabulous experiences. You are dreaming...but you are totally 100% aware of it. The world around you seems as real as anything you have ever known, even though you knkow it is just a figment of your imagination.
You're lucky you've had lucid dreams! I've been trying to for a while now, using methods from this site because it'd be a cool ability to develop. None so far.

Two dreams I've had:

1) Me and some guy wanted to become werewolves, so we went to a lady that gave us glasses that made us shift into them. Eventually we didn't need the glasses for shifting anymore.

2) I was in a mall sort-of-thing where there was very little gravity, and I ran around with a bunch of people, jumping high into the air, and throwing grenades as I ran backward, Halo2 style.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 8:15 am
by Short Tail
Lazywolf2 wrote: I was in a mall sort-of-thing where there was very little gravity, and I ran around with a bunch of people, jumping high into the air, and throwing grenades as I ran backward, Halo2 style.
yeah, all of the lucid dreams I have had were alot like computer games, (a doom 3 one, and a half life 2 one ect.) I guess that means I play too many games, huh.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 9:36 am
by PariahPoet
Petard- awesome dream!

LazyWolf- have you tried Their forum is rather helpful for lucid dreaming.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 4:02 pm
by Hamster
Last night I had this creepy dream about Nazi werewolves. Well, They weren't Nazis but they looked like them. They were from the K.A.H (Kill All Humans) and they was destroying the whole city. It was creepy and cool in the same time. Oh man, I HAVE to make a drawing about this! :o

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 11:16 pm
by Veruth
Nazi werewolves? I'll have to see that drawing :D .
My most recent werewolf dream was pretty cool, I have it written down in detail, but I'd rather not bore everyone. Pretty much it had to do with me getting shot and then being saved by the ww virus. I was enlisted in some sort of military type thing and got some revenge. Really short version, but I think that pretty much sums it up. What's odd is every WW dream I have, the fur color always changes, this time it was brown, the one before that, gray. :?

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 12:07 am
by Hamster
Color chage could be a mental thing. I don't know, maybe the color change was a symble for you.

By-the-way The K.A.H drawing will be up on Halloween just for the hoilday. :D

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 1:16 pm
by Veruth
Hamster wrote:Color chage could be a mental thing. I don't know, maybe the color change was a symble for you.

By-the-way The K.A.H drawing will be up on Halloween just for the hoilday. :D
I think you're probably right, I'm horrible at the dream meaning thing though

Can't wait for the drawing :D