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Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 3:03 pm
by alphanubilus
Silver wrote:It goes something like this -

In the script, at the funeral, one person draws something on a piece of paper and tosses it in the fire. Someone else asks, "What is that?"
The first person says, "It's a message I'm sending to the other side. It means, "This is a good person, do right by them." This piece lasts about a minute

Later on in the movie, a group is in the midst of making plans to leave. A third person comes to the first person. He has the symbol drawn on a piece of paper. The first person looks at it and says, "Okay, you can come with us." Then they continue with their plans. This piece lasts about 30 seconds.

It sounds kinda strange out of context, but that's the extent of the symbol's piece it's in the movie but it's never a major thing. Does that help you guys with this issue?

And we really don't expect you guys to come up with the money. I was just showing why us indies (independent film makers), can't make a big budget movie in the time that the major studios do.
Actually I see the symbol as a very effective addition to the story and culture of the werewolves. While some people scoff at symbols, historically they have served very important purposes. A good example is the Christian symbol of the Fish. While it has become mainstream nowadays with "Churchetainment" and that other fluff, the symbol originally meant life or death for believers. It was a simple way to indentify who was a believer or not. Think of it as an ancient code. Only a Christian would know what the sign of the fish meant. It wasn't too distracting or obvious for a non-believer to catch on.

What makes or breaks the pack symbol is the connection it has to Freeborn's mythology. As it stands, it is a very cool looking piece of art, and if given the right historical significance to the werewolves and their mythology it can work wonders. I think, if you use it in the same manner that the Christian fish symbol was used, it could prove very neat in two different ways...
A. In the film only werewolves and those afilliated with werewolves would know what it meant, and so if a werewolf sees another person wearing the symbol, whether by chain or by tattoo they know they are either werewolves or friends of werewolves.
B. In terms of sales and film fandom... :P

As for the love story. Again, a love story that is well crafted can be extremely powerful. The forbidden love story is a powerful and often emotional element. Movies like Titanic, Shakespear in Love, and Beauty and the Beast all share a similar story arc, where each party risks everything for love, and in some cases suffer great loss (Titanic & Romeo and Juliet). It is a very powerful story element if written just right.

As for becoming a werewolf by bite... Well again we are messing with Hollywood vs. actual Mythology. There isn't one historical or mythical story involving a man or a woman being turned into a werewolf by a bite. If anything, I would abandon that story element. Instead, I would push the supernatural majesty of the werewolves. I think the concept might work similar to the way Tom Hanks gave up his humanity in Splash, in order to be with his beloved. Possibly Jack's willing to give up his werewolf side for Faye, but things happen, and instead Faye gives up her humanity for Jack... I would make it Faye's choice, but again, let's try to steer away from bite = werewolf... after all they are a people not a disease. :P

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 9:46 am
by licantroleon
where is the script?