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Re: Werewolf hunters.

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 8:10 am
by Moonstalker
Maybe some organisation would "purify" them back into humans. Like church? Kidnapping and removing their unholy taint leaving them alive but they no longer have their ability to shift :wink:

Assuming they know how to do it, then there would be no real need for killing...

Re: Werewolf hunters.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:48 pm
by WolfMontana
If I hadn't been discovered yet (ie, he/she hadn't tied my face to 'werewolf') then I'd lay low, and if I wasn't tied to the area I was in (ie, family, friends) I would go somewhere else.

The option I chose though was 'Convince them'. That's usually how I deal with most conflicts in real life - try to talk reason. Try to show the person something that may have never crossed their mind. I usually put myself in their shoes, I'm calming, and I'm flexible. They see things that way for a reason, if you can't see that same reason in some way (ie, meet them on their ground then bring them over to yours), then you'll just be hitting them over the head with your reason and won't really get anywhere.

So, if I was a werewolf, my instincts would be to find some way to make the hunter to see life from my perspective. This is of course assuming I'm not a raving bloodthirsty monster who kills indiscriminately every full moon. ;)

But perhaps the hunter is enraged, in the heat of the moment, then I'd try to catch them off guard and subdue them. If there's any chance I can get them to calm down, I will again, try to convince them.

Perhaps one of the best ways to try and convince someone like this would be to somehow get to know them BEFORE they realized that I was a werewolf. If they could come to know me (and what careful ground you'd have to tread to do that!) they might change.

If however, they are not operating on all cylinders mentally (ie, raving bonkers), or are part of a larger military organization that is pursuing me for scientific or extermination purposes and do not see me as a person, or despite all my efforts I can't convince them and they won't give up, I'd see no recourse but to eat 'em. If I could win against them in a fight that is. :P

After eating 'em all up, I'd find a remote an area as possible and dispose of the bones as best I could.

I'm not saying no-one would ever find out, and I'm not saying it'd never come back to me, but that's what I would do.

Re: Werewolf hunters.

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:46 pm
by Fallenwolf
well im a more blood and guts guy.Come into my home with a gun and some mad words im going to take you down, and insted of hideing the hunters death i would make an exaple of him. make them see fear, but thats me i am a protecter my "pack" safty is number 1 :x

Re: Werewolf hunters.

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:37 pm
by Thunderclaw
Convincing them is always going to be my first option. It's better than killing them

Re: Werewolf hunters.

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:47 pm
by JoshuaMadoc
Fallenwolf wrote:well im a more blood and guts guy.Come into my home with a gun and some mad words im going to take you down, and insted of hideing the hunters death i would make an exaple of him. make them see fear, but thats me i am a protecter my "pack" safty is number 1 :x
Good luck trying to cover all of your tracks one by one, body or not... >_>

Re: Werewolf hunters.

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 7:28 pm
by FormicHiveQueen
I'd probably go for option two: kill 'em. This is mainly for reasons of how things work in the real world. First off, if society allows werewulf hunters then it's not likely that you'll be able to run for long. If you turn the hunter into a werewulf, you've just given them a perfect weapon to use against other weres, especially if they figure out how to handle silver while in that form. If by some miracle you manage to bribe them, they'll probably keep going after all the other werewulves, making you the worst kind of sellout. And as for the last option... someone who wants to kill you that badly is probably not gonna see things your way no matter how you try.

Just look at history. During the Salem Witch Trials, people were tried and often hanged just on suspicion of being a witch. And this is in the real world, and we know now that witches don't exist. And then there was Senator McCarthy, who instigated the exact same behavior against communists (minus the hangings). Now imagine a world where werewulves are not only hunted based on suspicion but actually exist and really could be a threat if they chose to be. That is a whole new kind of nasty right there. So as mentioned earlier, I would probably just kill the guy if possible, because in that kind of world there really are no other options.

Re: Werewolf hunters.

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 11:25 am
by Terastas
Just to play a little devil's advocacy here:
FormicHiveQueen wrote:First off, if society allows werewulf hunters then it's not likely that you'll be able to run for long.
That's assuming society even knows about the existence of werewolf hunters, never mind if they tolerate it or not. It was a problem back in Puritan Salem, back when people actually believed in that kind of crap, but while the human race may not be any wiser or more tolerant than it was then, it has at least eliminated things like witches, vampires and werewolves from its extensive list of paranoias.
Just look at history. During the Salem Witch Trials, people were tried and often hanged just on suspicion of being a witch. And this is in the real world, and we know now that witches don't exist. And then there was Senator McCarthy, who instigated the exact same behavior against communists (minus the hangings).
We actually have a similar problem today. Today's word is "terrorist."

That, I think, would actually work in favor of the werewolves, because if the police stop a guy and he has an assault rifle in the back of his car, chances are they're not going to believe him if he tells them he needs it to hunt werewolves and will instead assume he's up to no good.

There's a few things, however, that you need to consider about the Salem Witch Trials, the Red Scare, and the War On Terror:

1) There were some genuine articles.
Witchcraft itself may not actually work, but the practice does actually exist; not everyone accused in Salem were practitioners, but at least a few of them were. Likewise, there were such things as communists in America, some of which had more ill intent for the country than others. And of course, there are terrorists.

2) They were deliberately blown out of proportion for personal gain.
Abigail Williams allegedly started the witch crisis to cover up her own misdeeds; often the accusers had no reason to suspect others of witchcraft, but accused them because they were offensive (the first person executed for witchcraft, Bridget Bishop, was a tavern owner), or because of personal feuds over land or inheritances.

The same was true of the communist scare; McCarthy instigated it in the first place to generate publicity, and whenever anyone criticized him or asked that he verify these claims, he would respond by accusing them of communism.

And while the evidence is not known yet, I think it's fairly safe to say that Bush, Cheney and their regime loved September 11th, because it and the ensuing terrorist scare distracted many Americans from everything else they were doing in the White House.

3) There are the misleaders, and there are the mislead.
In all three cases, the paranoia was deliberately sewn by a talented spinster that seemed to know what they were talking about. The Salem Witch Trials would not have worked if Abigail Williams wasn't such a talented actress in the courtroom -- the Red Scare wouldn't have happened if Senator McCarthy didn't keep pointing fingers at everyone -- the War on Terror wouldn't have lasted eight years if Bush went straight for Bin Laden instead of invading Iraq to make sure it lingered. The paranoia took over because it was deliberately sewn by someone that the people were certain they could trust.

Abigail Williams and Senator McCarthy both payed for it dearly when they were exposed for the frauds that they were, and I suspect Bush/Cheney are going to have to answer for their crimes sooner or later as well.

What I would argue is that, while the highest ranking members of any anti-werewolf group are likely as you describe them and should be dealt with much the same way, anyone working under them might be worth the benefit of a doubt (such is the case of the protagonist in my own writing; he was a recovering drug addict disowned by his family, so the leader of the hunters saw him as someone in desperate need of a father figure ready to be exploited).

It's part of the reason I suggested intrigue trickery as opposed to outright killing; because different people require different approaches. Some of them would relent until they are killed, but others could be reasoned with. . .

And the rest, I think, are just a bunch of kooks that will get bored and move on sooner or later. Killing should never be Plan A -- if they want to remain anonymous, they've got to keep the body count low.

Re: Werewolf hunters.

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 10:45 pm
by Ember
If I were a werewolf, I'd most likely already be relocating frequently anyway, so any hunter who found me probably wouldn't be shaken off by a move. If they were the young and misguided type, I'd probably take a stab at convincing them to leave me be... but failing that, I'd kill them. I'd make it quick, though.

Re: Werewolf hunters.

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 7:42 pm
by MiWolf
I think werewolf hunters are stupid humans. If they knew any better they'd stop. And if the Hunters in New York kill any of my kind, or dare come to where I live, I'll go right up to their face and tell them to back off. Our species is dying because of them.

Re: Werewolf hunters.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:32 am
by Moonstalker
If werewolves were killing humans for food, I'd probaply be one of those hunters :roll:
Who wouldn't take such action to protect what he holds dear?

Re: Werewolf hunters.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 11:35 am
by Terastas
Moonstalker wrote:If werewolves were killing humans for food, I'd probaply be one of those hunters :roll:
Who wouldn't take such action to protect what he holds dear?
Which raises an interesting point: All this time we've only been referring to "werewolf hunters" as people who hunt werewolves. You could just as easily start another thread about werewolves who are hunters. . .

I don't recall us ever having a thread exclusively about human hunters, but it's come up frequently. It's already been mentioned that a (civil) werewolf couldn't just kill everyone that threatened him because the bodies and/or missing person reports would eventually start to pile up and draw the attention of larger, more capable entities (the FBI, for example). A werewolf that killed indiscriminately would draw unwanted attention that much faster.

The addition of such "rogue" werewolves to the scenario would require a lot more leniency on the part of the hunters because, in fairness, they would have a very legitimate reason to hate werewolves. Once again, however, the best course of action to take would be to spy on and learn more about the hunters first, as the best course of action will depend on their intent.

Religious crusaders, "big game" hunters or other such kooks would be best subtly redirected towards the rogue werewolf(s) so that the two threats will thin out each others' numbers, thereby allowing the pack to step in as soon as the fighting is over and make short work of the spent winning side.

Anyone specifically hunting the killers -- the people that will "retire" or move on once the killing stops, however, could be just as much an asset as a threat. If they intended to recover the body of a killer to raise werewolf awareness, the best option for the pack would be to try and beat the hunters to the rogues and to just let them move on once it becomes evident that the killings have ceased. Otherwise, the pack might consider it worthwhile to introduce themselves (through typed letters or anonymous e-mails) to the hunters as enemies of the rogue(s) and offer to work in cooperation with them. Once the rogues are dead, the pack could determine from there based on the hunters' actions whether they should introduce themselves as werewolves, or if they should just maintain the "fellow hunters" facade and go their separate ways.

There's just too many factors to take into consideration for there to ever be a one-size-fits-all approach to werewolf hunters. . . Unless "learn more about them" counts as one.

Re: Werewolf hunters.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 7:07 pm
by Sevena
i agree that there could be more than one option when confronted with a werewolf hunter,thats one reason i didnt vote.but they are called werewolf hunters for a reason.they hunt and kill werewolves.if someone was hunting and trying to kill me i would do what i think many would do, defend myself and if in doing that i killed them then so be it.yes killing them may leave a trail of evidence that could put them on my track but that could happen even if you got away and didnt kill the hunter.i have to laugh just a little every time a read something where your life is in danger and talking is the first option someone goes with(because if they were a werewolf killing may draw attention or they dont wish to give werewolves a bad rep)like there is a code of honor that werewolves abide by. yes sometimes negotiation can work but if they are intent on killing you than you can talk all you want it wont do you any good.i think that you would have to be constantly on the move if you were being hunted by someone with skill in that field,otherwise one day they would find you.i wouldnt consider turning them, just because they are a werewolf does not mean that they will take any pride in that fact and if they were a hunter then it doesnt mean that they would switch sides,in fact i think they would just be able to mingle more with the kind and give info to the hunters.this question could apply to you wether you were a werewolf or not,being a werewolf would not change how i would react to someone hunting me.just my take on it. :P

Re: Werewolf hunters.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 10:31 pm
by Grey
The Way of the Wolf is one of Strength, and of Forgivness. We're Hunters, not Killers. Only those we can not save do we kill. And even in that act do we save them.

Re: Werewolf hunters.

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 6:45 pm
by WilkoWolf
Depends on the situation. Including the nature of the Werewolf like others have pointed out. If I was wolfing out every full moon and eating people and pets I would fully understand hunters coming after me to protect their own family and community.

Then you have the types of weres completely in control of their power and they have their own community out of the way. Then someone starts hunting them for no reason besides they want the fame of discovering werewolves.

It really depends on the type of werewolves someone is writing/their ideal, since not all weres are the same.(That would be boring!)

So, lots to think about.

Re: Werewolf hunters.

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:12 pm
by RedEye
To modify a truism; There are no perfect ways of dealing with a Hunter; not even this way.
So far the "Check them out and then deal with what you find" group seems to be in the majority, with the "Kill them all to protect the Pack" group running in a distant second place.
Each has its strengths: Intelligent Werewolves are a micro-population with little or no reserves to absorb mistakes in judgement.
Each has its weaknesses: Intelligent Werewolves are a micro-population with little or no reserves to absorb mistakes in judgement.

Considering the Hollywood versions, who generally have no intelligence above animal or are so bitter about life that they kill just for the fun of it;
I suspect those would be targeted by both Hunters and by Intelligent Werewolves simply as a matter of damage control.

After all, the Big Bad Werewolf is dead. Nothing else interesting around here, so lets go on (and leave the smart ones unknown and unmolested).

Re: Werewolf hunters.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:02 am
by ClanHammer
What if the werewolf hunter was a werewolf?

Re: Werewolf hunters.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:21 pm
by LupusDream
ClanHammer wrote:What if the werewolf hunter was a werewolf?

if they were werewolves why would they be hunting there own kind. i understand if they hunted down the werewolves that went against laws and boundaries, but if they are not hunting them for that then why would they hunt there own kind for? :?

Re: Werewolf hunters.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:58 pm
by Moonstalker
wintergraywolf wrote:
ClanHammer wrote:What if the werewolf hunter was a werewolf?

if they were werewolves why would they be hunting there own kind. i understand if they hunted down the werewolves that went against laws and boundaries, but if they are not hunting them for that then why would they hunt there own kind for? :?
There are motives as many as there are people. Maybe the hunter is religious who believes he must use the power of the enemy to destroy him?

Re: Werewolf hunters.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:56 am
by Chris
Moonstalker wrote:There are motives as many as there are people. Maybe the hunter is religious who believes he must use the power of the enemy to destroy him?
Or someone who was either turned against their will (or was willing but severely regretted it afterward) and wanted revenge on the whole group.

Re: Werewolf hunters.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:12 am
by Volkodlak
i hate thunters who hunt bigfoots,WW,UFO,and so on because i was shot in real life by crazy bigfoot hunter they shoot evrything that moves. :x

on topic:

if hunters are serching me in forest i would hide so they will find nothing and stop serching me.
killing them will make things way worse than already are some hikers find 5 dead hunters call 911 then autoryties will starting too hunt a killer.
bitting them is worst thing too do they can reveal existance of WW and then will be witch hunt