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Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 11:46 am
by Moss27

Caelean almost stumbled over by the sounds of Dan's magic. She turned around and saw a panting newcomer. He looked tired, but Dan was holding magic against him. He spoke... He was looking for a new pack? And he came all the way from Japan? The air about him told her that he wasn't a human... but he wasn't completely a monster, either. He had something else about him.

The presence about him made Caelean feel uneasy... It wasn't familiar to her. "You're looking for a pack? What kind of monster are you?"

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 6:56 pm
by Nekko
Ronan stoped with the others as a newcomer came up to them, panting. He let out a sigh, leaned against the nearest wall, and began to rub his eyes. Stressing out, he thought to himself, ' we're stoped with everybody in no condition to fight, talking to some guy who's "looking for a new pack." ' He stoped rubbing his eyes. Still against the wall, he streched a bit and took off his stick again.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 11:22 am
by InfiniteShadowMugen
Mugen inhaled deeply, closing his eyes. Once he had caught his breath, he exhaled and opened his eyes..but for a slight second, his eyes opened as a blood-red color before reverting to the normal blue.

"Well, yes I am looking for a new pack. My pack in Japan was sluaghtered, but if you are wondering what I am, I can be a monster if I lose control over my blood. To Americans, I may look like a simple lycanthrope, but around the world, beings like I are known as yokai, in which I am and Ookami Daiyokai, which means Great Demon Wolf. I had to run pretty far to get here."

He tilted his head to the side, popping his neck.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:56 pm
by Aki
"No s***," Dan replied bluntly. The mage wasn't well versed in public discourse and tended toward bluntness, even if it was unpleasant. "How did you run from an Island here? And why here of all places? There's tons of major population centers in Japan alone, not counting any in nearest countries, and it'd be easier to get to some Californian city than New York, being that the West Coast is closer to the 'Land of the Rising Sun'."

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 12:33 am
by Moss27

"Great Demon Wolf?" Caelean almost dropped Ouka out of surprise. She knew there were monsters throughout the world, but nothing like demons. She slowly went on her knees and formed a sitting position for Ouka and her; they weren't going to move, for now. "Wait, how far did the calling travel, anyways?"

Caelean yawned with a clenched jaw. She was gaining energy from the now risen sun, but that didn't mean she wasn't tired. She listened to Dan as she got over her yawning. "Dan's right, though. Why go across the country? What about any other monsters out west?"

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:40 am
by InfiniteShadowMugen
"I fled here for two major reasons: The first is that, even though I have helped countless humans in Japan, there are still those who would kill demons like myself, and as the last true demon wolf, I cannot allow myself to be killed. The second is that I have a "friend" that I must remove from this world, and my sources have told me he is in this city."

Mugen slowly strode around, the air seeming to get cold and dark from his mere presence.

"As a master of shadow, ice, and earth, this city is a perfect place for me to stay."

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:53 am
by darkest wolf
John raised both eyebrows as the man told a story that seemed so improbable that odds were that it was fake. Who could run from Japan to New York? He'd heard of the ability, but had had a hard time believing it. After the man stopped, John wiped the 'This sounds like total bullshit' look off of his face.

"If you are the last Demon Wolf, which I totally believe, then I'm not quite sure what to say." John took a breath "I know if I was the last, I'd be trying to stay as safe as possible. But that's none of my business, nor my decision."

John felt for his gun beneath his blazer, just to make sure it was still there. It was a comforting thing to say the least.

"I'm assuming that you're saying that you want to be around us, which I've no problems with really, and to be hoenst I don't really care. The more the merrier, as they say." he made an attempt to neaten his hair before speaking again "Just be on your toes and be prepared to defend yourself, we pissed off a hunter a while back."

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 1:10 pm
by InfiniteShadowMugen
Mugen nodded slightly.

"Hunters are a pest. I can't believe the destruction they have caused in the wolf society. First they kill the wolves' sources of food then attack them when the wolves kill livestock."

He let out a sigh before sitting down, his back against the wall.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 4:10 pm
by OukaHowls

[quote="InfiniteShadowMugen"]"That guy with the rifle? I was wondering why he suddenly attacked me. It's too late to worry about that now."

Mugen pulled his blade from its sheath. The brilliant, off-colored blade had a large red streak near the edge.

"It's either fight or flight. I attempted to flee, but he wouldn't allow me the chance. I had no choice but to kill him."

He let go of the sword's handle, letting it slide back into its sheath. He then walked over to a wall and placed his foot upon it. Slowly, but surely, Mugen started to climb up the wall, using his energy as a form of magnet. He stopped once he was tenn feet into the air.[/quote]

Please no one post for now, untill 'Mugen' has edited his post.
I'm sorry, but you are Godmoding. Even though, you are a Wolf Demon,
you still can not do 'climbing using your energy as a form of magnet'.
We still have limits do do such things, like earler 'David' lost alot of energy just simply
doing one spell. And you can not kill someone on here unless you have met them,
" Clark Gale " is not dead.

I'm sorry if I did not put the rules up clearly. I will now.
( Please read the 'In the Shadows..-- rule guide. Now up... )

Thank You.
------------------- OukaHowls-------------

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:52 pm
by Nekko
Ronan sighed. "Well, are we gonna stand here or are we gonna head to my place?" Ronan asked, getting off the wall. "I'm sorry," He turned to Mugen, "I don't think I caught your name." He hesitated, he wasn't paying much attention to their conversation.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:47 pm
by InfiniteShadowMugen
Mugen slowly stood back up, his untamed black hair bouncing lightly.

"My name is Mugen Kumori."

He then closed his eyes before looking up at the sky.

"...The only thing I don't like about New York City so that you can't see the stars..."

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 7:44 am
by Aki
"It's a cloudy night," Dan said, waving his hand dismissively. "Trust me, you can see 'em other nights. Especially if you get out of Manhattan and into the outer boroughs."

"Lead the way Ronan."

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 11:10 am
by darkest wolf
John nodded, continuing to follow Ronan. He thought over the stranger in his head, he was shady to say the least, he had popped up out of if he'd been watching them. John then wondered to himself why he had a hard time trusting this Mugen, he had so easily accepted the others, and that left him feeling somewhat ashamed.

He attempted to neaten his messy hair and walked on, trying not to worry about anything else for now.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 4:24 pm
by InfiniteShadowMugen
Mugen followed at the rear. Occasionally, he would turn his gaze from the ground to the sky. Each time, he seemed to have a depressed expression. As he walked, a scar on his left shoulder began to burn him. He did his best to ignore the pain, but after a while he started staggering from it.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 12:03 am
by Nekko
Ronan turned down another ally. "We're almost there." He turned back to check on the rest of the gorup. "Just a few more blocks." His eyes landed on Mugen in the back. It looked like he was falling behind. "Hey, Mugen. You alright back there?" He asked, walking backward for the sake of keeping the group moving.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 8:59 am
by InfiniteShadowMugen
Mugen shook off the pain, regaining his straight posture.

"I...I'm fine...It was just an old wound acting up."

His words could cover the truth, but his eyes showed how much pain he was in.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:31 pm
by Moss27

Caelean yawned for a long time. Ronan said that they were almost there. "Yay..." she would be excited, but carrying around Ouka while in a sleepy state doesn't really pep up the situation. Though, she held onto Ouka firmly.

Ronan addressed Mugen. Caelean looked over her shoulder to see him behind. He said something about an old wound. "How... *yawn* long have you had it for?"

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 11:21 am
by InfiniteShadowMugen
"Well..if you count demon years, I would have had it for seven, but in the years of a human...I've had it for nearly fourty-five years..."

Mugen's wound stopped burning, and he was back at his old self. He started walking quickly, passing by the others.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 5:24 pm
by darkest wolf
"Wow, a cripple turned marathon walker, that's an interesting trick." John said "You'll have to teach me that one sometime."

He wondered if their new companion was a liability, surely if he staggered around like that, he must must be wounded rather seriously. John marched on, pleased that they were nearing Ronan's apartment. It'd be nice to sit down for a bit after what they'd been through.

"So then, Mugen," John said, turning around "If you don't mind me asking, how'd you get that wound?"

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 9:21 pm
by Aki
"I thought werewolves were better healers than that," Dan commented, raising his eyebrows as he followed along. "With a body that shifts shape so easy I figured you guys would have scarless healing down pat."

"Interesting," he added, mentally noting this trait.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:31 am
by InfiniteShadowMugen
"I got this wound in a fight against my older sister, and it would have healed normally if I had been hit by an ordinary weapon...No, Tenshi's weapons are solely energy based. They burn the skin and tissue when they strike."

Mugen quickly turned around, so that he was walking backwards.

"And the pain from it is a clear indicator...Of my sister being somewhere in this city."

He gave a half-hearted smile to hide the sheer hatred he had for Tenshi Kumori.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:19 pm
by Nekko
Nekko lead on, listening to them conversing behind him. He stoped. The ally oppend up to the street. It wasn't very busy given its location. "Alright, my place is just around the corner over here to the right." He said before looking over his shoulder. "I hope everyone can walk 50 more feet." He joked, turning his attention back to the street. He peeked around the corner to check if anyone was there. A guy was walking a way and just turned the corner. "Ok! All clear. Lets go." He said waving them on.

He approached the front door to the first floor loby, the door held open for the rest of them.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:25 am
by InfiniteShadowMugen
Mugen straightened out his walking by turning back around. As he rounded the corner, he kept his ears alert in case of any possible hidden threat. His pointed ears twitched at each little sound, though most were now familiar.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 12:05 pm
by Moss27

I nodded to Ronan when he held the door. The lobby seemed quiet enough. There were no apparent sounds of hidden humans. I slightly shook Ouka. "Hey, Ouka? We're here." She didn't put her down yet, however. "Think you can wake up and walk the rest of the way?"

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 5:42 pm
by OukaHowls
( :: I'm closing off the Character Creation for no more Lycanthropes. Others can join if they want, but not as Lycanthropes. :: )

Ouka's head felt horrible and her stomach growled at her, now she was waking up just when Caelean asked her to walk. Ouka nodded her head and got down off of her standing beside Caelean to take a look at the people in front of her. She fell in shock as she saw another Lycanthrope before her eyes. " Who the hell are you?!" was all she could think of to say, as the she-wolf stepped back a little still in shock. Her hair was covering her left eye and was messy too, showing her tiredness. Even though her eye was covered you could still see it as it glowed out of confusion and fear.