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Are you afraid of the TF scene? How can we change this?

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 6:30 pm
by dD
Hello everyone.
Lots of you know me I imagine and plenty more do not. I'm posting here because I'm interested to read many of the comments bandied around about TF that 'it is furry porn,' or such things etc. As a person who has personally put a lot of time into trying to promote the Transformation Board I have personally been................ worried by what I am witnessing.
It seems to me that a lot of articulate intelligent people who I should have bumped into on the TFB before are brand new to me. I'm also seeing names, blasts from the past on this board like 'Think Harder' although I also saw Xodiac around here too and we are lucky enough to hear from him from time to time. I feel concerned that maybe the TF-scene and maybe even Mitchell's forum (although I admit it is to a degree my responsibility too,) is suffering from an image crisis that will hurt the community.
Let me explain more, as a Forum admin I KNOW that no posts = no life in the community, I thought things were getting very quiet. No-one seemed to want to say anything, until that fateful day when 'Calypso Blue' came to the TFB to promote this wonderful new movie and place a link to his forum. Well I was very excited and first offered him space on the TFB but then I saw how big this thing was on this was phenomenal it was huge and it deserves it's own place, it's own forum...... and yet heres the interesting part... the TFB seems to be full of registered members who have no opinion or perhaps no urge to talk in either TF discussion or otherwise. We have a brave minority who keep making the effort and the forum is harldy dying but things at the moment are 'slow'.
Now you'd think that would mean that people were busy with other things.... but no... you see.... this is the key.......the link to the Werewolf board is at 358 hits and rising all the time and I'm finding the conversation does exist the people who want to talk ARE there but for some reason they just stopped talking... the TF scene seemed to lose it's way. Is there something overtly sexual about the TFB? Is there something wrong with liking Human to Animal transformations? Is there really onlly a few left who can't see the stigma in raising a hand and saying 'Yes I am here, I am a TF-Fan.'

No I'm greatful to Calypso Blue for this forum and the life generated around it, due mostly to this new movie, I'll keep coming here because it's great but what can we do to resurrect TF as acceptable? The early TF writers deserve better than to be known as the people who created a great thing only for it to be become known falsely as a 'kinky porn thing.' I must admit I share the blame for that, I used to write spooge and I'm still guilty of it on occasion. I once didn't see that it doesn't have to be sexual but gee it was 6 years ago when I was barely out of school. I know better now.

So I'm not asking you to become my new forum posters or leave this forum or even be my pal but do tell me what is wrong with the TF scene and how the fudge I personally can help rejuvenate it.[/url]

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 6:58 pm
by LoupGarou
I personally never heard of TB until you mentioned it but i'll visite it now for sure.

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 7:37 pm
by ShadowFang
Yeah, I've hever even heard of TFB. I'm just another slobering werewolf freak who heard about this board from the Stan Winston Creatures' site. Since this board is bristling with so much more activity, I spend more of my time here and I do there for obvious reasons.

However, as for transformation scenes myself; I never really thought of them as "kinky" per say. They are always very fascinating to see how an artist percieves the transformation from human to animal (or somewhere in between). Since I'm artist I can appreciate different aspects and viewpoints from the matter visually.

Transformation scenes don't really creep me out at all, I actually look forward to seeing them in movies!

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 8:27 pm
by LoupGarou
Transformation scenes are actually the very first thing i mostly look forward to when watching a werewolf flick.
And besides,everytime you read the reviews on werewolf movies(doesn't matter wich one),there's Always a comment on the transformation scene( s).

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 11:09 pm
by WolvenOne
I'm really not a heavy forum person, believe it or not. I prefer live action chat rooms. I only use forums when I'm sinking my teeth into a project. However when it comes to being social and whatnot, I just don't feel that forums work well for the purpose.

That being said, I don't really feel it's appropriot to premote Transformation on this board. I don't really have anything against the genre, infact I find it quite interesting IF it's handled well. However, this is this and that is that. Ultimately, each forum has to live or die on it's own merits.

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 12:21 am
by ShadowFang
Then again, transformation scenes are looked apon as a pinnacle of special effects and general creativity. It's not that hard to make a werewolf moving around, but to illustrate the change from human to werewolf is quite a challenge for any production studio.

...not that I would know.

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 7:20 am
by Figarou
ShadowFang wrote:Then again, transformation scenes are looked apon as a pinnacle of special effects and general creativity. It's not that hard to make a werewolf moving around, but to illustrate the change from human to werewolf is quite a challenge for any production studio.

...not that I would know.
Its not that its a "challenge." Some directors look for a different approach. They want to give us something we never seen before. If they can't think of a good transformation scene, then they do it in hiding. Like the one in Dog Soldiers. The guy hides behind a table, then out pops the werewolf. Sheesh!! How pathetic.

I'm am so glad that Anthony Brownrigg is giving the werewolf fans what they want in a werewolf and a transformation sequence!! :D

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 7:24 am
by dD
WolvenOne wrote:
That being said, I don't really feel it's appropriot to premote Transformation on this board. I don't really have anything against the genre, infact I find it quite interesting IF it's handled well. However, this is this and that is that. Ultimately, each forum has to live or die on it's own merits.
Ah but I'm promoting THIS board on a Transformation Board... the two things are indivisible. A werewolf transformation is still a transformation and that's why I shoved the link up on the index and that's the reason why Calypso Blue came to the TFB.... A TF fan is usually a TF fan but of late that fan base and comunity has been quieter than before. I was just wondering why?
As for forums living or dying on their own merits? Yep I agree with that. I was amazed to hear people say they'd never heard ot if though. Maybe it's not as famous as I thought :oops: .

lol be lucky mate.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 5:05 am
by Starfury
I've never heard of the transformation board either, but thanks to your post I'll be checking it out. And I totally appreciate the way you and Calypso Blue are working together to bring the TF community together instead of trying to slam the door in each other's face. Thanks.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 11:57 am
by Vuldari
I'm sorry to say That I have never heard of the TFB either,and I am huge TF fan.

As for why your board is quiet lately, I have to ask you this. How long has TFB been around?
What I am getting at is, there are only so many topics to talk about. Each person, though unique, has only a finite number of personal points to make. Once all has allready been said, it is difficult to continue any kind of discussion.
My theory is not that anyone has lost interest,per say, or been driven away by the kinkyness of it. The interest is definately still there. It is just that the current patrons of your site have temporarily run out of things to say. They most definately still want to talk. They are just waiting for a new, exiting topic to discuss. (such as this movie. :D )'s just a theory though.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 1:06 pm
by Figarou
Vuldari wrote:I'm sorry to say That I have never heard of the TFB either,and I am huge TF fan.

As for why your board is quiet lately, I have to ask you this. How long has TFB been around?
What I am getting at is, there are only so many topics to talk about. Each person, though unique, has only a finite number of personal points to make. Once all has allready been said, it is difficult to continue any kind of discussion.
My theory is not that anyone has lost interest,per say, or been driven away by the kinkyness of it. The interest is definately still there. It is just that the current patrons of your site have temporarily run out of things to say. They most definately still want to talk. They are just waiting for a new, exiting topic to discuss. (such as this movie. :D )'s just a theory though.

The exact same thing can happen to this forum. When ideas run out, people will stop posting.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 3:06 pm
by Vuldari
Figarou wrote:The exact same thing can happen to this forum. When ideas run out, people will stop posting.
I fear that this may occur sooner than any of us realise. :(
...but then, that may be for the best in the end. That way, the Re-Quest crew will be able to just take what has allready been said and focus on what they are going to do with it. Later on, when some considerable progress has been made and there is something for us to see and respond to, the temporary silence will be broken and the forum will once again be bursting with activity. least for a little while.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 3:42 pm
by Figarou
Vuldari wrote:
Figarou wrote:The exact same thing can happen to this forum. When ideas run out, people will stop posting.
I fear that this may occur sooner than any of us realise. :(
...but then, that may be for the best in the end. That way, the Re-Quest crew will be able to just take what has allready been said and focus on what they are going to do with it. Later on, when some considerable progress has been made and there is something for us to see and respond to, the temporary silence will be broken and the forum will once again be bursting with activity. least for a little while.
I can't think of anything to add on the werewolf. Everything has already been discussed. All I can do is make comments and give my view about it.

Talking.....I don't want to see a werewolf talking. In human form, yes. Wolf form, no. What will people think? I know a critic will compare it to Scooby Doo or FangFace., none of that. Also wolves don't "kiss" they lick. ETC.

Special effects......I know some people hate CG werewolves. But you need to remember that things can be easily done in CG compared to a mechanical costume. A human was not designed to run on all fours. Even with a costume with special extentions. With CG, a werewolf can "double shift" to fit its needs. When standing on 2 legs, it can look a certain way. But when it wants to run on all fours, it can change its body to accommodate it. CG can make it happen smooth and easy. With advancements in CGI, things are looking more realistic. Just look at Shrek 2. The trees look real, even though its CGI.

Those are just a few comments i have to make.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 4:49 pm
by LoupGarou
I agree with the whole no talking and no kissing thing,It's awesome that changes are being made to the whole werewolf image,but some things like Talking just wouldn't look right.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 8:39 pm
by WolvenOne
I myself haven't been terribly active these past few days for much the same reason.... Simply put, I've made most the points I'd like to make, so it's alot more difficult to comment without it feeling like I'm being repetitive.

Well, that, and I've been on an anime/manga binge for the past few days. Hey, I don't do ANYTHING half-heartedly. ;)

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 9:30 pm
by Vuldari
In truth, the reason I even thought of it was because I myself felt that there was little left for me to say. I gave my opinions on the Look of the werewolves, Attitude, the Nature of the curse, SEX, Plot, and just about every topic on the board.
(...Whoah! When did I hit 100+ posts?! )
I'm just about tapped out, for now.

I am still very exited about this project, and I intend to continue visiting the forum on a regular basis to check on updates. However, I expect to contribute considerably less from this point on, as far as comments go.
...unless, of course, something comes up which grabs my full attention once again. :D

Maybe I should check out that TFB thing...

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 9:34 pm
by Figarou
Vuldari wrote:In truth, the reason I even thought of it was because I myself felt that there was little left for me to say. I gave my opinions on the Look of the werewolves, Attitude, the Nature of the curse, SEX, Plot, and just about every topic on the board.
(...Whoah! When did I hit 100+ posts?! )
I'm just about tapped out, for now.

I am still very exited about this project, and I intend to continue visiting the forum on a regular basis to check on updates. However, I expect to contribute considerably less from this point on, as far as comments go.
...unless, of course, something comes up which grabs my full attention once again. :D

Maybe I should check out that TFB thing...

This place WILL slow down unless a new poll is posted or they want ideas in another area. For now....we wait. :wink:

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 4:21 am
by ShadowFang
I think we need new material from the director to oogle over. :D

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 4:51 am
by Figarou
ShadowFang wrote:I think we need new material from the director to oogle over. :D

Damn.....*wipes drool from chin*

can't wait for it. :P

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 11:51 am
by Mr_Lycos
My opinion!

If some people regard TB as some kind of perverted sex thing. Well...Um, whatever floats your boat I guess. Just don't question my toe sucking habits. :D

As for the filmed transformation.... Not showing it is a bit of a disappointment. Dog Soldiers pissed alot of people off because of this. I personally didn't mind because I was more intrested in the survival/horror story.

Really slow transformations (Wolf, Ginger Snaps) have their own charm... but take up too much screen time.

Then there are 2 camps for on-screen transformations: CG "morph" and special makeup effects. Since real will beat digital any day of the week, I'm a big fan of special makeup effetcs (An American Werewolf in London was awesome in its day).

C'Mon people! Put the magic back into movies! Make audiences say "How'd they do that?". Nobody gets excited about CG. But can you imagine an AAWIL transformation scene with 23 years of additional F/X technology? It would be killer. 8)

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 12:30 pm
by Figarou
Mr_Lycos wrote:My opinion!

If some people regard TB as some kind of perverted sex thing. Well...Um, whatever floats your boat I guess. Just don't question my toe sucking habits. :D

As for the filmed transformation.... Not showing it is a bit of a disappointment. Dog Soldiers pissed alot of people off because of this. I personally didn't mind because I was more intrested in the survival/horror story.

Really slow transformations (Wolf, Ginger Snaps) have their own charm... but take up too much screen time.

Then there are 2 camps for on-screen transformations: CG "morph" and special makeup effects. Since real will beat digital any day of the week, I'm a big fan of special makeup effetcs (An American Werewolf in London was awesome in its day).

C'Mon people! Put the magic back into movies! Make audiences say "How'd they do that?". Nobody gets excited about CG. But can you imagine an AAWIL transformation scene with 23 years of additional F/X technology? It would be killer. 8)
You need to stop and think about what you said. Some of the old special makeup effects can be a great hassle to the actor. He/she needs to spend hours sitting in a chair while someone places the makeup on them. Then during the course of the day, they get sweaty and itchy wearing the thing. During that same amount of time, someone could be putting a CG in motion for the scene. Which would you rather have if you was playing the part?

The actor who was in the 1st Robocop movie didn't like wearing that suit. After Robocop 2, he said "no more."

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 1:36 pm
by Mr_Lycos
You need to stop and think about what you said. Some of the old special makeup effects can be a great hassle to the actor. He/she needs to spend hours sitting in a chair while someone places the makeup on them. Then during the course of the day, they get sweaty and itchy wearing the thing. During that same amount of time, someone could be putting a CG in motion for the scene. Which would you rather have if you was playing the part?
I'd rather have a temporarily inconvenienced actor rather than a poor digital shot. If I were the actor, not only would I be being paid to undergo such a hassle, but would willingly make that sacrifice for the good of the film. I wouldn't want a half-asses film on my resume', would I?

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 2:46 pm
by SGrayWolf
I know that I haven't posted that much and here are the main reasons why.

1) Most of the issues have already been covered and I don't want to open up "old" topics just to say "I agree" or "That's how [this or that] should/shouldn't be." when it's already been done and/or said. Ya know, what you call a "Me too" post.

2) I'm a shy person and it's pretty difficult for me to just "jump in".

Don't get me wrong, I'm willing to help out in any way I possibly can but I just don't know HOW to at this stage. (other than getting more members here)

If I think of anything/something that I feel should be discussed, I'll jump right on it. Hehe. :wink:

The transformations don't gross or weird me out either, I look forward to them and enjoy those aspects completely.

Also, I didn't know of TFB either...

Re: Are you afraid of the TF scene? How can we change this?

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 5:11 pm
by NightmareHero
dD wrote: I'm also seeing names, blasts from the past on this board like 'Think Harder'
Actually I think you have me confused with someone else who went by the same user name long ago...I only found out that someone else used a similar name when the TFcentral message board started to crash and they put up a backup copy...

I actually started to use the name to create video morphs at my femaletfmorphs yahoo groups....Sorry if there is any confusion :-)

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 3:18 pm
by Silver
I’m going to break this into two posts, because I tend to write them long.

I never thought TF scenes were “wrong’. This is the first I’ve heard of anyone thinking that they were any more “wrong’ than being a fan of wws. Is that what you saw on your board, JD, or was it just a lack of postings? But you know, people can think anything is wrong. There are those who think the Olympics or the Easter Bunny are wrong.

Perverts are called that for a reason. They pervert things. ANY thing can be perverted and most things already have been. That doesn’t mean we have to participate, or listen to those who condemn us for someone else’s problem. Colleges have a huge number of suicide every year and you don’t see them being closed down. If it’s done right, a TF scene can be amazing, and I’m hoping that’s what I’ll see here.

Two muzzles kissing? Doesn't sit right some how. Two muzzles licking? Okay, that's better but I don't know that I want to pay $7 to see it.

Now as for myself: I guess there are those who would like to see kinky stuff during a TF, and/or those who want to see it post TF. No thanks. It’s the same as I feel about non ww stuff along those lines. Whatever you do in the privacy of your bedroom (long as it isn’t illegal or hurts someone else) well, that’s your business. Please don’t make it mine. I got my own thing going and I’m sure not going to invite the world over for a look see.