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Werewolve, Vampire, etc. Can we become ghosts when we died?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:49 pm
by Fyriewolf
okay I am writing a story about werewolves and vampires and all other mythical creatures and I dont want to offend anybody so I was wondering if ya'll can help me out on this, please?!?! I am trying to figure out on how to make them sound like they are ghosts and are just going through flashbacks of their lives. So if anybody would like ot help. I would be much oblige.

Re: Werewolve, Vampire, etc. Can we become ghosts when we died?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:04 pm
by Sevena
making the reader aware that they are dead before you start flash backs would be a major clue for the reader that they are ghosts.for instance the death scene of a character and then later an event that trigers a flashback from their former life.just an idea. :)

Re: Werewolve, Vampire, etc. Can we become ghosts when we died?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 11:32 pm
by Terastas
You'll first have to be a little more clear on what exactly you are trying to establish. Are the vampires / werewolves narrating an event from being dead (a la American Beauty), or is the revelation that they are ghosts supposed to be more of a Sixth Sense-ish shocker at the end?

Were they vampires and werewolves in real life, or are they stuck in a sort of limbo (a la Jacob's Ladder) where they are hallucinating about becoming vampires and werewolves?

And if it is a shocker at the end, who discovers it? Do the vampires / werewolves discover that they themselves are ghosts, or does some poor sod they've been hounding discover that his weapons are useless against them because they aren't even there?

Re: Werewolve, Vampire, etc. Can we become ghosts when we died?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:24 pm
by Fyriewolf
they are actually vampires/ werewolves and they are telling the readers about what/ who they were in their lives before they had died and also how they had died. if u had read Pandora by Anne Rice it is almost an exact replica of that book.