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Paranormal Activity

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 9:29 pm
by PariahPoet
Went to see it with Daniel tonight. It was surprisingly not bad. ^^

The style I think was what Blair Witch tried to pull off and failed miserably. This one actually managed it pretty well. It shows you the character's developing, it doesn't have too many cheap startles, no campy cg effects. The low-key effects in this movie are really a lot scarier than the ridiculous amounts of gore in most horror movies. For example (this isn't much of a spoiler), there is a point in the movie where the couple has set up a camera to record activity while they sleep and in the middle of the night, the girl gets up, turns around, and just stares at the guy. The video goes on fast forward, and you see that she stands there not moving, just staring for nearly three hours. What should be incredibly dull, within the context of this movie turns your blood cold.

I think the downplayed effects work well because it seems more plausible for a spirit to make doors move or pull sheets off the bed than jump out of a mirror and chase you.

While it does have one or two moments that are not quite as believable, I'd say this is still the best documentary style horror movie I've seen.

But be forewarned, if you get motion sick like I do, be sure to take some medicine at least an hour beforehand.

Re: Paranormal Activity

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 12:59 am
by WolfeGuardian
Hmm I've been quiet tempted to go see it but since lack of previews and sense of it, I was at first skeptical, now that I have some sense on what it's about I may check it out tomorrow night :)

Re: Paranormal Activity

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:21 pm
by Berserker
Blair Witch project was the scariest movie I've ever seen, so I definitely want to check this out. It just isn't playing in my area yet.

Re: Paranormal Activity

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 10:42 pm
by PariahPoet
I never was too much into that one. This one was pretty darn scary though. Be prepared to freak out next time the ac kicks on and makes your door close itself. ^^

I think the creepiest thing is that most of the paranormal stuff that happens is stuff that you might see on Ghost Hunters or could even experience in your own house.

Re: Paranormal Activity

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:14 pm
by Bloodyredbaron
Its funny, I'm under the impression that the demon escalated the way it did because the boyfriend pissed it off, otherwise it would have been content to skulk around and induce her creepy sleepwalking antics. Anyone else think so?

Re: Paranormal Activity

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 11:50 pm
by Morkulv
I managed to pirate a good copy of the internet last week, and watched it with a friend.

It was good. I have to admit that the whole homevideo-perspective (or more commonly known as the Blair Witch style) is getting a bit old these days. I thought that Cloverfield did a good job at perfecting it, so I wasn't really that excited when I first read that Paranormal Activity was using this format as well. But it was good, and a recommended watch even. The acting is a bit on the crappy side here and there, but I can forgive that.

Re: Paranormal Activity

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 11:59 pm
by Terastas
PariahPoet wrote:I never was too much into that one. This one was pretty darn scary though. Be prepared to freak out next time the ac kicks on and makes your door close itself. ^^

I think the creepiest thing is that most of the paranormal stuff that happens is stuff that you might see on Ghost Hunters or could even experience in your own house.
Blair Witch didn't have "cheap scares," but it did they did set up a lot of moments where they could have thrown one at you but didn't, which I think stretched out the tension. They also didn't explicitly spell it out for you, which gave it some replay value. I had to explain to my father and brother, for example, that the seven stone cairns they came across earlier had to have been the campsite of the seven Coffin Rock victims. Blair Witch didn't make you crap yourself, but it could make you shudder like that. . .

Though what I will always remember about BW was the ending. That will stick with me for life. . .

As will the ending of Paranormal Activity, though not because it was good. Spoiler warning: the movie ends with somebody flying into the camera butt first. I know I couldn't have been the only guy that burst out laughing at that. :grinp:

Seriously, it'll only be a matter of time before somebody splices that clip with the audio of the firefly from Princess & The Frog yelling "DON'T MAKE ME LIGHT MY BUTT!!!" :lol:

Re: Paranormal Activity

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 11:54 am
by Chris
Terastas wrote:As will the ending of Paranormal Activity, though not because it was good. Spoiler warning: the movie ends with somebody flying into the camera butt first. I know I couldn't have been the only guy that burst out laughing at that. :grinp:
That was the "theatrical" ending (the one the producers made at the behest of Steven Spielberg, IIRC). They actually made several different endings, but the original screener ending (obvious spoilers) had Katie come back upstairs alone, bloodied, and with a knife. She sat by the bed and just continuously swayed back and forth. The next night, she was in the same position as their friend came over, entered the house, screamed, and ran out. A bit later, cops showed up to presumably find Micah's body, then came up stairs with weapons drawn after seeing the light in the back room come on (making them think someone was home, as Katie was still comatose). The cops find Katie, when she finally snaps out of her trance and starts moving towards them in utter confusion, not realizing she was still holding the large knife. The door to the back room slams on its own, causing the cops to shoot and kill Katie.

This ending can be found on the DVD release, and maybe on youtube if you look hard enough (they seem to get taken down frequently).

Re: Paranormal Activity

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:46 pm
by Morkulv
I think the ending in Paranormal Activity was simular to The Blair Witch Project because it has the same "whats going on here?" effect.

Re: Paranormal Activity

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 11:34 pm
by Defensorem Lupus
This movie scared me more then the Blair Witch Project did. I can now say that nothing (except for ghosts and this movie) scares me anymore. This is something that you should watch if you want to get rid of your fears. Overall though I liked this movie a lot. There was a lot of realism behind it in regards to how a person would approach a situation like this. A very good watch.