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Parents! Is your son a computer hacker?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 1:00 pm
by Spongy
If he's using an AMD processor or an ISP other than American Online, he is.

Oh, and if you use Flash Player, you should uninstall it, because it's a hacker tool. ... .2147.html

I know this isn't for real, I'm posting this for comedy purposes.

Re: Parents! Is your son a computer hacker?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 1:06 pm
by Morkulv
Well hacking is big business. :P I read a few years ago this story about a kid who was hacking NASA, and when the police caught him he had 2 options:

1) Join NASA and help them improve computersecurity
2) Go to jail

Pretty obvious choise if you ask me. :P

Re: Parents! Is your son a computer hacker?

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 2:03 pm
by Aki
2001? God, it's ancient.

Also, lol'd so hard at the mention of Neuromancer as a hacking manual. I was not aware we lived in a cyberpunk future where one can jack right into the net with a cybermodem. :lol:

Re: Parents! Is your son a computer hacker?

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 5:43 pm
by Terastas
Maybe it's just because I've seen this too often in real life that I'm unable to see the humor in any of this. :P That is, unfortunately, how a lot of "old people" respond to anything new in their lives: by labeling it all as "wrong" or "sinful" and forbidding it from their presence.
Unfortunately, even the part where it identified "Quake" as a forum for hackers was familiar to me. :P

My father's actually been working with computers professionally since. . . Practically since the first PC hit the market, so I only have to suffer that kind of attitude from one side of my family.

I don't think anyone really believes any of that crap, but I'm sure they want to believe it because it gives them an excuse to hate anything to do with computers that they are not already familiar with. Calling Quake a forum for hackers is really not all that different from, say, calling AnthroCon a 1600-person orgy. Both are far too stupid to be believed, but they fear and hate what they don't know, so buying into the most ridiculously unflattering bulls*** imaginable gives them comfort in the form of a definition, and a more valid excuse to hate it, simultaneously.

*returns to "hacking" via his Nintendo DS*

Re: Parents! Is your son a computer hacker?

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:20 am
by Set
Terastas wrote:Maybe it's just because I've seen this too often in real life that I'm unable to see the humor in any of this. :P
I have too. There are people who actually believe it, sadly.