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Random question about Donkey Kong Country

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:05 am
by Set
I remember a secret bonus level for the game. I was watching someone else play. The background was a stormy night sky. There was a pit with some sort of spikes in it, and floating platforms with tires on it for the player to bounce across. Occasionally there would be lightning striking the ground and lighting it on fire for a few seconds.

Now, I own all three of the side-scrolling DKC games. I've beaten them all. It WAS NOT the level from DKC3. It was Diddy and Donkey Kong going across the tires. However...

Upon watching a 100% completion speed run of Donkey Kong Country, I saw that the level I remember isn't in the game at all.

Was there some sort of special edition of the game that this level was in, or am I remembering something else?

Re: Random question about Donkey Kong Country

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 6:38 pm
by Morkulv
The only DKC game I can think of that has a level with lightning-strikes is part 3. Other then that I've never seen one.