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Stick Wolves (and other critters)

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 1:40 am
by vrikasatma
I mentioned in the introductions thread that I make hardwood stick horses for my business (otherwise known as hobby horses). I also make other species too, including wolves, big cats and dragons. They're truly functional art: they're beautiful but sturdy enough to withstand some outdoor play. They can also be used in processions, Pagan ritual circles, costume parties, theatrical productions, and so on.

One thing I've noticed during two years of selling is that my two most popular models are horses and wolves. I'm redesigning my line to be less whimsical and highly-decorated, and concentrate more on the craftsmanship and emphasize the wood a little more than just as a canvas to glue a lot of fabric, beads, shells and whatnot to. I'm currently finishing up my first horse of the line and I'm going to do a wolf for the next one.

I'll have photos to post shortly. If you want to see one example of Wolf in the old style I'll post that to my photos section on my Myspace page.

If you're a compleatist Wolf art collector, one of these would be a fine addition to your collection. The price I have in mind is $95 for a 48" long, 18" high and 2" thick in furniture quality hardwoods such as cherry, oak, mahogany, birch, walnut, incense cedar and poplar, with a cold-cast or cast stone finial, buckskin details and semi-precious gemstone inlay, all hand-made and one-of-a-kind.

E me privately if you're interested and I'll send JPEGs of past work.

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 1:25 am
by vrikasatma
Never mind the .JPEGs, here's a picture of the Fenris Ulfr stick horse I made. I'm offering him for sale for $45 + $30 shipping ($75 total). A good price for a handcrafted art piece of this size! 40" long from end to end, 1/2" furniture grade oak, pleather, fake fur and glow-in-the-dark eyes. He has hind legs and a tail, I just couldn't fit them into the camera frame. Nicely balanced and just large enough for the average adult, while being big enough for a kid of 8 or so to grow into.


Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 8:54 am
by Lone_Wolf
Heehee! That thing is soo cool! Makes me wish I had money :p Looks very much in the spirit of the traditional hobby horses, with a bit of a modern twist :D

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 2:00 pm
by vrikasatma
Yeah, this one's from the old line. The new line won't have back legs, it'll just be the pole and a counter-balanced finial. I was working on the prototype when I started getting sick from cancer...then my nspiral saw broke...

I'll probably get back into it when this cancer business is mostly over and done with, next spring hopefully. Just need to raise some cash now.