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Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 9:50 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Ok my copmputer is back up and running guys, so now I can get on here at home. :D

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 9:51 pm
by White Paw
congratulations :)

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 9:51 pm
by Fenrir
YAY! that's fantastic :D

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 10:06 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Im a disaster when it comes to hard drives!

Im surprise it doesnt just get up and run away. :lol:

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 7:26 pm
by vrikasatma
I've been trying to upgrade my computer for years and this morning that battle has come to fruition. I snagged a Titanium Powerbook G4 on Ebay and it's in the mail now.

When I get it next week, I'll be offline for a few days while I configure the new machine and re-establish all my regular sites. I expect to have that done by Lundi Gras.

And when I'm back up...hold onto your privates, generals. This new machine kicks hiney on my current in terms of graphics and I'll be loading up my Deviantart site and joining the Wolficons editing fray with two years' worth of interest and inspiration. Prepare thyselves! :howl:  :oo :o :cafinated:

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 7:31 pm
by lupine
Cool, can you do a weresheep? :D

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 7:43 pm
by vrikasatma
Don't encourage me! :lol:

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 3:32 am
Well my life sucks, I'm not in school anymore, (graduated). And I've been looking for a new job ever since I got fired from McDonalds on Christmas Eve.

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 2:06 pm
by FoxOfWar
Oh and as for those wondering: the army, as it is in here in Finland... it isn't exactly a question if you want to. With only so few people here(a bit over 5 million), paid army just wouldn't work here. So every man over 18 gets drafted to be trained in case a war would erupt. It lasts from 6 months to full 12 - depending on what kind of training one gets. I will know what I will do for following 5+ months in a few weeks.

Heh heh... if it was a question of interest instead of a must... like I(or many others) would have stopped their lives/studies etc.

(I just came from a 5-day camp that was in the middle of Nowhere on two islands in the sea, meaning helluva cold weather(worst was about -32 degrees Celsius and quite a much wind; translates to about -50 degrees C... veery cold.) So don't wonder if my typings don't make any sense.

...I think I'll just shut up now. FoW out *grin*

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 3:16 pm
by White Paw
FoxOfWar wrote:Oh and as for those wondering: the army, as it is in here in Finland... it isn't exactly a question if you want to. With only so few people here(a bit over 5 million), paid army just wouldn't work here. So every man over 18 gets drafted to be trained in case a war would erupt. It lasts from 6 months to full 12 - depending on what kind of training one gets. I will know what I will do for following 5+ months in a few weeks.

Heh heh... if it was a question of interest instead of a must... like I(or many others) would have stopped their lives/studies etc.

(I just came from a 5-day camp that was in the middle of Nowhere on two islands in the sea, meaning helluva cold weather(worst was about -32 degrees Celsius and quite a much wind; translates to about -50 degrees C... veery cold.) So don't wonder if my typings don't make any sense.

...I think I'll just shut up now. FoW out *grin*

hehehe that brings back memories of the Marines..... have fun with that :lol:

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 6:09 pm
by lupine
:o FoxofWar!!

How's it hangin' fella. Good to hear they've got you feezing your nuts off! :lol:

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:03 pm
by ravaged_warrior
Man, that sucks, FoxOfWar. I don't get it though... Just how often do you guys go to war? Don't take it the wrong way, you've got an awesome country, but I've never heard of a war that involved Finnish troops... But then again, world history classes in American generally focus on things that directly or indirectly affected/involved America in some way. Very egotistical, if I do say so myself.

By the way, I'm going into Circuit City tomorrow to try to get my Zune replaced, since the screen broke after owning it for only a few days (and I checked online, it's an unnaturally common occurrence). Does anyone who's dealt with them before know how should go about it?

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:07 pm
by lupine
Don't even know what a Zune is!

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:12 pm
by ravaged_warrior
It's Microsoft's answer to the iPod Video, and it's rather good, save for the really crappy Zune Marketplace (Microsoft's answer to iTunes), but since you can just use iTunes anyway, it doesn't really matter so much. Other than that flaw (and the easily broken screens!), it's actually better than the iPod Video, from what I've seen. But really, what it is isn't as important as how I should go about getting them to replace it. I don't really know how it broke, just that the fact that it was in my backpack is a possible cause, but a pretty unlikely one, in my opinion, since my backpack was mostly empty that day and because of all of the other broken screens I've heard about.

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:15 pm
by lupine
I take it that when you say Broken, you mean cracked?

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:20 pm
by ravaged_warrior
Basically, yeah... But apparently, on the back of the screen. Like this: ... e1.jpg?v=0

That one isn't mine, but that's basically how mine looks after turning it on. With it off, there's nothing to suggest that anything is wrong.

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:31 pm
by lupine
Yowch! :o A painfully expensive doorstop you've got yourself there. :lol:

It's quite big innit? lokks a lot bigger than a pod

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:35 pm
by ravaged_warrior
The screen on the Zune is immense for such a small device. In terms of other sizes, it's quite a lot thicker than the iPod Video, but it's only a little longer. Apparently, it's also supposed to be lighter in weight than an iPod Video, which is a bit sad, considering the other size differences, and the fact that the Zune is surprisingly heavy itself for such a little thing.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 5:27 am
by FoxOfWar
ravaged_warrior wrote:Man, that sucks, FoxOfWar. I don't get it though... Just how often do you guys go to war? Don't take it the wrong way, you've got an awesome country, but I've never heard of a war that involved Finnish troops... But then again, world history classes in American generally focus on things that directly or indirectly affected/involved America in some way. Very egotistical, if I do say so myself.
That's just what makes it so ridiculous. Last war that involved Finland ended in 1944...

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 9:06 am
by Lukas
FoxOfWar wrote:
ravaged_warrior wrote:Man, that sucks, FoxOfWar. I don't get it though... Just how often do you guys go to war? Don't take it the wrong way, you've got an awesome country, but I've never heard of a war that involved Finnish troops... But then again, world history classes in American generally focus on things that directly or indirectly affected/involved America in some way. Very egotistical, if I do say so myself.
That's just what makes it so ridiculous. Last war that involved Finland ended in 1944...
hm i support the draft, every citzen(except for certain complications[medical, rel., etc.]) sould be trained to be able to defend there country when the times comes

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:37 pm
by RedEye
Fox of War: Look on the bright side, you be incredible in online gaming when you have been defrosted enough to move without cracking. And a Civilian Militia (which is what you folks have, really) is the best gaurantor of freedom there is. The people can say NO!, and make it stick.
Besides, "That which doesn't kill you outright, makes you stronger"--Piet Hein.
Besides, the best way to stay out of a War is to be ready to fight. Think Switzerland and Sweden, in the last biggie.

And, Ravaged Warrior, what broke is the Light transmission layer. That is a problem with Zunes, because it's made of Glass, not plastic! Be gentle, the Zune you save may be you own! Try a padded case, and lots of tlc. For all its weaknesses, I like the Zune over the VideoIpod. GUess how I found out what your problem was. Yep: me, too.

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:49 pm
by ravaged_warrior
RedEye wrote:And, Ravaged Warrior, what broke is the Light transmission layer. That is a problem with Zunes, because it's made of Glass, not plastic! Be gentle, the Zune you save may be you own! Try a padded case, and lots of tlc. For all its weaknesses, I like the Zune over the VideoIpod. GUess how I found out what your problem was. Yep: me, too.
That's very helpful, thank you. Nice to see another supporter! But... Did you have to buy a new one, or was Microsoft willing to replace it?

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:30 am
by RedEye
ravaged_warrior wrote:
RedEye wrote:And, Ravaged Warrior, what broke is the Light transmission layer. That is a problem with Zunes, because it's made of Glass, not plastic! Be gentle, the Zune you save may be you own! Try a padded case, and lots of tlc. For all its weaknesses, I like the Zune over the VideoIpod. GUess how I found out what your problem was. Yep: me, too.
That's very helpful, thank you. Nice to see another supporter! But... Did you have to buy a new one, or was Microsoft willing to replace it?
Actually, the store replaced it. They have since discontinued the practice on Zunes. My Zune now lives in an old armored Ohmmeter case, with all the hookups extended to the new armor case, and three layers of foam around the Zune, and padding around the front, near the screen as well:
I'm more likely to break than it is.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:50 am
by ravaged_warrior
Ah... Hopefully Microsoft is willing to do something, then. Thanks for the help.

No Smokes Means no WORK for Vuldari

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:17 pm
by Vuldari
As many of you are no doubt already aware, I am very strongly anti-tobacco. However, for the last 2+ years I have been working at a store that sells it. It has bothered me every day since I was hired by that company, but up until today I had only spoken out about it once in 2005, and only for one day.

I may not be able to wipe recreational Tobacco (and Alcohol) off the face of the Earth, and I may not be able to force anyone to quit smoking, but I'll be damned if ANYONE, (even my employer, and subsequently my source of rent and food money) is going to force ME to 'Help' anyone else use that garbage.

So, I informed my boss today that it goes against my values and beliefs to continue to sell that poison to anyone who asks for it with a smile as I have done for over two years, and that I would do it no longer.

...and he informed me that I no longer have a job there.

Image... I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little scared right now, but even though I regret leaving some of the great people I worked with there, and having to be let go so suddenly like that, (No 2-Week notice. He just told me to go home), I do not regret my choice. However, I will have to live with the regret of helping hundreds and thousands of people make themselves sick for stupid reasons for the rest of my life. (Some regular customers have died since I began working for that company, at least two or more of which I know died of Smoking related complications, as was relayed to me by their survivors)

I am nothing without my Values, Morals and Beliefs...and those are worth nothing if I do not live by them. I was betraying myself and living the life of a hypocrite so long as I continued to put on that phony smile and sell the customers as much Tobacco as they wanted...even if they asked for it through mechanical box on a hole in their neck. I was forbidden to protest or say anything...I just had to smile and do whatever they asked. I couldn't take it any I chose not to. I chose to say "NO".

It is a very sad thing that a Pharmacy would fire it's employee for refusing to sell poisons to consumers because he knows they are going to use them irresponsibly. ...but that's the messed-up world we live in today.

Now I need a new Job. ...but where to start looking?... Image