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Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 8:27 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Yeah, I have no problem with anyone sharing experiences on here no matter what it is, sure it will take some time for it to sink in to me like now but I will most definatly listen. Dont worry fredriksam , we dont think your wierd or anything, atleast I dont. :D

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 2:41 pm
by cumulusprotagonist
Morkulv wrote:Uuuh...

Select > move to trashcan... Oh wait.
Defend this statement. What was its purpose? What is accomplished by saying this?

Kaebora wrote:Not to mention the fact that the chances of an alien species being anywhere close to human-shaped is astronomically small. I generally dismiss any descriptions that are even close to human. A technologically advanced creature would need only a large cranium (like humans), and the ability to manipulate tools (which doesn't nesessarily nessesitate 2 arms and legs). If the homeplanet environment is vastly different from ours, they may not even be bi-pedal in form at all. A planet with lower gravity may develop creatures with tendrils to move across the ground, or zero-gravity, in which the creature would take on a shape with no up or down. Fact of the matter is, an entirely different evolutionary chain can produce very different results.
Does this seem to fit into the same category as the comment above? Do you think that I think it does? Why?

cumulusprotagonist wrote:
Lukas wrote:so you got abducted and found out for real at 13/14 and yet you wait to 34 years of age to tell us? thx god vuldria isn't here or he would have a field day
Yes if this was real to him, this would be the first thing he would say on a LIVE PUBLIC FORUM...

Set wrote:...

Oh you can't be serious...
MattSullivan wrote:That's it. I'm outta here. :}
Morkulv wrote:Uuuh...

Select > move to trashcan... Oh wait.
Morkulv wrote:The only thing it missed was "Send this message to 20 other users or it will happen to you at the end of this week!".

What if this was meant to be taken seriously? I would find it sad if "Fredriksam finally posted something he was afraid to talk about for all this time and get many of the responses he was dreading he would get."

You do not have to believe in Alien Abductions to know what that feels like. The pack forum should not be a place where that happens. Do not make assumptions. Even if this was made up there is no way you could possibly know that. Choose to be a good person instead of a bad person and assume he is serious to avoid hurting him with your words.
Does this quote contain evidence to suggest that I would lump the previous two comments together?

Morkulv wrote:Uuuh...

Select > move to trashcan... Oh wait.
Is this criticism?
Kaebora wrote:Not to mention the fact that the chances of an alien species being anywhere close to human-shaped is astronomically small. I generally dismiss any descriptions that are even close to human. A technologically advanced creature would need only a large cranium (like humans), and the ability to manipulate tools (which doesn't nesessarily nessesitate 2 arms and legs). If the homeplanet environment is vastly different from ours, they may not even be bi-pedal in form at all. A planet with lower gravity may develop creatures with tendrils to move across the ground, or zero-gravity, in which the creature would take on a shape with no up or down. Fact of the matter is, an entirely different evolutionary chain can produce very different results.
Or is this criticism?

If no one will answer these question then I am left to assume the worst.


So no one thinks I am discriminating:
geekboy1500 wrote: train to crazyy town only seats one, choo choo

(The smiley face suggests that there was not any ill intent) :|
wolf4life wrote:thats great dude....

abducted by aliens... about not were related.....

thats great who the hell are you?
(Sorry Wolf4life but I have to be fair.) :(

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 2:43 pm
by cumulusprotagonist
Why did I bring this up again?
Kaebora wrote:
cumulusprotagonist wrote:What if this was meant to be taken seriously? I would find it sad if "Fredriksam finally posted something he was afraid to talk about for all this time and get many of the responses he was dreading he would get."
I never said I don't beleive him, rather, that I remain highly skeptical. I am open to every scientific possibility. It's just that some details of his story, and the late timing of him telling it, make it much less convencing. If he seriously beleives it happened, he should be prepared to be countered by those whom are skeptical of such possibility, and I would thus applaud his bravery due to that fact. If I were a werewolf, or an alien abductee, I'd probobly never come forward for fear of being called crazy.

He hasn't responded, so I guess we scared him off. Sheesh.
kitetsu wrote:Cumulus, please desist. I'm sure everyone in here will be more excited if instead they heard that our dear friend fredrik was transported into Silent Hill within the body of a prepubescent Esper, and was stranded for god knows how long.

Clearly Fred's feeling real tense, so i find it sick that you'd stoop lower than the ones who're being extremely obnoxious as a result of a knee-jerk reaction.
kitetsu wrote:
wolf4life wrote:everyone should be aloud to say what they think
... And take some f*** responsibility for the repercussions, otherwise, one must burn thine tongue and mightly silence one's echo.

So, in that case, let's all go to germany and use the necronomicon to revive Hitler, shall we?

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:09 pm
by Lukas
someone is getting way to worked up over this

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:38 pm
by cumulusprotagonist
I want to know where I went wrong with my logic.
I feel like Kitestsu's argument is assuming that I am speaking out agaisnt all criticism. I feel like no one understands that the comments I was speaking against were sarcastic or unnecessary.

Instead of using Morkulv's post as an example I will use Set's this time. What is the purpose of saying "Oh you can't be serious"? Did Set feel it was necessary that everyone knows that she thought this topic was ridiculous? Did she think it gave her a crowd to fit into? Is it something else?

Don't tell me "someone is getting way to worked up over this".
Tell me what I asked you to tell me.
I want to understand other people better.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:58 pm
by cumulusprotagonist
If you think you were abducted by aliens then you are crazy.
You think you were abducted by aliens.
Therefore you are crazy.

"Oh you can't be serious."
"I am out of here."
These comments and a few others implicitly use the arguement above.

This is circular reasoning and is a logical fallacy. Logical fallacies are tools often used to hurt other people in the hopes that no one else will notice the lack of a logical argument.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:02 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Yeah cumulusprotagonist got a point. But heck we all know how feisty and jumpy Set and Morkulv is. Its in their nature to speak out like that. I for one is am a much more understandable person. If someone strongly believes that they have been abducted by aliens , like fredriksam , I want doubt them at all, it will be hard to believe true because its something thats pretty far fetch to believe, but I since I believe in aliens, I dont see why fredriksam wouldn't get abducted.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:18 pm
by cumulusprotagonist
Set wrote:The only thing I see here is "I want attention." If you're going to make a claim as out there as alien abduction, then it should be EXPECTED to be met with skepticism. What in nine hells made you think otherwise?
People are also ignoring that Set's defense of her arguement is incorrect because it changes the subject and takes what I said out of context. It assumes that I was speaking out against criticism and ignores the quotes preceding my dialogue. There was plenty of real skepticism I could quote if I was trying to speak out against that.
Regardless, her arguement does not present any logical evidence to back up her previous statement and is bordering on apriorism (refusal to look at any evidence that might disprove your claim.)

Oh and thank you Shadow Wulf, but I still do not understand Set (and the others) any better than I did before.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:14 pm
by Lukas
its very simple, they don't care, there people that say what they want, and do what they want, and don't give a rats a** about it
most of us old timers have gotten used to that attitude and learned to ignore when we want too

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:18 pm
by JoshuaMadoc
I would've repeated what i said if Kaebora didn't delete my other post that i've forgot that only contained a tiny fragment of SH's crotchcricketry.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:35 pm
by Set
Mmmkay, this is just getting annoying now.

Disprove...what? What are you rambling about this time? Seriously Cumulus, I don't understand half of what you say.

And since when was this a topic about me?

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 11:09 pm
by cumulusprotagonist
Set wrote:...

Oh you can't be serious...
cumulusprotagonist wrote:If you think you were abducted by aliens then you are crazy.
You think you were abducted by aliens.
Therefore you are crazy.

"Oh you can't be serious."
"I am out of here."
These comments and a few others implicitly use the arguement above.

This is circular reasoning and is a logical fallacy. Logical fallacies are tools often used to hurt other people in the hopes that no one else will notice the lack of a logical argument.
Disprove this.

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 12:14 am
by wolf4life
cumulusprotagonist wrote:
wolf4life wrote:thats great dude....

abducted by aliens... about not were related.....

thats great who the hell are you?
(Sorry Wolf4life but I have to be fair.) :(


Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 2:12 am
by fredriksam
Hey guys, this thread has become very... strange. Thanks for the kind words scott gardener and the compare to wolves was very good.

I dont want you people to get angry with each other. I respect other peoples opinion on things.

Since no one can "Proof" that anyone has been abducted, its common theres disbeliving. I have lived with that in many years and have accepted, thats way the things are. No more, no less.

Of course it saddens me some but, thats how WE humans work.

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 10:44 am
by cumulusprotagonist

It only takes one cruel act to push someone over the edge. The size of the act does not matter. This is why Set and the others need to understand what I am trying to say. If they don't then they will keep doing what they were doing until someone really gets hurt.

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 2:06 pm
by Shadow Wulf
fredriksam wrote:Hey guys, this thread has become very... strange. Thanks for the kind words scott gardener and the compare to wolves was very good.

I dont want you people to get angry with each other. I respect other peoples opinion on things.

Since no one can "Proof" that anyone has been abducted, its common theres disbeliving. I have lived with that in many years and have accepted, thats way the things are. No more, no less.

Of course it saddens me some but, thats how WE humans work.
Mainly because its not a very common thing. Its like if someone goes up to me and say they have been bitten by a werewolf and or they got Shaun Connery's autograph, I at first thought I would reply with "Yeah right." Ofcourse those things are different because you can easily proove them if they are real. Alien abductions is very complicated and can be hard to believe, I believe in Aliens and I do believe that some people might have been abducted. So I in short, I believe in you fredriksam. :vulcanwolf: lol, had to use that. :D

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 4:10 pm
by Lukas
cumulusprotagonist wrote:But...but...

It only takes one cruel act to push someone over the edge. The size of the act does not matter. This is why Set and the others need to understand what I am trying to say. If they don't then they will keep doing what they were doing until someone really gets hurt.
cumulus, changing someones opinion and how they act is like trying to destroy a cement wall with your fists

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 7:22 pm
by cumulusprotagonist
If they do not care whether or not their comments hurt other people and/or feel content in believing the age old "(he or she) would have broken down anyway" then they should at least have the decency to admit it.

If I do not slam my fists agaisnt the "concrete wall" then who would? Somebody has to do it in the hopes that words will reach through to people. I only slam my fists agaisnt the wall because I care about the people on both sides of that wall. I may be young and unexperienced but that does not mean that I should betray my own beliefs. Even if I can not break down a concrete wall with my bare fists, I can at least get the people on the other side to hear me banging. Even if only in one instance someone on the other side actually finds the meaning behind the noise I am making then it would be worth it.

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 8:42 pm
by Set
... *facepalm* If you're going to try and save the world, then start a seperate topic instead of dragging this one off course.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 5:41 am
by Figarou

Oooooookaaaaaaaay.....this thread is going no where, fast. :roll:

*prepares to lock the thread* :evil:

cumulusprotagonist wrote:
If I do not slam my fists agaisnt the "concrete wall" then who would? Somebody has to do it in the hopes that words will reach through to people. I only slam my fists agaisnt the wall because I care about the people on both sides of that wall.
Before you slam your fist against the wall...ask yourself this......

Is that "concrete wall" meant to keep people in? Or keep people out?

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 7:32 pm
by RedEye
Lock it, Fig. This is one nasty feedback loop. Break the cycle.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 7:39 pm
by MoonKit
Are we still rambling on about this? ??

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 8:23 pm
by Lukas
yeah, but it no longer about abduction

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 9:07 pm
by Morkulv
cumulusprotagonist wrote:
Morkulv wrote:Uuuh...

Select > move to trashcan... Oh wait.
Defend this statement. What was its purpose? What is accomplished by saying this?

Kaebora wrote:Not to mention the fact that the chances of an alien species being anywhere close to human-shaped is astronomically small. I generally dismiss any descriptions that are even close to human. A technologically advanced creature would need only a large cranium (like humans), and the ability to manipulate tools (which doesn't nesessarily nessesitate 2 arms and legs). If the homeplanet environment is vastly different from ours, they may not even be bi-pedal in form at all. A planet with lower gravity may develop creatures with tendrils to move across the ground, or zero-gravity, in which the creature would take on a shape with no up or down. Fact of the matter is, an entirely different evolutionary chain can produce very different results.
Does this seem to fit into the same category as the comment above? Do you think that I think it does? Why?

cumulusprotagonist wrote:
Lukas wrote:so you got abducted and found out for real at 13/14 and yet you wait to 34 years of age to tell us? thx god vuldria isn't here or he would have a field day
Yes if this was real to him, this would be the first thing he would say on a LIVE PUBLIC FORUM...

Set wrote:...

Oh you can't be serious...
MattSullivan wrote:That's it. I'm outta here. :}
Morkulv wrote:Uuuh...

Select > move to trashcan... Oh wait.
Morkulv wrote:The only thing it missed was "Send this message to 20 other users or it will happen to you at the end of this week!".

What if this was meant to be taken seriously? I would find it sad if "Fredriksam finally posted something he was afraid to talk about for all this time and get many of the responses he was dreading he would get."

You do not have to believe in Alien Abductions to know what that feels like. The pack forum should not be a place where that happens. Do not make assumptions. Even if this was made up there is no way you could possibly know that. Choose to be a good person instead of a bad person and assume he is serious to avoid hurting him with your words.
Does this quote contain evidence to suggest that I would lump the previous two comments together?

Morkulv wrote:Uuuh...

Select > move to trashcan... Oh wait.
Is this criticism?
Kaebora wrote:Not to mention the fact that the chances of an alien species being anywhere close to human-shaped is astronomically small. I generally dismiss any descriptions that are even close to human. A technologically advanced creature would need only a large cranium (like humans), and the ability to manipulate tools (which doesn't nesessarily nessesitate 2 arms and legs). If the homeplanet environment is vastly different from ours, they may not even be bi-pedal in form at all. A planet with lower gravity may develop creatures with tendrils to move across the ground, or zero-gravity, in which the creature would take on a shape with no up or down. Fact of the matter is, an entirely different evolutionary chain can produce very different results.
Or is this criticism?

If no one will answer these question then I am left to assume the worst.


So no one thinks I am discriminating:
geekboy1500 wrote: train to crazyy town only seats one, choo choo

(The smiley face suggests that there was not any ill intent) :|
wolf4life wrote:thats great dude....

abducted by aliens... about not were related.....

thats great who the hell are you?
(Sorry Wolf4life but I have to be fair.) :(
I don't have to defend anything.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 11:28 pm
by cumulusprotagonist
I am not going to say another word