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Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 2:24 pm
by Vuldari
WerewolfKeeper3 wrote: Anyway, i do have a comment that relates to what Vuldari wrote, about a werewolf overcoming or succoming to his beast? Well, isn't it possible to have a story in which, the fight with the beast isn't so much the problem, but the fight with monster inside us all. There is a difference, i believe, between what the primal urges tell us to do, and what that thing lurking in the back of our minds wants us to do. It would basically be a story in which one of the sides v.s. the monster, and the remaining side picks which it prefers. Does that sound insteresting, or does it fall flat like my other posts seem to have done? :oops:
Sounds like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

If there is no "BEAST" involved, (of the wild, furry variety that is), then why have the character transform into a furry, fanged and clawed creature?

I think that sounds like a story premise with plenty of just doesn't sound like a "Werewolf" story to me.
(Merely IMHO, as always...)


I started two completely separate threads about related subjects because I thought the main idea was different enough between the two to warrant that, but they overlap so much, it seems that maybe I should have just continued it all in just one. The other, of course, is my "Alternative Shapeshifters" Thread.

...just thinking out loud... Image

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 3:38 pm
by Kzinistzerg
Well, I've always liked the idea of a shapeshifter who can shift. But then again, it's not really my definition of werewolves. AS far as I'm concerned, werewolves aren't cruel disgusting killing machines, nor are they hippies. Yes, feel free to smack on whatever personality you want. All i've really cared about is that there'
e beauty involved; you can appreciate the beauty of a tiger asleep but it's alot easier to contemplate the beauty of a tiger when it's leaping at you. That's what I mean. Not mutant, but beautiful. Deadly as hell maybe, maybe not, depending on the universe. But beautiful nonetheless. No monkeys!

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 3:45 pm
by Vuldari
Kzinistzerg wrote:Well, I've always liked the idea of a shapeshifter who can shift. But then again, it's not really my definition of werewolves. AS far as I'm concerned, werewolves aren't cruel disgusting killing machines, nor are they hippies. Yes, feel free to smack on whatever personality you want. All i've really cared about is that there'
e beauty involved; you can appreciate the beauty of a tiger asleep but it's alot easier to contemplate the beauty of a tiger when it's leaping at you. That's what I mean. Not mutant, but beautiful. Deadly as hell maybe, maybe not, depending on the universe. But beautiful nonetheless. No monkeys!
You like shapeshifters that can shapeshift, but that is not your definition of a Werewolf...

...all you care about werewolves is that they are neither "Disgusting Killing Machines", nor "Hippies"...

...and it is easier to appreciate the beauty of a Tiger during the 1/10 of a second you can see it leaping at you before it rips you to shreds than while observing one sleeping...

Uhh ... What?! ... Image

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 3:52 pm
by Kzinistzerg
Hehe, sorry about the rambling post.

What I meant was, while I like the whole therian-furries-shifter idea, I don't really want it to be the mainstream werewolf.

Such a werewolf should not be the monkeyman of the old movies. Nor should he be the wheeee! Pwetty fwowers! tendency of today.

A werewolf should have all the natural grace and dignity of a normal wolf. It's graceful and beautiful, both in ripose and in action. See? Scary things can be scary-disgusting or scary-beautiful; which is one of the appeals of the modern vampire. Except vampires aren't fuzzy.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 5:31 pm
by Rhuen
here is a thought

what is the difference between a

a Wolf-Shifter

the answer to me is control over the animal side.

a werewolf becomes like a wolfdog, a mix of instincts, this time between such radically different species as a human and a wolf so we get something that is basically suffering from insanity.

a Wolf-Shifter would be a special ability where the person assumes the shape, likeness, and proportional powers of a wolf-human hybrid but aside from maybe a few manirism changes is still in control and human underneath.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 5:38 pm
by MattSullivan
I don't know about anyone here...but in my movie Camp Lycanthrope I didn't want my werewolves to be "oppressed" They can take care of themselves. they act like ANIMALS at times...being really violent and feral. But they are good guys despite that.

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 7:49 am
by WerewolfKeeper3
Now, i'm going to try to get this right this time.

What i think Vuldari likes abou the werewolf story is the conflict betwee the beast and the human.
(If he's wrong, just tell him. Maybe he'll stop bothering you.)
:P (Now who's bing the immature one? :lol: )
Anyway, what Kzinistzerg said about the beatuy of the creature, is basically what i was trying to say wiht an earlier post of mine, (Before i took over, that is) about how i tried to balance out that conflict of interests in my story. I don't like the bloody horror films either, unless its necessary, and in most movies its not, but i wanted the Respectable ferocity i imagine my were's to have. But on the opposite side of the coin, i want my werewolves to have more of a human attitude when they're not trying to survive. My werewolves have a leg up on the ones in the movies however, becuase their kind has infiltrated every level of human soceity. That whole 'werewolf could be right next to you and you woulnd't even know it' is expanded to the government of every nation already knowing about the werewolf exisitence, and doing their best to keep it out of the news. I know i'm getting off topic right now, sorry, but my point is, i like my were's having control over thier abilities, even if its through magic, (in some cases, the werewolf has been in contact with the beast for a long time. The beast is their friend in otherwords,) because then i can explore what they can do a little easier that way. If the were is fighting with his otherside, it takes longer for me begin the story, because i have to deal with the conflict in a believeable way. I like that conflict in some stories, but i thik that a story about were's not having problems with thier other side could be just as entertaining as one with it. ( he means no disrespect, and he's not trying to attack what you like. He just believe's those stories damage the rep of the werewolf. It can used as an excuse by any one who doesn't like it as a reason why no one else should. He alos believe's it's alreay shown up as the basis of horror movies on the past, and he's just tired of the werewolf being the 'monster' hollywood falls back on everytime they need some snarling beast. I don't mean to attack what you like either, and hopefully i haven't, but after seeing and reading the same thing over and over again, even the struggle to keep ones humanity gets boring to someone.)