Wtf did I see if they're fake?!!!

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Wtf did I see if they're fake?!!!

Post by Taio »

Ok, I don't know if this is the funny haha skeptics sight or what.. But honestly, I thought it was pardon my language, Bullshit.. until the past few nights even the coyotes the the area were acting really... wrong.. they were banding with one area of the neighborhood with smaller dogs, burring, crying and hiding... meanwhile the seemingly weaker animals(neighborhood dogs) were unwittingly defending their yards eagerly out of usual pattern. Strange movements the night after caused a sudden crowd of yips, howls, and then silence.. after which I saw a huge cobalt grey, black wild furred... dog thing? At it's shoulders before it elungated into a hind leg stance, it was easily 5'11" at the shoulders.. As the elungation went to a hind quarter stance it was fully 6'4" easily.. I don't believe in werewolves, but i heard it sniff and growl and felt the growl... the hangings on the walls by the windows and doors it moved too shook heavily. The dogs literally rolled over, pissed themselves and hid in the laundry room ( a room they hate to go near since there is no window and no light). I immediately shut the door behind them and it seemed that each room I roamed to the sound of cloddhopping giant dog steps and the sound of a giant dogs breath and growls followed me until I made enough phone calls to get some one to come to my house with trained hunting dogs to check the property. There were claw marks in the gate, but only where it looked like something huge steadied itself to jump completely over this 6'5" fence. After that the Washington rain the past two days washed most out. Though there is still a smell those hunting dogs and my dogs highly dislike. It's a new event to me and highly ridiculous. What is it if it isn't some kind of an acclaimed werewolve? I saw this monterous dog .. thing in the light of my front door and in two other windows.. "WTF was that!" is all I can ask.. Answers?
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Re: Wtf did I see if they're fake?!!!

Post by RedEye »

Sadly, one account is an Incident and no more. Unique sightings are not dismissed, but they're darn hard to prove.
If it doesn't come back; let it be.

Hint: Most Cellphones come with cameras now. One picture is worth a thousand suppositions and a million guesses.

AND: It is the policy of this board that Werewolves do not exist outside of novels and Hollywood. This policy will remain in effect until we are requested to change it...
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Re: Wtf did I see if they're fake?!!!


My first question would be; have bears ever been known to be anywhere near the area? Black bears are commonly sited in or near people's homes. They have also been known to travel great distances in search of food.
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Re: Wtf did I see if they're fake?!!!

Post by Bloodyredbaron »

There are a few explanations.

1. You misidentified a normal canine, perhaps your memory was distorted by fear or something.

2. Bear.

3. Man in a bear costume.

4. Man in a furry costume.

5. Me.

6. Alien lion monster.

7. Alien bear monster.

8. Me in an alien bearlion costume.

9. You're slowly going insane.

10. ? ? ? ? ?


I will give a cookie to the first person who realizes that only a few of these are meant to be serious.
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Re: Wtf did I see if they're fake?!!!

Post by Scott Gardener »

A bear comes to mind.

If people are aware of your werewolf interest, it could be a prankster, though it does not sound like it. Had to suggest it none-the-less.

It is also possible that it could be a large stray dog, made to appear larger by a combination of factors.

But, I won't completely dismiss the possibility of some cryptozoological phenomenon. There's growing evidence, for example, that the Chupacabra is a real animal, and a museum is currently examining the body of one. Right now, mainstream science still categorizes it as a legend. But, in a few years, it could be in textbooks. Do a Google search--maybe that's what you saw.
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Re: Wtf did I see if they're fake?!!!

Post by Uniform Two Six »

12. And manbearpig. Don't forget manbearpig.
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Re: Wtf did I see if they're fake?!!!

Post by AngryGothChick »

Who could forget manpigbear? :lol:
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Re: Wtf did I see if they're fake?!!!

Post by Morkulv »

Uniform Two Six wrote:12. And manbearpig. Don't forget manbearpig.

Are you serial??

Scott Gardener wrote: I'd be afraid to shift if I were to lose control. If I just looked fuggly, I'd simply be annoyed every full moon.
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Re: Wtf did I see if they're fake?!!!

Post by Uniform Two Six »

It was half-man, half-bear, and HALF-PIG!!! I'm TOTALLY serial!
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Re: Wtf did I see if they're fake?!!!

Post by RedEye »

Try counting again. 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 = 1 1/2.

But then, he may have had a Publicity agent; then the math would work.
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Re: Wtf did I see if they're fake?!!!

Post by Skyguy248 »

or just maybe it was a mansheeppig? :lol:
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Re: Wtf did I see if they're fake?!!!

Post by werewolf-woman »

i know this is a long dead topic and sorry for necroposting but i thought this topic brings up a pretty interesting question.
I am a werewolf fan and often have werewolves on the brain, with thinking about something frequently it could be easy to see what you want to see. having an active imagination, i can really sympathize with thinking you many have seen something strange but then logic prevails and the realization of what you really saw occurs to you. I think there is nothing wrong with having these kind of occurrences, it's when people deny the reality of their sighting is when i think it gets a little sad and creepy.

Here is my funny little werewolf story:
so i was taking the trolley home from school one dark rainy night. I got off at my stop and looked up at the sky, the full moon was only slightly obscured by clouds. The night was very creepy, it had been raining and was foggy. as i started to walk home and the atmosphere reminded me of the film American werewolf in London. I tried to change my thoughts to something a little less scary, considering i still had a few blocks before i reached my apartment. It started to sprinkle and i quickened my pace, as i walked along the road i saw this large figure running in my direction. It was a large animal running full speed, on all fours in my direction. The figure was obscured by the misty fog and the first thing that popped in my head was "Holy s***, Werewolf". i screamed and started to run in the opposite direction. I could feel it gaining on me and before i knew it a large muzzle hit the back of my leg. I turned and saw it was a very large German Shepperd that began to lick my hands furiously, be was actually really friendly. I then looked in the direction the dog was running and saw that two teens were following close behind. The boy and girl were very friendly and said that, "Bob, their dog had bolted out the yard when he was on a bathroom break. They kindly apologized for the dog scaring me and mercifully didn't mention my ridiculous scream.
I didn't say much in response, due to the fact i was feeling massive embarrassment by my shrieking and running the other way. As i walked the rest of the way home i realized that werewolves on the brain could be a really embarrassing, bad thing. I am a logical woman and don't think werewolves exist but for one moment i completely lost my s*** and thought i was werewolf meat. I still feel the sting of embarrassment and shame when i recount the event but i wonder how many other people have had a similar experience and just tried justify their freakout by saying it was a real werewolf?

This got me wondering how many of you have been the victim of an overactive imagination and werewolves on the brain?
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Re: Wtf did I see if they're fake?!!!

Post by Uniform Two Six »

Never had that happen to me, but overactive imagination has played tricks on me in other ways. Anyway, I think that episode sort of explains rather nicely why werewolf myths became so rooted in the European mindset during medieval times. They actually lived in areas inhabited by wolves (unlike most people today). That the image can still have such effect when seeing a dog under poor light, imagine what a French peasant in the 15th century must've thought when encountering a 100 lb+ wolf in the dead of night, without the benefit of electric light, and at a time when the Catholic church insisted that werewolves were real.
Considering how much I have werewolves-on-the-brain, it's probably a good thing that I don't live in rural Minnesota or some other place with actual wolves running around.
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Re: Wtf did I see if they're fake?!!!

Post by Scott Gardener »

Since Freeborn's revival has brought this forum pretty much from coma to active duty, we can expect necro-posting. It's far more efficient to resurrect old topics than to duplicate old threads with new ones--though we'll probably end up doing a bit of that, probably in part unintentionally, just by virtue of the sheer size of the past archives.

On a lighter note, I pictured some guy with a broken leash, looking up wondering why I am so happy, shouting, "Yes, I accept The Gift!" and singing praises to the Moon Goddess Athena as his German Shepherd chews at my leg.
Taking a Gestalt approach, since it's the "in" thing...
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