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Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 2:13 pm
by Kavik
No wait, I can do it faster!

or not.

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 2:52 pm
by Figarou
Kavik wrote:No wait, I can do it faster!

or not.
he wins...whats left of him. :lol:

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:52 pm
by Kaebora
Haha! I can't beleive you guys! :lol: After reading your posts I can't help but think yall aren't really trying. Yall still make me laugh my pants off. :P

Look at the facts. Real wolves DO play with each other. Typically only the younger ones and their mothers. Wolves play by biting and tackleing one another while also being careful not to hurt one another. In nature films they are shown growling and showing their teeth at the sibling they play with. In a way, it's like pretending that the other wolf is an enemy or potential meal. If human characteristics came into play here (pardon the pun), I imagine that some rules might be involved. Therefore, I believe the most plauseable sport that werewolves would partake in would be a form of wrestling/boxing sport among the pre-teens, with a few unspoken rules involved. Animal instinct forces adult animals to focus on survival over entertainment, so I rule out the idea of older werewolves playing any games.

Any use of foreign objects for werewolf sports seems a bit far fetched as well. It goes without saying really.

My theory does make sense right?

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 6:29 pm
by Black Shuck
It does make sense, I mean, when I rode the bus home from school all the guys would wrestle each other for fun. But wolf cubs engage in those activities to help them learn how to hunt and fight for higher ranking (or to keep their ranking). What about just for fun? Humans love competition and playing sports to some extent. Would there be special leagues for people with lycanthropy? Would they play sports (for fun I guess) in gestalt form? That's what we're all talking about :wink: Games werewolves might play not to learn or reinforce skills necessary for their survival (fugitive might good for that one :lol: ), but just for fun. We don't play football or badminton to reinforce skills of survival, we do it for entertainment. Since werewolves are just people with lycanthropy, why wouldn't they do the same, but push the envelope and play something in gestalt form, or even do the relay race someone mentioned? I'm really sorry if I've misinterpreted what you were saying, but this is just how I understood it :roll:

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 9:04 pm
by Kaebora
No I get what you're saying. My main point was that werewolves might be less likely to play sports with too many rules, or with foreign objects. Boxing and wrestling just seem to be most logical for a species with animal instictivness, high strength and agility. Wouldn't be supprised if the younger werewolves got in a cirlcle every now and then, cheering on two combatants in the middle.

Racing may be a possibility as well. It's a simple sport, with simple rules. Every civilization does it, and thus so would werewolf society.

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 6:52 am
by Figarou
Kaebora wrote:
Look at the facts. Real wolves DO play with each other. Typically only the younger ones and their mothers. Wolves play by biting and tackleing one another while also being careful not to hurt one another.
Well of course they do. We knew that. :wink:

Werewolves are part human. And humans have tons of sports and games. Sure, we box and wrestle. But we don't do any play biting. A werewolf may not do any play biting also. Eh...who knows. I never seen a werewolf playfully bite someone. :biteme: Ok, I take that back. :D

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 7:06 am
by Merrypaws
For some reson my first thought was "Summer camp games!"

Things like tug-o-war (one on one or in teams) king of the bridge (two people standing on a horizontal log slightly above the ground and trying to knock one another down) and the like.

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 12:01 pm
by 23Jarden
What about steal the football?

Once I bit a class member... me and bro had this game where he would move his fingewr before I could bit it. He would wiggle his finger. And the kid wiggled his finger and I bit him... I bit somebody for fun why wouldn't a werewolf?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 5:18 pm
by Silverclaw
They would play bite with other werewolves I would think. If they got to excited and bit a human though.... :biteshift: whoops

Tug of war with animal hide; fetch :P
I've heard of real wolves playing on ice, skidding around. And Alphas pretending to be the omega while the omega pretendeds to be an alpha. :lol: So cute. Tag is also played, as well as wrestling :D

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 10:11 pm
by Kaebora
Ok then, here's one more thing that still bothers me. Suppose werewolves DO play sports in gestalt form. It's unlikely they can play these sports anywhere too often. I assume they would make A LOT of noise, and require plenty of running space. Perhaps they would rent out or buy a ranch, and have a getaway weekend. Still, the image of werewolves in gestalt form playing CUTE games seems way too rediculous. I'm not saying it's not possible, I'm just saying it seems weird. I cling too much to werewolf styreotypes I suppose, so bite me.
:P :lol:

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 2:14 am
by Figarou
Kaebora wrote:Ok then, here's one more thing that still bothers me. Suppose werewolves DO play sports in gestalt form. It's unlikely they can play these sports anywhere too often. I assume they would make A LOT of noise, and require plenty of running space. Perhaps they would rent out or buy a ranch, and have a getaway weekend. Still, the image of werewolves in gestalt form playing CUTE games seems way too rediculous. I'm not saying it's not possible, I'm just saying it seems weird. I cling too much to werewolf styreotypes I suppose, so bite me.
:P :lol:
ok.. :biteme: You're bit. :wiggle:

Now, Football is a rough sport. I bet the Gestalt werewolf may change some of the rules a bit. Who knows what the rules may be.

As for "CUTE." Hopscotch is cute. :eyebrow: I can't see a gestalt werewolf playing that!!

You crazy!! :wacko:

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 12:06 pm
by 23Jarden
Pats Fig's shoulder: It happens to the best of us... :P

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 4:32 pm
by Kaebora
I'm not crazy, I'm just triggering your insticts inside your subconcious to hunt me down and eat me. (Notice the title?)

You know, they might play football with an object that is much heavier, like a rock or a stone... or are both of those the same thing? :? Well... whatever. I just think that the increase of strength would require a heavier "ball" and/or a larger playing feild. Now with that in mind, does a gestalt have the calm state of mind to concentrate on very many rules?

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 6:15 pm
by Figarou
Kaebora wrote:I'm not crazy, I'm just triggering your insticts inside your subconcious to hunt me down and eat me. (Notice the title?)

You know, they might play football with an object that is much heavier, like a rock or a stone... or are both of those the same thing? :? Well... whatever. I just think that the increase of strength would require a heavier "ball" and/or a larger playing feild. Now with that in mind, does a gestalt have the calm state of mind to concentrate on very many rules?
a heavier object for playing football?

Yikes! Imagine trying to catch a pass from a werewolf with a good throwing arm. If it slips through the paws, You'll be seeing stars when it hits your head.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 4:38 pm
by Kaebora
Not if it's one of those medicine balls you often see in olympic sports. Those things are pritty damn heavy, but are soft enough not to crush your toes. I see that as a higher possiblilty for werewolf football or soccer. I think it would be cool to see all of this go on at a werewolf community gathering at some secret werewolf owned ranch.

Shrimps on the barby, tables with steak and drinks, children playing/ transforming/ doing what werewolf children do. All while the parent sit and talk sports, buisness and politics under the big oak tree. "Woops! Full moon. I'll tell ya more about the Jefferson account tomorrow. Howwwl!"